How To Use Thumbnail Switch Active File

May 24, 2011

Usually I have opened a lot of excell files and they are very similar each other. I recognize them by the title on the thumnail on windows taskbar. If I click on a file that is open in backgroud it switch on desktop, but if it is already on desktop it goes to background.

This is very unpleasant to me. When I click on a thumbnail I want THAT window. What can I do?

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Executable Script To Switch Active Displays?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a dual monitor set up in my office with a 23" Asus connected via DVI and a 19" Sony connected via VGA and adapter to my custom build. In my living room I have a TV connected Via Receiver Via adapter(composite/s-video) Via s-video to my same custom build.At the moment I have to go in to "screen resolution" and select the sony from the "Display" menu and then "disconnect this display" from the "Multiple displays" menu. So far I have only disconnected the sony monitor, I still need to extend desktop on to the TV.this gets to be a legthy process when I do it 8 times a day every day. Is there a why to have 1 or 2 executable script that will allow me to switch between the desired displays?

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Flv File Thumbnail Missing

Aug 29, 2010

im having a problem on flv video files on my video library.This all started when I run tuneup gain disk space it may have been deleted some file that something to do with thumbnail preview on flv files.Now flv files has no thumbnail preview...the player i use to play flv files is VLC.

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Active X File Not Downloading?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to down load an active x program but windows says it is not a registered valid file and wont download it. I have another computer that it works on and have made the settings similar but it wont work. the other computer is running Vista. how do I over ride active x controls

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Batch File That Needs To Find Info In Active Directory

Aug 26, 2011

My assignment is to develop a batch file that our logon script can call on to satisfy the following condition:

If the User Information for Office 2010(HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo) equals the local admin default "UserInfo" then

go to ldap/active directory and, using the client's "logon name", find the client in ldap and use their "Display Name" as the value for the String "UserName" in HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo I found this bit of code to get me started... but this code doesn't "call out to active directory"

reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo /v UserName /d %username% /f

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Make Full File Path Appear In Active Tile Bar?

Jan 24, 2012

how do i make the full file path appear in the active tile bar? spent ages trawling through 'help and support' but havnt found the answer yet.

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Switch User Accounts The Computer Will Start The Switch And Then Lock Up With A Display Message?

Aug 10, 2011

Whenever I switch user accounts the computer will start the switch and then lock up with a display message that says no signal on the monitor. It happens if the computer has been running for hours or only a couple of minutes. I have to shut the PC off and leave it off for 20-30 minutes. I can then restart and enter any user account. But if I try to switch user or logoff and pick a different user the whole cycle begins anew.

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Have To Switch User To Continue After Switch On?

Oct 19, 2011

I use windows 7.When I turn on laptop (acer Aspire 5742) cannot connect to internet until I switch user and log in again. Soon as I touch any browser icon the rest of computer stops responding as well. It's only me on computer. Have virgin media security/ spyware/ virus protection. Tried CCleaner. After I switch user everything is fine.Additional info; On 16th October had great difficulty getting my emails from Yahoo. Sometimes sign-in box appeared without my security signature and different style of writing for browser remembered log-on details.

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Can't Get Rid Of Thumbnail Previews?

Aug 17, 2011

i tried both of these... Taskbar List or Thumbnail Previews Mode - Change

option 1: nothing happened.

option 2: when i get to the point where i need to click on "DWORD" the options on that list are all greyed out & im unable to click anything.

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No PDF Thumbnail Preview

Oct 22, 2011

I'm running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended installed. Everything is updated but thumbnail preview for PDF files in Windows Explorer is not working.

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.cur Thumbnail Not Showing In Explorer?

Oct 19, 2012

I used to be able to view the cursor thumbnails like normal. But recently, the cursor thumbnail wouldn't show. I've attached a screenshot of it. I am still able to change my cursor, and it works fine, it's just, in the windows explorer the thumbnail of the cursor shows a Photoshop icon. Only the .cur file is affected, the .ani is not.

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Picture Not Showing In Thumbnail?

Mar 7, 2011

i just installed windows 7. and i just noticed that when i open a folder with my nikon pictures in it. it dont show the picture in the thumbnail. just says NEF. is there a way to set it so it will show the pic as a thumbnail? when i had vista it would show up?

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.mkv Thumbnail Memory Leak?

May 16, 2011

About a month ago I acquired a large .mkv file. Cutting to the chase, I deduced that when, in explorer, I simply clicked on the folder containing this file, my available memory started to disappear about 10-20MB a second until it was depleted; at which point system performance came to a near halt. I also eventually found out that it was the process explorer.exe that held all of this available memory, EVEN THOUGH the task manager AND resource manager showed that explorer held a steady... 25MB. On my 4GB ram system, after just about a minute, all 2.5 gigs were gone and when the explorer.exe process was ended, all that mystery memory re-appeared.Booting in Safe Mode, clicking on this folder did not produce the same result.Over the next few weeks, I acquired more and more .mkv's. NOT ALL OF THEM create this problem, but about 40% of them do, with the exact same symptoms. I tried disabling thumbnail previewing on individual files AND folder thumbnailing, and it STILL caused this super annoying issue.I can not move these large .MKVs to another hard drive unless I am in safe mode. not acceptable.

Windows 7 x64
Intel Core i7 860 Lynnfield
4GB DDR3 i forget ram

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Thumbnail Previews Issue

Jan 24, 2009

just installed 7 on my laptop.

I am not seeing the window "thumbnail previews" when I mouse-over open items in the task bar.. All I see is black blocks that pop up with the name of the open windows, no live preview?? where is this option to turn on?

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Thumbnail Preview In Explorer?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm looking for a way to enlarge the thumbnail preview in Explorer. A person is scanning in PDF documents in large amounts and then using the thumbnail preview wants to be able to rename them from the default scanner assigned name. The current thumbnail size isn't big enough to see enough detail to rename the file without opening the document.

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PDF A Table For Thumbnail Point

Feb 24, 2012

How do I pdf A TABLE FOR THE THUMBNAIL point to the document

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Taskbar Thumbnail Preview Disabled?

Dec 21, 2012

When I hover over a window in the taskbar, I only see words instead of a picture of the window; and I would like to change that. I have changed to an Aero Theme etc, but nothing is happening. I don't think I'm an admin on my computer. Please explain answers in layman's terms, I know nothing about computers.

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Re-installed Firefox,no Thumbnail Previews?

Jan 19, 2012

I had to reinstall firefox and now I have no thumbnail previews. I tried the about:config taskbar enable set to true route but it didn't work. I didn't know how much I depended on them until I didn't have them!

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How To Get A Thumbnail Preview Image In Task-bar

Oct 20, 2011

How do I get a thumbnail preview image in task-bar. Now when I point at a minimized icon it just displays its name and not a preview picture.

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Add Buttons In Aero Peek Thumbnail?

May 26, 2012

Adding buttons like minimize, play, stop, etc..

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Thumbnail Previews (Windows 7 32 & 64) For Non-PDF E-Books?

Oct 19, 2012

Adobe PDF e-Books can have a preview on Windows Seven, if Adobe Reader is installed.Similar stuff is present in Windows 7 for a lexicon of filetypes: Supported file types for thumbnails/previews - ResourceSpace Documentation Wiki But, unfortunately enough, we still lack a tool/ third-party app to enable thumbnail previews for other filetypes, that we often use in daily life, (for example *.pdb, *.chm, *.epub ebooks etc). Even if, we have a third-party viewer installed for all of them, the thumnail preview never appears (instead, they take up the filetype-icon)Many Media files can have icons with appropriate players/codecs installed: FAQ - Thumbnails But, works need to be done for the e-book sector.Similar issues have been already addressed here on this forum, so I don't think, our experts can't make it.Photoshop PSD files - Enable Thumbnail Previews - Windows 7 ForumsView Photoshop PSD files in Windows - x64 PSD CODEC for Windows 7, Windows VistaFixes for 64-bit Adobe Reader preview handler and thumbnails Some More Resources from Microsoft are Linked Here: File Type Handlers Thumbnail Handlers Building Thumbnail Handlers Thumbnail Handler Guidelines

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Disable Video Thumbnail Preview?

Feb 20, 2011

Must be one of the most often asked question, but I haven't found correct reply yet - how to disable Windows 7 64 bit File manager to display video thumbnail preview on right panel?

regsrv32 /u shmedia.dll doesn't work - file not found.Preferred is to disable all video extensions with the same option, as there are rare formats which I'm not aware, but the slow PC down or may hang PC for several minutes.

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Limit Thumbnail Generation To Pictures Only?

Aug 2, 2011

i like many others have the problem of all thumbnails being spontaneously deleted every other day or so , and all the 250mb worth of thumbnails being slowly generated again only to be deleted..which is a major inconvenience since my processor is comparatively slow and videos take time for thumbnails to be generated.i found that the deny permission for the explorer folder where the thumbnails are stored does indeed work, however i noticed that while i have this workaround enabled, windows aero starts lagging (the scrolling of explorer pages, even firefox pages, and any graphical effects start occurring in short jerky steps) which i again hate. as soon as i removed those deny permissions (and the thumbnails spontaneously deleted) i haven't encountered that aero its not my graphics card or driver.i have currently disabled all thumbnail generation, folder browsing is behaving very fast but it just doesn't look good for pictures...for the videos its livable any way i could limit thumbnail generation to pictures files only?

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View Application Thumbnail On The Taskbar?

Aug 26, 2011

I had some trouble with my Desktop and have experimented with the themes. I have now lost the ability to show thumbnails of windows of the apps I have opened with a mouse over on the Taskbar

How can I view these thumbnails again..

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Solved Taskbar Thumbnail Flicker

Jul 3, 2010

Running Windows Ultimate 7 x64.I have had the problem a few of you have had with the thumbnail previews on the Superbar flickering when you mouse over the icon.Its deeper than just the superbar screwing up. When this happens I cant highlight and play more than one song at a time with WMP Have to minimize windows just to return to browser and switch back and forth to windows explorer.I have to reboot my PC just to play a DVD folder or DVD disc.The problem started well into 6 months or more of using Windows 7 so I knew it was a problem with either some software I installed or a Component problem. I use Acronis for back-ups and have saved full back-ups of Windows 7 that I know are non-problematic , so after restoring a good image on a freshly formatted partition the problem remained.Tried all the obvious things like video drivers and all but still felt it was in the motherboard chipsets. Something had gotten corrupted or changed.

I have a Gigabyte MB and downloaded the drivers for Windows 7, installed.still there. Tried north bridge and south bridge.What I ended up doing was installing Windows XP x64 on a extra partition which allowed me to use my original installation disc for my motherboard and was able to individually install the drivers for both chips...and after the installation of the south bridge, the computer needed to reboot, at which time it went into a deep process (screen display with please wait or whatever) that took several minutes to complete.I dont remember it ever taking that long to complete .....talking minutes. I knew something good was happening.I know these drivers are for XP while in XP but I really wanted to do this just to see if it might get in there and root around deep in those chips since they are the original drivers.I never used XP x64 before with this AMD x2 5600+ I am currently using so I spent a couple hours installing a few programs I use a lot and testing them.Finally I rebooted back into my 7x64 (use EasyBCD) and have not had one problem with it yet. It has been 2 days since I did all this.

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Video Files Have A Little Lock On The Thumbnail?

Apr 15, 2011

For some reason when I export videos, they end up having this little gold lock in the lower left. Anyone know what it means, or how to remove, or maybe causing it?

It plays for me, but I can't use it for editing like I need ends up playing scrambled

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Cleaning Thumbnail Cache Using CCleaner?

Feb 15, 2012

I've always cleaned the Thumbnail Cache using CCleaner but after doing some reading I'm a little unclear as to the benefit.

As I understand it if I clean the TC, each time I open a folder it will need to rebuild the thumbnails. I believe this slows things down. Is there a benefit to not cleaning or does the cache keep growing and using up more space?

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Unable To Disable Thumbnail Cache?

Feb 13, 2013

I have followed the guides online for disabling the Thumbnail cache in Windows 7(Specifically, the .db files generated when pictures are loaded in Windows Explorer)I disabled it via the tutorial on this website, I have also disabled it in Group Policy Editor... I cleared the existing cache, rebooted, and when i load directories with pictures in them, the .db file(s) are still being generated.I do not wish to disable the display of thumbnails in Windows Explorer...I realize this is the easiest method of ensuring they are not generated in the .db. However there must be a way to prevent windows from doing so.

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Thumbnail Cache - Enable Or Disable

Jan 23, 2011

How to Enable or Disable the Thumbnail Cache in Windows 7 ?

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Thumbnail Cache - Clear And Reset

May 22, 2009

How to Clear and Reset the Thumbnail Cache in Windows 7 ?

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Thumbnail Previews - Enable Or Disable

Nov 8, 2009

How to Enable or Disable Thumbnail Previews in Windows 7 Explorer ?

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