Replace The Main Gateway PC In Home Network?

Mar 21, 2012

I am replacing my main computer which is connected to router in home network and wonder if all I have to do in put new tower in place of the old and the computer and router will read each and network will be set up.

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Uninstall Windows 7 Home And Replace With XP (ATA)

Nov 23, 2011

I've changed the sata configuration to ATA and booted from an xp disk but after in loads the setup files, when I press f8 to accept license agreement its not excepting but when I press esc, it cancels the xp installation which means its not freezing.

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Main Pc Drives Are Seen On Network By All Computers?

Sep 30, 2011

A while back I shared all my main pc drives on my newtork by right clicking on the drive in my computer then clicking the share tab. I then later un-shared them by unclicking the tab but all the computers could see the drives that had been previously shared from my main computer. They could even access them even though they had been unshared. I then later reinstalled windows7 on my main computer but the drives are still visible and accessable from computers on my network.

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Home Network Set But Windows 7 Says Can't Join Homegroup, No Home Network

Oct 8, 2012

5 month old Dell XPS 8500 Win 7 64 bit Pro as main computer connected by Wired Adapter, Upgraded Gateway 5632E also running Win 7 64 bit pro as second connected by Wireless. Both running Kapersky successfully. no network problems for 5 mo.

Both were successfully linked using homegroup. Had to take Gateway to a remote location to do a business demo. While there had to link to a local public WiFi. While connecting made mistake and left homegroup.

When Gateway returned to homebase a few days later it was fine, had no problems finding wireless but could not see or rejoin Dell machine homegroup. It would let me set up a new homegroup.

Went to Dell box and found 1) homegroup no longer existed, 2) router and network and wireless printing no longer found - Red X on the taskbar) even though internet was still working fine.

Took nearly a week of trying differernt fixes, on adapter- off adapter- different adapter reboot network, router, even updated router firmware (Yes I went through every ipconfig reset, renew, redecorate etc. I've used netsh functions to try to get evrything to reset. Changes services.msc settings per other posts. Finally in desperation, deleted every sub key in the registry related to network locational awareness and got the Dell to find the network, let me set it up as a "home" network and then even see the invitation to join the Gateway's homegroup.

Then I hit a wall- when I try to join- Win 7 says I can't join the homegroup because the network is not a "home network". Of course troubleshooting is useless and goes into an endless loop. Have searched in desperation for any way to make Win 7 return to a clean slate so it can sense that it really is on a home network without success. Applied the fix-it and hotpatch for when Win 7 gets stuck in public mode. No joy. Deleted the hide wizard subkey as suggested elsewhere. No Joy. Gut feeling says problem must lie in the NLA or peer networking somewhere but where?

Does anyone know of a method or set of steps (short of a clean reinstall of Win 7) to completely clear every thing the OS knows about my network and force it to acknowlege my network is a home network? Is there a registry hack that will clear the problem?

I know I could abandon the homegroup and do conventional file/print share but I am concerned that using that solution won't last as whatever is screwing up the homegroup could eventually screw regular sharing and then I'm back to reformating/reinstalling. I'm just about ready to join the Apple folks so I never have to work on Windows again.

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Windows Explorer Keeps Jumping Back From Network Drive To The Main Page

Jan 28, 2011

I have a Windows 7 Professional 32 bit operating system, which is joined to a domain at my workplace. If i open Eindows Explorer and open a network drive ( I: ), then the Windows Explorer open's it, but after a few seconds later, it jumps back to the main page. It is very annoying. I have 11 network drives, but only on two networks drives occurs this problem.

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Gateway For Wireless Network?

Nov 30, 2012

i am looking for information regarding .. how could i make my server computer running as gateway ..on window 7.

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Replace Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit With Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit?

Jul 24, 2012

My husband and I are trying to restore his Windows 7 Home Premium OS on his HP laptop and it got stuck on intializing the restore. We do not have the OS disks, but I have the OS disk for my Dell laptop for Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Should we try to restore from my set of disk? Or is it taboo to mix manufactures?

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Windows 7 Network Map Showing A New Gateway?

May 1, 2012

I live in a student shared house which has a WiFi network set up. It has come to my attention that my network has recently gained a gateway between the router and the internet which is visible through the windows network map, myself and my housemates all connect to the internet through the router but it appears that this gateway is linked to one of my housemates, right-clicking the gateway brings a drop down menu with his computer name in the list.Since this gateway between the router and the internet connection has appeared there has been a noticeable performance loss to the network, being the only gamer in the house this has affected me the most in games having higher pings and dropouts all the time, although i understand that is also normal with using WiFi it has not been that much of a problem until now.I would like to ask how and why he is able to create gateway between the router and internet connection and how to stop it, i would like to also point out that the individual love his torrents and has possibly found a way around the bandwidth limiter in the router, he has currently denied any foul play but has tried other things in the past.

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Default Gateway Not Available, Network Connected BOTH Wifi And LAN

Nov 2, 2011

Seems to be popping up alot, so maybe some one has an idea. I recently woke up to find that my Acer Aspire 5250 notebook with an Atheros network card, which had the previous evening had wifi connection, no longer could get online. Further investigation showed that the notebook was/is connecting to the home network, although not recognizing it as such (just says unidentified network), can correctly communicate the WEP key, but is unable to get any internet connection. Specific error is that the machine has limited connectivity. Now, where this gets a little stranger is that it is the same with the ethernet connection - a physical connection to the router results in the same thing - a connection to the netowrk, but no internet connection.I first called Acer, who were useless, and wanted the machine mailed away for inspection at my cost - not bloody likely. They then said it must be the ISP and something to do with the netowrk configuration. I first tried a rollback to before the problem occurred - nothing. Called the ISP who said nope, not them, particualrly as it had been working, and I have another Aspire, an Asus O!Play Air and an Ipod touch on the wifi connection, as well as a wired connection for my desktop. They had me reset the router regardless, to no avail.
I then uninstalled the devices (LAN and wifi), and reinstalled them - no device errors in the manager, but also no change in the problem.

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Network Controller Driver For Gateway Nv55c

Dec 8, 2012

I can't seem to find the right driver anywhere. virus crashed computer, have found most of the other drivers but I keep going in circles on this one

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Gateway ZX6980 Windows 7 Network Adapter?

Jan 23, 2013

I bought the Gateway All-In-One ZX6980 that was pre-installed with Windows 8 (which i HATE).I work from home and they do not support Windows 8 so I had to downgrade. I wiped the hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 7. The one thing that is missing is the network adapters

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Windows Network Location: Public Versus Home At Home?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reimaging one of my home systems that I intend to use as a "sterile" system (I will visit very a very limited selection sites on it, such as banking sites). I'm considering establishing the network location as "Public" instead of "Home", rationale being this would help prevent cross infection from other computers on my home network if they get a worm or virus. I do have friends that come over and hop on my network sometimes and who knows what contamination their systems have. Is this being overly paranoid? Will it cause annoying problems for this sterile system or other systems in my home network? I don't intend to share anything on this system with other computers on my home network. Seems to me that this ought to be the recommended setting for any computer always ... you can always share files using a USB drive if you really need to. Thoughts? Again maybe I am being overly paranoid. Back in the day there used to be worms that would look for ways to hop from system to system over the network, maybe that's much much harder these days. I do have a router between the DSL modem and my home network and I do run Norton Internet Security on all my systems?

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Default Gateway Unavailable - Network Adaptor Errors

Jan 24, 2010

I used to have a ton of problems with my network adapter. It would always encounter and error saying "default gateway unavailable"

I recently reinstalled windows and updated the nvidia drivers for my motherboard and when I looked into the drivers folder in Cwindows/system32/drivers, I saw that there was a driver that says nvm62x64.sys and nvm64x64.sys. When I uninstall the drivers and leave the stock windows ones, i only get nvm62x64.

I think this is significant because the fix I found to this problem on a windows support forum was that if you download the vista driver for the motherboard and extracted it to folder, you would find a file named nvmfdx64.sys and you would then rename that to nvm62x64.sys (the win 7 file name). Then you would replace the windows driver with the aformentioned vista driver and everything worked for me and never had that default issue again.

so I am wondering what the heck is that nvm64x64.sys file that nvidia put in there and I think this may be the cause of the problems because everything works without the particular file.

any comments on that theory?

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Gateway I3-370M NV5916H Crashing When Transferring Files To Network HD

Apr 10, 2012

My computer always crashes and restarts Windows 7 when I try to transfer large files wirelessly to my network external drive. My old penthium running Vista has no problem doing it...

Here is the log...

Signature du probl�me :
Nom d��v�nement de probl�me:BlueScreen
Version du syst�me:6.1.7601.


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Default Gateway Not Available - Network Icon Showing Yellow Triangle

Jun 29, 2011

I have been getting this error, sometimes a few times a day or then sometimes a week.. But still it has the same effect as being on Facebook. The thing that happens is that I get a little yellow triangle with the exclamation mark on it and I cant get online and the only solution so far is that I have to troubleshoot my internet and then I am online again! But I need a better solution because yes no one wants every time to right click the network icon in the right corner and press Troubleshoot Problems.

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File Sharing Across A Home Network - The Network Path Was Not Found"

Aug 9, 2011

I'm having difficulty trying to get my new Windows 7 pc set up to share files across my existing home (wired) network which consists of 1 desktop pc running WinXP and 1 laptop running WinXP.I want the 'C' drive on each of the 3 computers to be shared. I've had the 2 Windows XP computers set up and working like this for several years without a problem but I can't seem to get the 'C' drive on the Windows 7 computer to do the same.All 3 computers have the same workgroup name and none of them require passwords to log on to Windows. There are no problems with the firewalls on any of the machines.On the Windows 7 PC when I right click on the 'C' drive and select the 'Sharing' tab, I have set this up to be shared and when I click on the 'Advanced Sharing' button there is a tick in the 'Share this folder' box, the 'Share name' is 'C'. If I then click on the 'Permissions' button, this shows a 'Group or user name' 'Everyone' and this group has Full Control, Change and Read boxes ticked. As far as I can see there is nothing more I can do.

However from my Windows XP computer, when I go to My Network Places and double click on the icon for the Windows 7 'C' drive, I get the message "\Computername is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The network path was not found"I've subsequently set up a sub folder (of the Windows 7 'C' drive) for sharing by right clicking on the folder, choosing 'Share with' and then selecting 'Specific people'. I then set up a group called 'Everyone' with read/write permissions. Now I can navigate to this folder from my 2 WinXP computers.

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Unable To See Home Network Computers In Windows Explorer Network Screen

May 14, 2012

Unable to see home network computers in Windows Explorer Network screen.

I have a home network with 2 laptops and 1 desktop. The desktop I use as a "file server" in that all work done on the laptops is stored to the desktop. The desktop computer name is HAL. One laptop is fine and sees the network. The other just stopped seeing it; rebooted the laptop; rebooted HAL; did a number of refreshes without any luck. I opened EXCEL and found a worksheet that was listed that I knew was saved on HAL. Was able to open the file and when I tried the SAVE AS I could navigate through all of HAL just as normal. Went to Windows Explorer and still no HAL listed as a COMPUTER on the NETWORK. I have a internet connection so I know I am making it to the router at least. And when I check NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER it shows an active home network. The laptop is running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

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Network Constantly Changing Between Unidentified Public Network And Home

Aug 30, 2012

Home network with Wifi and ethernet. Using 3x Notebooks and 3x workstations. One of the workstations (W7 ultimate) keeps changing between Public and Home. When this happens, the internet connection dies. I cannot see other workstations either when on public network. Workstation using wifi. Does the same on cable. When it changes to Public, it disconnects from the internet and I cannot get to the router even though it has the workstation has an IP(DHCP or static). Default gateway and subnet is correct. TCP v4 is being used and nothing else is enabled.

Why is this happening?
- I have tried DHCP as well as Static addresses
- Reconfigured NIC(Netgear WG311T), uninstalled and reinstalled it.
- Removed Wifi connection and re-added it.
- Changed auth type, encryption type and keys to connection

Have I covered everything? The only thing different is that I installed a new router - Duo Plus 300wr. It cannot be the router because all the other notebooks connect to it wireless and so does my iPad, Android device and it rules that out?

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Network Location - Set As Home, Work, Or Public Network

Jan 14, 2010

How to Set the Windows 7 Network Location Type ?

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Reaching A Network Printer In A Home Network?

Jan 20, 2011

New windows 7 Home Premium desktop that can print when the printer is directly connected but can't print when the printer is connected to an XP pro pc. It can see it but we're getting a "driver cannot be found on the network" flag.

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Unidentified Network - Cannot Change It To HOME NETWORK

Oct 22, 2009

Okay so I've installed windows and everything is working okay except i can't connect my laptop to my computer via LAN because it won't let me change it to a HOME NETWORK. It is just gets set to an unidentified Network. any possible suggestions?

Also I've look at removing this from the services but its not running it when i go under task manager, unless it somewhere else.

"##Id_String2.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B87 9762 ##"

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Home Network Password?

Feb 4, 2009

can't find password for home networkWhen I try to join my win 7 machine, it says must have password. Where is it located,

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Home Network Without A Router?

Sep 21, 2012

I have a new HP Pavillon g4 with Windows 7 Home Premium installed and connect to the internet via an external antenna to a hotspot nearby. I'm trying to create a Home Network or Ad-Hoc computer to computer network without a router and without cables, using my Windows 7 computer as the master, receiving the internet, and my second computer running on XP SP2 as a slave. I have tried ad-hoc setup, but my XP does not connect to the internet (the XP connects without problem when I insert the external antenna directly). Does anyone know if it is possible to share internet between Windows 7 and XP and how to go about it? I googled for hours and tried different setups, all failed. I have successfully installed the "Virtual Router Manager", it works well between Windows 7 computers or tablets, but not with XP.

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How Do I Connect To Home Network?

Jun 13, 2009

So, I was just wondering how I could get my laptop to connect to the network that is connect to my desktop that has win 7 installed on it. I'm trying to get the printer attached to it to talk with my mother's laptop that has win xp on it. Could someone please give me a pointer for that kind of connection?

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Can't See Computer On Home Network

Jun 25, 2011

-Computer 1 sees Computer 2 and 3 just fine. Can browse the folders they have shared, etc.

-Computer 3 sees Computer 1 and 2 just fine. Can browse the folders they have shared, etc.

-Computer 2 sees Computer 1 just fine. Computer seems to be somewhat aware of Computer 3 (it sees it as a media device for viewing pictures/video/whatever) but it does not see it under the Computer list in Network. In other words, it can't navigate to it and browse its folders.

I've messed with everything on Computer 3 I could possibly think of. There was never at any point an option to select who had access to what, specifically. I simply told it to give full permissions to "EVERYONE" which I would assume is everyone on the network.Firewall is off on all three computers.

-Sharing and discovery is on on all three computers.
-File and Printer sharing is on on all three computers.
-Public folder sharing is on on all three computers.

It can't be a "64-bit and 32-bit can't talk" issue since Computer 1 sees and is seen by Computer 3 just fine.It can't be a "wireless and wired can't talk" issue since Computer 1 sees and is seen by Computer 3 just fine.

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Networking With An Win XP Home Network

Aug 29, 2009

How do I network my Windows 7 desktop to my windows XP home network?

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Home Network Two PC's But Only One Can Access Other

Aug 9, 2012

I have two HP desktops running Windows 7. One is connected by wire to my router because the router is right near that PC. The other PC is downstairs and connected wirelessly. There is also a Mac downstairs, connected by wire. We also have an internet TV, Playstation 3, smart phones and tablets. All of these last items connect wirelessly to the network without problems. The HP PC downstairs can see and access my PC upstairs, as well as all my external drives, media server etc. I can see and access the Mac. I do see the other HP PC in my network folder, but when I try to access it, it won't work.I have discovery turned on on both. Strange thing is that sometimes, it works. But only now and then, and there doesn't seem to be any reason to this.

I thought that maybe mixing wired and wireless devices could be a problem, but all the other devices are fine. Also, I forgot that I sometimes use my Vista laptop, and that connects fine to other devices. It's only that one PC downstairs that I can't access. Is there a way to remove it from the network folder and maybe have windows 'find' it again?

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Set Network Location To HOME

Oct 21, 2009

How do I set my network location, which is currently "public" to "Home"?

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Can't Connect To Home Network

Nov 7, 2009

I'm totally new to Windows 7, I've read through a lot of the threads here but can't fix the problem.

I have a network of two vista Pc's connected to a router, no problems. But I can't get my new windows 7 laptop to join the network. The laptop connects to the router and internet fine, but can't see either PC. The PC can see the laptop sometimes, but can't access it - when I click to open get a 0x80070035 error. And once I change a combination of settings the PC can't see it anymore.

I have also tried connecting just to the router, turning off firewalls but that doesn't work either. File sharing is on, on all computers.

Unsure what to try next?

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Connecting To Home Network

Nov 15, 2009

I have a laptop with Windows 7 and I am trying to connect to my home network. My home network consists of two other Windows XP computers connected to a router. I have the Internet connection that the other two computers have, but I cannot see any of their files and they do not show up as network places. How do I fix this? I am not a tech person and I don't understand all this fiddly stuff and I'm getting really frustrated.

The weirdest thing is, I was able to access the other two computers fine yesterday but now they do not turn up?? I have restarted multiple times but to no avail.

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Cannot Set Network Location To HOME

Nov 25, 2009

I have a desktop PC with a Broadcomm Gigabit ethernet onboard. I live in a rural area and do not have cable internet and I have to use wireless. I have a UM175 wireless USB device. I use the USB to connect to the internet and use "Internet Connection Sharing" to share with my local connection (Broadcomm).

I set the Broadcomm to and all the other PC's on my home network can get to the Internet through it.

My problem is I cannot get the Broadcomm network location to get set to Home. It keeps defaulting to Public, and because it is Public, I cannot use Homegroups with it because it is being seen as a Public network.

I tried removing the wireless card and, using Device manager, I disabled the Broadcomm and re-enabled it but when it came back online it automatically reverted to "Public".

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