So I disabled AdBlock the other day and noticed links with popup ads like in the image below. I'm seeing them on this site also. Is that a virus? Any way to determine what is causing them?
I'm using the latest version of FF in Win 8 64-bit. I have the FF pop-up blocker enabled and also the ad-block extension. But I'm still getting these annoying pop-ups that slide in from the sides or top or bottom of the screen and hover, asking for opinions or ratings.
this should be easy. i'm getting pop-ups like crazy. more than I've ever had before. some things asking if I want to upgrade when I know it is fake and I don't need the update. so how do I fix the thing to keep the pop-ups down. and I know how to set up the taskbar to hide itself, but now it will not do it. the task bar comes down and stays there and will not move.
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
I cannot add new links to my favorites folders anymore. cannot recall changing anything in IE. When I try to add a link it gives me an error that simply states that it cannot add it to internet explorer.
So upgraded to 8.1 from 8.0 in the hope it was more user friendly but no evidence so far but that's not my when I'm in Internet Explorer if I click on a link or even a takes me to a blank screen that tells me to 'check the link'....if I refresh nothing happens but if I go back to the original link or web icon and try again it loads the page (sometimes takes a couple of goes to do it)...also it keeps asking me to 'login' to frequently used things like facebook and my Hotmail account which it never did in the past....when using 8.0 it was all good but nothing but trouble in 8.1.
ON my IE I have all the shortcuts for sites I use most. One by one they are not working. It's a pain because now I have to find the site again and redo it.
Since yesterday I find that in Internet Explorer (on the Desktop) SOME links on many websites don't work when I click them. If I open the same pages in Google Chrome, the links work fine.
I am using Incredimail, but when I click on any links in received emails they no longer open up Internet Explorer 11. Nothing happens at all.
I have not made any changes recently, and up to a couple of weeks ago they worked okay. I have run virus and spyware checks and tried system restore, but no joy.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Incredimail, but no joy. Made sure file associations are set to open IE11, still no joy.
Any easy way to copy URL links in Internet Explorer? In Chrome I just right click on a picture like in Farmville and I get the option to copy LINK URL or IMAGE URL. Can you do that in IE too? Chrome is my favorite but I've been having trouble with it in Farmville.
Win 8.1. As the title says: Why aren't the links in my email messages hyperlinked. I am unable to activate some accounts, because even if I Copy and Paste them they don't work. I am using MS Mail!
I've set up a few computers for some users and would like to prevent their ability to rearrange the order of the favorite links in the IE10 favorite bar. How can I accomplish this?
Windows 8. My custom cursor, when i point to text or links the cursor changes from custom to a hand. Windows XP the cursor stayed as is the custom cursor. Is this normal for Windows 8 for the cursor to change like that, or can i change something??
When I log in and go to the pc settings - personalize options.. all the text links are black .. even on the start screen my name and the start is covered with such a black background. I have win 8 pro x64 activated..
Also, i dont get any updates other than win defender ones.
Just switched to my main monitor and am having major problems with websites. Seem every website I go to I have to manually zoom to make the text bigger so I can read. Isn't there a setting to make all the websites the same? Oh, I'm using Firefox if that makes a difference.
Text "Red Shift" during vertical scrolling? I've noticed it with Firefox 27.0, Pale Moon 24,3,2, and Operax64 12.14. The text on forums looks normal until I move the vertical scrollbar with the mouse. While the text is moving it takes on a red tint. As soon as the scrolling stops, it reverts to normal color. Pretty weird. Only thing I did lately was use a program to calibrate the Gamma.
Big drawback with the Metro version of IE is that it doesn't seem possible to change the text size -- on a large monitor using the "Normal" version -- the desktop version of IE I can change the text size at will and zoom the image which I usually have at 150%.
The text size on the Metro version is FAR FAR too small for me on a large monitor -- can see myself needing a "White Stick" if I had to carry on reading like that for too long.
This whole idea of rigid window sizes where you can't zoom seems ridiculous.
Note here -- It MIGHT work on a TOUCH screen by pinching the sides but
1) can't test it as I don't have (or want) a touch screen when I'm working at a Desk. 2) The last thing I want to do is leave smeary finger marks over my nice expensive large LCD screen 3) even if it had touch - I'm sitting far too far away from it to make this a practical method of working to alter text and zoom etc.
(On a Samsung smart phone I don't have problems with text size by pinching the screen - but I'm NOT working on a PHONE when I'm at my desk with a nice large screen).
I added classic shell and I actually have no problems with navigating and it feels fast. I like it. BUT, firefox and chrome will not load web pages properly and sometimes not at all.....I don't notice this happening on IE, but only fox and chrome. What happens is, when you're surfing web pages, suddenly, you get something like server doesn't exist or yahoo handler error, or the page will just load weird with blue texts. You can refresh and the page will sometimes load fully, OR you can just close, clear cookies and then everything is fine, then a few webpages later, it starts all over again. When the web pages do load, they load fast and as normal.
I've tried SEVERAL things from reading online. I did the DNS flush, I disabled d-bugging in the device manager under adapters, ran ccleaner to clean all history (even the past 24 hrs), I uninstalled both broswers and reinstalled. The only AD on I have on chrome and firefox is adblock, but it's not that because I removed This isn't happening on my windows 7 desktop
I run the Cleartype text tuner wizard and chose a thicker text setting but it only works on IE, the rest of programs are unaffected, is there a way to make that wizard work for ALL programs
Every time I click reply on an email in Outlook....I start getting pop-ups. Very annoying. I checked and have them disabled......but they are everywhere all the sudden. How do I get rid of them?
I was using my Gmail account with the Windows 8 Mail App and it was all working fine until I updated it through the store yesterday (I haven't updated it before so I don't know what version of the app I am now using). Today when I try and access my folders I just getting a message saying 'no messages from the last 2 weeks', meaning I cannot access all those useful emails that I have kept on purpose without using gmail through chrome. I have looked through the settings and cannot find if there is a way to change this - is there? Or can I un-install the update and just go back to using the old version, and if so, how would I do this.
I have Windows 8.1 n I can receive mail, but I cannot send any mail this happened after downloading the new updates Why? Oue local Postmaster rejects it Why?
I have been struggling to insert a photo as part of a signature and was trying out various options when I found I could no longer try different pictures because the Single Photo option was suddenly missing from the top menu.
The Photo Album option still exists but where has the Single Photo option gone?
I need this because I insert a lot of photos in my emails.....
My parents bought a PC last year running Windows 8. I set up there talktalk E mail accounts in the Windows 8 Native E mail client from the Mail tile at the start screen without any problem. All worked fine until recently when in order to download an app they had to register an Outlook E Mail address. Not sure if they had updates applied as well but they had to start logging on to the PC at boot up every time using a password. In an effort to resolve this they restored the PC to an earlier time which has cured the logging on issue (ie no password required) but when they access the Mail tile from the start screen it is an outlook E Mail account that comes up. I have tried without success logging into this outlook account and then adding the talktalk accounts. I even tried using my own account but could not add that either.
All they want is to click the Mail tile and get there talktalk accounts to come up just as before (no outlook or hotmail or anything else). Is there a way to reset the E Mail client/tile in Windows 8 back to what came with PC so that I could set it up just as I did when the PC was purchased. They are running Windows 8 and do not wish to restore back to factory settings as they have a few other bits and pieces of software installed.If they upgrade to Windows 8.1 will they be forced into using a password to log on every time ?
I am using the mail app in Windows 8 fine on one laptop (Windows 8.1), but on my other one the program has started to just close in the middle of reading a mail, or when I click the delete mail button.
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?