Any Possible Fashion Whether At USB 2.0 Or 3.0 Speeds

Jun 21, 2012

I need in the next two days to find a quick fix to plug a front panel USB 3.0 box connector into my ASUS M5A97 or get it to function in any possible fashion whether at USB 2.0 or 3.0 speeds or whatever.Any products within 20 miles of my zip code at 19073 are fair game. I recommend perusing url... for the PA store inventory.

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My Email Is Not Being Sent In A Timely Fashion

Oct 7, 2012

My email is not being sent in a timely fashion.

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Service Did Not Respond To Start Or Control Request In A Timely Fashion

Mar 27, 2012

I just started up my Laptop (Sony Vaio 2.6GHz Core i5 | 4GB RAM | ATI Radeon | Windows 7 Home Premium) and none of the programs on my laptop are responding when I click on them to start them. Not even Windows Explorer opens. Nothing responds. I can open the windows start button, but that is about it. The PC is still under warranty, so it's quite new (4months). I also take great care of it, I do not load all sorts of crap on it. Only the essentials.It all started yesterday, when my PC became really slow and I had to restart it, where it literally took 10 minutes too shut down (NO windows updates being installed...). I restarted it, ran a check disc for bad sectors, and it found none. Only a few bad clusters. I also ran - sfc /scannow command in cmd. However, when I open some of the programs(non windows system programs such as explorer and task manager), it gives me the following error: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

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Error 1053: The Service Did Not Respond To The Start Or Control Request In A Timely Fashion

Nov 30, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6037 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000, -1988 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 454779 MB, Free - 395876 MB; D: Total - 21855 MB, Free - 2354 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1819
Antivirus: Norton Internet Security, Updated and Enabled
Printer HP Photosmart 5514 B111h / Network Status: Ready / Active Connection Type: Wireless

error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timley fashion Also before a message / Windows cannot connect to the printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine. Does this mean to connect a USB cable and reconfigure the wireless connection.

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Why Can't Get SATA II Speeds

May 30, 2011

I have a Panasonic Toughbook CF-30 MK3. Myself and many others are trying to figure out why we can't get SATA II speeds. There is nothing in the BIOS that helps, nor the manual. The only thing that the BIOS says in the System Info is SATA-AHCI. I have tried several different SSD's and they all max out at around 130Gbps. Someone mentioned that it might not support S-II, but I have a very hard time believing that with the computer only being 2 years old.

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PC Slowing Browsing Speeds?

Feb 11, 2011

We have a 20Mb line with a 2Mb upload. When checking speed testing sites, we're always getting full speeds.When downloading using Steam or uTorrent (Anything that manages its own downloads) I can get 2.4 - 2.5MB/s download.But when I'm using any form of web browser, firefox, IE ect. Loading pages can take 10-20 seconds, pictures 30seconds-2minutes. Downloads are much much slower, around 500KB/s and while videos usually load fast enough they sometimes drop their connection and stop buffering.

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Slow Transfer Speeds From NAS?

May 26, 2011

I am hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this problem. When transferring a 3 gig file from my NV+ to my internal hard drive I get speeds of around 300 Kb/s and message saying the transfer will take 18 hours.When i transfer the same file to my wifes computer over the same network the speed jumps to 30MB/s which is what it should be. I cannot understand why this is happening as my wife's computer is way slower than mine with only a core 2 duo processor and 2 gig of ram

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Slow Download / Upload Speeds

Jun 24, 2011

I have AT&T DSL internet service and I'm using their 2-Wire 2701HG-B modem/router plus all my phones lines connected to a phone or Sat receiver have their filters installed on them. I'm subscribed to their 3Mbps plan but for quite awhile now I've noticed very slow internet speed.Going to - Results or Speed Test | Bandwidth | Broadband Internet Services I'm getting download readings as low as .23Kbps to 2.73Mbps (the latter very, very seldon) with an average of under 1.0Mbps.AT&T did a ping or something and can tell I have noise on the line so they say it's probably either the router or one of the phone lines so this morning a tech dropped off a new router (same brand/model) but I can't see any improvement.When the tech came the other day he hooked up his small modem from my phone line to his laptop and ran a speed test and it was consistently 2.5Mbps.So are there any settings on my modem/router that could be slowing things down?

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Unable To Transfer At Gigabit Speeds?

Dec 15, 2011

I can�t get anything faster than 5Mbs transfers over my network. This is what I have connected. I�m using a Dlink DIR-655 Router, set to connect at 1Gbps, Western Digital NAS drive, it says it�s connected at 1Gbps, and my laptop is set to connect at 1Gbps also. My laptop has a Realtek NIC, with the lastest drivers that I can find. Every thing is set to 1Gbps and, they all connect at that speed, but transferring between my NAS and my laptop, I ONLY get right at 5Mbs. Everything is connected with Cat5e cables, no long runs or anything. I�ve looked at several forums to figure out what I can do to get higher transfer speeds

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100 Mbps Speeds On 1000Mbps Network

Aug 16, 2009

Problem: Can't get file transfer speeds over 12MB/sec, avg is around 7-8MB/sec, this happens system to system, or system to NAS, or NAS to system

The setup:

I have a 24 port linksys gigabit swith, 6 computers, 5 NAS devices, all gigabit

every system on the network, other than the nas, is running windows 7

the switch is registering gigabit connections, indicated by the link lights

Jumbo frame is ON and is supported by all systems

What has been tried:

i have turned remote differential compression OFF, from what few articles i read on the web

tried different cables

tried other ports

cycled everything

updated drivers

tried a separate switch

DHCP on/off

Jumbo Frame on/off

anybody have any insight as to what to try? i have been looking all over the web and only found the concept of turning remote differential compression off.

NAS is a iomega ix4

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Very High CPU Temperatures On Stock Speeds?

Jun 13, 2012

since I got my new setup, temps have gone up like crazy and I cannot find the source of the problem. Using Prime95, my 955BE goes as high as 65-70 degrees celcius. This is at standard clock and voltage, which are 3200mHz and ~1.35v.The cooler I use is: Arctic Freezer 7 Pro and thermal paste: Cooler Master something. Case fans are turned up to medium instead of low and the heatsink seems to be placed correctly.With my old motherboard (M4A77) and this exact same cooler, temps would stabilize at ~54 degrees at full load.

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Speedfan Dont Show Fan Speeds?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a macbook pro, I'm running windows in bootcamp. I installed speedfan but I don't see anything about fans.

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Slow Usb Transfer Speeds / Usb 2.0 Issue

Jan 18, 2010

I recently completed a clean install of windows 7.

I have the i7 950 on the ASUS Rampage II Extreme motherboard.

I am currently experiencing extremely slow usb tranfer speeds.

I get transfer rates on average of 650 KB/second.

I checked the device manager and 2 of the 8 usb controllers say enhanced. The other 6 do not.
According to the specs of the board, all 8 should be usb 2.0.

I have tried letting the system update the drivers, but for all, it retains the current driver.
I even went so far as to disable the controllers and restart. All 8 returned, but with the current drivers.

I tried using the install CD that came with the mobo, but it states that it cannot run using the current OS.

Any thoughts?

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Slower Internet Speeds With Windows 7?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm dual booting windows 7 64bit and windows vista home premium 32bit.When using windows 7 the internet speeds when browsing ,streaming and downloading are significantly slower than when using vista. I've tried a couple of solutions like disabling autotuning, resetting tcp , disabling kaspersky,running in safe mode, eliminating programs one by one but nothing seems to help.

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Asus A8n-sli Delux USB 2.0 Operating At 1.1 Speeds

Jul 24, 2012

Just had an issue since I formatted my PC.... Never previously had an issue with it, but my PC now has all USB ports operating at USB 1.1 speeds. I've installed all drivers for the motherboard and nothing is shown as missing drivers, but every time I plug in a USB 2.0 device, I get a message saying it can perform faster if put into a USB 2.0 port.

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New Windows 7 Desktop Slow Download Speeds

Dec 22, 2011

i just got a new windows 7 (gateway fx)(os)Windows 7 home premium 64-bit (cpu) intel core i7 processer 2600 (RAM) 16gb DDr3 memory (HDD) 64gb solid-state drive + 2tb hard drive (optical)blu-ray / super-muti combo drive.idk if that helps but i need my download speeds back to normal cuz im downloading wow and other big games in the (gbs) so if u can help that would be GREAT (normal speed 150-200 kbs on old windows xp and on windows 7 10-50kbs

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Internet Explorer 9, Slow Speeds After Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I have had to revert to Int Explorer 8 to use the Internet at reasonable speeds.]

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Public Wifi Very Slow Download Speeds

Dec 8, 2011

I used to have an Acer laptop until the screen cracked about a week ago and I replaced it with an HP Pavilion. When I was using the Acer laptop, I never had any problems with my college's wifi, but a few days after I switched to the HP laptop I noticed a decrease in browsing speed. This decrease was extreme if the page I was trying to load contained images/videos. Additionally, my download speed was horrific, at about 9 KB/sec. Lastly, I have had trouble connecting to the network, with my computer telling me it can't connect several times before it connects. I uninstalled Java, disabled firewall, uninstalled antivirus programs, cleared browser cache, which helped a bit. Then, oddly at about 8 PM last night, the browsing/download speed of my computer returned to normal. However, it is as slow as ever this morning. I'm fairly certain the increase in speed was due to the fewer number of people connected to the network.

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Fast Internet, Slow Download Speeds?

Jun 16, 2012

So today my friend and I, who live in the same country, was downloading this file.It was around 6GB, which is irrelevant, but yea. It was from the same site, we have the same internet, yet he was downloading with 2.6MB/s while I was downloading with 1.338MB/s and it stayed like that for the remaining 40 minutes. Didn't even move at one point, while his went from 2.1 to 2.6 over 10 minutes. Worth noting, we use the same ISP, he only have 25/2 while I have 50/5, and I could easily download 2 files with the exact same speed (1.338MB/s each but not 1 with 2.6MB/s or more.There's also a client downloader, for this game, where he again got 2.6+ whereas mine always stayed at an amazing 80-180kb/s. I tried disabling anti virus, firewall, Malwarebytes, nothing changed it. I know you're thinking it's just the seeds or site that is limited to an x number of download speed, but it really can't be the case in this. It happens with every site I try. It's always at 1.3xMB/s and never moves regardless of how good it is.

I honestly don't remember, but I don't think this happens when it's a .torrent file, using programs like uTorrent with good p2p. It happens in all browsers, and apparently game client downloaders.I can download 5 different downloads at 1.3xMB/s using all of my available internet, but when it comes to a single file, it for some reason, is impossibleI'm not complaining about the download speed, but it just seems like there's something wrong. My downloads also have a habit of failing in chrome after a few minutes, for no reason. That only happens from some sources though.

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Slow Network Transfer Speeds On Local LAN?

Oct 17, 2012

My PC's network card is configured as 100 Mbps My NAS Drive is configured as 100 Mbps

My Home Hub 3 shows both connected at 100 Mbps, yet I'm getting a maximum of 1.3M transferring a file to the NAS.

Is there any way I can increase this ? I get the same speed from my 20Mbps download from my DSL.

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Service Pack 1 Causing Slow Speeds

Jun 27, 2011

I am currently running Windows 7 64 bit on a new Dell Precision machine. I bought this machine with the sole purpose of running SolidWorks. The machine has some serious hardware in it and I know it can handle SolidWorks, but it seems to run slow. Boot up times on the machine are quite long, and occasionally it will just freeze on bootup or ask me to log in multiple times. Things seemed to be slowly getting faster until a few days ago when i installed service pack 1. Since then the speed has been terribly slow. Just to provide more information, most of the files I use in my models are stored on our server locally. I have a 1 Gigabit connection from the computer to our server, but when I access files on the server it takes forever. Every time i want to open a new part or do some interaction between the server it goes terrible slow. Once i have the part opened the computer seems to run fine. We just installed new infrastructure so i know all the wires are good. Like I said, the speeds were slow, but getting better, but as soon as i installed service pack 1 the slow speeds have become unbearable. Anyone have any thoughts? Is this a network problem or a computer problem? It seems weird that service pack 1 would cause it to become so slow. The server is running Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit.

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Program To Control CPU And Graphics Card Fan Speeds

Feb 2, 2010

Is there a program out there that can control both the CPU fan speed and the graphics card fan speed while monitoring their temperatures? I use Speedfan for the CPU fan and EVGA precision for my 8800GT fan speed. Maybe even something that changes the fan speed of the CPU depending on the load on it. Any advice is appreciated.

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Internet Speeds Lower Than Normal Running Windows 7?

Jan 28, 2012

I just recently got a wireless adapter and installed it and the drivers but i am maxing out at 3mbps on every speed test site. when i boot into Ubuntu with the same computer and same wireless card i get up to 9mbps.

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Freshly Installed Windows 7 With Super Slow Internet Speeds?

Jan 27, 2011

I have had this problem ever since the summer. I would tell you the speeds I'm getting from, but the page is still loading. It's been over 30 minutes.Anyway, I have installed the drivers for the motherboard that came with the disc and such, and I still have no success. It is really annoying at this point, basically not being able to use my computer.

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Slower Connection Speeds After Reinstalling Windows 7 Home Premium?

May 21, 2012

I recently reinstalled my OS, Windows 7 Home Premium. Everything went smoothly, reinstalled all my drivers, gamebooster etc etc. But when I went to download all my games, I found that my internet speed had gone down the tube, an irritatingly slow 1mb/s That's only 1/20 of my normal speed. My laptop has a built-in Atheros AR5B93 Wireless Network Adapter and Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet. All the drivers for these are up to date?

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Deadly Slow Network Speeds / Software Or Hardware Related?

Dec 5, 2012

I've been having some issues with my download/upload speeds lately after upgrading mobo/processor and OS to 7 x64 and I haven't been able to track it. My average wired on other computers are around: 25 (download), 7 (upload) and wireless I generally see: 13 (download), 4 (upload).This particular setup was okay before, and I have another wireless router set up on the other side of my wall giving me full service. I don't have wireless problems with any other devices other then this one.

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USB Sticks Slow Transfer Speeds, System Takes Forever To Load Drivers?

Jan 31, 2012

have been struggling with my system taking 2-3 minutes to find drivers for any memory stick I plug in to any of 3 USB ports on my Acer 1810T. When the process finally completes, the transfer speeds are about 1MB/s or less.Another (possibly related?) problem is when I insert any SD card in the dedicated slot for the first time, everything is fine. Once I remove and either re-insert (or insert a different card), nothing appears. I get a message saying "process is already in memory". I have to reboot to get things working again.

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