I have been using a PC for over ten years and, at best, I am still a novice! I am experiencing a lot of issues I had overcome with Win7. I will address thes one at a time. In the past when I was looking for a folder or file I pressed START and keyed in what I was looking, a name or unique words. How do I do that using Windows 8.1?
dad upgraded from windows 7 to 8 a few months ago and selected to keep his old files (i.e. pictures, vids, so on) now we cant find his old files. I have gone to the windows.old file and there are files there but they all say that they are empty. everything else seems to be fine but we cant find all of his vacation pictures or other media that he really was not wanting to lose.
I recently purchased a new laptop (Windows 8), we put the hard disk from my old slow laptop (win XP) that stopped working into a "sata enclosure". When I attached it, I cant find my personal files. Its like the space is taken up but my important files cant be seen!! All that comes up on the hard disk enclosure drive (F is: recovery, swwork, windows, and preboot folders... and a recov.wim file. I even ran "Search" but still cant find my documents or anything...
I'm trying to download some DLLs to use for my Paint Shop Pro program and I need to put them in my System 32 files, and I can't find System 32. I new at working with this Win 8. I received the 2 dlls in a zip folder. I opened them and saved in a folder in Documents. I tried to right click on extracted file to find the System 32 files that way, not there. I went to extract and tried to extract to, and tried to browse to System 32, but I just could not find the System 32. I saw Programs and Programs (68) but no System 32 .
I have a lot of files who are stored into folders (~ 2-3K worth of folders with 2-20 files in each folder) and I need to search in each one to see if there are any files that are similar in name. None will be exactly the same so I need to only compare the first 10 characters and if there are 2 files that have the same characters, then I need to have them displayed so I can decide if I should delete one. The problem with commercial duplicate detectors is they match the entire name or the CRC of a file which in this case will be different.
I've found a way to pin any FILE or any FOLDER to the Taskbar (as well as to the Start Screen) with no registry editing, no software, no scripts, or anything.
Just create a shortcut that leads to the file or folder, NOT directly, but indirectly by way of File Explorer -- which is a program and can be pinned anywhere. Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Folder - Windows 7 Forums
Then give the shortcut a name, which may be the same as the file's name.
The shortcut will have a File Explorer icon, but you can right-click it, select "Properties" and change the icon (recommended -- if you put several of them on your taskbar, you won't want them all to look the same.)
Then right-click it again and select "Pin to Start" or "Pin to Taskbar." Afterwards you can delete it from the Desktop.
This works with .txt (Notepad) files too. And with folders. If you have Adobe Reader, it works with .pdf files.
It also works with shortcuts to CLSID's (see Brink's tutorial on "Shell Commands"), such as
I have a folder on my computer that has many files as well as many folders in it. I want to alphabetize all of the items within this folder but the best I can do is have it show me all the folders in alphabetical order and then all the files will begin and be shown in alphabetical order. What I am looking for is to have all the files and folders intertwined in alphabetical order and not folders and then files.
Ok maybe and it is not a terrible bug but when i try to delete any files from folders the files delete.
But when click on referesh from desktop context menu the files i have deleted show up again when i try to delete them again the files delete again and after 3 or 5 min the files are gone which i have deleted.
Cant access to see hidden files and folders. I would suspect a virus, but iam not sure that's even possible. I got Malwarebytes, Super Anti Spyware and Malwarebytes Anti Root Kit, all show 100% clean. I need to see these files?
Something is causing all My Documents files and folders to show up on my Desktop (along with what is normally there).They are not shortcuts.Properties show that they are actually located in My Desktop folder, but in My Documents, where they belong.
How I got to this state:
When I originally installed Win8Pro, I used sysprep to move Users to D drive, at OOBE.
I tried to reverse this, so I could upgrade to 8.1, but sysprep fails to get me to audit mode.
So I booted into Safe Mode with a new temp admin acct, and copied users back to C drive.
Then I used regedit to point all the profiles back to C drive.
Rebooted. Logged into my main account.
I then used Properties on all my Profile movable folders to move that content back to D.
All well and good until my Desktop fills up with files and folders, that aren't really supposed to display there.
They work the same and point to the same files if I access them normally through my account icon.
I've been looking for copy errors, haven't found anything yet.
I am trying to organize the files on my system, and am consistently butting heads against this problem. It always seems to be the last file I highlight. In other words.. I have two directories open on the screen, and am simply looking to drag files/folders from one directory to another. To do this, you almost always have to highlight the folder you want to move, and doing this seems to put a lock on that folder. If I highlight more folders, it seems to be ok, except for the last one I highlight will always fail to copy.
Any way to prevent windows from locking files in this way?
I'm now running the windows 8 64 bit OS, and logged by a Microsoft account.
Now I am doing some work using Visual Studio and encouter some problems about the PATH variable.
1. Under current Microsoft account, I cannot see the full PATH variable neither in CMD or the Environment Variables dialog, the figures below shows the current view:
This is my current PATH
and, of course, I set it under system variables.
Well, this path works fine in command line executing, but in visual studio, it doesn't work.
2. So, lets see what I have in visual studio (run as administrator):
If you're willing to look at the text above, you'll find that this "PATH" is totally different with the one we set in Environment Variables dialog or get from the CMD.
I want to use some executable files in "d:commonin" with my web application hosted by IIS8, but I found that the web application could not find the executable files in "d:commonin", which should exist in "PATH"
Well, though I can just put the executable files into system32,
I figured out how to search but Windows 8.1 stopped searching for files. I type a word in the window and nothing happens after I hit enter.
I searched the web and suggestions say to use the charms menu but I haven't figured out how to search a thumb drive with the charms menu search.
When I insert a thumbdrive, the window opens and I type in the Search Toshiba (G) box and hit enter and nothing comes up and Windows can't find its own files on a thumb drive but it works on the C drive.
I keep turning on another computer with Windows XP to do searches or I use Windows 7 and I can get around a little.
The screen shots on the internet doesn't seem to work or relate with my system.
My "c" drive is starting to get full mostly because of a very large music collection. My friend said"simple,just put everything on "d". I think I should have gotten an external drive. Anyhow, now when I go to listen to a playlist song on media player, I get blue dots with an "i"in them and a message saying that the media player can't find the file. I tried changing the file location for the media player to"d"drive,but it would not let me (suggestion from same friend who said "mine works fine in "d" drive. Should I move everything back or get an external drive or is there a way to make this work. Asus Notebook a45x ,Windows 8,Media player version unknown.
My friend has 3 or 4 hard drives with personal files that she wants me to combine into one hard drive. She says there will be many duplicate files and we need to eliminate them. What would be the best way to go about doing that?
After updating to 8.1, windows search is slow, even though I disabled Bing and I don't have extra locations in the index, and it doesn't find files even though they are in subfolders of My Documents. This problem is very outstanding with Word files.
I tried deleting the Data folder, and rebuilding the index, but to no avail. I need a way to search for text within files, so the "Everything" app does not seem to be the solution. I am trying out AgentRansack right now, and it does work, but it is slow and uses up almost all the CPU when it is searching.
I want to automate one process that I do from time to time. I have many folders, sometimes like 90 folders and I want to move them all into a single folder, the filenames are the same so they overwrite. I can overwrite them, in fact, I should, I just want to move all files from many folders into one folder, not doing it manually. Is there a command in CMD that can do that? E.g I have FolderSubfolder 1... Subfolder 90 so in 1 folder I have the subfolders then I have RootFolder where I want all to be and overwritten, MOVED not copied
I am running Windows 8 64-Bit on a new Advent Monza T100 laptop.
I am unable to make changes to Program Files (x86) which is very annoying as this means I have to install programs to my desktop.
When I try to move something into Program Files (x86) I am greeted by the usual 'You need permission to perform this action' message.
I have tried to Take Ownership of the folder using advice from many different forums, however my problem seems to be unique because I am not able to change the ownership from TrustedInstaller to Administrators.
When I click 'Change' the window transforms into this...
Over the years I've tried to save all my documents. This means that they have been copied from folder to folder and computer to computer (whatever was before Windows 95) probably mostly through external storage. However, some of these were saved directly to the 2nd internal hard drive D: of Windows 8 may be included, but I'm not certain.
I believe all of the folders are present, most of which are identified by date. However, many of the folders are completely empty. I cannot see a pattern as to which folders. This seems to involve mostly older folders, (and this may mean that it is more likely that they have been through a USB device) but not all of the older folders are empty. More recent ones are also empty. Otherwise, I cannot identify any specific documents, only that large numbers of folders are empty.
I have recently undertaken to get my pictures folder all sorted out and I have got a couple of thousand pictures there. I have been trying to make individual folders within my folder in categories so that I can sort things.
The problem is that in each of these folders I have to keep clicking on "View" and then "Extra Large" over and over again. Isn't it supposed to stay like I put it without me having to re-tell it over and over? It keeps going back to the default size of the pictures.
tiring to have to keep on re-setting the picture sizes for the hundredth time.
I much prefer the "list view" in my folders but I don't see way to add "columns" to list view. The only folder view showing these sort tabs is "details" view. Can anything be done about this?
I would like to basically do this to my Windows 8: Add Scan With Windows Defender To Windows 8 Context Menu as I feel it's a feature that is missing from Windows Defender when they had it in MSE in Windows 7. I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to work so I am guessing it doesn't work on the latest version/build of 8. How to get it to work?
When my friend plugs in his iPhone wanting to download photos from it to the computer, a full screen Metro app opens, which I believe is the Photo app. But it just says Apple iPhone in big letters, and below that "There are no files or folders in this view". There are definitely pictures on the phone, and I had him take a few new ones just to be sure. In Autoplay, iPhone default action is "Import photos and videos (Photo)" so I am assuming this is the Photo app. I ran sfc /scannow, which found no problems, and DISM which said it fixed some corruption, and rebooted. But the issue remains.
I was trying to locate some files in my user folders in Windows 8 I was looking for the app data files to restore my email from an old version to a new clean install of the client. I could not find the folder although I knew it existed as this is where the app is storing my email, so I figured it was hidden. I started to look for the setting I knew in 7 that would allow you to see hidden files when you ran the folder properties. The only thing I saw anywhere about hidden files was on the first page of the properties where it says read only and hidden so I checked the box and told it to apply. (I know, stupid thing to do since I did not understand what it was doing. This is so unlike me) Now I do not have any user folders and not much works. How can I restore my user files?