Browsers/Mail :: Email Attachments - Create Association In Default Section
Oct 13, 2013
Old vista pc died, kept a running backup disc every sunday up until august when I bought an Toshibe ex. hard drive.I had quite a few problems transferring the Toshiba into the windows 8 pc. Made multiple copies on the hard drive darn near 250 gigs. So erased all those files and transferred the backups I had on discs. They're in my pc but I don't know how to access them/. I installed a couple apps but I still don't see anything. I want to send attachments via email and the pc wants me to create an association in the default section. There is a list a mile long which I don't understand. Do i install some kind of app or is something else not setup right....
Getting to grips with windows 8.1 on a new laptop having been used to XP Pro and Outlook Express
Anyway, I have a real bugbear with the mail app. e.g. I receive an email with an attachment, I click on attachment to open it, it opens in desktop (why?), once attachment has been read/filed or whatever and I close/delete it I'm stranded on the desktop (again why?), I then have to go through several button pushes (start/Mail app/mail account/open email) just to get back to where I was when I opened the email originally.
Surely there must be a simpler solution, am I missing something, is there a way to set it up so that when the attachment is closed it takes you straight back to where you were in the mail app?
Or is this just one of those Windows8 'quirks'......
If I select a photo from 'Pictures' in File Explorer', right click & select 'Send to: Mail recipient', Mail opens up but only the title of the photo is shown as an attachment, no picture. Even if I click on the title nothing happens. This is the same in 'Outlook' or 'Gmail'. I can send a picture attachment ok by clicking on the 'paperclip' in 'Mail' which then takes me to 'Photos' but I would like to send it from the File Explorer.
I'm using the default Windows Mail as email client in Windows 8.1.
Besides that I'm using LibreOffice as my word processing application and get an error message when I try to use the "Send As Email" option from within a LibreOffice document. Apparently it is necessary to set an association in Windows 8.1 to use Windows Mail as default MAPI application. However, for that it would be necessary to find the actual application file for Windows Mail - and I cannot find this.
Is it possible to create a MAPI association for Windows Mail in Windows 8.1 or could it be that Windows Mail is not a MAPI application?
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?
I can't seem to get the metro email app to remember the account that I want to send email from on default. I have a Gmail account and two Exchange accounts. Seems like any time another app or web site wants to send an email there is no logic as to what account it sends from.
I wasn't aware that I had used an email to get the Windows 8 started but I guess I did. I closed that account and am not able to access it. However, if I want to get into the store, etc. It tells me to log in with that email address. It will not let me change the address in the login screen. How to do I change in on the computer? Where is that setting?
I just sent my computer in to be worked on a month ago. I had this working before then
It was factory reset so this is a computer/browser issue, nothing with the restore
I had Yahoo Email set as default. For each of my previous computers, I did too.
I cannot find the link telling me how to do it: I remember seeing it could be done with a particular version of Yahoo toolbar And I saw one that would install the mail plugin with Yahoo Messenger
Neither has been there when I installed several versions.
If I delete my email address from the pre-installed email app, would that have any effect on the main user account, which I log into using that email address, and if I add someone else's email to the app, would our email accounts be synced?
I have just brought over my Gmail account into my account. I can now send or receive GMail using the web interface. Is there a way I can create seperate Signatures for each email account ( and
I need to change the default email client in Windows 8 to Gmail in Chrome.
I thought that this would be an easy fix, but I have searched the Web, searched the forums, and cannot find anywhere that it tells me how to do this.
Besides the fact that I want all of my MAILTO links to use my Web based Gmail account, I need it to do so to make it work with OneNote.
In OneNote, when I try to send someone a page, it gives me an error message about Microsoft Outlook not being started or set up, and says to change it in Default Programs. I tried doing this, but my MAILTO links are all set to Google Chrome, which seems like it would work.
A friend of mine is using the default Windows Mail as email client in Windows 8.1.
He is also using LibreOffice as word processing application and gets always an error message when he tries to use the "Send As Email" option from within a LibreOffice document. Apparently it is necessary to set an association in Windows 8.1 to use Windows Mail as default MAPI application. However, for that it would be necessary to find the actual application (exe) file for Windows Mail - and I cannot find this. This file is not in the Windows Mail folder that is in the Program Files folder (see enclosed screen shot).
Is it possible to create a MAPI association for Windows Mail in Windows 8.1 or could it be that Windows Mail is not a MAPI application?
Where I can find the Windows Mail application (exe) file?
how to get the top section of [URL] to display the top section. Everything under the date and tips in the blue bar shows up, everything above doesn't. I have already tried it in internet explorer(tried safe mode w/ no add ons), firefox, chrome with no luck. I uninstalled java, re-installed, I reset the internet back to factory setting, wiped out all the browsing history. Tried messing with the internet options in every combination I can. I don't know what else to try besides trying to factory reset this machine.
When I have a pdf attachment in an email and save the same into downloads or documents how to print it. When I open the attachment it opens into a full size screen and there is no print option.
I use snip a lot to use as post attachments and they are saved by default to Pictures.
When I am attaching any pics to posts when I go to Manage attachments it always defaults to Desktop. Is there a way to change this to default to Pictures?
Running windows 8.1 and i use 3 browsers, my main (default) is Opera, the issues i have are opera is set as default browser in opera settings, but for instance when checking emails say overclockers uk i see something catches my eye, i click it and link opens in opera, not in win 8.1, it pops a box up asking how do you want to open this type of link, firefox, google chrome or look for app in dam app store [URL] ....
I go to setup default programs to set associations and guess what, opera is not in the list [URL] .....
pc setup window 8.1 pro n x64 i7 4770k msi z87-gd65 gaming mobo 8 gig 2x4 xtreem lv 2133 xmp msi gtx 770 gaming ssd's n so on
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
I got Windows Mail working and pretty happy as I was able to retrieve about 10 years of messages. But, pointers went bad and some messages are not available. The only way to get them is to go directly to the folder where they are saved, and open the message itself -- they're all there. So, I would do that and re-save, but I can't open .eml files. Windows 8 doesn't allow me to specify Windows Mail as a default program for any file type. I'm pretty sure I had to edit the registry to get Windows Mail to fully work with Windows 7 but can't recall what all changes need to happen, or if Windows 8 is just going to be more limited.
Would like to set Eudora as default mail program, but when I attempt to do that, the only options that appear are Mail, or "Look for an app in the store". How do I set Eudora as the default mail handler?
I am trying to disable the 'sent from windows mail' signature on my emails. From my gmail account I have done this flawlessly through the account settings, toggling signature to off. However, for my other account, the option to remove the signature has been disabled. I believe it is because it is the account linked with my microsoft login, and therefore integral to Windows 8. At the bottom it says (paraphrased) 'This is the microsoft account you use to login to windows, to change this account, you must go to 'change pc settings'
Whilst I can find 'change pc settings' in the Windows 8 menu, there is no option to remove email signature here from what I can see.
Is there an app or a way to move/create shortcut tiles on Start screen for Wireless section for Modern UI settings. I just bought TF810 (YUPI!!!) and would love to have quick access to those parts of the system (sort of as in WP 7.x/8).
Battery level shown on tile/start screen (it is only shown in detail on task bar) would also be useful. I keep searching for it but no luck so far ....
All instructions for adding an e-mail account to the mail app, say to go to Settings and click on accounts. When I click on Settings all I get is Change PC Settings, and there is no account option there.
Why my mail keeps disappearing i use the normal mail app in win 8.1 and i keep moving mail i want to keep to a private folder but although i check to make sure it is there at a later date it is not, I only use this folder to store mail that i want to keep so it is not me deleting them by mistake.
How do I get an email program? I do not like Internet mail interface. I have roadrunner. The tech at the store said I could connect by Outlook but when I get to Outlook it wants my email and pw. There is no option to register. Sometimes when I try options in the Mail place I get a blank screen that won't close..there is no way to close it. I had to restart.