Windows 7 Installation Disc Loads Without Hard Drive?

Aug 18, 2012

I am trying to access my BIOS,cannot use f8 or any f to access,cannot load from my original disc yet it loads when the hard drive is not installed?

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CD Drive Cannot Read Windows 7 Disc For Installation Purposes

Dec 20, 2012

I am trying to install Windows 7 onto my laptop as I want to do a clean install to wipe off everything and have windows freshly put on. My cd/dvd drive cannot read the disc. You can here the drive attempting to load up the disc but to know success. I have tried Microsoft Fix, does not work (however, it has in the past as well as booting from disc at startup-that too has worked in the past), I have tried booting from the cd/dvd drive on bootup, I have attempted to go into the registry and delete lowers installers I think its called (I didnt do this on previously installation attempts and I installed fine). I have all correct drivers according to my laptop, plus I've gone into the packard bell website to download the correct drivers and I have used windows update too in case I am missing anything. Nothing is working.

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DVD Drive Won't Run Installation Disc?

Apr 7, 2011

Im attempting to upgrade from vista 32 to windows 7 on an hp compaq presario cq60 with and AMD athlon Dual Core @ 2.10ghz. When i place the windows disc into the dvd drive nothing much happens. It makes a few noises then nothing. It's an optiarc dvd rw drive which otherwise seems to be working fine. I've already used the 32 bit and 64 bit discs to upgrade on my two other machines so i know there isnt a problem with them. I have checked that the drive is first in line for booting the machine but to no avail.

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PE Restore Disc Loads But Will Not Recognize USB 2.0 External HDD

Sep 28, 2012

I am trialing Macrium Reflect because of its good reputation. I have a simple requirement. Backup to external hard drive (WD Passport), it is USB 2.0. Then use the Windows PE rescue CD to boot up and restore from external HDD. I have been researching this. I know about the lack of USB 3.0 support. But my drive is USB 2.0.

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Use A Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade Disc As A Installation Disc?

Feb 9, 2012

Is there any way to use a windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade disc as a installation disc? Or would I have to go out and get another Windows installation disc and then use the upgrade disc?

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Windows 7 Installation On New Hard Drive

Oct 22, 2011

i updated this post. look above it to find the other one.

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Windows 7 Installation On New Hard Drive?

Oct 22, 2011

i have an hp pavilion slimline. (model: s5213w) i am upgrading my hard drive but my power supply is limited to having just one hard drive installed at a time. when i put the new one in i ran the disks given to me by HP. the first half of the installation works fine (the part where im putting all the diff cd's in) then it says to remove all cd's and windows will automatically start installing the software. (it may take up to 3 hours). then a black screen comes on. kinda like comand prompt and the cursor line just flashes. three hours later. same deal. any help on this issue? its SATA btw.. idk if that makes a difference.What im trying to install is windows 7 on a Brand New WD5000AAKX (western digital) hard drive. ive used these cds before on my previous hard drive (which came with widows 7 on them from HP) and they worked fine to re install windows 7. The paper that came with the cds from HP say to use them when you want to "upgrade to a new hard disk drive"do i have to create a partition inside it or something? i jsut put the blank hard drive in because i dont have the power supply hookup for 2...

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Windows 7 Cannot See Hard Drive During Installation

Nov 2, 2009

I have a laptop which has a ATA HDD and I tried to install Windows 7 on it, but when you come to the window for choosing a partition, nothing shows up. I have tried to upload new drivers for the chipset on the motherboard from intel (Intel 865 Chipset) but no luck still it doesn't do anything. I am able to find the drivers and I guess it installs them but in the end nothing. So my second attempt was to try and bypass this. I took another laptop and pluged in the hdd there and tried the installation, everything went smooth, when the first restart was prompted I took out the HDD and plugged it in my comp. Now windows starts up but only up to the logo and than restarts, over and over. I tried to install all over again but it still doesn't recognize the HDD on my laptop.

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Windows 7 Installation Does Not See Hard Drive

Mar 12, 2012

I get to the part of the installation where you select a partition/drive, and there is nothing there. I have tried using different two different HDD both spin up but the installation doesn't see them. I have also switched out SATA Cables, used different power connectors, even tried loading drivers, and have reset the BIOS by removing the CMOS Battery.


GIGABYTE GA-Z68AP-D3 Intel Z68 Motherboard
Intel Core i5-2500 Processor
4x 1GB DDR3
Radeon 4870 Graphics Card
530 watt Power Supply
Seagate 320GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD ( tried to install first, no luck moved to the other HDD. Only one at a time connected. )
Maxtor 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD

No Disc Drive Atm Installing from Flash Drive?

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Loads Of Errors After Interrupting Installation IE9?

Oct 7, 2011

Last week I tried to install IE9 after some annoying pop-ups. The installation got interrupted somehow. I didn't care about that because I would never use that browser anyway.

Soon I realised I was not able to use Windows Live Messenger anylonger. After logging in, an error occurs: "Can't find ordinal 379 in DLL-files iertutil.dll" (translated from dutch, so it could be a little different in English). After this error, msn closes directly. I did some research and I read I could fix this problem by editing some internetoptions in the control panel. But when I click on internetoptions, nothing happens.

MSN isn't the only application giving this error. I experienced the same error in some other applications like paint.NET.

Also, I can't open VMWare anylonger. It runs in processes but on screen nothing happens. Skype closes directly after crashing, WOW won't start anylonger,... These are just some of the problems I experienced in the last 6 days.

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How To Map An *.iso File On Hard Disc To A Drive Letter M:

Jan 26, 2011

I have an *.iso file on my hard disc.What is the easiest was to map this �.iso file to a (free) driver letter (e.g. M ?I don't want to burn it on a DVD and access it in my DVD drive? Is there a Win7 built-in way?

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Windows 7 Installation - Cannot Find Hard Drive?

Oct 10, 2012

I bought a new custom PC from ebay, a shop called FreshTech Solutions, so when it arrived I tried installing Windows 7 Home Premium (came with it). Obviously I need to do a custom install, as I'm not upgrading from anything, but when I get to the screen where it asks where I would like to install Windows 7, nothing is listed. I've tried loading from the disc that came with the motherboard, the Windows 7 CD itself, even the C drive (said it needed to format it, but couldn't).

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Windows 7 Installation Hard Drive / Ssd Don't Show Up

May 28, 2012

I bought a laptop asus K55VM, and switch the optical drive for a SSD. Both drives are format and active since what a want is a clean install.

During the instillation both drives don't show up, i tried to load drivers from intel but nothing shows up. The Bios shows both drivers, i change from AHCI to IDE but no effect.

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New Hard Drive - Windows 7 Installation Hangs?

Jun 7, 2012

Just bought a new hard drive due to my old one was failing. This is the same exact hard drive I had.Whenever I try installing windows 7, it "completes", then the screen blinks skips, and skips the "Create a user account" and just hangs at "Completing Installation". I thought I would give it a try and disable my gfx driver just to see if that would work.

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Windows 7 Installation Won't Let To Format New Hard Drive

Mar 24, 2011

So I've assembled a new desktop pc with a brand new Western Digital Green 1TB SATA hard drive. BIOS detects the hard drive and I pop in the Windows 7 DVD and go through the installation process until the screen that asks where I want to install Win 7 on the hard drive.

I try to format the drive but it gives me an error saying that the drive has to be in "read-only" mode and that I need to do so. That prevents me from progressing through the installation process.

I got no idea what that means and there is no extra pc around to format the new HDD on. Obviously there is no OS installed on the drive so I can format it inside Windows. That HDD is the only hard drive connected to the pc.

Specs: AMD Phenom II 1055T, 6 GB RAM, GTX460 HAWK

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Boot To BIOS And From External Disc But Not From Hard Drive

Oct 11, 2012

My Acer netbook has developed some kind of fault and I am unsure as to what I ought to do. The netbook does boot to BIOS and also will boot up from an external drive...but will not boot normally. I am thinking of replacing the hard drive but don't know if there could be something else wrong. It says sometimes that it can't read it and from this I am not sure if there is something else wrong. If I change the drive does it sound as though things will work? There are also a couple of other intermittent faults such as certain letters and numbers not working and then everything is fine for a while...

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No Way Of Accessing Computer Disc / Hard Drive In Anyway From Boot Up

Dec 30, 2012

i have been on various forums for advice but unable to solve - this is the problem -

* it turns on & I CAN get into advanced menus
* it will not repair itself no matter what
* it will not go into any other modes , safe Etc....therefore I cannot restore to factory settings etc....
* ive Tried all tricks such as F8, Alt & F11 etc..... to get into advanced menu settings - all lead to the black screen
* everything i click on enter leads to a black screen - only a white curser appears.

its as if there is no way of accessing the computer disc/ hard drive in anyway from boot up. there is clearly a hardware problem but i cannot access anything internal beyond ordinary & advanced menus i just keep being led to the black screen & no activity. the menus work & that is all. i run Windows 7 on a Dell inspiron 1564.

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Windows 7 Installation Doesn't Recognize Hard Drive

Oct 1, 2010

My mother asked me to fix her computer, his window XP is badly corrupted, so I tried to install Window 7 on her computer. However, the hard drive didn't show on the screen. I found it quite odd because BIOS detected it as IDE driver, and it's a SATA driver. I tried to install with old Window XP installation CD. Same thing, doesn't show on the window XP installation screen either.

I tried to hook hard drive on other computer, and was testing with Window 7 XD and see if it was working, and it did. It shown on the disk screen. My guess that it's probably the BIOS that occurred, or perhaps other things. I have one hard drive, nothing more.

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Cannot Delete Files From Old Hard Drive With Windows Installation

Oct 7, 2011

While looking for solutions I seemed to come very close to finding someone with my exact problem, but not quite. Here goes:

I had a hard drive with Windows 7 installed. Everything worked, etc. Got a new hard drive, and installed 7 on there as well without making changed to the old hard drive (prompts displayed during new installation saying "old" windows files would be saved). I've been using it for a while now, however I want to use the old hard drive strictly for storage, so I tried to format it to clear the space out. I got the notice "Windows cannot complete format." Went to the forums and looked thru several suggestions, which brought me to try deleting the files individually.

Included in all this were attempts to give myself (the only user on the computer) full control of all files (which was already the case), to take ownership (via right click options AND command prompt "takeown" and "cacls"), to change permissions/ownership via "properties" for the drive/folders, command prompts to remove the "active" status of the old hard drive, as well as removing "boot" status from old drive (while making sure the new drive had "boot" status), tried everything I can think of using Disk Management AND the DiskPart utility, as well as countless other suggestions that I can barely remember. I'm still getting the "You need permission to perform this action." What I don't get is, if I'm THE administrator (and the only user), how do I not have access to this?

I'm sure there are some details I'm leaving out, but I've been at it for hours. Let me know if there's something you need to know. Running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, 4GB RAM, 3.2 Ghz AMD Athlon II.

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Windows 7 Installation Disk Won't Use/format Hard Drive

Mar 10, 2011

I'm building my first pc and I'm getting blocked right at the gate. I have a 64bit Windows 7 installation disk (home version, "for system builders" ). This is a fresh installation, I don't have any other OSs for this build so my options are limited.

It starts out fine, but when I get to the point where I am to pick a hard drive to install to, it won't accept anything. It will allow me to delete partitions but clicking on "New" or "Format" (under the advanced options) makes it think for a few seconds, then just stop like nothing happened.

I have tried formatting it through gparted, but no matter what I do it complains that the drive has been formatted with in GPT, even when the drive is completely clean and unformatted.

I'm using a Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 1tb hard drive
on the MSI P67A-GD65 mobo
with intel i7 2600k.

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Hard Disk Drive Is Hidden Due To Installation Of Windows 7

Aug 1, 2012

When we install windows 7 our E drive is hidden.

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New Build, Windows 7 Won't Recognize Hard Drive In Installation

Nov 28, 2012

I have just finished my first build and everything was going fine until I tried to install Windows 7. I got through the first couple menus, then when I get to the part where I have to save the OS in a storage device, it does not detect my hard drive.


Gigabyte Intel GA Z77X-U3H
Intel core i5 2500k
WD Caviar Black 1TB SATA 3 7200 rpm
Btw the HDD appears in the Bios.

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Asus EEEPC With No System Disc - Hard Drive Upgrade

Jul 9, 2012

I want to format and 0 write and wipe the entire hard drive in an Asus EEEPC with no system disc and re-install windows 7 home premium. The windows registration number is on the back of the computer.

Did not come with a windows disc or recovery disc from the factory, IE windows 7 home pro was pre-installed.

I created a system recover boot disc/CD. This machine has no CD/DVD drive, but I do have a USB CD/DVD drive.

If I format and write the drive, but leave the partitions will I be able to re-install this version of windows that came with the machine ??

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Full Format Hard Drive With Win7 Boot Disc

Oct 20, 2009

Is there a way I can remove all the partitions from my Hard drive and do a full format (not quick)? The windows 7 install disc does a quick format but I would like to clean it thoroughly. Is there a utility I can use at boot time to do this?

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Windows 7 Installation - Hard Drive Showing As Removable Disk

Jan 6, 2012

After installing Windows 7 on my PC all my hard disks(4) are display as removable disks in the icon of safely remove hardware on the taskbar. Is it related with enabling ACHI mode on my system?

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Windows 7 Installation On New Hard Drive - Command Prompt Pops Up

Sep 23, 2012

Trying to install windows 7 on my new hard drive since my old one died on me, I set it to boot from disc and it just loads up the cmd prompt. I'm sure I just have to enter a cmd but I can't seem to find anything that works. I've searched around of course but haven't had any luck so I give up.

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Windows 7 Installation On XP Hard Drive Freezes When Loading Bar Gets Half Full

May 18, 2012

I just turned on an almost new build pc to install windows 7. The entire pc is a new build except the hard drive that has a good copy of xp installed. I am trying to install a new copy of windows 7 on the hard drive. So I turned the pc on and go into the bios to set the DVD to boot first. So windows starts to install and the window is loading bar comes up. After the bar gets over half full, the screen drops and there is a line of h's on the left side of the screen and the installation freezes.

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WIn 7 Installation From Hard Drive

Oct 19, 2009

Any way i got this question i want to reinstall and i was wondering i got install files on D: ready and on C: i still got 7100 RC i want to install it on same drive if im not wrong old windows will be moved to folder windows.old right? so later i just delete windows.old and it will be fine right?

In earlier windows i could enter dos and click on setup exe and install from hd why its no longer possible

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Installation Not Detecting Hard Drive?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm installing a fresh copy of Windows 7 Ultimate on an Asus UL80J. When asking where I want to install windows, I get "No drives were found. Click to load a driver". The drive is new, has no problems, and is detected in the BIOS fine. Also, my Windows XP CD detects the drive just fine. I've tried both options in the BIOS for setting SATA to IDE and AHCI. I assume I'm missing a SATA driver needed at installation time, but I can't find one online or from the manufacturer.

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Installation Doesn't Detect Hard Drive

May 14, 2009

Install everything, the bios detect the hard drive (it's a new hard drive, never been use) but when installing the Windows 7 64, the hard drive list is empty.

Here my spec

Phenom II 940BE | Gigabyte 790X-UD4P | Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB | XFX HD4770 512MB | OCZ StealthXStream 600W | NZXT Tempest

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Erase Hard Drive Before Clean Re-installation?

Apr 19, 2012

i was wondering if anyone has any programs they could recommend to use to wipe a hard drive clean before reinstalling windows 7, I noticed you have this CCleaner 3 link on here CCleaner - If i put that on a disk and started it up as i would to reinstall can that wipe the disk clean?

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