How To Get Windows 7 Taskbar

Aug 6, 2012

i have installed the bricopacks xp theme in my computer while i have window 7 taskbar changes to windows xp.i remove the theme but my taskbar didnot can i get my windows 7 taskbar back

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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Cannot Unlock Taskbar AND Cannot Pin Anything On Taskbar Or Start Menu

Jan 3, 2013

So about a month ago I restarted my computer and when it came back on all my programs pinned to my task bar and everything that was in my start menu was gone. From there I could not unlock the taskbar and nothing would pin in either the start menu or taskbar. I researched everywhere about it. I tried unlocking the taskbar in properties and registry with no luck. I finally found some posts about how my user profile was corrupt and from there I went on and made a new profile and copied everything and BOOM it all worked fine now. Well today it happened AGAIN! I restarted my computer and everything disappeared. So I think it is still a corrupt profile, but this is the second time it has happened.

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Cannot Pin To Taskbar, Start Menu Or Unlock Taskbar

Jan 16, 2013

I have a client that has laptop with windows 7 Pro. He had a faulty network card, so I have added a new, usb network card. That said, He can not pin anything to taskbar or start menu. I cleared both folders of shortcuts(567 of them) but to no avail. He also has no options under his desktop Context menu for New. He is also using a roaming profile, of which I will disable next time I am there. I have a feeling that might be the issue. I did scour the internet trying all the usual suggestions, but do vaguely remember something about an entry in cache somewhere that if it is too big or corrupt, it could cause this behavior. I am unable to find that post anywhere now.I mention the network card because one post had taskbar issues until he disabled his faulty network card. I have disabled the faulty network card.

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Can't Pin Items Onto The Taskbar Because Of A Program On The Taskbar

Jan 8, 2012

I had a program installed called Spiral Knights, and I pinned the icon onto the taskbar so I could quickly launch it. When I was done playing it for good, I uninstalled it and it looked like the icon was off the taskbar, but it wasn't. When I tried to put another program onto the taskbar, called minecraft_server.jar, it pinned to the Spiral Knights icon, even though SK isn't installed anymore. Wherever I try to put the minecraft_server.jar onto the taskbar, the SK program is still there, and it says if I want to pin the minecraft_server.jar onto SK.

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Missing Taskbar - How To Show The Taskbar

Sep 18, 2012

how to show the taskbar

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No Taskbar, Start Button, Or Taskbar/start Menu Properties?

Aug 13, 2012

Yesterday, the task bar and Start button mysteriously disappeared.I've also found that the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" windowdoesn't come up. There are two places to click on in Control Panelthat should bring up this window, but it doesn't. The Control Panelborder changes color as if something is starting to happen, but thennothing happens, possibly indicating that some program starts to runbut then finds something wrong and exits. I didn't see anythinginteresting in the error logs. The desktop icons appear normally.The problem exists only when logging onto my son's account. When Ilog on as administrator, the task bar and Start button appearnormally.The usual tricks don't work: Ctrl+ESC, or bringing up Task Manager andtrying to rerun explorer.exe. I tried sfc to check for corruptedfiles, but none turned up. I ran an AVG scan and it did find one fileit considered a threat, which it removed, but that didn't solve theproblem.

I found a web site that referred to the registrykeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerwhich has a NoSetTaskbar value that can be used to disable the"Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window. On the administratorlogin, the Explorer subkey is there all right, but doesn't haveNoSetTaskbar. (It does have NoDriveTypeAutoRun.) But when I log ontomy son's account, the Policies key had no subkeys at all. I triedadding an Explorer subkey without adding any values, but this didn'tsolve the problem. I haven't yet tried adding a NoDriveTypeAutoRunvalue, but since this seems to pertain to AutoPlay it didn't seemrelevant to this problem.Any thoughts as to what might be going on or what might fix it?

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Windows 7 Taskbar Always Freezing

Aug 21, 2012

I just bought a new laptop 2 weeks ago (Asus N56vz s4102v). it has 8GB Ram, VGA nVidia GT650 2GB, HD 750GB, etc. The OS installed is windows 7 Home Premium SP 1. I'm really glad to use it in the first day, but after a week the taskbar of this windows 7 is keep freezing everytime. It happens when I refresh the desktop, empyting recycle bin, and cut, copy or paste folder and data. After it, I cannot click anything on taskbar and gadget but i still can select the icon on the desktop. the emergency way that i do to escape from this problem is to Hit Ctrl + Esc... and you know, it's not freezing anymore. but after severals minute it will be freeze again. I'm so tired of this situation, eventough i can escape by pressing that Ctrl + Esc, but i dont wanna do this everytime it's freezing.

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Get Taskbar To Always Show In Windows 7?

May 13, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home premium. All of a sudden tonight my taskbar hides when I do anything else; web, apps, etc. It is not set to "auto-hide." What can I do to get it to stay visible all the time?

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Pin Any Item To Taskbar In Windows 7?

Jul 2, 2009

I want to pin any item to my taskbar in windows 7.

Like when i drag a folder,picture etc it pins itself to windows explorer. Is there a way for it to have its own icon and launch itself.

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Enable The Windows 7 New Taskbar

Dec 1, 2008

The beta version of Windows 7 does not have the Windows 7 Taskbar enabled by default (it actually looks like Vista's Taskbar). This tutorial will show you how to enable the new Windows 7 Task bar.

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Why Can't See The Images Of The Windows In Taskbar

Feb 18, 2012

I have been working with Windows 7 Professional a few monhts now and whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" (Internet) icon they used to appear all the windows I have open for instance "Google", "Wikipedia", "Hotmail", etc., in other words I could see the images of each one of those websites in small size.

Nevertheless since a few days ago whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" icon they appear only the texts of the websites I have open, not the small screens.

What can I do to get back to see the small screens displayed ?

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Taskbar Is Complete Gone From Windows 7?

Mar 6, 2012

My taskbar is completly gone from windows 7.. everything else is working fine but I can't even pull up taskbar options in the control panel..

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Add An Additional Taskbar To Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2011

can I add an additional taskbar to W7? I'm used to a clean wall on XP

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Create A New Taskbar In Windows 7

Sep 9, 2011

i want to create new taskbar in my windows 7,which should work like present taskbar,i knew it is no that much easy.

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How Taskbar Move (Up And Down) In Windows 7

Apr 11, 2012

How to task bar windows 7 move up & down.

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Windows Taskbar Is Too Big And Icons Are Too Small?

Aug 28, 2011

Windows 7. Dell Latitude D610. I made changes in Properties (Appearance/Advanced), and somehow the task bar got huge and my icons are tiny. I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Is there (1) some way to get my computer back to default status? (2) Which selection controls the task bar and the icons on the task bar?

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Windows Explorer Won't Launch From Taskbar

Dec 2, 2011

In my webroot Secure Anywhere program I keep getting w32.bamital.gen it wont seem to leave when I delete it from there. I decided to download MalwareMalbytes I ran it, deleted or whatever, what it said was bad. I rebooted, and now when I pin My Computer or anything there like my documents, etc. It says It may have been deleted removed or renamed; however I can still open it by holding windows key hitting e. Also from start menu.

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Reorder Tabs On The Windows 7 Taskbar?

May 6, 2011

I have always wondered why Microsoft never implemented this feature in the first place. Back when I had Windows XP and Vista, I used a program called taskix to reorder tabs on the taskbar.Now I have Windows 7. I have set the taskbar not to combine all like tabs under one icon. For instance, when I open several windows of google chrome, each window pops out as a seperate tab.When I try to move a google chrome tab around, Windows 7 automatically moves the entire tab group around my other pinned programs. For instance, say I have four google chrome tabs open and I want to move chrome tab number 2 up one. When I try to do this, windows 7 moves all four chrome tabs around.

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How To Enable Preview Of Windows In Taskbar

Oct 19, 2011

When I hover over icons in the WIn7 TaskBar then I got (normally?) a preview of the refering window.

After having switched back and forth some other settings I could not get back this "preview". Open Tabs for e.g. the Internet Explorer are just shown as a line and not as a small mini window of the real web page.

How can I get back to the preview mode? Yes, I re-enabled "Aero" meanwhile again.

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Can Make Taskbar Of Windows 7 So That It Is Transparent

Oct 14, 2012

Can I make my taskbar of Windows 7 so that it is transparent and I can see my desktop into it? I found a program Chameleon Window Manager, is that good? How must I set it up then?

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Add Multiple Clocks To The Taskbar In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to add multiple clocks to the Windows 7 taskbar. This is useful for people who monitor other time zones or travel with their laptops.

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How To Customize The Windows 7 Taskbar/Superbar ?

Dec 1, 2008

Since we started writing about it, we said that the new taskbar is one of the best features in Windows 7. It has some very interesting new features & improvements which definitely boost user productivity compared to older versions of Windows. Therefore it is only natural for us to continue our series of articles about it. In this article, I'll show how to further customize different aspects of the taskbar such as: its appearance, size, location and toolbars.

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New Feature: Pin A Program To The Taskbar In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to pin a program or file to the Windows 7 taskbar.

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How To Move Taskbar Sub-items In Windows 7

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to move/drag those penguins to the left on windows 7?

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Selecting Multiple Windows In Taskbar

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently migrated from Windows XP Pro to Win 7 Ent and now I see that it's not possible to Ctrl+Click on taskbar to select multiple windows and then e.g. close them all via context menu. I'm wondering if this is something that can be configured in Win 7 just like it worked in Win XP?

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New To Windows 7, Questions About Taskbar & Shortcuts

Dec 20, 2010

i was really hesitant since XP worked what i at least THOUGHT was well. But Windows 7 is so much quicker and seamless. Anyways, 1st question is on XP i would drag a shortcut to the taskbar and it would then be usable and work as the original shortcut did. With windows 7 it doesn't wok.

For example, i have a text file that i keep on another drive and i put a shortcut to it on my taskbar. In XP i'd click it and the file would pop up as you'd expect. On windows 7 if i drag that text file to the taskbar, when i click the resulting shortcut instead of the file i just get a new empty notepad.

If i right click it (i THINK it was by R/clicking) then a list of various notepad files i've viewed pops up and i can choose it from there. But i just want it to be a shortcut to the particular txt file. Is there a way? second, i see shortcuts don't have the file's pathway or "address" if you will in them. I miss that for a number of reasons such as being able to tell where the file it's pointing to is, or adding switches in the target line etc etc. Is there a way to make them show the pathway?

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Windows 7 Programs Don't Open From Taskbar?

Feb 22, 2011

I apologize - I know I made a post about this a while back, but I have since forgot what the solution was and so I have to ask again.Anyway, I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. A problem I run into every once is when I click on a program icon in the taskbar that program never opens. This doesn't happen a lot, but enough to be annoying. I have never found any solution or even a clue to what could be causing this in all the forums and web sites I've visited.Whatever info you need me to post I will be glad to do it.

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Windows 7 Stopped Showing Taskbar

Feb 26, 2011

for some unclear reason my windows 7 which i like very much stopped showing my task bar history preview. all my recent data which were all the shortcuts to recently used apps are gone, and the taskbar stopped saving new ones. I can pin new applications but when I press right click they wont show their documnets history or pinned document as they did.

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Windows 7 Applications Hidden Under Taskbar

May 17, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 x64. I have placed the taskbar on top. I've noticed many applications will open at the top with the titlebar underneath the taskbar. This is extremely annoying and incredibly dumbfounding how Microsoft released Windows with this bug.

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Windows Taskbar Jumps To Top When Clicked

Aug 10, 2011

Anytime we right click a program on the taskbar and the menu opens, then left click on an empty spot on the taskbar while the menu is still open and move the mouse, the task bar jumps to the top.We have the task bar locked but it still moves to the top. I've noticed others on technet have reported the same issue.

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