Windows 7 Taskbar Always Freezing

Aug 21, 2012

I just bought a new laptop 2 weeks ago (Asus N56vz s4102v). it has 8GB Ram, VGA nVidia GT650 2GB, HD 750GB, etc. The OS installed is windows 7 Home Premium SP 1. I'm really glad to use it in the first day, but after a week the taskbar of this windows 7 is keep freezing everytime. It happens when I refresh the desktop, empyting recycle bin, and cut, copy or paste folder and data. After it, I cannot click anything on taskbar and gadget but i still can select the icon on the desktop. the emergency way that i do to escape from this problem is to Hit Ctrl + Esc... and you know, it's not freezing anymore. but after severals minute it will be freeze again. I'm so tired of this situation, eventough i can escape by pressing that Ctrl + Esc, but i dont wanna do this everytime it's freezing.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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Cannot Unlock Taskbar AND Cannot Pin Anything On Taskbar Or Start Menu

Jan 3, 2013

So about a month ago I restarted my computer and when it came back on all my programs pinned to my task bar and everything that was in my start menu was gone. From there I could not unlock the taskbar and nothing would pin in either the start menu or taskbar. I researched everywhere about it. I tried unlocking the taskbar in properties and registry with no luck. I finally found some posts about how my user profile was corrupt and from there I went on and made a new profile and copied everything and BOOM it all worked fine now. Well today it happened AGAIN! I restarted my computer and everything disappeared. So I think it is still a corrupt profile, but this is the second time it has happened.

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Cannot Pin To Taskbar, Start Menu Or Unlock Taskbar

Jan 16, 2013

I have a client that has laptop with windows 7 Pro. He had a faulty network card, so I have added a new, usb network card. That said, He can not pin anything to taskbar or start menu. I cleared both folders of shortcuts(567 of them) but to no avail. He also has no options under his desktop Context menu for New. He is also using a roaming profile, of which I will disable next time I am there. I have a feeling that might be the issue. I did scour the internet trying all the usual suggestions, but do vaguely remember something about an entry in cache somewhere that if it is too big or corrupt, it could cause this behavior. I am unable to find that post anywhere now.I mention the network card because one post had taskbar issues until he disabled his faulty network card. I have disabled the faulty network card.

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Can't Pin Items Onto The Taskbar Because Of A Program On The Taskbar

Jan 8, 2012

I had a program installed called Spiral Knights, and I pinned the icon onto the taskbar so I could quickly launch it. When I was done playing it for good, I uninstalled it and it looked like the icon was off the taskbar, but it wasn't. When I tried to put another program onto the taskbar, called minecraft_server.jar, it pinned to the Spiral Knights icon, even though SK isn't installed anymore. Wherever I try to put the minecraft_server.jar onto the taskbar, the SK program is still there, and it says if I want to pin the minecraft_server.jar onto SK.

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Missing Taskbar - How To Show The Taskbar

Sep 18, 2012

how to show the taskbar

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No Taskbar, Start Button, Or Taskbar/start Menu Properties?

Aug 13, 2012

Yesterday, the task bar and Start button mysteriously disappeared.I've also found that the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" windowdoesn't come up. There are two places to click on in Control Panelthat should bring up this window, but it doesn't. The Control Panelborder changes color as if something is starting to happen, but thennothing happens, possibly indicating that some program starts to runbut then finds something wrong and exits. I didn't see anythinginteresting in the error logs. The desktop icons appear normally.The problem exists only when logging onto my son's account. When Ilog on as administrator, the task bar and Start button appearnormally.The usual tricks don't work: Ctrl+ESC, or bringing up Task Manager andtrying to rerun explorer.exe. I tried sfc to check for corruptedfiles, but none turned up. I ran an AVG scan and it did find one fileit considered a threat, which it removed, but that didn't solve theproblem.

I found a web site that referred to the registrykeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerwhich has a NoSetTaskbar value that can be used to disable the"Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window. On the administratorlogin, the Explorer subkey is there all right, but doesn't haveNoSetTaskbar. (It does have NoDriveTypeAutoRun.) But when I log ontomy son's account, the Policies key had no subkeys at all. I triedadding an Explorer subkey without adding any values, but this didn'tsolve the problem. I haven't yet tried adding a NoDriveTypeAutoRunvalue, but since this seems to pertain to AutoPlay it didn't seemrelevant to this problem.Any thoughts as to what might be going on or what might fix it?

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Windows 7 Keep Freezing

Jan 6, 2013

I have A network with two computers. Both have Windows 7,also have the same problem.I can have a page open,and it will close,showing Desktop. I move the mouse and it opens back up. [code]

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Windows 7 64 Bit Is Freezing

Jun 6, 2011

I installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bit version very recently and it seems to be freezing between 1 min - 1 hr after I start up and there is no error before and when I check to see if it posted an error it didnt.

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Windows 7 Freezing?

Feb 19, 2012

sorry to be like the other other posts but my windows 7 keeps freezing also, more and more each day. its mainly my girlfriend who uses it to watch tv series nothing too demanding and some really bad freezes/glitches, have no idea. run various spyware / virus / defragging / reg & cache cleaning software and i still the same problem.after about 5 mins on turning it really starts. i have attached logs as requested

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Windows 7 Freezing On HP 630?

Jun 11, 2012

It seems that seven freezing occupies a substantial part of this forum but I cant find anything to help me solve my problem. My wife's laptop started freezing a few weeks ago(keyboard gets red card and leaves the field and mouse goes on strike too). Now uinlike most of the freeze problems on this forum, I still occasionally have programs running in the background(I noticed this while downloading latest drivers with DAP which continued without a bump until the download had completed and still opened a new window asking me if I would like to run the app etc). I as per usual had to switch the machine off and on to get it running again. Sometimes pushing the power button briefly, thereby sleeping the machine, then pressing to wake up is enough to get the ball rolling again but it often comes down to complete power-down/power-up.

The problem started occuring more and more frequently until the machine was barely running for more than 3minutes a time and occasionally didnt make it from boot to login. This screamed hardware to me(I may be wrong as I've been out of IT for over 10 years) so I started all the usual diagnostics which all passed consistently. I have an identical machine and was tempted to start part swapping but decided to leave that until I'd covered the drivers, etc. I checked the Event Viewer and discovered no really informative logs as the recording always seemed to stop a few minutes before the laptop froze. There was almost always an event 41 immediately after restart but I figure this is from forcing power-down! I updated the BIOS to the latest version 33 then did my utmost best to find the latest version of every driver on the machine. I updated the Realtek Audio driver, Intel HD graphics driver, Hard disk Driver etc. (�'m not to sure I have all the latest drivers as I ran Radar sync which listed driver versions that neither Microsoft, HP nor Intel have listed on their support sites so I chose the latest drivers between the three sites).I ran the machine in Safemode with Network suport to download and update the drivers and becoming a little impatient loaded two or three drivers at a time before restarting in normal mode to test and the machine never skipped a beat while in Safemode. Now comes the interesting part: I loaded the the Realtek Audio driver and restarted the machine. It froze almost as soon as windows opened and I pulled the power cable and got into bed to continue on battery power. On restart I double checked my drivers and got a few messages that the drivers had not properly installed so re-installed the affected ones. The machine ran in normal mode perfectly for a good five hours (compared to the usual few minutes) and I believed the problem to be solved.The battery was low so I plugged the power cable in to recharge the laptop for my wife and the machine froze instantly! I tested the machine with and without the main power plugged in and the result is the same. Each time the main power is plugged in everything goes south! There is no predicting how long it will run before crashing as it can be anything from 1 second to a few minutes but it never crashes on battery power. I've played around with the power profiles a bit matching the battery profile with the mains-power profile �nd visa-verse but nothing changes the end result.

I dont know if there is any relevance in this but my wife with her sharper eye sight pointed out that when the main power is plugged in, moving images on the screen start to wobble slightly shortly before the machine freezes. I could comprehend this being a power or PSU issue on a desktop machine but with the AC/DC converter and battery between the raw power and and the guts of the machine I feel this shouldnt be a problem (though I'll stand to be corrected). To be on the safe side, I have so far swapped power cables between my laptop and the problematic one but swapping the batteries seems a long shot to me and I have a nagging feeling that I'm being side tracked.One thing common to other issues on this forum is an occasional loud buzzing sound from the speakers when the machine hangs(the screen goes black when and only when the buzz occurs) but this is rare. Other than that there is no BSOD and I have almost no common hardware with most machines mentioned in the forum.One thing I havent done yet is reinstall windows. The relation between the main power cable and the crashes makes me feel that it would be a waste of time but I was an IT techy back when CPU's were shipped to clients on flat-bed trucks.

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Windows 7 Keeps Freezing?

Dec 31, 2011

My computer is a dell. It is just over a year old and when I try to turn it on, it freezes while starting windows.

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Windows 7 Keeps Freezing

Aug 12, 2012

Every Time I try to do something it works for a little bit but then freezes. So i wait 30 minutes and it still is frozen. So next I Do a fresh Install of windows 7 and now on top of all the freezing i get things like the blue screen of death. I try to install updates but i can't because it freezes

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Windows 7 Freezing

Dec 30, 2012

I have looked all around the Internet and tried everything I could find and think of, but my new (refurbished, it's new to me) Gateway Laptop from Newegg (url) < that one. I can load up windows fine and log in fine but when it gets to desktop, it freezes and becomes unresponsive. **Note: I can go into safe mode fine, that's how I'm on the internet right now. I have tried the MSCONFIG stuff, I have tried CCleaner, Malwarebytes, and Puran Defrag. I have also done two reinstalls of windows, and yet the problem still persists.

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Windows 7 Random Freezing?

Jun 18, 2010

Five days ago I clean installed 64-bit Win7 Home Premium on a new HD when the previous HD crashed & burned on my Dell i7-920 (12GB RAM) that was running Vista Home. Although Win7 is fast, it's also freezing A LOT, seemingly at random times.Sometimes early after bootup, sometimes hours in; there's no consistency other than to say that the system is untrustworthy (and that I must save OFTEN). What I've found on the web seems to point to driver issues (so what else is new?), but even that isn't definitive. Some have posted that they've gone through and reinstalled all of their known drivers, and their machines STILL freeze.

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Windows 7 Freezing On Start-up?

Aug 6, 2011

Ok, so normally I fix my own problems but this one has me stumped. Computer was working fine, turned it off because some electrician wanted to cut the power to fix something. It installed an update (unfortunately I don't know which one) and then shut down normally. I turned it off at the PSU and then about 10 mins later the power to the house was cut. Fast forward and the power is back on, all the other computer are working fine but this one now won't load windows 7 or windows 7 startup repair, it won't even boot my windows 7 installtion disk.Heres the symptoms:1. If you try and boot windows 7 normally you get the the "starting windows" message but no logo appears (left it there for 30 mins, no bluescreen or any changes).

2. Safemode loads up to classpnp.sys and then freezes3. Startup repair gets to "windows is loading files" and does fills about 10% of the line and then freezes4. Install disk completes "windows is loading files" and then freezing on the "starting windows" part.What I've tried:1. Unplugged everything but the HDD and the DVD drive2. New Videocard3. Different sata connection4. Default CMOS5. Plugged the HDD into another computer as a USB drive, worked fine, ran a chkdisk and it found a few problems and fixed them (but it still won't boot)

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Windows 7 Is Freezing And Slow?

Aug 7, 2011

I have Windows 7, and it's really freezing and slow. It won't even let me pull up my AV, or my Firefox. I am posting from my iPhone.I did a restore back to earlier today, and it didn't help. If I had a restore point for a few days ago, that probably would of helped. It all started yesterday. I only have one PC. I haven't been on my PC much, and when I did go on this is what I get.I have Windows 7 Home Premium, but it's the upgrade version that I bought last year. I have too much data on the PC to wipe it clean. I also don't remember where I put my Windows 7. It required to have Vista on first then upgrade.

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Windows Keeps Freezing And Restarting?

Oct 19, 2011

my computer has fu;; version of windows 7 it keeps freezing then restarting and goes right thru start windows normal and then when it starts it does it again over and over it does it i havent put any new programmes or hardware for it to do this.

pentium dual core cpu
E5499 @2.70 ghz 2.69 ghz
ram 2.00 gb
system type 32 bit operating system
c: 148 gb

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Freezing At Windows 7 Logo

Jan 21, 2012

I have spent the last few days working on my friends Sony Vaio PCG-7184L(which by the way is not listed anywhere on sony's website). It runs windows 7 64bit and it freezes immediately after the Windows logo starts it's animation and there's about an inch of the top of the screen that is filled with weird colored lines. So I told him sure, I'll fix it, it's probably just a virus and should be fairly simple. I will list in sequence what I have done so far to diagnose/fix the issue. One more thing, it started doing this freeze up thing the same day he got it back from the Geek Squad at Best Buy, who were doing a simple update and cleaning from what my friend told me. Tried booting into safemode, froze, on hal.dll, with same colored lines at top of screen, Tried booting into ERD Commander 2k8 and froze at the same spot. Booted into Linux live CD and scanned for viruses with avast, there were none.

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Windows Slow / Freezing Up

Feb 10, 2012

My computer has become very slow. I'm not sure but the day after downloading a patch for WoW i started getting in-game lag. It has progressively worsen each day and now the computer is having issues out of game as well, ie. startup slow, internet slow, opening files and folders slow, video and sound lag, drivers sometimes not loading during startup, etc. I have ran MSSE and anti-maleware, updated windows and drivers.

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Windows Keeps Freezing While Using New Build

Mar 18, 2012

I recently built a PC for myself a few weeks ago. The specs will be pasted below after the description of my problem.

While gaming, surfing the web, or running AutoCAD, my PC just freezes up. It has happened 5-6 times and I am not sure what is going on.

I did some research and I was advised to go to ASUS's QVL for my Motherboard and check the latency and recommended speed. I followed the advised instructions but my PC froze again while playing a game.

I then tried running virus scans to see if this was the issue but I detected nothing. I ran Windows Update, but the problem still occurred.

The most significant recent change I did was upgrade my video card's drivers to NVIDIA's 296 driver. Could it be the voltage of my DDR3 Memory? It is rated at 1.5V. Below are the specs for my machine.

Operating System
MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1


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Windows 7 Freezing And Lagging?

Jun 14, 2012

Yesterday, while browsing on firefox, my browser started to massivly slow down, and noticed it wasn't the only thing. So I restarted and it was still slow, and startup was a bit slow.So I've restarted in safe mode to run my AVG, it stopped half way through(assuming halfway, it was scanning some system32 stuff and stopped around there.So I rebooted again into safemode with networking to download spybot S&D and run Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes detected nothing, well, nothing until it froze about an hour and three minutes inIf this problem is similar to the problem I had once before, my computer will become slower each time it starts up until it freezes just by trying to log-in.[CODE]

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Windows 7 Freezing After Login?

Jan 28, 2013

It only works in safe mode other then that.I think that it might have started after a rough time shutting down one night, I hit shut down whilst on a game and a skype call, and it didn't shut down for a few seconds, and I could still hear my friend until it shut down.this, been working non-stop the past few days ( And exams are tomorrow, aswell ): )[CODE]

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Windows 7 Welcome Screen Freezing?

Feb 13, 2011

upgrade from xp to windows 7. Custom clean install. All went fine, Restarted windows,Login entered pword ok Screen goes to welcome and freezes. Unable to do anything atall. Also unable to start in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Freezing Intermittently?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Toshiba sattelite A215 that I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to 32 bit Windows 7 Pro. I did a clean install from a legit copy of 7. Prior to installing, I ran the upgrade advisor and there was one device (listed as unknown) that was listed as not compatible.A few days after install, after the laptop sits idle for a few hours, when I open it up and start navigating, it will freeze up. I power off using the power button, power back up, and it works fine. Next time I try to use it after it sits idle for a while, again it freezes.This process is repeated nearly every time I start using it after it sits idle for a few hours


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Windows 7 Freezing At Startup?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a weird problem with my Windows 7. When I restart it, it will 90% of the time freeze right after startup (from 30 seconds to 5 minutes after startup). The cursor just won't move and everything on the screen is still and I have to reboot to get it back working. Unless it freezes again (which it does most of the time). I have to try about 10 to 15 times each time I restart my computer to get it working, and it seems to be completely random. I haven't been able to isolate the problem and I don't think this is a hardware issue because my laptop is running linux (ubuntu) flawlessly.

As for my config:

ASUS N61JQ Laptop :
intel core i7 1.6 ghz
ATI mobility radeo HD 5730
4gb ddr ram
320 gb hard drive 7200 rpm

I also have an external hard drive of 1 TB that's connected to my laptop.

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Windows 7 Install Keeps Freezing

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to upgrade idealy from vista 32bit to Windows 7 64bit. My pc is well up to spec. i even uninstalled all software recommended by the adviser.

I bought windows 7 home upgrade on saturday, I have been trying since to install it. About 20 attempts so far. Basically every time i try it gets so far and my pc just freezes (no dvd or HDD activity. Cursor wont move). i have even left the install over night in case it unfreezes. I have tried - 32bit upgrade with from vista, After the reboot from the freeze i get a message stating install failed and vista has been restored.

32bit and 64bit clean installs. Usually hangs at expanding files. I have tried removing 1 stick of ram and trying. I have removed all usb, including keyboard and mouse (using old ps2 ones)

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Windows 7 Freezing On Boot?

Aug 27, 2012

My computer wont boot, it went from being really great, to not being able to boot within a 4 hour time span of me being away.
The Problem is, not only limited to it not being able to boot, but also i cant run it in safemode (in any of the safemode configs)
I had a breaktrough a few hours ago, but it looks like its reversed, i got into the OS but everything was running incredibly slow at times, sorta like a 5min normal speed that it used to run with, and then 5min were it bearly does anything.

Where it crashes:
Starting Normaly: Windows Logo (Appears fully)
Safe Mode: Loading the "Classpnp.sys" file
Repair Tool: Attepting to repair


Graphics Card: Pallit Geforce GTX 670 2GB DDR5
CPU: Intel i7 3820 3.6Ghz
MB: ASrock x79 extream4
PSU: Corsair Gaming Series GS700
Ram: Corsair Vengeance - Hukommelse - 8 GB : 2 x 4 GB - DIMM 240-pin

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Windows 7 Freezing On Start Up

Sep 30, 2012

ok my hp pavilon m9517c currently running windows 7 is freezing at the green bar loading ... i have tried these steps to try to fix the problem and nothing is working ?

1. clearing the cmos

2. replaced the cmos battery

3. repairing computer ... freezes same spot ...

4. tried booting into safemode but freezes

5. tried booting to a earlier time ... freezes

6. tried a clean install of windows 7 from a bootable usb but freezes at the green bar once again ...

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