while using CCleaner I have found a lot of duplicate files in the file finder section. Is it safe to delete the duplicate of these files or should I leave them alone.
My friend has 3 or 4 hard drives with personal files that she wants me to combine into one hard drive. She says there will be many duplicate files and we need to eliminate them. What would be the best way to go about doing that?
I use SkyDrive as my cloud storage and have 5GB of files in it.
But I want it to be IN THE CLOUD and hidden, not accesible to everyone using my laptop and not duplicate copies of the files in my hard disk (actually triplicate copies).
For example, let's say my 3GB music collection. I keep a copy in my hard disk within "My Music", a copy in the cloud in Skydrive, but now I have a third copy in my hard disk within the Skydrive folder, which I didn't want and I wasn't asked about.
Microsoft assumed I want this third copy for some reason and downloaded everything automatically to this Skydrive folder. Great.
So, the first thing I do is uninstalling Skydrive, if I want to upload something I do it via browser, but the folder and copy of my files is still there.
My question is, can I delete those files, my music collection and so on without deleting at the same time the copy in the cloud? I mean, if I delete them here they will be deleted in the cloud too?
Before installing Windows 8.1 anything that I put into my Skydrive folder (I had the desktop app) were automatically synced to Skydrive.com as well as my Android phone app, and anything I uploaded from my phone app were synced to Skydrive.com and were automatically downloaded to my Skydrive folder. Now my phone app and Skydrive.com still work fine, but the Skydrive folder does not. That is, nothing gets downloaded to my Skydrive folder and nothing gets uploaded to Skydrive.com from it.
I've tried different settings for it, I've tried offline only, online only, I've toggled settings in the Settings app, and nothing.
Something else that happens is that now there are duplicates of all of the files in the My Documents folder. Say that my PC is named Smith-PC. Now, for example, there is a file called Random Document.docx and Random Document-Smith-PC.docx. And this is for every single file in the My Documents folder. Furthermore, only the version with the Smith-PC in the name works. When I open the normally named file, I get an error:
"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for solution of this problem. Error 0x80070490: Element not found."
This is really annoying and now I have duplicates of all of my documents, half of which won't open and the other half which are named wrong with Smith-PC at the end of all of them.
I install the windows 8 Pro 64-bit upgrade over my windows 7 home 64-bit last week. Everything works fine. My Boot drive is a 180GB SSD, so not a lot of room. So I would like to remove any old windows 7 stuff that Windows 8 might have backed up on the Boot drive. Anyway to find the old windows 7 stuff and how could I delete them?
I was told to remove all Java-related files from all my computers but my newest laptop has Windows 8 in it and I can't find the control panel, so I'd like to know if Java comes as a default program in new laptops (I haven't downloaded it).
So when I was installing Windows 8 Pro (which came as an upgrade from a previous version of Windows) I created an account. Let's call it "DC". During the upgrade Windows used up quite a lot of space for that account: about 25 GB.
Now when Windows 8 is installed I went into the Control Panel / Users and removed the "DC" account. I also made sure to check the box to remove all of its files.
But when I go the "C:UsersDC" folder on the hard drive, I see that the DC files are still there:
If I do it's properties it shows that it still takes 25 GB of space, that I want to reclaim. (I have a 256 GB SSD, so as you see I can't waste that much space!)
So I log in as a built-in administrator and try to delete those files (by deleting the "C:UsersDC" folder in Windows Explorer.) After a quick investigation it turns out that the most of the space is used up by the "Windows.old" file. But no matter what I do, it always results in this window:
I tried booting in a safe mode and it still gave me the same error. How to remove that "C:UsersDC" folder?
I installed Windows ADK to enable EasusToDo imaging software to create a boot disk.
This has left 3 folders about 3Gb in size in my c:usersmeappdatalocal emp folder
I have therefore very little free space left on the C drive.
The folder attributes are read only.
I as an administrator user have full access rights (confirmed in folder Properties) but when I try to delete the folders the error message asks for permission from me to delete. I give this permission, then it refuses, stating Try Again as it need permission from me.
This computer does not recognise boot CDs even though the BIOS order is set correctly. I was hoping to remove files using an Ubuntu live boot CD.
Windows Disk Cleanup utility just stalls - presumably it also cannot delete these files.
I have a dell laptop that I want to gift to a family member. When I set it up new I linked it to my hotmail account so when it boots up it shows my email address and I login. I want to keep the laptop just the way it is but remove my login and email and assign a new administrator. Once with windows 7 I messed with the admin account. What is the proper way to remove me as a user and replace the login and administrator without loosing or changing any of the files or settings on the computer?
New at this site and with windows 8.1, quite a change from XP. I am setting up a alienate PC and I would like to copy the start page (metro) that I have set to an additional user, I did copy my appsfolder.itemdata-ms to C:usermicrosoft....appsfolder.itemdata-ms but I still do not get the same layout or apps as mine. What I am trying is to have the same layout and apps for all users without having to re-arrange each user start screen.
I've installed Windows 8 on an xtreemer ultra media center. It's connected to a projector and a touch screen monitor in duplicate screen mode. Sometimes I would like to keep projector off and only use monitor.
Problem is when I turn off the projector. You hear the sound that windows detects a disconnected device. The image changes to a clean desktop (used to be lock screen, but I disabled that). And system becomes unresponsive. No cursor can be found. No metro interface. Microsoft+p is not displaying. Tried everything I can think of.
Basically I have an ASus ux301la (zenbook infinity) and i noticed that after installing Displaylinks software (port replicator software) my default sound device was called (USB AUDIO) and that my Realtek sound device kind of went missing (no sound devices on the playback tab in the sound settings). I had no backups at teh time as its a new laptop and i really dont want to re-install 8.1 from scratch as it took me over a day to configure this thing to my personal config.
So I uninstalled the diplaylink software and uninstalled/reinstalled the sound drivers from the asus site and each time i did so it would create a new sound entry, hence all teh duplicates. Now i still have a problem because although sound works, i have to manually select the correct playback device in VLC player and I cannot see any sound devices in the playback tab on SOUND settings.
I am running iCloud on multiple PC's. Everything was fine until I had it running on two 8.1 PC's, then I started having problems.
In total, iCloud was running on one Win 7 Pro PC and two Windows 8.1 PC's. My theory is that the two Windows 8.1 PC's were syncing via iCloud and Skydrive (or Onedrive) which is set up by default. But they were able to read each other's settings okay. But Win 7 doesn't have the same sync settings, so the bookmarks were being written in 8.1 and then multiplying in Win 7.
I'm not sure, but this is my theory. Running on all Win 7 is okay. Running on all Win 8.1 seems okay. But combining the two OS's with iCloud seems to cause some problems.
I can not boot my Toshiba laptop Windows 8.1 computer after I was attempting to resize partitions. I got in over my head. Now I'm stuck and cannot boot.
I believe the problem is I somehow created a second copy of my EFI partition. Now I have two "system" partitions of the same size.
Cannot boot, but got a command prompt. Ran "bcdedit" and got:
"The boot configuration data store could not be opened.The requested system device cannot be identified due to multiple indistinguishable devices potentially matching the identification criteria."
Other things I uncovered:
Diskpart> list partition Partition 1 System Partition 2 System Partition 3 Reserved Partition 4 Primary Partition 5 Recovery Partition 6 Recovery
(note both partitons 1 & 2 say "System" for type.)
I conclude that Partition 1 equates to Volume 2, Partition 2 to Volume 3. However there is no longer a "System" label on Part 2/Vol 3 once drilled down to details. Also its FAT32.
I am hoping/praying that I could "delete" one of the duplicate partitions. But scared to make any such move. Not sure where to go from here.
My 8.1 laptop shows multiple network connections to my Samsung Smart TV --- One as "media connections" and 3 as "other connections". Both devices are on a simple wireless network using Linksys WRT54GS.
Under the "Network" page, most of the "Properties" of the TV connections are the same except for "Serial Number" and "Unique Identifier". Did I do something wrong when setting things up? Are these extra connections harmful? Should I delete some? How?
I have a windows 8 laptop and today the sound just stopped working. The windows audio service will not enable and everytime i try to enable it fails due to a duplicate in Windows Audio Endpoint Builder.
Now tricky part is i cant open control panel as it doesn't load, i tried reinstalling windows 8 but it also not load. This all was working perfectly just earlier today. I have no sound, just an x by the sound.
when in second screen all the options work axcept for the duplicate screen ,which is the screen that I want,the tv tv screen say not supported,however the extended screen and the second screen only all work ok,what can I do to get the duplicate screen option to display
I am trying to be able to see CR2 files (RAW photo files from Canon) as thumbnail icons in Windows Explorer. I am using Windows 8.
Microsoft's codec pack (Download: Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details) does not work for Windows 8. When I am trying to install it, I get an error message mentioning that I can use Windows 8 Update function, but doesn't give any more information on how to do this exactly.
I am running a qnap NAS in my home network. I can connect to the NAS no issues at all, I can copy small files across the network no issues. However I want to rebuild my NAS so am performing a backup across the network. I want to copy approx 2tb in a single copy. However when I do a select all, copy and paste, it's only copies about 40gb of the data. I am running Windows 8 ...
I have multiple files and documents scattered on several computers and hard drives. They are In folders, in subfolders, in subfolders, in subfolders in subfolders.
How best to organize these and remove duplicates. I would expect this would also atrequire a significant proprietary program.
I recently made a partition for the (forget the exact name) but the I guess demo version of Windows 8. I will just upgrade to Windows 8 when it comes out. Is there a way to get rid of that partition, and just have my hard drive back to the way it was?
i'm trying to remove the above mentioned (in pic) certificate using CMD (all the problem relies on using CMD which is what i need) i've tried those lines:
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit Processor: AMD E2-3000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 22 Model 0 Stepping 1 Processor Count: 2 RAM: 3546 Mb Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 8280, 512 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 453298 MB, Free - 397937 MB; D: Total - 22401 MB, Free - 2263 MB; Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 2128 Antivirus: AVG AntiVirus 2014, Updated and Enabled
My hp laptop came with Windows 8 and I was not impressed. I heard that 8.1 was what Window 8 was supposed to be, so I did the recommended download on April 20,2014 and my laptop has worked terrible ever since. I can get some emails coming in, but I can send non out on the Incredimail that I have used for years. My hp Solution Center is not available because it has no download for this new operating system. If I use my web mail host email page, I can no longer open pdf files, when I try they just disappear forever. Other emails will just disappear as well, when I am reading another email. Sending messages on my Facebook page is no longer possible, it shows that it has left, but all parties I have sent to have received nothing. All of my system pages say I have Windows 8.1 now and I see know 8 anymore. If it is impossible to get rid of 8.1, how do I make it run properly?
I noticed that wsappx is occasionally consuming non-trivial amounts of my CPU.
Searching the internet, I learn that wsappx is not necessary for operation of my PC. One user suggests killing it via task manager.
When I tried to end the task I got a scary warning along the lines of "may render Windows unusable" I probably did not record the message accurately, and wsappx seems to have (temporarily?) gone away on its own.