Windows 7 Ultimate On An HP With The User Folders On A Separate Internal Drive?

Apr 27, 2011

I need some direction (or reassurance) about setting up a new Win 7 system using an older Win 7 user folder.I had Win 7 Ultimate on an HP with the user folders on a separate internal drive. The HP died; the drive with the user folders is intact.his user folder has almost 400 GB of data that we need to keep as is. (My wife's a video producer with several projects in work.)I bought a new Lenovo with Win 7 Home Premium. I set up user accounts (on the system drive) and then added the drive with the HP user accounts. I made the necessary registry changes to access the added drive for user folders. Upon booting, I checked the properties of my user folder on the drive I added and it reported 0 bytes!! I didn't want to risk losing that data so I shut it down. My original user folder still has everything I want and need.

I know the user folder has data for my applications. Is there data in the user folder specific for the computer I'm on? If so, what do I merge from the Lenovo user folder with my big user folder? If not, was the "0 byte report" a fluke?Also, would I be better off installing all my applications before incorporating this big user folder? I have not yet installed the Adobe software that will be using most of the data in the user folder.

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BSOD Copying Large Folders To New WD 3TB Internal Drive

Jul 27, 2012

Just bought a new cyberpowerpc from Fry's, installed a 3rd hard drive (Western Digital 3TB). Everything seems okay except when I try to copy any large files/folders to the new drive. I'm using a folder that is 11.3GB with 686 files. I can copy it from drive 1 to drive 2 no problem. When I copy it from drive 1 or drive 2 to the third drive (the 3TB one), it will start copying then sometime soon after, explorer will close itself down and the computer will end up rebooting itself. Sometimes there will be a BSOD and sometimes it will just reboot without the BSOD.

I have tried to attach the dmp files etc...using the recommendations of the forum. I'd like to use this new drive for backups (it's the reason I got a new pc, my old one crashed and I didn't have a good backup system).

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Can't Extend Partition C Into Unallocated Space On Separate Internal Disk?

Jan 28, 2013

I read up a bit on this on other threads but none of them are exactly specific to my issue.I need to expand my C partition by utilizing the free unallocated space on disk D (a separate disk) that I just made by deleting the only partition on there.I guess this is not possible through windows disk management tools but I didn't want to start downloading any 3rd party software for this before I got some guidance from here. lease take a look at the following screen and let me know if using the 238.38GB of unused (unallocated space) I can extend the C partition without having to delete that partition, having to backup the files on it or making images. I already backed up everything I had on the D partition and then went ahead and deleted it through the computer management tool.

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How To Fix Windows 7 On A SSD After Deleting Folders Off Separate Hd

Nov 20, 2012

I foolishly removed folders from my HDD which I mistaken for one I was cleaning up.For some reason there were windows folders on it even though my operating system is on a separate SSD.I did it in mini XP using hirens.I tried several ways to reinstall and recover the folders before restarting my pc to see if I had stuffed up.On restart it went into repair mode,I tried a few things, still no good.Two questions, 1 why is there OS folders on my HDD? 2 can i recover or do i reinstall?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 X64 With Windows 8 On Two Separate Internal HDD's

Jun 5, 2012

I admit to being clueless when it comes to dual booting. I already have 7 X64 on my C: drive and a completely blank internal, formatted D: drive. How do I go about installing Windows 8 on drive D: and setting it up to dual boot?

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How To Keep User Desktops Separate In Windows 7

Apr 6, 2012

my sister downloads 4-5 games a week that always appear on my computer desktop. she has an administer account that i think she needs to download the games. when i delete her games from my desktop, they disappear from hers

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Unfold And Gather Main And Sub-folders To A Separate One?

Jun 4, 2011

Is there any way to unfold the sub-folders having mp3 files and gather them in one folder to have them burn easily together.For example:

Main folder and then
subfolder and then
subfolder (if available) and then
mp3 file(s)

getting all the mp3 files from various folder to one seperate folder in one go.

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Moving User Folders - Additional Folders Appear

Jul 9, 2012

I have just done a clean install of Win 7 Pro 64. I have set up four accounts and for each one I have moved the user folders to a separate hard drive by using the Right Click Properties > Location > Move. I have done this for the following folders:

- Desktop
- Downloads
- My Documents
- Favorites
- Links
- My Music
- My Pictures
- Videos

I have done it exactly the same way on each account (and more than once! I've been imaging the disk and have restored backwards a few times.)

The problem is, on three of the accounts, when I move the My Music, My Pictures, and Videos then they do move correctly but three rogue folders appear named Music, Pictures and Videos. And I can't delete then since they are system folders.

But the weird thing is that this does not happen on one of the accounts!

how to get rid of the extra folders as they're cluttering up the users home folder and causing confusion.

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How To Map Existing User Folders To New User Account

Jan 2, 2011

How do I map existing User Folders to a newly created User Account?I had existing User Folders on drive D. I added a new drive C and installed the OS on C but changed default location of User Folders to D. Now my existing User Folders are in the Users folder on D but there is no User Account associated with them. If I create a user account with the same name will it map to the existing folder within Users?I did a test of this. I created a folder called Test within Users then created a User account called Test and logged in. It created another folder within Users called Test.Computername.

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Will XP Overwrite Windows 7 Bootloader If It's On A Separate Hard Drive?

Apr 13, 2011

I dual boot with Windows 7 on a physically separate hard drive, as well as XP, will XP still override my Windows 7 bootloader since it tends to get jealous?

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Using Windows 7 East Transfer From A Separate Drive Not Computer?

Jun 6, 2011

Have upgraded to win 7 home from vista on a laptop. I copied the old vista installation to an external hard drive, with a linux pen drive so was wonder if there was a way to do a transfer from the external hard drive to the new windows install

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Install Windows 7 On A Separate SSD Drive (OCZ-Vertex3) But Windows Does Not See This Drive

Apr 9, 2012

I have a Gigabyte 880GM-D2H motherboard. I am trying to install Windows 7 on a separate SSD drive(OCZ-Vertex3) but Windows does not see this drive, but it is listed in my BIOS..

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Dual Boot Two Separate Harddrives, 2 Separate Operating Systems?

Aug 28, 2012

I have got two separate hard drives one running Windows 7 one running xp. I need to be able to chose which os to run but currently I can only do so by pressing F12. I have tried EasyBCD but it wont work - does anyone know how I can do this?

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Separate User Account Still Affect Others "environment"

Jun 16, 2011

Lets say I have two user accounts on my windows 7 machine. (both with admin rights) If one account gets a virus/malware, will the other account become infected?

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Why Can't Delete / Rename Folders In Windows 7 Ultimate

Sep 18, 2011

I have installed windows 7 ultimate, but I noticed when I am trying to delete some files/folders can't execute it, the files or folders targeted to be deleted are unused and totally closed..

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How To Restore Default Location Of Windows 7 User Folders

Aug 6, 2010

In my user folder, I think I right-clicked the Favorites folder and changed the location to C: in an attempt to get rid of it. Now it seems my C:Windows folder has renamed itself to Favorites.

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Relocate User Folders During Windows 7 Installation Error

Feb 17, 2013

I am doing a fresh install on a new system. I followed the directions to use Audit Node to create accounts on another disk. When I entered the commend Sysprep.exe /audit /reboot /unattend:C:
elocate.xml i recieved the following error message: "System Preparation Tool 3.14 Windows could not parse or process unattend answer file [c:elocate.xml]. The answer file is invalid.Can anyone assist?

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How To Copy Files Into Windows 7 User Account Folders

Aug 14, 2012

As much as I hate it I'm contemplating leaving XP behind. I still prefer XP but ..

Anyway the one BIG issue for me is my seeming inability to copy/modify files in user account folders ..places where I want to keep my many many years of archived emails, etc. This whole encryption thing for user settings really annoys me.

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Will 80 Internal Hard Drive Enough For Windows 7?

Jan 30, 2012

I have had my Windows XP updated to Windows 7 by a computer tech. He promised 250 GB internal hard drive but I only received 80 GB. He installed an E Drive with 465 GB. Is 80 GB enough for Windows 7? Also, what can be manually stored in the E drive?

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Internal Flash Reader - No Drive Letters (not A Hide Empty Drive)

Oct 8, 2012

Before I even go further: yes, the "hide empty drives" has been unchecked)I had to reinstall my machine and I was able to to see the drive letters for the internal flash card reader. However I think something might have gone wrong when I give my external HDD a drive letter that was held by one of the flash card reader).I wrote "I think" because I am not really sure since I never wanted to use the internal card reader till today so I never noticed there was an issue. Anyway, the internal card reader does not show up even when I insert a card in the reader. Basically nothing happens. I have uninstalled the "USB Mass storage device" and it gets installed without any issue but the problem is still there: I can't see the reader. the INTERNAL flash card reader has a USB slot and when I insert a EXTERNAL flash drive, the EXTERNAL flash drive shows up.

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Having A Separate Boot Drive?

Nov 30, 2011

have a 1TB drive partitioned into two 500GB partitions. One has everything on it, the other is a backup of the other partition (I know, a horrible idea, but I had no alternative). I now have a 60GB SSD that I want to use only as a boot drive, and store everything else that I possibly can on the 1TB hard drive.Here's my question: What is the best way to go about setting this up? Do I need to set up RAID? Also, will I be able to selectively restore the OS and anything else necessary onto the SSD from my backup partition?

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How To Install OS On Separate Drive

Nov 24, 2011

I just bought an SSD and want to install windows 7 on it and have all my other files on a separate non ssd drive. How would you get the OS to change the default directory from C: to another directory and make it that way when installing programs etc.

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Windows 7 Losing 2nd Internal Hard Drive?

Sep 11, 2012

I've been running my current set up for roughly two years and it has been fine until recently. My secondary drive for programs, storage, etc. will just disappear. It does not happen on any set routine or anything, just randomly.If I restart I do not get the drive back, however, If I shut it down and plug the drive into a different port it recognizes it again. I've gone back to the same port numerous times so none of the ports are bad.

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive.So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive?Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file individually?

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive. So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive? Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file, individually, would be ideal.

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Unable To Move Files To Separate Drive

Aug 5, 2012

I was just recently moving some of my files from My C drive to E. It was all going smoothly as I had done it before but, this time instead of copy and pasting I dragged and dropped the files over. I was doing this to cut down space on my C drive, to my surprise though I saw it was increasing (drive C) by every file I had put on E. I would like to know if I had done something wrong or what happened I started at 148GBs stored and it increased to 156GBs. If it helps I was moving games from my x86 program files.

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One External Hard Drive For 2 Separate Backups?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a Verbatim 931 GB external drive that I use to make backups on my laptop using Acronis TIH 2012. I also have another laptop with Windows 7 on it that I was wondering if somehow or someway use the one external hard drive to make image backups that I will be able to restore if something goes wrong. I gues I would have to split the 931GB into 2 seperate partitions or drives or something. This is what I'm asking. Is it possible to use this one big external drive to make backups on 2 seperate computers?

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Problem Accessing Separate Drive With Vista 32

Aug 16, 2009

I have 2 identical drives in my computer. Prior to Windows 7, I had Vista 32 Ultimate installed on drive 1. Drive 2 was used a backup drive.

I have now installed Windows 7 64 on drive 2. To make absolutely sure I didnt screw up my vista installation I removed drive 1 with vista on it from my pc.

I got Windows 7 up and running with no problems on drive 2 by doing a clean install by reformatting the entire drive, then reconnected drive 1 with Vista 32 installed. I can easily control which one I boot up by changing boot order in CMOS. This was done instead of having multiple boot partitions on a single driver for a few different reasons.

With both drives in and booted up under Windows 7 64, I am trying to access the data files on Vista 32. Unfortunately I dont have a drive letter for the vista 32 drive. I went into disk management to give it a drive letter, but I get an error message when I select drive letter. See attached image.

I tried refreshing and trying again but keep getting same error.

Is it possible to access the Data on the other drive under a NTFS partition? I did set the folders I wanted to access as viewable by everyone. the problem is I cant get a drive letter to the disk.

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Installing Data To A Separate Physical Drive

Sep 23, 2009

When the final version of Windows 7 is released I am going to install the Windows 7 operating system to my C drive and put my data on a separate physical D drive. I am going to put the temporary Internet files and the Windows temporary files folders on that D drive. What user folders would anyone suggests go to the D drive and what other data and/or folders would anyone suggest to go on the D drive?

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Trying To Install XP On A Separate Drive For Dual Boot

Oct 16, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC1, and am trying to install XP on a separate drive but am getting the following error:

"Setup could not load the keyboard layout file KBDUS.DLL.

Setup cannot continue. Power down or reboot your computer now."

I restart and am able to go back to Windows 7...Any ideas on how to get around this??

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Windows 7 Pro 64bit Does Not Detect Any Internal Sata Hard Drive

Dec 18, 2011

windows 7 pro 64 bit does not detect any hard drives - i have 4 sata - new install?

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