Mouse Is Lagging When Scroll It?

Apr 16, 2012

well this just happened out of nowhere like 1hour ago, every time i scroll around with my mouse it laggs spike, its difficult to click on a button, i already checked the control panel/mouse sensitivity and its fine, it just happened randomly.

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Bluetooth Mouse Lagging Out

Dec 27, 2009

I have a Microsoft Intellimouse Bluetooth connected to an usb bluetooth dongle using win 7 drivers.

Mouse works perfect för 30-60 minutes but then starts to lag out and move very erratic. After a reboot the mouse is back in perfect shape. Its not a signal issue since its always perfect right after reboot and signal strenght is displayed as strong.

Once starting to lag it wont go back until reboot. Any ideas?

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Mouse Is Lagging / Is It Hardware Or OS

Apr 11, 2012

I recently restored my Win7x64 system from a previous backup.It's running fine for the most part. However all of a sudden my mouse has been locking up on me. How can I diagnose if it's a hardware or software problem? The "freeze" of movement lasts about 1-2 seconds.It's seemingly random; occurring from once every few minutes to only a few times an hour.It happens regardless of the programs or number of programs I'm running. Firefox, LibreOffice, games, etc.Because it's so short of a lag and it happens randomly, I can't be totally sure if it's the OS or the mouse. However when I'm playing a game, everything in game continues unaffected so perhaps it is only my mouse control that lags.I figure this is either some latency issue with my computer, or maybe my mouse itself is dying. Is there a diagnostics tool/software/app/method out there I can employ to figure out if my OS is just acting up, or if I need to buy a new mouse?

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Mouse Lagging And Itunes Distortion?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm having this issue where all of a sudden my mouse starts to lag and when I move it, it just jerks around in a non smooth motion. At times this also happens with iTunes starting to make a hi-pitch noise or crackling. The CPU isn't the issue, I don't see it spiking or having any influence.This has happen over 2 computers. Both systems I've used a wireless Mircosoft mouse and it's only a foot away from the receiver. I built a new system last month. I have an i7, 16GB Ram, Ge Force 1GB 9800 and I'm using Realtek integrated Audio and using a SSD.My previous system was a Quad 6600, 8 GB Ram, Quadro 1700 and a Creative Audio card.I've found this issue online but no real fixes. So far I've read about limiting iTunes to one core, reinstalling QuickTime, that's if iTunes is the issue. I've figured having this issue with the old system, it was just a problem that I left behind!

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MS Wireless Mouse 1058 Lagging?

Jan 4, 2013

After installed Window 7 on my PC, my wireless MS model 1058 start lagging. I have changed batteries on both without any improvement.

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Mouse Won't Scroll Only In IE

Dec 7, 2012

I have an old wired (I think it's a logitech) mouse, and it has stopped scrolling only in IE. It will scroll in Firefox though. And I don't know if it works in Chrome or not because Chrome has totally died on me and is just a mess.

how to get my mouse to scroll?

I looked for drivers thinking I maybe needed to update them, but it says drivers are not required. I have disconnected and reconnected the mouse from my PC, which is running Windows 7, and still no luck.

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When Scroll With Mouse It Goes Really Fast

Jul 13, 2011

when I scroll with my mouse it goes really fast . is there any way I can slow it down.

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Touchpad Mouse On Laptop Won't Scroll

Jul 14, 2012

My laptop touchpad mouse can't scroll up or down. When I go to Control Panel > Mouse > I can't find the wheel tab..?

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Keyboard And Mouse Strange (no @ And No Scroll)

Apr 2, 2009

I have a very strange problem. Windows vista wont recognize my touchpad's scroll (when I move my finger up and down on the right side of the toucpad nothing happens). Ive tried fixing it in the control panel, but I apparently cant.

Also, I use a western spanish keyboard and I cant use @ (in spanish keyboard is (AltGr+Q)). I can only use it by changing the keyboard to English (Shift+2). Anybody has a solution??

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Mouse With Toggle Switch Instead Of Scroll Wheel?

Apr 24, 2012

Any new computer mouse with a toggle switch instead of a scroll wheel? I have a Sony mouse with that arrangement but the left click is getting a bit erratic. I suppose I could replace the switch but it would be easier to get a new mouse when this one finally quits. The toggle makes it much easier to scroll through long documents than roll, roll, roll the wheel.

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Grab Scroll Bar By Holding Down Right Mouse Button

Aug 11, 2012

I'm looking for a program that "grabs the scroll bar" when holding down the right mouse button. Then when moving the mouse cursor, it should act exactly like I'm actually holding down the scroll bar. Then when I let the right mouse button up, it doesn't scroll any more when moving the mouse cursor. If I'm not clear about what I mean - let me know. I've tried some programs already, but only one could work like this: MouseImp Pro Live! But the sad thing is that this only seems to work in Windows, but not in other programs and such.

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Wireless Mouse Wheel Suddenly Started Zooming In When Scroll Down

Oct 28, 2011

Why is the wheel on my wireless mouse suddenly zooming in when I scroll down the page when it has never done this before. I have updated Windows recently.

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Cannot Enable Smooth Mouse Scroll In Windows Explorer Navigation Pane

Sep 22, 2010

Not sure if this is due to my hardware or some setting in Windows 7. I have Win 7 Pro x64 on a Sony Vaio ZPCZ11. Using the MS Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 7000. In the file view of Windows File Explorer, if I click in the space and wheel scroll, everything works fine and the scrolling is smooth. But when I click in the Navigation Pane (Folder List) and try the same thing, it wants to scroll an entire page at a time. I cannot get the smooth mouse scrolling to work in this Pane!

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Browers Scroll When Cursor Not In Scroll Area?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a gateway m-6843 laptop that originally came with vista. It has a track pad, or whatever that thing on laptops is called. I installed windows 7. In both FF and IE when the cursor is NOT in the scroll area, it acts as though I am holding on to the scroll bar. So if I move my cursor down near the bottom of the main part of the browser page (again, outside of the scroll area) it acts as if I grabbed the scroll bar and flung it down. It is intermittent, but bad enough that doing anything online is almost impossible.

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Lagging Sound Even After Reformat?

Jan 23, 2012

So i had lagging sound whenever my computer was loading something or i was scrolling slowly through something. I reinstalled windows and still had the same error, this makes me believe the problem is my hardware. So where should i physically start looking for the problem?

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Windows 7 Freezing And Lagging?

Jun 14, 2012

Yesterday, while browsing on firefox, my browser started to massivly slow down, and noticed it wasn't the only thing. So I restarted and it was still slow, and startup was a bit slow.So I've restarted in safe mode to run my AVG, it stopped half way through(assuming halfway, it was scanning some system32 stuff and stopped around there.So I rebooted again into safemode with networking to download spybot S&D and run Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes detected nothing, well, nothing until it froze about an hour and three minutes inIf this problem is similar to the problem I had once before, my computer will become slower each time it starts up until it freezes just by trying to log-in.[CODE]

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Lagging And Freezing Constantly?

Aug 14, 2012

I have a Compaq Presario CQ56 laptop. Operating system is Windows 7. Google chrome is my internet browser. I bought it new a year and a half ago. In the past week it has started to lag and freeze constantly. It also takes forever for it to load when it has been shut down.

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Lagging Screen Savers With SLI

Jul 30, 2009

I have 2 XFX 7600 Gt's and I had to reinstall Windows 7 and now whenever I enable SLI my screen savers become choppy ... no matter what settings I use ... I have checked my graphics settings, my resolution, and my refresh rate. It all seems good. Any ideas?

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PC Slow Down And PC Games Lagging?

May 19, 2011

My PC games like fifa 11, nba 2k11, assassin's creed start lagging today. It only started lagging after the match started (no lagging before menu screen) . It is not my pc spec that cause the lagging because I played these games for a whole month without lagging. I also noticed that my computer is a little bit slower than usual. I think the last thing I did is my assassin's creed crash and i pressed the power off button. The first around 8 times I played it, it didn't crash but after that it always crashes after 30-40 minutes i play. So I don't know what to do and press power off button, then wait for a while then press on again. And there is some new problem occur. When I'm watching video using chrome, sometimes it lag or just got no sound when the video is playing. Is it because of the graphic card or virus? I already scan with avira,malwarebyte and spybot. There is no virus according to them.My pc specs are asus n53s, intel i5, 4gb ram, 640hdd, window 7 and nvidia geforce gt540m 1gb.

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Vista 64 Lagging Randomly

May 11, 2012

I'm running an AMD 3.2GHz Dual Core Black Edition, 4Gb Ram, Water cooled processor sitting at 40 degrees constant.

So I have been having this problem for quite a while and I can't seem to get if fixed. Vista will lag horribly and it won't resolve itself. I have to do a hard restart and then it works fine for an specified amount of time. It will also lag randomly in the middle of Counter Strike Source and I have to do a hard reset there as well.

I've checked numerous forums regarding this same issue, ran multiple virus/malware scans, registry cleaners, defragged hard drives and registry, repaired vista using the sfc commands. I've used AVG and I'm using Avanti now. Neither show any malware/viruses. I've updated drivers and the BIOS. I've narrowed it down to either the system idle process(i know what it does but it still sits around 48-80% while I'm using the computer) or explorer(which will also be up around 20-30%). I've tried copying and renaming explorer.exe and changing the registry. All I get later is a black screen to which I have to go through the task manager run command to switch the registry back to the explorer.exe. I've run HijackThis and I'm including the logs below.


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Slow Loading Videos And Lagging

Feb 29, 2012

I am completely stumped as to why videos tend to lag & freeze my screen for 10 second intervals, aswell as cause my browser to freeze with a busy icon. I've tried everything I know to do with no progress. I've tried numerous different browsers with no luck, scanning for all well as disabling firewalls, cycling my router/modem & making sure all of my drivers are up to date. My computer should handle everything just fine.

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Duplicate Words Typed When Lagging

Sep 9, 2011

Sometimes when I lag and Im typing my words Im typing will type out twice and overlap in sentences. In the screenshot I have included you can see this. I tried typing "I know theres ppl who work for little pay", and it overlapped. This issue used to happen on my old computer which was Windows XP but it only had 1 gb of RAM I know have 2gb and I thought I wouldnt be dealing with lag issues as often.

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Lagging On Abode Flash Player

Dec 6, 2009

i'm not sure if anyone else has this problem but with both internet explorer 8 and mozilla firefox 3.5, there appears to be lagging on Internet. i am pretty sure it's not my broadband because i get 6.5mb/s. i have a sis mirage 3 with the latest drivers, intel pentium dual core @1.73ghz, wep 3.0, and windows 7 professional. anyone else had this problem or is it just me?

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Games Are Lagging After Upgrading To Windows 7

Jul 22, 2011

I recently upgraded from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.

And my PC have:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @2.93Ghz 2.94Ghz
2Gb memory RAM

I was wondering why games like MAFIA 2 are lagging when It runs very smoothly before when I'm still in XP. .... Is my video card damage? Or it's just Windows 7 consumes alot of RAM than XP when/even without running games??

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Control Lagging In Racing Games?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a problem with game lagging. All the racing games (All need for speeds, all colin mcrae games, test drive unlimited) all work brilliant when it comes to graphics but there is a lag of like half a second to a second when it comes to controlling the car itself and it is very annoying and makes the games unplayable.

Computer specs:

Hp Compaq Presario Cq61
Pentium(R) Dual-core CPU T4200 @2.00GHz,
Nvidia GeForce G103M 512MB
Windows 7 64bit

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Games Lagging With Direct X Update

Aug 12, 2012

I've been playing PC games on my new laptop for a few months now, all of which can run on Direct X 11. Two games, Saints Row the Third and Civilizations V I run using Direct X 9 mode, which helps me keep my laptop temperature down.Recently, however, I have bought and downloaded a few games via Steam that are older, that only use Direct X 9.0c. When I run any of these games for the first time, Steam will start "installing Direct X...". After that, all of my games run with very noticeable lag. I will lose FPS (going from 70+ to about 20-) every 20 seconds or so. If I perform a system restore to the moment before Steam installed the Direct X, everything starts running fine again.This has rendered half of my games on Steam unplayable because they all need to install Direct X before playing. The only topic I could find with a similar problem to mine was an unanswered thread here: link .

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Cursor/Pointer Lagging On Laptop?

Oct 23, 2011

So a few days ago my cursor started lagging. Everything else run normally - it's just the cursor. Occasionally it goes smooth again, but then returns to lag-ville after a while.I've ran NOD32 antivirus scans,cleaned my registries with CCleaner,ran Spybot,tried reinstalling/ updating mouse and display drivers. Still nothing.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 23:49:15, on 23.10.2011
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Normal

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Computer Keeps Lagging/freezing Every Few Seconds?

Aug 28, 2012

My problem is that my computer keep lagging every few seconds, the video (entire display, including mouse) freezes and audio buzzes.I can go for a while without anything going wrong on my computer, but once it starts to lag, it happens for about 10 seconds on and off.This happens almost randomly, the freeze is about a half a second and happens one after the other.I have looked at many different articles describing problems similar, but all of them are talking about, just a video lag, or just an audio, etcAt first I thought it might be my ram, maybe it was faulty, but i have switched the two 4gb sticks around and tested both so I know its not the ram.

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Bootmgr Is Corrupt - Lagging Install

May 14, 2011

I got my new computer at Christmas time and up until now its worked great. This morning my computer was lagging as was the internet to i rebooted and i saw bootmgr is corrupt - system cannot boot. I went to repair it with the Windows 7 disc but the 'loading files' bit seems to take ages and it takes forever for the language and keyboard selection screen to come up. When i hit repair or new instal (ive tried both) it seems to be loading but then a black screen will appear and the dics in my comp will be spinning, but then nothing happens. The red loading light on my tower seems to blink on a repeated pattern.

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Windows Media Player Lagging

Oct 15, 2011

My Windows Media Player was fine a week ago. However, a few days ago. It keeps displaying the blue loading ring and have a very slow response. When I open the Music section, its already lagging( nothing is being played at all) so i do not think its something with video codex.

Sadly i need Windows Media Player as my MP3 player only supports WMP and have i no idea to stop this lag when nothing is being played at all!

Using Windows 7 Home premium 64bit

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Slightly Lagging Video In All Players

Mar 15, 2012

I can't seem to get smooth playback with any videos and it's driving me insane. I've tried WMP, VLC, MPC-HC, and it makes little difference. It doesn't matter if it's 1080p or low res.Every video plays as if it has a a very low frame rate; basically a subtle lag/stuttering that gives me a headache if I look at it for too long. It's not really noticeable until there's quick movement in the video, I've tried many different output settings in these players, and used several different codec packs.

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