Disable The Notifications In Yellow Boxes At The Bottom Of The Page For IE9?

Sep 25, 2011

How can i disable the notifications in the yellow boxes at the bottom of the page for IE9?

I just want to surf without being interupted by those just about every other website i go to

And for all those IE haters out there....i bounce around to FireFox and Chrome too. So dont just jump out and say dump IE (if that came across as harsh, but i want some REAL replies)

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ALL Of Desktop Icons Have A Little Yellow Padlock On Bottom Left

Feb 28, 2011

Just came back from a restart and all of the sudden, ALL of my desktop icons have a little yellow padlock on the bottom left.

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Yellow Triangle Marks On Network Icon Bottom Right Once On 3 Hours?

Aug 1, 2012

i'm wondering why this happen to me, there is yellow triangle on my network icon bottom right once every 3 hours.it doesn't sharp 3 hours, but i can say it's almost every 3 hours.

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Notifications - Enable Or Disable Message Balloons

Feb 10, 2010

How to Enable or Disable Windows 7 Balloon Notifications ?

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Can't Read Bottom Of Page

Aug 14, 2010

Trying to download Adobe but cant scroll down far enough to access the ACCEPT button on Terms and Conditions. Have moved task bar to the left of the screen but this makes no difference.

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Add A Page Number Series On The Bottom Of The Pages And Alternating Headers At The Top?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to add a page number series on the bottom of the pages and alternating headers at the top, odd and even pages, and to begin these on the third page of my document. I cannot get it to do this. The page numbering shanges when I try to add the alterning header, and none of it will begin on the third page, even using a page break. How can I do all this?

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How To Disable Show Desktop Icon At Bottom Right

Sep 9, 2009

I've already added a Show desktop button in Quick Launch toolbar near the Start button, I don't wanna keep both of Show desktop buttons in left and right, thus wanna remove the right one newly introduced in Windows 7.

Is there any methods to do or workaround?

I know change the theme to other than Classic will not show you the button, However I like Classic theme so that won't change theme to others.

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Can't Find "Disable Add-on Performance Notifications" In Group Policy Settings?

Aug 27, 2012

I'm trying to get rid of the pop-up that Internet Explorer gives that tells me that I can speed up my browsing by disabling add-ons. All the googling I've done tells me to run gpedit.msc and go to Administrative Templates Windows Components Internet Explorer and enable "Disable add-on performance notifications". I've run gpedit.msc and searched through the options, and no-where can I find "Disable add-on performance notifications". The only option that mentions add-ons is "Do not allow users to enable or disable add-ons". I've opened that up just in case the option I want is hidden within that, but it doesn't seem to beI run Windows 7 64 home premium (I followed some instructions I found on the net to enable gpedit.msc as it is generally only available on Windows 7 Professional) and Internet Explorer 9.

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SSD - Disable Or Move The Page File?

Oct 21, 2011

I just installed a new SSD. Should i disable or move the page file? I currently have it disabled.. My system has 24GB of ram.. If i should have it enable.. how do i tell it to use a different drive?

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Disable Page File - Faster Boot / Load Time?

Jul 1, 2011

I am the proud owner of a Windows 7 Ultimate comp with 6gb ram, i7 920, etc... I have had this comp for about 1.5 years, and it has been slowing down... The bootup time has slowly been increasing, and the amount of time for me to actually be able to use programs once I see the desktop has increased. I have disabled all but the completely necessary startup programs/services, but this does not seem to work.

Whenever I start up my computer, sometimes I open task manager and check out the performance window and every time my computer is slow, I see the hard faults skyrocket. At startup, the thing is over the max shown on the graph for a while. To my knowledge, the hard faults/sec represent that the computer is either writing to or reading from the page file.

Anyway, down to the real question: Would disabling the page file decrease startup times, by forcing the computer to write everything to the ram, instead of tying up the already-slow hdd by writing/reading the page file?

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Login In IE9 Starts Looping From The Login Page To The Http Page And Back To The Original Page?

Apr 28, 2012

I watch videos from this site Poker Netcast | Live At The Bike | LABTTheir login is https.Ive been in IT for 15 years and even this has stumped me.When I go to login in IE9 starts looping from the login page to the https page and back to the original page and never ends. I load firefox, same issue. I load Crome, it worked for 1 day then same issue. It used to login in fine last week. It logs in fine on my 2 other PCs and my Kindlefire.I have checked for viruses with Avast and A-Malware Bytes in safe mode - nothing. These 2 pick up 98% of stuff. Personally I dont think its a virusn IE9 - Deleted browsing history, cookies, temp internet files, everything under the Geneeral/Browsing History section. Did a disk cleanup, put the site inthe trusted zone, turned off popup blocker just in case, Cleared SSL state, Reset IE9. Zippo

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How To Show Icon Without Notifications

May 28, 2009

So the notification area in Windows 7 is customizable in that you can select to show all icons and notifications or selectably "Icon and notifications", "Notifications only", "No icon or notifications" for the programs. There is one option missing, showing only icon but not notifications.

How could I work around that? There are some programs I want to show on the notification area for their icon but I do not want to receive the notification bubbles of them and there are no options in the programs themselves to turn them off.

Of course to my logic if there is option to show notifications but no icon, there should also be option to show icon but no notifications. Well, apparently the new name "notification area" is made to resemble this restriction, it's made for the notifications and the icons showing there are extra. But what if the user wants it to behave otherwise?

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Turn Off Microsoft Update Notifications

Oct 24, 2011

How can I turn off the Microsoft Update notifications?I just want to receive update notifications for Winows.It seems each time I get "you have updates to be installed," I get Microsoft notifications (Office, etc.) which I do not want. I went to Change Settings, but it doesn't have Microsoft listed turn (to turn off notifications).Is it impossible to turn off the Microsoft update notifications in Win 7 (64-Bit)?

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Still Showing Hide Icons And Notifications?

May 31, 2011

I have it set to hide icon and notifications and for some only show notifications however it doesnt change anything. They still show. Yes i made sure to not click cancel. When i go back and check my settings are verified, this has been going on for a while,i am now just posting about it.

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How To Turn Off Visual And Sound Notifications

Jun 8, 2011

One USB device on my desktop computer running Win 7 professional does not work. Maintenance service told me that they cannot repair dysfunctional USB because it is build into the case (chassis). But one dysfunctional USB is not a problem at all, because I have 7 other USB slots operating normally. Anyway, now I am getting non-stop notifications of this non-problem!!! Why? The frequency is sometimes very high and always extremely annoying: it varies greatly, it can be between 5-10 per minute. Aural notifications have this annoying sound and visual notifications are popping up in a sizable cloud in bottom right corner of a screen and are lingering there for far too long, and when I click to close it, it pops back immediately. This is a spoiler (I could tolerate one or two dysfunctional notification a day). It is bothering me visually and aurally, greatly diminishing my user experience, disturbing my work, my listening to the music and watching the pictures or movies. After much tinkering I succeeded to turn off sound notification (via Sounds customization), but I cannot turn off visual notifications. I cannot customize Notification area icons - when I try to "Hide icons and notifications" in category Windows explorer where there is this unwanted visual message USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED and click OK, it does not work, because it pops up again immediately - next time I check Notification area icons customization this category is back to "Only show notifications" although I changed it to "Hide".

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The Notifications Aren't Show In The Notification Area

Mar 31, 2012

A week ago all the notifications in the notification area stopped appear. There is no problem with icons - they all are there, but the notifications aren't display.My taskbar is set to autohide. When there must be a notification - i.e. when I disconnect a flash drive - the task bar stays for a moment (like there is a notification) and then hides, but there is no notification shown at all. The situation is the same with all other notifications.By default I work with the checked option "Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar". I tried to uncheck this option and select "Show icon and notifications" for all icons, also tried to set "Only show notifications", with no success - the notifications aren't display under any circumstances.I tried to Reset the notification area icons cache, but this also doesn't help. Tried to turn off Aero - no change. Tried to turn On/Off "Always show all taskbar icons and notifications" using reg files from here, in both cases there are still no notifications.In fact not a single notification showed in any way for the last week.

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Windows Firewall And Outbound Connections Notifications

Oct 1, 2009

Is windows firewall able to notify me when blocking a new program trying to establish an *outbound* connection?

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Notifications - Change How Long To Stay Open

May 21, 2009

How to Change How Long Windows 7 Notifications Stay Open ?

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Duplicate Unread Mail Notifications - MS Outlook 2003

Sep 19, 2011

I experience duplicated unread mail notifications in my Inbox. OS Windows 7-64, IE8 and IE9, MS Outlook 2003.

I do not have this problem with my XP computer (IE8).

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Why Does Outlook 2013 Give Notifications About New Junk Email

Nov 4, 2012

So the question is in the title. Outlook 2013 gives me notifications about newly received junk mail which I don't want to see. Can I somehow disable that feature and let it notify me just when regular email is received?

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Facing BSOD (Page Fault Non Page Area/Clock Interrupt Not Recd) + Hangs

Apr 9, 2012

i have an intel i5 2400 cpu, combined with 4gb ddr3 memory. mobo is dh67bl - revision 3. no gpu installed.power supply is via corsair vx450.problem i been facing:

1) bsod saying that a clock interrupt wasnt recd. [url]

2) bsod saying: page fault in non paging area. couldnt grab a screenshot for this.

3) display randomly goes off for a split second and reappears.. but the color of the panes go blue (i havent chosen blue. my setting is for clear pane.)[url] this error solves itself after random number of hours/mins

4) display vanishes for a split second and reappears, and a small balloon at the bottom right corner prompts that the display driver had stopped working.

5) system plain hangs/stops responding. randomly happens.. but more so while on Internet, or after hrs of it idling, i come back to the comp and try to scroll the content onscreen.sometime it revives from the stuck state as if nothing happened, sometimes i have to give it a cold boot.

6) while reading forums with blue bands.. the blue bands kinda form blurry bars which stretch till the end of the screen. i tried to grab a screenshot but the screenshots were clean. the bands moved as i dragged the image about.

7) also, my comp's display went off one day and within a second came back with a blue-ish hue. it restored itself but again has gone back to blue-ish.

other relevant information:

windows 7 x64
no other os resides/installed on system
full retail version
os was installed in july.

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When Press Next Page It Goes To Wrong Page

Mar 5, 2011

When I click to go to the next page on a web site it takes me to the sites home page instead and in order to get to the correct next page I have to backspace and click NEXT again.

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Make A Certain Page Home Page?

Jul 22, 2011

How do I make a certain page my 'home page'?

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Boxes Around Icons On The Desktop?

Sep 17, 2012

On the desktop on my Win 7 64-bit PC, many icons (but not all) have these boxes around them, as shown in the attached picture.

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Dialog Boxes Not Appearing At All

Jan 27, 2013

None of my dialog boxes are not showing up. Meaning when I go to "save as.." nothing comes up after I click on that. The little right click menu appears but when I select what I want, nothing else comes up. It's not behind any other windows or open programs or on the edge of the screen anywhere. I believe I did a defrag and I did a sweep with AVG anti-virus but nothing came up

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Text Boxes On Forms?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently purchased a laptop and I cannot figure out how to adjust some of the settings. For example, when you're on a website where you fill out information boxes such as name, address, email, etc. the boxes are so light that they don't show up. I have to hit tab just to find them. Even on this page right below title: the actual box does not show up.

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Cursor Keeps Typing [] Boxes?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue with my computer reading boxes from my input that look similar to []. When I use a readkey method in a program it will display that the input it is reading is a 255 which is ancii for 'blank' if I understand right. I believe the boxes are the visual representation of a blank?

I am using windows 7 ultimate on a dell inspiron 1501. what in the world would cause it to continue reading this input? The thing that is strange is it only happens during a readkey call in code or a program that uses a similar method to type with such as a java application that is used to show work for homework. Things such as threads like this, or word processors or notepad etc don't do this.

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Dialog Boxes Do Not Appear For Certain Programs?

Jan 27, 2012

For the past couple of months, I've noticed that dialog boxes (For Save as, Open, Error messages, ect) are not appearing. The window will go unfocused for a second but the dialog box never appears. This has only been happening with certain programs such as Microsoft Office, Steam, and Musenotes (Although there are many others too) while other programs such as notepad are working completely fine.All of the solutions I've found either have to do with AutoCad (Which I don't have) or the dialog box simply appearing off screen (None of the solutions work)

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Dialog Boxes Focusing Behind All?

May 11, 2010

Since Windows 7, I've noticed that all of my timed system events configured to pop up reminders or Microsoft Office Calendar events always pop up in the background.

Usually, I have sound on, so I can here the Windows notice, but not always. Also, I have dual screens that I keep pretty busy!

Is there a way I can tell Windows 7 that I want these dialog boxes to pop up in the front like they did way back in the WinXP day?

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Remove Check Boxes?

Jul 9, 2010

Last night, while going through a very informative troubleshooting thread with some of your knowledgeable members, I came across an option to when something is clicked to pick, it displays a checkmark box. On everything! I've find that I dislike this immensely. To my caprice and chagrin, I've forgotten where to find the option so that I can turn off this feature.

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Yellow Outlines In Folder

Mar 8, 2011


why do i have yellow outline in my folders ?

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