Gateway For Wireless Network?

Nov 30, 2012

i am looking for information regarding .. how could i make my server computer running as gateway ..on window 7.

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ATT Gateway Has Wireless But No Routing?

Jan 4, 2011

ATT recently provided me a gateway modem. It has wireless, but no routing. Any way I can RDP into the only machine physically connected to that gateway without intoducing a router and setting up the gayway for passthrough?

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Windows 7 And Connection To At&t Wireless Gateway?

Jun 16, 2012

I have a BRAND NEW Toshiba Satellite c655 with Windows 7 that will NOT connect to my wireless network. I have an iPad and several wireless phones that connect just fine.I own a Radio Shack franchise and am trying to download iTunes onto a customers NEW laptop

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Brand New Asus Z54C-JS91 Wireless Default Gateway Not Available

Oct 19, 2012

I've been helping a friend of mine set his new laptop up, and I ran into an issue when I tried to connect to my wireless network. It attempts to connect, then just hangs there. I've tested this on multiple routers. And every time, after a few seconds, it says "No Internet Connection." The internet works when I use an ethernet cable, but not wirelessly. I tried all of the fixes I could find. Disabling ipv6, resetting my router to factory default settings, uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, etc. I even reinstalled Windows 7 with my Window Ultimate install disc (I figured that maybe he had gotten a bad install) and I still had no luck. When I tried pinging the router's IP address ( and got:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0(0% loss)

The model of the card is Railink RT5390. The router is an Arris router/modem combo and was supplied to me by Comcast. Tell me if I need to supply more information. Is it possible that it's a bad WLAN card?

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Windows 7 Network Map Showing A New Gateway?

May 1, 2012

I live in a student shared house which has a WiFi network set up. It has come to my attention that my network has recently gained a gateway between the router and the internet which is visible through the windows network map, myself and my housemates all connect to the internet through the router but it appears that this gateway is linked to one of my housemates, right-clicking the gateway brings a drop down menu with his computer name in the list.Since this gateway between the router and the internet connection has appeared there has been a noticeable performance loss to the network, being the only gamer in the house this has affected me the most in games having higher pings and dropouts all the time, although i understand that is also normal with using WiFi it has not been that much of a problem until now.I would like to ask how and why he is able to create gateway between the router and internet connection and how to stop it, i would like to also point out that the individual love his torrents and has possibly found a way around the bandwidth limiter in the router, he has currently denied any foul play but has tried other things in the past.

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Replace The Main Gateway PC In Home Network?

Mar 21, 2012

I am replacing my main computer which is connected to router in home network and wonder if all I have to do in put new tower in place of the old and the computer and router will read each and network will be set up.

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Default Gateway Not Available, Network Connected BOTH Wifi And LAN

Nov 2, 2011

Seems to be popping up alot, so maybe some one has an idea. I recently woke up to find that my Acer Aspire 5250 notebook with an Atheros network card, which had the previous evening had wifi connection, no longer could get online. Further investigation showed that the notebook was/is connecting to the home network, although not recognizing it as such (just says unidentified network), can correctly communicate the WEP key, but is unable to get any internet connection. Specific error is that the machine has limited connectivity. Now, where this gets a little stranger is that it is the same with the ethernet connection - a physical connection to the router results in the same thing - a connection to the netowrk, but no internet connection.I first called Acer, who were useless, and wanted the machine mailed away for inspection at my cost - not bloody likely. They then said it must be the ISP and something to do with the netowrk configuration. I first tried a rollback to before the problem occurred - nothing. Called the ISP who said nope, not them, particualrly as it had been working, and I have another Aspire, an Asus O!Play Air and an Ipod touch on the wifi connection, as well as a wired connection for my desktop. They had me reset the router regardless, to no avail.
I then uninstalled the devices (LAN and wifi), and reinstalled them - no device errors in the manager, but also no change in the problem.

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Network Controller Driver For Gateway Nv55c

Dec 8, 2012

I can't seem to find the right driver anywhere. virus crashed computer, have found most of the other drivers but I keep going in circles on this one

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Gateway ZX6980 Windows 7 Network Adapter?

Jan 23, 2013

I bought the Gateway All-In-One ZX6980 that was pre-installed with Windows 8 (which i HATE).I work from home and they do not support Windows 8 so I had to downgrade. I wiped the hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 7. The one thing that is missing is the network adapters

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Default Gateway Unavailable - Network Adaptor Errors

Jan 24, 2010

I used to have a ton of problems with my network adapter. It would always encounter and error saying "default gateway unavailable"

I recently reinstalled windows and updated the nvidia drivers for my motherboard and when I looked into the drivers folder in Cwindows/system32/drivers, I saw that there was a driver that says nvm62x64.sys and nvm64x64.sys. When I uninstall the drivers and leave the stock windows ones, i only get nvm62x64.

I think this is significant because the fix I found to this problem on a windows support forum was that if you download the vista driver for the motherboard and extracted it to folder, you would find a file named nvmfdx64.sys and you would then rename that to nvm62x64.sys (the win 7 file name). Then you would replace the windows driver with the aformentioned vista driver and everything worked for me and never had that default issue again.

so I am wondering what the heck is that nvm64x64.sys file that nvidia put in there and I think this may be the cause of the problems because everything works without the particular file.

any comments on that theory?

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Gateway I3-370M NV5916H Crashing When Transferring Files To Network HD

Apr 10, 2012

My computer always crashes and restarts Windows 7 when I try to transfer large files wirelessly to my network external drive. My old penthium running Vista has no problem doing it...

Here is the log...

Signature du probl�me :
Nom d��v�nement de probl�me:BlueScreen
Version du syst�me:6.1.7601.


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Default Gateway Not Available - Network Icon Showing Yellow Triangle

Jun 29, 2011

I have been getting this error, sometimes a few times a day or then sometimes a week.. But still it has the same effect as being on Facebook. The thing that happens is that I get a little yellow triangle with the exclamation mark on it and I cant get online and the only solution so far is that I have to troubleshoot my internet and then I am online again! But I need a better solution because yes no one wants every time to right click the network icon in the right corner and press Troubleshoot Problems.

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Configure Wireless Router WNR500 To Existing Wireless Network?

Oct 19, 2012

how to configure my wireless router WNR500 to my existing wireless network

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Cant Find Wireless Network Can See Other Wireless Networks?

Feb 10, 2013

how come can't get signal internet in my houese althogh have a wifi in theh building my computer is dell kind? what need to do or something.

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Network Card Name Reporting Incorrectly In Wireless Network List Area?

Jan 30, 2012

My rig uses a Centrino Advanced-N 6230 wireless mini half-card. It reports the correct name except within the wireless network list. Instead of 6230 it reports 6320. I searched the registry to see if I could find the error, but nothing found. It's only a nuisance, and a minor one at that.

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Wireless Connection Network Says It Is An Unidentified Network?

May 12, 2011

Recently when I try and connect to the internet my wireless connection network says it is an unidentified network with no internet access. This never happened before.

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How To Off A Pc Over A Wireless Network

May 19, 2012

How to off a pc over a wireless network

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Can See The Network But Not Connect (wireless)

Mar 28, 2011

I got a brand new HP with Windows 7 and it will not connect to my network. It sees it and I have another laptop connected to it as well as a desktop hardwired to it. Like I said, this thing is brand new.

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Cant Connect To Wireless Network?

Mar 31, 2011

as of today i am not able to connect to my home network it used to work perfectly before but now when i try to connect it says unidentified network no internet accesit does work on all the other laptops herei also can conect to my neighbours wireless internet fine and when i plug the cabel in its also workingany ideas on how to fix this (not so good with computers so try to be gentel) ?

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Shutting Down Wireless Network

Mar 10, 2012

I would like to know how I can disable and reenable the wireless network from within Windows 7, without having to get up and hit the button on the modem. I tried going to network and sharing\network map and disabling there, but it had no effect on the wireless connections.also, I can't see the wireless connection at all in the network map. I can see my computer and my wifes, but not the kids xbox (which is whats using the wireless)

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Wireless Network Adapter

Oct 14, 2009

im running windows 7 on my toshiba sattelite L15 S104 and and i cant find a driver for my T60N871 802.11 b/g WLAN wirless adapter. its made by intel but it says foxconn with it also. ive tried and and still cant find it. does anyone know where i can because i really dont want to go buy a new wirless net work adapter.

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Wireless G Or N For A Network Printer?

Aug 17, 2012

I'm looking into purchasing a new printer. However, the one I am interested in only has up to wireless G. I'm just looking for some opinions. Do you believe I'd be better off with one that has wireless N?

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Cannot See Specific Wireless Network?

Oct 1, 2010

With my netbook Acer Aspire One 521 I have previously connected to both home and work wireless networks with no problems, however the work network no longer appears in the 'available connections' list. I get a variety of available connections from the local area (more than any other computer) but not the specific router I am looking for & sat next to!I can still connect at home no problems with the netbook (i.e the wireless adaptor is functional) and with my laptop I have no problems at work, nor do any of my colleagues - so the router is functioning correctly.I have tried:- restarting both netbook & router- checked the router is set to mixed (b&g signal type)- checked the wireless connections list for duplicate entries and tried deleting the saved previous entry for the work network- using a system restore point from when I could connect to the networkNo new software, antivirus/firewall etc.. have been installed since it has been working as I got all that up and running at home prior to taking it in to work.Laptop has Windows 7 Home Premium & netbook Windows 7 starter.

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Wireless Connects To Same Network Twice?

Mar 10, 2011

On 2 different laptops, one running professional, the other running Home Media, the computer tries to connect to my home network twice. The most frequent example is when I try to connect wirelessly, in network connections I will see my network named two time. "Connected to Network, Network1" When this happens I can not connect to the internet. I AM connected to the network and can see other PC's in the network. If I disable the device and re-enable it, this usually solves the issue.

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Can't Connect To Wireless Network

May 5, 2011

I can see the wireless connection on the laptop but it won�t connect.this networks no needed user name and pass to laptop is vostro 1015 os: windows 7 ultimate.

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Cant Connect To Wireless Network

Jun 30, 2011

I cant connect to my wireless network because it says no connections are available and theres a red X over an icon that looks like a computer

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Can See Wireless Network But Won't Connect

Aug 25, 2011

I have 3 computers all running 64bit Windows Home premium all have 802.11n cards. 2 have no problem connecting to the wireless network the 3rd can see the network but won't connect or has the dreaded yellow exclamation mark with limited connectivity.

This seems to be a windows issue but not sure. When I look at the wireless profile in windows it says the security is WEP but the router is set up as WPA-2. I have tried changing the setting in Windows to WPA-2 but that then generates another error in the network discovery window saying the settings are not correct or something to that effect.

1) I have reinstalled the driver didn't work.

2) I have removed the security altogether didn't work.

3) reset the router didn't work (Although as stated earlier the other 2 computers connect with no problems)

4) Deleted wireless profile and started again didn't work.

The following worked untill I restarted the computer but would not after that even if I applied the same steps.

1) Assigned a static IP - This worked but once I restarted the computer it would no longer connect. Tired different IP address from 192.168.1-149. No joy
2)Copied the network profile from both the other machines same result as #1.

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PC Unable To See Wireless Network

Sep 25, 2011

Prior to Saturday morning, my computer was able to detect the router and connect to the internet. However, as of yesterday, my computer is no longer able to see any wireless networks.My dad did change the frequency of the router yesterday, but all the other PC's in the house are able to connect again - except for mine. I've tried rebooting the livebox, rebooting my PC, pressing the wi-fi button, changing my adapter's usb slot and also reinstalling my adapter's drivers. None of these have made a difference.

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Cannot Connect To Wireless Network

Nov 10, 2011

I have just set up a wireless network, and my phone (android) can connect to it fine with the correct wep key, but my laptop (windows 7) cannot. it sees the network but when I try to connect it does not ask for a wep key, it just tells me it cannot connect. I have tried going into the 'network and sharing center' and connecting manually but no dice.

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Wireless Network Not Found?

Mar 27, 2012

I have two PCs sitting side by side. They are both served by the same Linksys wireless router. One has a Linksys internal wireless adapter that does not recognize the wireless signal that the PC next to it is now receiving. Both PCs got the signal last week and worked fine before I installed windows 7 to the one that now cannot recognize my wireless network signal. That PC shows two old wireless network names that no longer exist, but it does not show the new wireless network.I have tried to go through the Control Panel to > Network and Internet to create the new Network name or get the adapter to sense the new network. But, no luck.What am I doing wrong? My Windows 7 install seems to have creamed my wireless network setup on the PC that will not now pick up the wireless signal.

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Setting Up Wireless Ad Hoc Network?

Jul 25, 2012

I want to set up a Hot spot for my iPad on my wired internet at work. I have followed all of the steps to set up my ad hoc network but when i hit "NEXT" to actually set up the network it simply says "WINDOWS CANNOT SET UP "network name" ....Am i missing something?

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