How To Open Website Using Network Places ?

Oct 26, 2009

I use frontpage to edit and work on my web site and I can not figure out how to open my web site with windows 7 , I used xp before and in my network places I could setup my web site addy and go threw like setting up a ftp but. After getting a link made for my web site in my network places i could then upload files by draging and droping them to the folders and now front page would open this link to so i could directly open my web site for edditing it. Is there some weres in windows 7 that i can add my web site addy to connect to it for uploading and to use it to log on with frontpage.

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Computer Connected To Network Showing Internet But Cannot Get A Website To Open?

Jan 19, 2013

computer connected to network showing internet but cannot get a website to open. I brought 3 dell's only one successful the other two will not open a internet page - did have the yellow exclamation sign that disappeared and but still not internet.

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Winxp Cannot See Win 7 On Network Places

Aug 11, 2009

I have been round in circles checking settings, and cannot figure this out.

I have wireless network set up at home, and file sharing.

I have 1 win 7 computer and 2 XP computers. I have no prob from Windows 7 getting into XP shared files on network and sharing printer, etc.

My prob lies when I try from my XP computers to see the Windows 7 computer in the network places. It is not there. I can see it in workgroup computers, but can't do anything with it. I try to add it in network places, but it cannot find it by browse or direct typing.

On Windows 7 computer I have it marked to share, have passwords turned off, I have tried to create a homegroup and have removed the homegroup, cause I cannot figure it out.

I am able to access Windows 7 shared files from PS3, so don't understand why I can't from XP. help?

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To Erase The Network Places

Jan 3, 2012

need to do above.

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Can No Longer See Shares In 'My Network Places'

May 27, 2012

Here is my current network config:

2 Windows 7 PCs (Home Premium)
1 Vista PC
3 Windows XP PCs
1 Netgear NAS

all in workgroup "WORKGROUP"
all assigned static IPs

Up until today every computer could see every computer on their respective My Network Places screens. The XP machines could see all the shares on the NAS and could see and connect to any other computer by just double clicking. This morning the windows 7 PCs can see each other + the Vista machine and can see the NAS listed under storage but not under 'Computer' like it used to. The XP machines can see each other but not the NAS.

Every computer can ping any other one. Any computer can type the computer name (e.g. \NASshare works) and that gets it temporarily instated into the network places on Windows 7. We recently went through and assigned static IPs to every computer (before the issue). Resetting them back to DHCP isn't really an option (unless it's the only way to fix the issue, but I don't think it should be)

I've combed the net and I can't find anything that directly solves my problem. I've checked permissions, checked that simple file sharing on XP was off, checked that it's being let through firewalls, checked that file sharing was enabled in the network settings windows.

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Cannot Save Files On Network Places

Jan 20, 2009

on xp i used to be able to connect to my school web folder and it used to look like any other folder (i could save directly to it etc). now when i connect to it by the same means it comes up with a text with of my documents with blue links next to them. i can open them up but i cant save directly on to the server.

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Network Places Remembering Old IP Settings After Reboot?

Nov 7, 2011

So, I have a class "A" IP Subnet in my home and a class "C" subnet. one is outside the "corporate" firewall and one is inside. My Laptop wireless always loves to obtain the which is the ISA router/firewall. Obviously there is an IP conflict here because the TMG/ISA server/GATEWAY already has that..

This only happens after a reboot and the IP settings that it "desires" are the following:
Subnet Mask:

It should be....
Subnet Mask:

Should I delete the network controller, or do I have to delve into the registry to get this crap sorted out? The Laptop ALWAYS connects to the N router but has a problem assigning the IP where it will just assign a bad IP or "first ip" in the sequence. There are times that I need to get beyond the firewall, and I need to assign it a class "c" but I don't understand why this should be having a bearing upon future connections. I have repeatedly reset the "arp" and DNS; to no avail.

I have typed this command at my last chance:
"netsh int ip reset c:

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Deleting Phantom Items From Network Places In Windows 7?

Jun 14, 2011

I am seeing old entries of phantom folders in My Network Places in Windows 7. In XP you could just delete them, but there is no selection for this in [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Windows [COLOR=blue !important]7[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].

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Website Videos Open Super Slow?

May 10, 2012

Would a lot of kmz files slow down my pc. Videos are very slow to open now.If not what else might I check. When I go to a website, click on a video it takes forever to load (buffer?)

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Wen Open Up Yahoo Some Weird Website Opens Up?

Feb 2, 2012

wen i open up yahoo some weird website opens up and it asks for some domain search

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How To Force A Website To Open In Kiosk Mode From Anyone's Computer

Apr 19, 2012

my website link will be posted on someone's store website. I would like my website to open in kiosk mode whenever a store's customer click on my link from that store's website, and from their own laptop.

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Unable To Open Website Links From Email Using Windows 7?

Jun 30, 2012

I use Microsoft Outlook for my email. Computer is operation on indows 7. When I get an email with a link to a website, I get the following message:This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.

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Mapping Network Location To Website Results In Empty Folder Windows 7

May 17, 2012

We used to map a network location an http site in Windows XP. Worked well, but under Windows 7 when we map the same location we show an empty folder and it should contain all the links from the site. I did notice that when we tried this on a different XP box we were prompted for the user ID and Password to login to the share (makes sense to me... ) but there was no prompt in Windows 7 - instead we just get "This Folder Is Empty" Did I miss something? We can access the website in IE... did not try to access the share using the computer name instead of the website... could try that.... however they use the mapping as above because they still use FrontPage to administer the site and this method provides the mappings etc that FrontPage likes to have.

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Windows XP Can't See Windows 7 In Network Places

Jul 9, 2009

I have two computers. I'll call them "mine" and "his"."mine" has both Vista and Windows 7 installed (dual boot), "his" has XP Home.When I boot "mine" into Vista, the networking works perfectly. Vista and XP can see files and printers and all is great.When I boot "mine" into Windows 7, I can see "his" computer and access his files and his printer. However "his" computer doesn't even see "mine" show up in My Network Places.I've checked the workgroup in Windows 7 and it's the correct name.I've gone to the Network and Sharing Center in Win 7 and set my Network to "Home network".I played briefly with the "HomeGroup" thing in Win 7 until I reached the point where it said it only worked for computers running Win 7. However it does says HomeGroup: Joined (and it appears that I've joined a HomeGroup). Why can't XP see the Windows 7 computer?

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Cannot Open Yahoo Website Or Yahoo Mail

May 30, 2012

I have Windows 7 and I cannot open the Yahoo website or Yahoo mail. Can anyone help me? I need to get my emails! I was able to get to them last night.

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Correct Network Tray Icon - Requires Network And Sharing Center Open?

Aug 9, 2012

I have a peculiar issue where I would need to have "Network and Sharing Center" open to be able to see that my my laptop's wireless connection. I would see the signal bar and also see the dreaded red x.Even when I have it open, I can see it refreshing each second; like its losing connection and reestablishing.My internet connection is working and has no issues.

Network and Sharing Center - Open
Network and Sharing Center - Open and refreshed
Network and Sharing Center - Closed

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It Is Already Open On An XP Machine In Same Network

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine. Permissions on the XP that is hosting the database is set to allow everyone. And all the XP machines can access it at the same time.

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Why Are Files In So Many Places

Oct 11, 2010

Sorry if this has been asked before-I did a search but didn't find it. I just got windows 7 after having xp. It was a new install on a new hard drive. I have 32 bit.I use carbonite so I did a selective restore. Now it seems like some files are in more than one place. I'm not talking about the libraries-I understand how those work. I'm talking about going to my c drive. For instance I have home videos that I am in the process of copying to dvd from vhs tapes. I ran Auslogics dupe finder and it shows them in 3 different locations. C:users:owner:video (I know I don't have all the symbols in there-this is just to give an idea of where) and also C:users:owner:documents:my vidoes and also c:documents and settings:owner:videos.

So I selected files that were in the 2nd and 3rd location to delete and when I did, they also deleted from the first location. So are they not in all 3? If so why does Auslogics show that they are duplicates? I am restoring them now but I would like to avoid duplicates because it only makes my carbonite backup bigger than it should be. The same is happening with other files too. Are they all just mirrored with different paths somehow?

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Folders Missing In Some Places But Not In Others

Aug 20, 2010

When I go to "C:Program Files (x86)" I can't seem to find a folder that I'm looking for but, when installed the program that created the folder it took space in my hard drive and when I start the installer again and it asks me to select from a drop-down menu the location in which I want to install the program to, it shows me the folder previously installed...

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Add Recent Places To Taskbar?

Mar 6, 2012

I would like to place the Recent Places shortcut on the Windows taskbar, if possibleHas anyone found a way to do this?

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Why Same Folders In Multiple Places In Windows 7

Feb 23, 2011

I've been using the computer for a really long time but I don't have a clear understanding as to why or how certain OS's are set up the way they are...I'm curious to know why in Windows some of the same folders are stored in multiple places? This has always been an annoyance to me when it comes to organizing and remembering where everything is on my computer. Sure they're are ways to search for things but I feel that still takes up too much time and bottom line there's just gotta be a easier way to access your files. I have multiple computers and it's just impossible for to me remember where everything is.... I could be missing something on how to get a hold of it but anytime I look up how to organize your folders it still doesn't seem efficient to me. I have my own ideas on how I would like it to work or what I would like microsoft to do but I"m not a computer tech person who is able to understand if my ideas would actually even work or not.

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Paragraphs In Odd Places When Typing Letters?

Dec 4, 2012

I have searched everywhere but can't find an answer I can understand in beginners (layman) terms. On my HP G62 355 DX laptop I used to be able to type a letter to a friend or business and then print it on my HP 1050 series deskjet printer. It would print as typed with paragraphs where I put them. NOW either the computer or printer picks the spot to begin a new paragraph, which is often in the middle of a sentence. The tool bar commands in Word seem to work except for the justify, paragraph selections. The only thing I have done differently is update the printer driver from HP. (not a place I like to go to, btw) But it started this before the update. Last night a post on a W7 forum made reference to Javascript being disabled (mine is) might relate to this problem

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How To Cancel Receiving Message From Some Places

Mar 4, 2011

how can i stop recieving messages from some accounts i don not like?

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Multiple Bookmark Saving Places

Jan 25, 2012

I notice when I would like to save a web page in two different bookmarks it deletes one and therefore I can not save in two different folder locations. Is it possible to change this so I can save a web page in two different bookmark folders ?

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How To Retrieve Deleted Items From Recent Places

May 10, 2012

I think someone copied a file from my laptop onto their USB stick while I was at work. I got home and started to work on the file, then when I pressed save it said 'cannot find location, insert removable storage device into drive d' (or something like that) so I 'saved as' in another location, then checked my 'recent places' folder. Sure enough there was evidence of a removable disk being modified on my laptop whilst I was at work. I confided this to my house mate, checked my laptop again later that night and it had been deleted from the recent places folder. I now want to confront that person about what happened as it is now obvious to me that they had copied my file, but wondered if there's any way I can get the evidence back. I have tried the undo button, but to no avail. This happened on Tuesday (8th).

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Enable The Places Bar In The Common File Dialog?

Oct 11, 2011

When I open or save a document in pretty much any application in Win 7, I no longer see the places bar on the left side, instead I see a Windows Explorer type of tree

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Not To Leave Email Address In Public Places?

Jun 8, 2012

I was told not to leave my email address in public places like forums and the such. My email address is everywhere, what do I do about it now?

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Lost All Photos After Ios 4.3 Update - Link Still In Recent Places

Apr 8, 2011

I have a ipod touch and a toshiba laptop running win 7. I recently got an email to say that the latest version of the touch software is available. I clicked through and downloaded the update All was well, all music, video apps etc all as before. Pictures however have all gone! further more they have gone from the mypictures place on win 7!

I have tried rolling back the update, system restore etc but no joy. I can still see the shortcuts to the picture folders in recent places but cannot access the pictures.

Im not sure if this is an apple issue or a windows issue ill timed? Does anyone have any advise of how I might be able to access these pictures again? Ill try anything and of course i dont have a backup! (no one buys a house alarm until you get robbed!)

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How To Find Recent Items (NOT Places) In Dialog Boxes

Nov 8, 2010

how do I add to the left of windows dialog boxes 'recent items'? I know how to activate recent items in the start menu and I know what recent places is about but neither gives links to recent _items_ i.e. files in dialog boxes.For e.g. you want to attach a file you have just worked on to an email in outlook. You click the paperclip icon and you get the dialog box. You click on recent places and all you get are the folders you have recently opened and saved to. If the folder is not there or you're not sure in which folder the file is in it does not help you find the file.

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Samsung Laptop Keyboard Skips To Other Places In Sentence?

Jan 24, 2013

samsung laptop keyboard skips to other places in sentence?

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Network List Or Options Will Not Open

Sep 25, 2011

I've never had problems with my laptop or networking till today. I cant open the network list or options, I've tried going through the control panel but when I press "connect to a network" it wont load. And when I try to click the icon on the bar it wont pop up either. The only way I can connect to the internet right now is through plugging it straight to the modem since i have it set to auto connect, but I cant connect to the WiFi since the list wont show. I've ran a virus scan but it didn't bring up anything.

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