I went from XP to Windows 8 Pro. With XP, a pictures folder allowed the icons to represent a small version of the picture; the filmstrip option was a nice bonus.
With Windows 8, the icon, no matter what size, has a generic look to it--same for all the pictures. I enable Preview Pane, and the same thing happens. No preview of the picture on the preview pane, just a much larger generic icon.
I see screen views on the web of it actually working, but I can't get it to.
How to disable libraries in Win 8? I would like them totally gone. No reference anywhere. No turning back up like a bad penny. I know where I put my files. This is not a convenience, it's an intrusion. I am sure they are a good thing for some, but not for me.
I'm currently running my Windows 8 system from a 125GB SSD with all my music, movies etc. on a 1TB partitioned SATA drive. My libraries are all set up to point to the different partitions and they are also included in my indexing options.
I'm having a problem with searching within my libraries at the moment. My Music is not returning any results when I search directly within the library, yet when I search my C: drive the files are displayed (with their paths showing their correct paths e.g. M:My MusicBeastie Boys.....)
I have a Lenovo G585 laptop that I installed with Linux (tried dual boot) and accidentally wiped out the Windows 8.1 restore partition. Now I want to restore it to Windows. I also have a Dell desktop Windows 8.1 that I can use to to create a USB restore image, can I use a restore image from a desktop to fix a laptop?
I am moving my windows 8.1 libraries from C: to D:. I tried to move Documents to the root folder of D: which is empty during that time. It asked me if I want to move also my files to D:, I moved it. So, the next thing I did was also to move Pictures at the root folder of D: also. Then it prompted if I want to merge these to libraries, I hit yes. Now the problem is that I can't un-merge it anymore. Whatever I put in my 'Documents' lib also appears in 'Pictures' and vice versa. I tried to explore solutions like changing properties, well at first it will change but it reverts to one library again though they appear differently as 'Documents' and 'Pictures' libs.
I decided to restore default setting of these two libraries, but nothing happened. In 'Documents' library, the location is C:UsersIdeapadDocuments and upon checking the location of 'Pictures' library its C:UsersIdeapadDocuments also. When I change the location of 'Picture' library to C:UsersIdeapadPictures, the 'Documents' library also changes to C:UsersIdeapadPictures.
I'm not sure if it's related to the fact that I just installed Windows Media Center but whenever I try to open a Library folder like Video or Music I get this error.
If I manually go to C:Users[username]Videos it opens the folder just fine.
Windows 8.1. I built a new computer yesterday, and installed Windows 8.1. I had previously run Windows 7 on my older computer.
Everything was working great, till today I decided to move my documents, pictures, music, and video folders to a different drive. I succeeded fine with documents, music, and video, however pictures seem to be a little messed up.
see the below screenshot:
At the top, you will see it lists folders for music twice, both folders show my music files in them. I realize these are probably just pointers to the music folder, but now I have music twice, and pictures is not up there.
However, when I check to show libraries in the navigation pane, you will on the same screen shot, it does list documents, music, pictures, and video there as it should.
How I can get those folders back up at the top as they should be?
I am running Windows 8 64bit. I have two internal hard drives: a 118GB SSD (C and a 2T HD (B.
Windows was installed onto C: and so the default library locations were set to C:. I obviously didn't have enough room to let C: contain my normal documents so I changed my default library locations to be on B:.
With this configuration the Search feature has never found any documents on B:. Today I double-checked to make sure B: was set to be indexed, and it is. I then had the computer rebuild the index. I even ran the Search troubleshooter and had the Windows "Fix It" program rebuild my search features.
After booting a Win 8 CP laptop this morning, everything works perfectly except when trying to get into libraries, this error message is shown:
Notice that also all library icons have reverted to default icon.
The same error message comes every time I open an Explorer window or try to open / save something. For instance when uploading the above screenshot here, I got this message when I clicked the Choose File button on Manage Attachments window.
Everything else works, sfc /scannow finds and repairs errors but this issue remains. Time to reinstall?
Is there any way to make Windows 8 apps that rely on libraries (music, pics, vids) work with content stored on a separate physical drive? I NEVER use the libraries contained in the OS's user profiles. I always keep all data content on a separate physical HDD.
I tried to add my Photos library on my data HDD to my Pictures library, then went to the Photos app, but it only showed blank boxes for the various folders. It didn't show any pics, except for one single pic in one single folder in that whole library.
When I'm in file explorer and click on My Pictures, it shows all my libraries. I don't want it to do this. This does not occur when accessing any other library.
If I try and save anything in Documents, Pictures. Music or Videos I get the message : "Document .library-ms" is no longer working. It says I can delete these files - the files stored will not be affected . But I need these libraries to store stuff...
How to change the "Save As" directories in Libraries.
Basically, i have 2 drives running on my laptop being :
- C Drive: SSD ~ i want this to store all my system information + very frequently used programs. - D Drive: HDD ~ to store
* My Documents, * My Pictures, * My Videos, * My Music, + * Games + etc.
The problem now is that all the directories above are pointing to C Drive as their default save location. How to change this so that by default, all the files above will show "Save As" in D Drive?
The last time I tried to organize the default libraries located at user/name/docs etc in my Tablet I messed up had multiple locations showing folders like music, documents etc .
This is what I would like to do:
I have created 2 extra partitions E : and F : I would like my Data( like .PST) and Document folders to be in E and my entertainment folders like music, videos etc to be located in F:
The last time I did this I created the folders in E and F drives then included them in the libraries, this truly messed up file explorer with "duplicate entries" .
a) Is the best way to just relocate the default library folders in User to other drives ie going to Properties /location etc b) Is it possible to delete the default folders in User , create folders in other drives then include them in the library ? in this case the folders wont be associated with user/name?
I am using Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 installed. Now I having a lot of Microsoft Visual C-runtime libraries installed on my PC (view the screenshot below)-:
Now my questions are-:
Do I really need all the libraries ?? I mean what is the use of keeping both Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 ver 9.0.30729.17 and ver 9.0.30729.4148. Isn't that kind of redundant ?Do I need Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable at all ? Because according to this post
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
If I have Visual C++ installed I should not need any Redistributable packages installed.If I create a system restore point before uninstalling and I restore after uninstalling will I get back my installed files just as they were ?? Because I would like to avoid catastrophes.
I have 4 hard drives in my build, is there a way I can make separate libraries for each hard drive. Meaning the libraries category you see in the quick launch or task bar. I would love to have the full library for each hard drive.
I actually have 2 problems. One with the Windows tiles, and the other one with Explorer/Libraries.
- First of all, I start with the small problem. I booted my PC today, and to my surprise, my Windows tiles were gone. Only the Store, Onedrive, Explorer and the Desktop are there. The rest? Gone. Very weird, never had this before.
So that is question 1: How to restore the Windows tiles. It's weird they disappeared, I did nothing with the configuration or something else.
- Second, and this is the main thing.
I have a serious issue with the Explorer/Libraries. My PC has 3 HDD's and 1 SSD. The SSD is, obviously, the Windows drive. Nothing special. The other 3 are for mass storage.
Stock, Windows sets all on the C drive. Like user stuff, install paths, you know. Also the libraries, like Pictures, Videos, Documents and Music. This is the part where it goes wrong.
I don't wanna have all my Music, Pics and the rest on my C drive. Only my Windows installation... So, I put my libraries into the D drive. I made a My documents folder on the empty D drive, and changed the direction path of the libraries on the left to the new My documents map. This goes good, except for the Music map.
The Music map thinks he is Desktop. I've tried to tell him, he's not, but the folder isn't listening. Without jokes, this is a really weird thing.
I tried to re position, but the Desktop and Music folder are thinking they are each other. I don't know how to solve this. The other folders do work, no problem with those. Except for these two.
Bad thing is also, I thought, if I delete the map, and create a new one, maybe that'll work. Not. Instead, Windows decided to delete both maps, Desktop and Music, so now, my icons, and music is gone. It's really weird, as I said, it's happening only with these maps.
Any solution or trick for this? Maybe,I could try and get the whole 'Users' map, from the C drive to D, so it makes one whole?
I have a very strange issue which makes using Windows Search more difficult.
File Explorer opened to Computer or Libraries > No search. I can type whatever I want to search field, search simply does not start. From the net I found this issue being quite common when you have mapped network drives which are currently offline. This is not my case, when this issue first occurred a week or two ago I had no mapped network drives.
I can search normally all other locations, for instance if I am not sure on which hd a file is located I must search each HD individually as the Computer view search wont start.
Windows 8 Pro with MC x64, see specs for the hardware.
I can't share anything in home group. I have already walked through this "how to" HomeGroup problems in Windows - Microsoft Windows
It seams for me that nothing is wrong here except one thing. I can't turn on libraries and devices content. After closing window previously "shared" settings automatically are back to "not shared". And this strange behavior is on both PC. I have tried several times turn on sharing from control panel and from metro PC settings, but useless.
I'm trying to get rid of the small preview windows that apear above the taskbar in Win 8. I edited the registry at HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced and added both a DisablePreviewWindow and DisablePreviewDesktop value and set them to 0x01. Still, the windows appear. UAC is entirely disabled.
Since the official leaked thread is full of people,and i don't wanna spam post all the same,i make a thread specific so all people like me can read, i hope to don't make you mad !
it's possible to update windows previes with the leaked one?! If yes,will i lose all or just apps or what?
I want to change the File Explorer default opening location from the Libraries to 'This PC -> Desktop'. However, both 'Target' and 'Start In' fields in the File Explorer properties are greyed out.
I am an administrator, and as far as I can tell with my level of know-how, I have full permissions.