Network / Sharing :: Removing Password Protection On Old Hard Drive?
Apr 15, 2013
I have an old Dell netbook that crashed (literally) on the ground, broke the screen. Hard drive is intact and accessible by a USB device, but that pesky password I made up to protect the files under my personal username, even though I know it, doesn't appear anywhere for me to access the document. I haven't found references made to it, but the hard drive has Windows XP operating system on it and I am running 8 on the computer I have now. Don't know if that has anything to do with not being able to get control panel to open on that one. I'm trying to continue writing a book I had started on that computer and foolishly didn't save elsewhere.
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Jun 8, 2013
I would like to make a folder share from a tablet with windows 8 with password protected to a laptop of windows 7 and another of vista. I have followed the tutorial of File Sharing - "Share with" & "Stop Sharing" in Windows 8. My PCs have been set in the same workgroup and same user account, network discovery and file and printer sharing turned on. At the first time, it is OK for windows 7. However after some changes of account (delete and create them on both windows 8 and windows 7), it doesn't work anymore with the error from windows 7 "Login failure: user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer" whenever password protected turned on in windows 8 and only OK when password turned off.
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May 19, 2014
I created some windows 8 system images(Using the internal system image tool). Now I find restore points more useful, but I would have to turn the system protection on for an external hard drive. The problem is that I don't understand the sophisticated message Using system protection on a drive that contains system image backups will cause other shadow copies to be deleted faster than normal. Does it mean, that under some circumstances my manually created full system images could be deleted to create a restore point? I would like to keep the system images. Also, I hope it doesn't override existing directories on this harddrive, but I don't want to try it out without being sure.
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Nov 4, 2013
I have two USB 3.0 ports on the front of my Dell XPS 8500 Dell desktop. Once again I have caused the USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller to stop working because I did not disconnect the external hard drive before shutting down, it seems. It reminds me of leaving in a floppy drive but at least the computer would not boot in that circumstance. Now, there is no warning whatsoever. Dell technical support's answer is to refresh or reset the machine.
Any way that would be less time-consuming than having to reinstall all of my applications.
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May 15, 2014
I was wondering if it was possible to share an internal hard drive over the homegroup network or any other possible way that I can view video files on it on my tv?
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Aug 6, 2013
In Control Panel, Power Options, you can choose to not require a password in the sleep mode. Despite setting it this way, it keeps requiring a password. Bug?
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Mar 16, 2014
I am facing the issue that after waking my new Lenovo X240 (with 8.1 installed on SSD) from sleep mode it takes up to 50 seconds until the lock screen appears. After setting up Windows to bypass the lock screen altogether waking from sleep mode now only takes a couple of seconds, which is how I would expect it to be.
However, I would actually like to keep the lock screen for security reasons, but haven't figured out what could be the cause for this massive delay?!
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a photo in SkyDrive that appears when I click on shared, to the left. It is the same as the photo I see when I sign in to my pc. Is it in SkyDrive because it is shared with my sign in?
I wish not to have anything in SkyDrive but when I click on the file and click to remove it, nothing happens.
It seems to say it is a file I shared but that no one can share. I wonder if I have to remove all my family photos in my pc for this file to be removed from SkyDrive.
Obviously my knowledge of this is quite limited although I have read many tutorials and other pieces of information. How to remove this file?
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Oct 30, 2013
I have a Win 8x64 system, Build 9200. There are two accounts: Administrator (me) and Joe. Joe is a standard user. I want to remove Joe's password, but that option does not exist in Control Panel. The policy to require the entry of a logon password is disabled. Various other methods, like net user from Safe Mode all fail.
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Feb 6, 2013
I am in the midst of the final steps in setting my my new Win 8 system.
I have a Win XP and Win 8 computer on my home network. I believe that I have set up file and printer sharing correctly. I can access the files and printer on the XP system from the Win 8 system. However, when I attempt to access the Win 8 files from the Win XP system, I get a long delay (about a minute or two) and then it asks me for the User Name & Password. I enter them and then and it works fine.
If I try to print on the printer attached to the Win 8 system from the XP system, I get a printer error unless I have already signed in with the ID & PW when accessing files. It never asks me for an ID & PW before attempting to print.
On the Win 8 system, I have selected "Turn off password protected sharing" in the "Network and Sharing Center/Advanced Sharing Settings".
The Win XP system has previously been correctly sharing files and printers with another XP system for some time and I haven't changed any settings on the XP computer.
Both the XP and Win 8 systems are assigned the same Workgroup name.
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Sep 15, 2014
I've got a new Win 8.1 computer (Surface Pro 3), and on that computer, as an adiministrator, I turn off Password Protected Sharing for my network (Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Advanced sharing settings -> All networks). Once this is done, the other computers on the LAN have good access to the disks I have shared. However, when my new computer sleeps and wakes up, or even sometimes if I merely close the cover and open it, something has reset the password protected sharing option and turned it back on. The other computers no longer can access the shared data. I have to open up the control panel (as above) and turn password protected sharing off. Again. Many times a day.
How do I get this option to stick the way I set it?
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May 18, 2014
I have Windows 8.1 Pro installed signed in with my Microsoft a/c. I have some folders shared on the network through Wifi. I also have an Android device with a File Manager that has SMB capabilities.
Now I want the to connect to my shared folders through the app which works perfectly fine. But what my requirement is that if anybody else want to connect to those shared folders (with the same or another app), I have to give out my Microsoft Account password for that.
Is there a way that I can avoid this password giving? What I'm looking is for creating another set of credentials to access the shared folders without giving away my Microsoft account details. I assume I can create a local account and do the same. Is there any other way I can do this?
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Aug 14, 2014
I've a relatively new SanDisk Cruzer Slice 64GB USB pen drive, which I use for work mainly. It has somehow managed to write protect itself and no matter what I do I simply cannot remove it!
I've scanned with Antivirus, nothing found
I've tried regedit - ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControlStorageDevicePolicies
StorageDevicePolices didn't exist so I created a 32 bit Dword string, set to 0 this hasn't done anything
I've tried Diskpart as administrator - DISKPART> list disk
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---
Disk 0 Online 298 GB 1024 KB
Disk 1 Online 59 GB 0 B
DISKPART> select disk 1
Disk 1 is now the selected disk.
DISKPART> attributes disk clear readonly
Disk attributes cleared successfully.
DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. See the System Event Log for more information. I've checked the logs and it doesn't seem to list anything for the drive
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Feb 7, 2013
While trying to share folders and files not within a homegroup, but with workgroup, I create 2 same accounts on my desktop pc and my notebook that have windows 8 installed on them. Then I share folders and when accessing dtPC or notebook windows does not ask for a password, just opens the files under the network group. However when i start windows and try to access shared folders right away, it gives me the message that the path was not found. Only a while after that it gives me the access.
If I try to do the same thing but with the notebook what has windows 7 installed it asks me for a password and username as expected and everything goes well.
Why can't I make windows 8 ask for credentials while trying to reach another pc with windows 8.
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Sep 15, 2014
I just bought a new Intel NUC which i installed a clean and fully updated Windows 8.1 Pro on. I want to create a networkshare on this machine, which everyone can just access (read permissions) to view the content of a folder or drive.
I am trying to access the drive on another (my own) installed Windows 8.1 Pro (also fully updated). Every time i try to access the machine through the Network explorer in Windows i will be prompted to enter credentials.
I have checked the network settings following this article (amongst others): Network Location - Set to Private or Public in Windows 8 on both machines.
I also checked all the sharing settings on both machines (private/home network, allow external connections, allow all types of connections, allow sharing without password etc. etc.).
I am a bit dazzled as to why the machine keeps asking me to enter credentials. This is standard protocol nowadays? (I wonder how that would work on a machine that has a local user without a password).
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Sep 15, 2014
I went back through the last few pages but didn't see something similar. Using 8.1.
Just had to setup a new network. Switched it to private and wanting to require password requirements for log on. However, when I turned on my IPod to test it out, my IPod connected without me getting a password prompt.
I'm know I'm missing something, just not where. Checked both the PC settings screen, as well as the Network Screen under the Control Panel.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a HP Pavilion A6 VISION AMD with Win 8 Home. It will look at and access all the files on that other 2 XP machines but is being stingy. When the XP's try to go to the Windows 8 machine it want's a password. I have tried my logon password. I have used a password generated by Windows' 8 itself. Nothing works. I'd rather not have the password needed at all. Never did before I did this factory recovery. File Sharing is on.
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Mar 12, 2013
My wifi always forget the connection that have been made. Every time I want to connect it always ask for the password even though I ticked "Automatically connect". This happened on all wifi connection.
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Jan 20, 2014
I have my private wireless router setup so that when I select it the password is provided automatically.
How do I force the system to ask for the password each time I connect?
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Sep 15, 2014
My Setup: I have a Windows 8.1 Home Premium PC acting as a server. It has Password Protected Sharing Turned Off, andit has 'Everyone' permission on both the folder share and folder security. Now, in past, especially with Windows 7, this was enough to make this work, but something must be different with Windows 8. My other Windows 8 PC is using a microsoft account so it does have a password.
What Happens: When I browse to the server I get prompted for username and pass, if I spam anything into the username field, it will let me in.
What I know will fix it: Adding my username and password to the server that is on my Windows 8 PC.
What I don't want to do: See above
So I want the share to be open as possible, without prompting for password for anyone. I'm guessing the issue is because my other PC has a password, but it doesn't make sense that it is prompting me when everyone should have access regardless.
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Jan 14, 2014
I have Vista with shared files and folders but when I click on the PC shown in computers or do a run //pctosharewithneame
I receive a username and PW entry box.
On my Vista I do not log in with a PW. My account name is HOME and has no PW and it is set up as Adminwhch may be different than a machine admin-not sure.
I assume that would be the user name would be home. But Home and no PW was not accepted by the Win 8 machine for the Vista machine
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Apr 22, 2013
Suddenly, every time I reboot my win 8 I've to write my Wi-Fi password.
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Dec 28, 2012
Every time I sign into my windows 8 account at home it never automatically connects to it. I tried following the tutorial at [URL]......
However when I get up to the part where you are support to right click on the wifi connection to access view connection properties I am unable to. Right clicking on the wireless connection does absolutely nothing. I even tried clicking on it and holding and still nothing.
When I go to the network and sharing center and click on the wireless connection it pops up a dialogue called wi-fi status. However there is no button for wireless properties. I remember in windows 7 there use to be a tab where you change the key encryption type and there was a check box where you can save the password. Essentially I can't access the dialog box in page 10 of the above link.
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Jun 19, 2014
I just traveled to a place where there is supposed to be wifi and I am staying here for a while. The wifi connects well through Ipod, but when connecting through windows 8 it accepts the password but tells me this connection is limited.
I searched through some threads and did some of the solutions such as the netsh reset for example but none have worked so far. Should I do a factory reset to my laptop?
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Jun 28, 2014
Windows 8, 64-bit.
Used to run Win 7 on our main drive, and used a second one for storage (mainly games), however something happened, making us unable to boot. So we decided to upgrade to Windows 8, which we put on our secondary drive, and that's now the main one (boots from here, is Disk 0). When I turn on the PC, it asks me whether to run on Windows 7 or 8 (8 is the default). C: contains Windows 8, D: Contains Win 7.
MAIN PROBLEM: Since we're going to use the old main drive as storage (the one with Windows 7), I wanted to format it, but it won't let me because, I suppose, of the System files still on it (System, Active). Picture of Disk Management below. How do I format it?
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Aug 9, 2014
I want to backup my photos from my computer's D: drive to OneDrive. But when I start to upload them, it says those photos are also available offline. That means, all photos uploaded from my D: drive are also copied to my C: drive. But it wastes my space on the C: drive. All my settings are set to upload photos with online access only. I tried to delete the copied photos from my C: drive but it also deleted them from OneDrive. Is it possible to upload only to OneDrive without copying the photos to C: drive?
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Dec 24, 2013
windows 8.0
I was happily using file history, it was backing up to my G partition, which is located on my second hard drive (both drives are internal)but now I get error message:
I think the problem is that this partition got added to my user, that's what the network path shows:
How do I get it out of my user, and back on a normal path?
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Sep 28, 2013
I have 2 PC's. Both are now running Windows 8. The main PC was running Windows 7 and I there mapped a network drive (z to the Windows 8 PC. It worked very nice. The second PC was also shown in "networks" in "my Computer" right after boot of Main PC. So network for sharing is set up properly on second PC.
After installing Windows 8 on main PC, it is still working, but the time spend waiting for the network drive is waaaaay longer now. The name of second PC "Photo-PC", is shown right after boot, but when I first click on the name, and get this error:
Networkpath not found. Errorcode 0x80070035
If I then wait about 20-30 seconds and then click again on "Photo-PC" then I have access to all shared drives, included my mapped network drive Z:
How can I eliminate this 20-30 seconds delay after boot?
I have given up setting up a homegroup, never had it to work, but "oldfashioned" network drives used to work
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Nov 23, 2013
I upgraded to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 and I can no longer see the files inside the folders on my networked drive. Before I upgraded I could see them, after the upgrade - not so much. The folders are fine, I can see them, just no files visible. There's no network issues as the files are visible from my Win7 machines and my wife's Windows 8 machine. All the standard default sharing and viewing settings are correct. Even if I put the direct path in File Explorer is tells me there's nothing there. I'm absolutely baffled. I have never seen this particular type of sharing issue before. I'm a pretty savvy Network Admin so the basic troubleshooting (and standard sharing settings) has been covered.
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Apr 2, 2014
I'm trying to map my cloud storage using "Map Network Drive".
I found the "Map Network Drive" button at the top of my folder. I click on "Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures". I follow through "Choose a custom network location"
At "Internet or network address" I type the url where I would log into box through the internet: [URL] .....
At next I get the login prompt, so I login, clicking "Remember my credentials" , when it returns, indicating that my login is incorrect the number of letters in my password has doubled, so of course my password is incorrect if the "network drive" is adding a bunch of extra characters.
So I go back and click on "connect using different credentials" and get the same result ....
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May 9, 2013
How to index files from network drive to Libraries (ex. Music, Photos, Etc.)?
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