Booted Up Magicka Through Steam, Came Back And It Was Frozen?

Aug 2, 2011

So (in case this is relevant, but I doubt it) I booted up Magicka through steam, came back and it was frozen. Tried to alt tab, tried to bring uptask manager, no dice. So then I held down my power button and restarted, but then the computer wouldn't boot[URL]So I put in my windows CD and now it's asking me if I want to install windows.I'd rather not lose everything without a fight so what do?

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BSOD Starting Grand Theft Auto IV As Non Steam Game In Steam?

May 1, 2012

I get a bsod when starting GTA 4, i think its something to do with avast however.

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Booted Into Old Install Of Windows 7?

Mar 8, 2011

I had windows 7 32bit home and ran into problems so I decided to install the 64bit version and it was working good then all of a sudden the computer turned off, it was like a bsod with no blue screen, the computer restarted and booted into the old 32bit version, I thought a windows install formats the hard drive, why is the old version on there? How do I get rid of it

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Windows 7 Barely Booted

Jun 3, 2012

My PC just had a hard time booting because of startup repair,but it booted eventually,i'm scared to turn it off now though.I had about 3 BSOD since i bought the PC,and the pc is relatively new,some of the BSOD were during browsing i think.The PC hasn't got any other problems and is fast.I've concluded that the problem might be in the hard drive,what i seriously hope is not,because i have 2 hard drives in my PC,and one has a terabyte of size,so i can't back that up.

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Booted It Up, Everything Has Significantly Slowed Down?

Dec 30, 2011

At the beginning of the problem when I booted up my computer, I would check to see if the built-in wi-fi was working. If it wasn't, then it would freeze up at some point (usually soon after) and I was forced to restart. Whenever I booted my computer up and saw this problem, I restarted immediately. If the wi-fi was working, then the computer functioned normally. This was only an occasional problem, so I was able to deal with it by restarting when I found the problem.Then, a couple of weeks ago, my computer automatically forced a hard drive scan upon startup and found 4 corrupted segements on my disk. Next time it booted up, it scanned again and the errors had dissapeared.

Unfortunately, my problem worsened yesterday. When I booted it up, everything has significantly slowed down. It hangs on the Windows screen before I choose my profile, after I choose my profile, when it's loading my profile, and when I perform any task. I tried to start it in Safe Mode and found the same problem. I've found that if I just wait around (usually about 30 minutes), the computer catches up to itself and can perform normally for a while until I start to perform a demanding test. Then it hangs again. Can anyone identify a probable problem? It seems like it is a hardware problem mainly because it isn't an isolated event.

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Windows 7 Not Genuine When Booted Up?

Dec 3, 2012

my windows 7 ultimate tablet. i booted up, and i have black desktop and "windows 7 build 7600 this copy of windows is not genuine" when i try to re-activate whith my key, i get an activation error. here is the MGADiag report:

Diagnostic Report (1.9.0027.0):
Windows Validation Data-->
Validation Code: 0x8004FE21


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Hard Drive Dying Pc Could Not Be Booted

Oct 11, 2012

I think my hard drive is dying, The reason being is I can not boot my PC..

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Computer Booted Up Ok But Could Reboot Without Bluescreen?

Feb 19, 2010

am completely stuck and not sure what to do. I am a MS employee, got a free (legal) copy of Win7 ultimate under the home usage program and our internal help desk says they donupport. I have loaded many OS onto laptops at work, so know the basic routine. Computer is HP Pavillion Desktop, came with Vista Home edition about two years ago. I checked for compatibility and chose to do a custom install. On first install I forgot to eliminate the second partition that had the original image. Computer booted up ok (incredibly slow, about 15 minutes) but could reboot without bluescreen. Wireless worked, I was able to do some windows updates but knew something was very wrong, so didnattempt to reinstall programs. Printer driver loaded on its own. Re-did the custom install, this time deleting the extra partition.

Now, I can barely boot up, the machine blue screens on the way, wireless does work and it doesn recognize my home network or any other network (usually there are 3 or 4 in my neighborhood that show up). Shutting down will blue screen as well, I tried yesterday. Im leaving it up and running hoping for a miracle cure. On first attempt, I was able to capture this information. Problem signature:Problem Event Name: BlueScreenOS Version:6.1.7600. ID: 1033Additional information about the problem:BCCode: 9fBCP3: 8293EAE0BCP4: 84AB20C8OS Version: 6_1_7600Service Pack:0_0Product: 256_1Files that help describe the problem:C:WindowsMinidum21410-30919-01.dmpC:UsersCherylAppDataLocalTempWER-94536-0.sysdata.xmlRd our privacy statement onlinetp:// the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:C:Windowsystem32en-USerofflps.txt I tried to look at my current mini dump folder but its empty AND I dont have permissions to view

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Accidentally Dual Booted Windows 7

Mar 27, 2011

I used to have ubuntu dual booted with win 7.then i decided i didn't want ubuntu dual booted anymore and wanted my boot up to automatically boot win7.I deleted the ubuntu partition, but then I lost my boot up menu during startup.So I ran the Win 7 Ultimate disk in hopes to repair that.Instead I ended up with a fresh install that seems to be a seperate partition.the good news is it fixed my boot up , but now I have the option of 2 win 7s when I boot.I want to have just 1.and i think the one I want to keep is the fresh install, so my question is.How can I make my new install of win 7 be the only operating system on my computer. The older win7 i have is the one i have been using , but think i want to put all my data i need on a external hard drive, then delete that partition, then make the new fresh installled win 7 as my only operating system on my laptop.

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Winodows 7 Explorer Appears When Booted?

Sep 1, 2010

Whenever I boot my Win 7 computer, nothing shows on the desktop except for Win 7 screen. Recently, Windows Explorer appears on the desktop whenever I boot the computer. Is there anyway to suppress opening of the windows explore during booting

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Deleting Partition With Dual Booted OS?

Apr 3, 2012

Installed 7 Home Premium 32 bit on a partition, now i found out all my drivers, at least the important ones are 64 bit only. How do i remove the partition safely?

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Computer Randomly Changes Hd Boot Order And Not Gets Booted

Jul 18, 2011

I replaced my motherboard and installed an Agility ssd for my boot drive. Every couple weeks, the computer won't boot. I go into the bios under "hard drive boot order" and find that one of my other hard drives is at the top of the hit parade. It even put my external drive as the boot drive one time. As soon as I switch my ssd to boot drive of course it boots up properly. Any ideas why it's doing this?

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Laptop Shuts Down When Booted Up A Windows 7 Installer

Nov 6, 2012

I wanted to reformat my laptop using a 64-bit windows 7 professional DVD, but everytime I boot it up after the installer loads and before it reaches the Installation GUI it automatically shuts down. I tried booting up my Kaspersky original CD since it has this Rescue Tools but as soon as it reaches the GUI of my laptop shuts down. The reason I wanted to reformat my laptop was because a Trojan named " JS:ScriptIP-inf" infiltrated my laptop and after changing my antivirus to kaspersky internet security 2013 my laptop just became too slow that my commonly used programs and games now takes so much time before it could open.My laptop is an MSI CX420, Core i5, 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon 5470 with 1GB dedicated memory.

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IE8 Loses Its Cookies When Computer Is Hard Booted

May 26, 2009

I am noticing that if the OS is unexpectedly shut down then all the state data in IE is lost. I am assuming it is cookie data. An example is Google preferences. I set it to display 100 results per page, not filter my results and open in a new window.

Every time the computer is "accidently" powered off upon reboot Google reverts to showing 10 results per page, filtered results and opening in the same page (the default settings). This goes for every site that I have remember my login name.

I am runing Windows 7 Build 7100 RC1

I am curious if anyone else is experiencing this issue.

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Firewire Card And When Booted It Up Said It Couldn't Install Driver?

Apr 1, 2011

have an older dv camera (JVC GR-DVL820EA) and would like to run it on py dual core pc with windows 7 professional. I installed my video editing software and a new firewire card and when booted it up said it couldn't install driver. Later on it said that this version of windows doesn't support firewire.

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Computer Only Boots To Ubuntu 12.04 After Dual Booted It Windows 7

Nov 3, 2012

How can I have my computer give me the option to choose between booting either Windows 7 or Ubuntu?

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Stuck At The Boot Screen On A Windows 7 Netbook Dual Booted With Xp

Jun 24, 2011

I've an hp mini 110 with windows seven starter and I want to make a dual boot 7/XP...I downloaded the 32bit version of the sp3 XP and following this guide: Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP I installed on a new partition...(I didn't put the sata drivers cause when I started the usb on the boot xp started to install without problem)..after xp finished I booted but I get this error "windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.."...when I only can see XP and It can't be opened...I tryed with the 7-system-recovery on the usb to make recovery and put these strings on prompt

bootrec /FixMbr
bootrec /FixBoot
bootrec /RebuildBcd

but nothing,same error!!!I thought it was a sata driver issue so I downloaded the drivers and opened on the system recovery through usb but it says they can't be should I slipstream in the xp iso before install xp??

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How To Run Steam On A Limited Account

Oct 16, 2012

My son's account was limited, but after I installed Steam for him, he had to use "Run as" and then get me to enter my Admin account details so that he could run it. This was getting tedious so I changed his account to an Admin type. Is there a way to put his account back to Limited (Family Safety will then work again) and still run Steam without using "Run as" and me entering details every time?

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BSOD When Downloading From Steam?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently built a PC in August for the first time and everything was working great until a few months ago. I believe the problems started when I flashed my Asus P8Z68-V motherboard with a BIOS from a different model. I finally discovered my error and flashed my BIOS to a correct version thinking this would stop the BSODs. It did not and the BSODs continue only when installing certain games on Steam and every time I "Verify Integrity of Cache", no matter what the game is. Other than these two scenarios my computer seems to run fine. I have gone through and updated all the drivers provided on the Asus product page. I also have the WHQL drivers for my nVidia GTX 570 and all the Z68 chipset drivers. I really don't know what else I can or should update as far as drivers are concerned.

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BSOD When Loading Steam

May 26, 2012

I'm not sure steam had anything to do with the crash the computer was idle and not really being stressed. The computer and its parts are all relatively new, some parts up to a year old. All drivers are up to date, as far as im aware. I think the bsod code was something lik 0x000000124. Any idea what caused it ? Driver or hardware related?

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Install Some Games From Steam?

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to install some games from Steam, but I can't because their is not enough space.

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Steam Must Be Started Twice To Login

Oct 28, 2012

this is actually a fairly common problem for people right now apparently, but the steam forums aren't any help thought I might pick a few brains here.The first time you start steam the log in always fails.The second time you start steam it logs in just fine. This appears to happen regardless of if it's set to start with windows or not. I've already played with most the network or environment variables that could be causing it. Just looking for other ideas at this point.

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How To Ininstall Steam Account

Apr 11, 2011

I accidentally forgot to close the steam account me and my brother share when i was deleting his account on my laptop and now it won't let me uninstall it because it says "this account is locked because another user is currently using it" or something like that.i was wondering if there was a way to "force" uninstall it? i would really like to know because i want to play some games

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Steam Update Hanged At 30%?

Jul 4, 2011

After installing Steam Client, the Steam Update is at 30% for 20 minutes. May i know what is the update for as i have not installed any game? And how big is the update?

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Steam Hangs On Install

Jul 16, 2012

I have been having problems trying to install Steam on my computer. Everything is up to date on the system. When I click on link through steam to install it starts the process however it gets to a window where it says updating steam and it hangs.I have no idea what else to do.Tried different browsers still same problem.I have Windows 7 pro 64

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Steam Not Downloading Deus Ex?

Oct 2, 2012

I've tried every possible way to try and get Deus Ex downloaded, just redeemed a code I got and it keeps saying "steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request"

I tried all the things steam says to do like change download location and etc. I can download other games but this one?

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Firefox, IE, Steam Not Showing Any Text?

Jun 12, 2011

I don't know how it happened, but suddenly certain programs stopped showing any text. I think I may have accidentally deleted some fonts, but I have no idea how.More information in these screenshots.I tried using System Restore to restoringly restore a previous restore point, but it failed and asked me to try again. When I tried again all restore points had been deleted. Isn't that just awesome?Anyway, I think re-installing all fonts might fix this. So I would like to know where I can download all default Windows 7 fonts.

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BSOD While Exiting Steam App DotA2 ( Cdd.dll )

Feb 1, 2012

I've encountered this issue just now and want to make sure it is not anything too serious, there is not much to say save for the fact that as soon as I hit exit to desktop the BS appeared.My power supply unit is a very competent Corsair series unit, so I do not believe that would be an issue. I've attached the performance monitor report along with your Utility tool report.The operating system is a Windows 7 Ultimate on 64 bits, and the entire hardware is fairly new ( <2 months old ).

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BSOD While Playing Steam Games?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a fear that it's endangering my computer

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BSOD System_service_expection 3B While Opening Steam

Sep 5, 2012

today i opened steam with no problem but when i was browsing the store it crashed, i reopened again and it would say "windows 32 expection" and some number i dont remember... then i tryed to open it with administator previlege and boom, blue screen system_service_expection

i just installed windows 7 yestarday and i played all day long with no problems, did a windows memory diagnostic extended and i also installed all the windows updates, sp 1 included

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit And Steam

Jul 28, 2011

I am a little annoyed that after buying 2 games from EB Games today, Aliens V's Predator and Apox, they both need "Steam" to install properly. I have installed steam and it tells me that i have no internet connection. I have a wireless internet connection and steam does not pick it up at all. i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, i have down loaded the latest steam from the web site and i still get the same problem.

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