Install Windows 7 On A Separate SSD Drive (OCZ-Vertex3) But Windows Does Not See This Drive

Apr 9, 2012

I have a Gigabyte 880GM-D2H motherboard. I am trying to install Windows 7 on a separate SSD drive(OCZ-Vertex3) but Windows does not see this drive, but it is listed in my BIOS..

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How To Install OS On Separate Drive

Nov 24, 2011

I just bought an SSD and want to install windows 7 on it and have all my other files on a separate non ssd drive. How would you get the OS to change the default directory from C: to another directory and make it that way when installing programs etc.

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Trying To Install XP On A Separate Drive For Dual Boot

Oct 16, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC1, and am trying to install XP on a separate drive but am getting the following error:

"Setup could not load the keyboard layout file KBDUS.DLL.

Setup cannot continue. Power down or reboot your computer now."

I restart and am able to go back to Windows 7...Any ideas on how to get around this??

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Ghost A Win7 Install To Separate Hard Drive

Jul 30, 2009

I'm in IT (surprise surprise) and I have extra hard drives coming out my ears. I want to move my Win RC x64 install to a larger hard drive.

Whats the easiest way to do this? I know its possible, I used to ghost XP machines at the local highschool (dont fret, they were all licensed).

I'm toying with the concept of making a fresh install, and doing something to the effect of a system restore to it, or something like that.

On a slightly less related note, my system is more powerful a machine than i ever expected to own two years ago. Its a core i7 machine with 12gb of ram and Windows 7 installed on a raptor. Why doesn't a fresh install of Windows 7 simply fly? Sure, multitasking can be done almost infinitely (lol), but there's literally no speed increase in app startup times, opening "my computer" or the device manager. None of it works as quickly or smoothly as i would have thought.

Also, again, where can i find a simple list of changes between RC and RTM?

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Will XP Overwrite Windows 7 Bootloader If It's On A Separate Hard Drive?

Apr 13, 2011

I dual boot with Windows 7 on a physically separate hard drive, as well as XP, will XP still override my Windows 7 bootloader since it tends to get jealous?

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Using Windows 7 East Transfer From A Separate Drive Not Computer?

Jun 6, 2011

Have upgraded to win 7 home from vista on a laptop. I copied the old vista installation to an external hard drive, with a linux pen drive so was wonder if there was a way to do a transfer from the external hard drive to the new windows install

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Windows 7 Ultimate On An HP With The User Folders On A Separate Internal Drive?

Apr 27, 2011

I need some direction (or reassurance) about setting up a new Win 7 system using an older Win 7 user folder.I had Win 7 Ultimate on an HP with the user folders on a separate internal drive. The HP died; the drive with the user folders is intact.his user folder has almost 400 GB of data that we need to keep as is. (My wife's a video producer with several projects in work.)I bought a new Lenovo with Win 7 Home Premium. I set up user accounts (on the system drive) and then added the drive with the HP user accounts. I made the necessary registry changes to access the added drive for user folders. Upon booting, I checked the properties of my user folder on the drive I added and it reported 0 bytes!! I didn't want to risk losing that data so I shut it down. My original user folder still has everything I want and need.

I know the user folder has data for my applications. Is there data in the user folder specific for the computer I'm on? If so, what do I merge from the Lenovo user folder with my big user folder? If not, was the "0 byte report" a fluke?Also, would I be better off installing all my applications before incorporating this big user folder? I have not yet installed the Adobe software that will be using most of the data in the user folder.

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Using System Drive Data As A Data Drive On Separate Machine?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a system drive on a workstation which is 1) removable, 2) contains 2 partitions - one for the sytem & data files, one reserved by the os.

I would like to use this drive and it's file data in an external drive case (SATA) connected to my notebook.

Will the notebook handle the external drive properly?

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Having A Separate Boot Drive?

Nov 30, 2011

have a 1TB drive partitioned into two 500GB partitions. One has everything on it, the other is a backup of the other partition (I know, a horrible idea, but I had no alternative). I now have a 60GB SSD that I want to use only as a boot drive, and store everything else that I possibly can on the 1TB hard drive.Here's my question: What is the best way to go about setting this up? Do I need to set up RAID? Also, will I be able to selectively restore the OS and anything else necessary onto the SSD from my backup partition?

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Install Windows 7 With Sata Hard Drive And IDE DVD ROM Drive

Oct 8, 2010

I have tried numerous times on my PC to install Windows 7 onto my Sata Drive to no avail. Yet as soon as I plug in my IDE HD it installs fine.I have unplugged all external peripherals USB and internal Card Reader. Set my Bios ok as it sees both the Hard Drive and DVD fine (Both in the bios and during selection of hard drive during windows 7 installation). Yet when I come to install it, it craps out at a random percentage saying cannot read from source or worse yet it crawls so slow through the percentages (I really don't think Windows 7 should take 6 hours to get to 15%!!) Yet both the hard drive and dvd are fine and the disc works great on my other PC without the sata drive in.

My motherboard is a Biostar G31-M7 TE with latest bios now what is odd is that I recently updated the BIOS to the latest one so does my problem come from here or was it always going to be a problem on this board? Also when I do have Windows 7 installed on the IDE drive when I plug in ther sata drive inside the whole system goes belly up (from freezes when transferring large files to just not seeing the drive)

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Unable To Move Files To Separate Drive

Aug 5, 2012

I was just recently moving some of my files from My C drive to E. It was all going smoothly as I had done it before but, this time instead of copy and pasting I dragged and dropped the files over. I was doing this to cut down space on my C drive, to my surprise though I saw it was increasing (drive C) by every file I had put on E. I would like to know if I had done something wrong or what happened I started at 148GBs stored and it increased to 156GBs. If it helps I was moving games from my x86 program files.

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One External Hard Drive For 2 Separate Backups?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a Verbatim 931 GB external drive that I use to make backups on my laptop using Acronis TIH 2012. I also have another laptop with Windows 7 on it that I was wondering if somehow or someway use the one external hard drive to make image backups that I will be able to restore if something goes wrong. I gues I would have to split the 931GB into 2 seperate partitions or drives or something. This is what I'm asking. Is it possible to use this one big external drive to make backups on 2 seperate computers?

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Problem Accessing Separate Drive With Vista 32

Aug 16, 2009

I have 2 identical drives in my computer. Prior to Windows 7, I had Vista 32 Ultimate installed on drive 1. Drive 2 was used a backup drive.

I have now installed Windows 7 64 on drive 2. To make absolutely sure I didnt screw up my vista installation I removed drive 1 with vista on it from my pc.

I got Windows 7 up and running with no problems on drive 2 by doing a clean install by reformatting the entire drive, then reconnected drive 1 with Vista 32 installed. I can easily control which one I boot up by changing boot order in CMOS. This was done instead of having multiple boot partitions on a single driver for a few different reasons.

With both drives in and booted up under Windows 7 64, I am trying to access the data files on Vista 32. Unfortunately I dont have a drive letter for the vista 32 drive. I went into disk management to give it a drive letter, but I get an error message when I select drive letter. See attached image.

I tried refreshing and trying again but keep getting same error.

Is it possible to access the Data on the other drive under a NTFS partition? I did set the folders I wanted to access as viewable by everyone. the problem is I cant get a drive letter to the disk.

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Installing Data To A Separate Physical Drive

Sep 23, 2009

When the final version of Windows 7 is released I am going to install the Windows 7 operating system to my C drive and put my data on a separate physical D drive. I am going to put the temporary Internet files and the Windows temporary files folders on that D drive. What user folders would anyone suggests go to the D drive and what other data and/or folders would anyone suggest to go on the D drive?

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Changing Default Installation Folder To Separate Drive?

Sep 4, 2011

If you have a small but fast (or maybe not so fast) drive that you would like to ONLY run Windows off of and a larger separate HDD that you want to use as the install drive for all programs.In my case I have a 50GB SSD and a RAID0 array of 2TB. With space being limited on the SSD the best option for me is to install everything to the RAID array and leave the OS on the SSD. Mind you, you don't have to be running a RAID array to do this. That's just how my system is set up. You'll probably be better off just using a larger single HDD for stability reasons.And if you are doing a fresh install you should give this tutorial a look: User Profiles - Create and Move During Windows 7 Installation So the first step is to open REGEDIT. Simply click the Start Menu, type REGEDIT in the search bar and hit ENTER.Next look for the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Once opened go to "SOFTWARE". There are two folder in this directory we will be editing. Note that the second folder "WOW64" is only for 64-bit users. If you are running 32-bit then the "WINDOWS" folder is all you will need to make changes to.Now from the "WINDOWS" folder you want to select "CURRENTVERSION". Simply click the folder itself not the arrow next to it. This is what you should see in the main window to the right of the directories. Now my registry settings have already been changed. Note that my secondary drive is "D:". Originaly everything here was set to "C:".

Once this is finished the 32-bit users are finished and can restart their systems. 64-bit users have one more step. Now you want to go to your "WOW64" folder. While I just realized I forgot to cut a snippet for this step it's fairly simple. Once in the "WOW64" folder you once again want to click the "CURRENTUSER" folder and observe the main window to the right.Just like in the "WINDOWS" registry you will make the same changes. Once you have implemented your drive your registry should look like this.Now restart your system. Though there is a chance you are completely finished I highly suggest running a command prompt session and typing "sfc /scannow". This will allow your system to scan for any conflicts in the internal settings and fix them.

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Install Windows 7 Onto A Different Drive Letter/drive?

Mar 22, 2012

I have a new copy of windows y 64 bit ultimate. I currently use w7 64 home premium and it is on C drive and the drive is a sata 2 drive. But when I build my new system I want to install onto a new drive which is sata 6.0 and I have made a partition on that drive (letter M) for the O/S to be installed onto ( ive allowed 150Gb ).

So my question is when I build my system and am ready to install w7 can I install onto drive M on the new sata 6.0 drive?

I will unplug the old boot drive as I understand windows will boot to that if I dont unplug it, then when I have installed new O/S on the new drive, partition "M", I will plug it back in and format the old boot drive.

So then windows will boot to drive/partition M, if that works, and C drive will just become a data drive. I understand I probably will have to do some messing in bios, so any help with that will be good.

this will be my 1st build but I am not to bad with computers and have changed cpu's/HD's/gpu's/fans etc etc. but not mobo's and cases. And never changed a O/S onto another drive with a different boot drive letter.

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Recording Videos To Separate Hard Drive - Increase Performance?

Feb 24, 2012

I would like to know, if creating another partition, dedicated to media, would increase performance, and screen capture speed, like a separate hard disk would. I don't think it would because its still running on the same sata cable, meaning the transfer speed cant be dispersed, but I figured id ask to be sure. If I would get even a slight boost from this than I will defrag, and shrink my partition and add another for media.

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Have A 60GB SSD Boot Drive. Can Install Games To 1TB Secondary Drive

Jan 25, 2012

Check my Hardware specs for full information

Current setup:
C: Boot, Corsair SSD
D: Files, samsung HDD

D:/boot files/user/(all user account directories moved here, when possible) I'm wondering if it's possible to install games such as Assasins' Creed or Skrym, but install all game data to this folder?D:/boot files/programs/* Many installers allow you to define a custom installation path, But I am unsure if these games would ask for one or force me to install to the default directory?

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Install 2nd OS Windows XP On Separate HD?

May 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop and want to install Windows XP on a WD External Hard Drive. When I insert the CD for installation will I have the option of determining which HD it loads to?

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Install Win Xp Pro In A Partitioned Empty Drive (d) As The (c) Drive?

Jan 6, 2013

After "C" disk partition, I installed Win 7 in "C" drive. How can I install Win XP Pro in "D" drive?

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Install LG Super Multi Drive Install Disc For Windows 7

Nov 24, 2011

How do I install a Super Multi Drive to a mini computer HP 110? I have the device and the installation disk, however, the computer does not seem to be detecting it or providing an installation wizard for me to proceed.

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Install LG Super Multi-drive Install Disc For Windows?

Feb 6, 2013

Install LG Super multi drive install disc for windows

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How To Install Windows 7 From A USB Drive

Jan 25, 2009

Installs from a flash drive tend to take about 75% of the time it takes with a DVD. On my C2Q Q6600 it meant 20 mins instead of 29.This is for those who are having issues with running from a DVD, or just want to try it out/get it done faster.Back up the files from your USB drive, as it WILL get formatted in this process and all data on it will be lost!

1. Get a USB Drive, it must be at least 4 GB.

2. Plug the drive into your PC.

3. Open a command prompt as administrator. (Right click, Open as Admin, or Ctrl+Shift+ Click)

4. Get the drive number by typing:diskpart list disk On my machine the USB disk was number 1.

5. Format the drive by typing:
-select disk 1
-create partition primary
-select partition 1
-format fs=NTFS

6. Mount the Windows 7 beta iso or insert the disk.

7. Navigate to the boot directory cd E:oot (Where E is the drive letter of the DVD)

8. Using bootsect, we’ll make the USB drive a bootable NTFS drive, ready for a Windows 7 image: bootsect /nt60 F: (Where F is the drive letter of the USB Drive)

9. Close the command prompt

10. Copy the installation files from the mounted Windows 7 iso/disk to the USB drive.

11. Reboot the PC, and enter the BIOS (OR you can move to the boot manager menu, usually by pressing F10 if supported)

12. Set the boot priority to boot the USB drive first.

13. Install Windows 7.

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Install Windows 7 With Ide Dvd Drive?

May 11, 2010

I have windows 7 home prenium oem but I cant install it, nothing happen when I boot on dvd, I tryed on another dvd ide and didnt work either, I looked if I could see windows 7 files in windows xp explorer but It seem to not be able to read the dvd, I tryed to read others DVD and CD and all work fine. I even tryed another windows 7 DVD and same result, also the DVD drive make weird noise as if it has trouble to read it, like you know when you put the dvd in wrong side (no I didnt ),I tryed updating my DVD drive firmware but is up to date.

CPU: Intel Pentium E5200 @ 2.50GHz
Memory: 2.0GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 400MHz 5-5-5-18
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. EP41-UD3L (Socket 775)
HDD: 244.20GB Seagate ST3250310AS (SATA)

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Install Windows 7 From Pen Drive?

May 16, 2012

can i install windows 7 from pen drive and can we create bootable pen drive in windows 7

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Dvd Drive & HDD On Same IDE Install Windows & Ect

Feb 23, 2012

i know this is possible but could i install win xp then update it then Windows 7 all on the same ide and if so how would i set the drives up physically and inside the bios are even clone my 320gb hdd to my 80gb hdd my 320gb hdd has 284gb free space if cloning is possalbe i could then remove the dvd drive if not even clone create a usb Windows 7 installer never mind think i found a tut on it USB Windows 7 Installation Key Drive - Create

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Install Windows 7 On A GPT Drive?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a Gigabyte GA EP-45-UD3P motherboard and would like to know if it's possible to install Windows 7 on an HDD with GPT partition tables.

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Cannot Install Windows 7 On New Drive?

Nov 11, 2011

I�m trying to install Windows 7 on my backup computer. I initially installed it from the setup but the C drive is too small so I cannot install other programs so I want to install it on a larger hard drive. I have a larger hard drive that I formatted but I can�t seem to install Windows 7 on that drive. If I remove the C drive where the original one is installed and replace it with the larger drive I can�t boot from the reformatted C drive. I created a recovery disk and can make some progress but it still won�t let me install Windows 7 on the almost empty disk.The setup says it is the secondary not the primary and I can�t seem to force it to be the primary although it is recognized in the setup. If I put the original disk with Windows 7 back in I can boot up and run the install but I don�t think there is a way to install it on a drive that is not the C drive so that The larger drive is then visible and I can open the few small files I put on it as a test so I know the drive is ok. I tried putting the restore files on the larger disk but that doesn�t work.

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Install Two Windows In 1 Drive

Aug 7, 2009

am a total newbie so please explain from everything from the starting.

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Install Windows 7 OEM On Another Drive?

Oct 30, 2012

I have an existing XP 32 bit PC and want to install Win 7 on a new Drive and do a dual boot- will the Win 7 OEM Activation work- considering I have never installed Win 7 OEM or other on this Motherboard.I want to build a new PC but funds are slow in coming so I figure i would buy a little bit over time in next 4 months and just buy a new copy of Win 7 OEM version when i build the new PC, Motherboard, graphics card, Case, PS etc and then Sell the old PC.

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Install Windows 7 In Drive F?

May 4, 2011

my dell laptop crashed. i am reinstalling the drivers using a dvd installer. but the laptop says the boot cycle is f and is asking for a command line. i dont know that much about computers so what will i do next

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