My work's software is only compatible with Internet Explorer and I just upgraded to Windows 8.
Unfortunately not all features work in Internet Explorer 10 which comes packaged with Windows 8. Is there any way I can revert back to IE 9 or IE 8 using Windows 8?
I buy a new computer, all now come with windows 8.
I do not like it at all, it is so dumbed down and so difficult to use; I wish I could return to windows 7.
I have however over the last few months installed many of my old programs from windows 7. This was straight forward. It was also easy to uninstall them using the control panel.
Then suddenly, in the control panel window for uninstalling, many of these programs are not listed. Yes they are still working well, like Microsoft word and excel, but they do not show in the uninstall window.
Could my anti virus AVAST have anything to do with it.
How to I uninstall windows defender. I have disabled it however it is still running. I look in event log and it says unable to stop windows defender. It posts error 16 every 5 minutes. I have disabled it when I try to open it it says it is disabled. I really wouldn't care except several times a day my app will freeze. They always coincide with the windows defender error. I am running windows 8.1.
I understand how to uninstall a Windows 8 app from my computer but if I go into the "Your apps" option of the Windows 8 Store the app still appears as something I "own" (though, in this case, it happens to be free). What can I do to remove it permanently from my account? I do not want it showing up as an app that I own and is not yet installed on my computer.
Bought 8700 with win 8.1 on it not realizing the difference between it and the win 7 64 I use on my laptop. I run it in desktop mode. Twice I've signed on to live mail 2012 and all my email and subfolders have disappeared. Now I keep getting IE11 has stopped responding, can't find problem, must shut down. Never had any of these problems with my laptop or my old XP desktop. Any thoughts on un-installing win8.1 and installing a new Win 7 pro? Why did they stop support for XP
How to completely uninstall SRS Premium Sound? I cant find it in add/remove programs, and when I click on the icon from the app search, nothing happens. It doesn't even appear in the control panel. But I know it's having an effect because it's exaggerating the lows of my audio - around 100hz.
It's already disabled but it still occupies some space nd maybe it's part still running in background. Once I had some instructions about uninstalling Windows Messenger from XP by hacking come config file and showing the component in Add/remove Windows features dialog. But i don't remember how this was done. Now need the similar thing about Defender and Security Central and UAC if possoble.
1. New apps from the Windows Store, and also new x86 software programs are not being pinned once they have installed. I have to manually pin them from the All Apps screen.
2. When I right click a modern app on the Start Screen and press 'Uninstall', the app doesn't actually uninstall. I have to then go and do the same thing from the All Apps screen to uninstall the app.
If i decide that i want to uninstall windows 8 from my computer, can i then install it on another using the same product key that i used on the first or is it once used you cannot recover your product key?
I'm using Classic Shell to navigate and I go to the Apps folder. I have tons of apps installed it seams, Weather, Video, Travel, netflix etc.. i don't need any of these and wish to completely remove them from my system. I suspect i should be able to do this from Programs and Features and turning windows features on and off but I don't know where these apps reside.. I can't seem to be able to find any of them in the Windows features area. I also want to uninstall any unneeded apps that show up in the metro start page thing. Not just disable them, or unpin them.. I don't want them on my system at all.
I am trying to Uninstall some old junk. Everything is uninstalling fine except one program. When I try to uninstall I get the message asking if I want to allow the program to make changes to my hard drive. When I click "No" I get the following message: "You must use administrative privileges to complete uninstall, please try again."
So what does this mean, and how do I use these administrative privileges? By the way, I am the administrator.
I'm trying to uninstall Acronis Disk Director 11 Home but it will not uninstall.
I go to add/remove programs, select it in the list and click uninstall. That window comes up and says please wait while Windows configures etc. etc. then it just disappears and nothing happens. The program doesn't uninstall.
I've never had this problem with any other software before...what gives? How can I get Windows to uninstall it? Should I use something like this? [Solved]Acronis Disk Director 11 Home Build 11.0.2121 Completely Uninstalled or is that spyware/viruses/unnecessary?
I am a pretty neat freak especially when it comes to my PC. I clean it every two weeks, hardware and software wise.
So, I was uninstalling a few things that I haven't used for a while or what's not needed anymore, and I have always skipped these because I don't know if they are vital for the PC or which ones are safe to remove, which ones I can uninstall and it won't affect my PC,
When I go to the Store and choose Account > My apps, this is what I see.
It says there are four apps that are on my pc, yet it also says that they're not installed? I think this is why it's giving me the 80073cf0 error that I mentioned before. How would I go about completely deleting these apps from my computer? Like which folder do I go into and what do I delete?
I installed a PDF metadata editor from the formerly respectable site (CNET). Turns out they joined the DARK side:
Despite me DECLINING all dodgy offers by the installer, it STILL installed a bunch of unwanted junk on my machine.
I've now spent an hour on and off trying to get rid of this junk. Just as I thought I was more or less done, I get an "Alert" from the "Microsoft Advanced System Protector" (yeah, right...)
I have of course checked in Add/Remove programs and uninstalled what I could find (although the uninstall hung).
I used HijackThis and deleted all the changes this junkware used. I am trying to restore homepages for my browsers.
I don't use antivirus, and I doubt it would have reacted to this junk which probably passes for real software.
If i remove a programs folder from the programs folders in an WIM image file, then when installing the WIM using windows setup, will the program no longer exist or is there remnants of that program that I have to delete (e.g. registry details)?
And if I want to install custom programs, will it be the same process but in reverse (i.e. get all the files and folders of that program and place then in a new entry under the programs folder or is it different?
I have toshiba recovery OEM discs which I have extracted and joined the existing SWM files into a big WIM file.
I have a pc with linux mint 16 but i want to remove it in order to install win 8. I have tried to run Windows 8 installation throu USB but it cannot proceed since the hard drive is not in NTSF mode. How do I change this and proceed with Windows 8 install? Its not possible to format the hard drive from the USB installer. I tried.
I wonder whether one or more of 13 recent Windows Updates has caused an issue. I can use System Restore to take my PC back to September 7th, three days before the Windows Updates were installed (there is just a Java update that has taken place since that I would have to carry out again). Alternatively, I can uninstall the Windows Updates one at a time or all together to see whether that rectifies the situation. Is there a preference? Should I uninstall from the highest KB number downwards if I uninstall the Updates one at a time?