Adding Tags Or Keywords To .FLV Files?

Jun 29, 2012

in windows explorer when I right click a .wmv or .mp4 files and go to "Properties" -> "Details" I can add and edit tags/keywords..flv, .avi and other video files DON'T have this options under the "Details" can I add it ? I want to be able to add and edit tags/keywords to these kind of files.

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Adding And Editing Tags / Keywords Video Files Like .AVI, .FLV?

Jul 2, 2012

in windows explorer when I right click a .wmv or .mp4 files and go to "Properties" -> "Details" I can add and edit tags/keywords..flv, .avi and other video files DON'T have this options under the "Details" section. (I know there are not "windows standard" video types)how can I add it ? I want to be able to add and edit tags/keywords to these kind of files.I rather have a windows solution for this but installing a software that can work with windows explorer is not out of the question

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Adding Tags Or Descriptions To A Folder In Windows 7?

Dec 28, 2012

Being someone who just completed a research-intense Masters degree, you'd think I would have thought of this a long time ago.Are there any ways to add a very obvious banner to the top of a folder that you can type in details/instructions/information about that folder? Something OBVIOUS and easy to see have piles of folders that all hold "similar" content, and I'd love to put a detailed description at the top of the folder that is very easy to see when you open a folder. If I can also add in a pop-up bubble when I wave the pointer over the folder with this info, so much the better.I want to be able to open a folder and see up at the top "Storage of archived items for sociology research regarding ethics and human rights from when I was a student at Noneya Business School at Wassamatta U"

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Can't Change File Tags On Word 2007 Files

Oct 15, 2011

I use tags to keep things organized. I can edit and update the tags on Word 2003 files just fine. But when I try to edit and save them on the newer files I get the following error:I've checked ownership and permissions, they both appear to be set properly, and that gives a different error anyway.I've also noticed that the older Word 2003 files allow for a thumbnail icon of the document, but this doesn't work for 2007 even if the thumbnail box is checked. I can edit the document information inside Word of course, but that doesn't show up in Windows Explorer searches.

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Files Are Listed By Carbonite As System Files After Adding Tag?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and having the same problem. You can easily resolve the "Hidden File" problem by right clicking on the file, select Properties, and remove the check box next to "Hidden". If you tagged all the photos in a folder, simply select all (ctrl-A) and do the same. It solved the hidden file problem for me without having to show all hidden files.The problem I'm running into that I can't fix is that even after doing this, Carbonite now recognizes these files as system files and refuses to back them up. Even if you try to manually force Carbonite to back them up, it immediately unselects the check box. Hopefully somebody knows of a solution. It's weird, because I was tagging photos just a few weeks ago, and didn't have any problems at all. I don't know if there was an update at some point that screwed this all up.

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Adding Pop Up Info To Files?

Apr 13, 2011

I regularly download useful programs and archives etc and would like to be able to add and edit info that shows up when you hover your mouse over the file. Generally downloaded archives etc are not very descriptive and I would like to add stuff to help me remember why I downloaded it in the first place!

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WMP12 Keeps Adding Same Files

Oct 18, 2011

As I go thru my library, I occasionally notice that I will have doubles of a lot of my files and go through each one and delete the extras. For some reason now there are way to many folder this has happened to for editing each and every one. why does this do this and how can I fix now that there are way too many to do individually?

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Adding 1080p Files To A DVD?

Apr 17, 2012

I am planning to add some 1080p MKV files to a DVD+RW. I know I will probably have to convert them to a different format so that players can read them, but what format would you recommend I use and how should I go about it? Also I am wondering about the quality loss. To my understanding there will be a loss in quality, but will it be that significant? I want the video to look good, but I would like to use DVDs because I don't think my computer (Dell Inspiron N7110) can write to Blu-ray discs. And since that's the only way to put the files onto a Blu-ray (without buying a recorder for it) I am planning on using DVD+RW discs.

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Re-adding Backed Up Files?

Nov 7, 2012

Ok, so my laptop pooed its pants and decided to break after numurous half successful attempts to fix it, as i had established it was a harddrive problem, i backed up my files onto 3 disks and system reset my laptop.I automatically backed them up, what i mean is i let the computer do it for me it scanned them and put them onto the disk and what not. So it got reset and i booted it back up did all the hoo haa and eventually got back to the main bit. it never explained to me how to re add all my backed up data and even though it recommends using disks whenever it mentions backing up data, when you look around the help pages all it talks about is internal backing up, so it gives you no clue of how to re-add all this data, which is very frustrating.It has all saved as .wim files, don't know why.

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Adding Video Information On Some Files

Jun 18, 2011

I have a bunch of videos on my computer, and I want to add some basic information for them, such as title, album information, and date. I can easily add the title and album information, but when it comes to the date (which I just want to be the year which the media was made in) it hardly ever works. Some files I can simply just right click on it, go to properties, click the detail tab and enter the year where it says media. [code] Does anyone know a way to fix this so that I can put a year for all my videos? I want this so that I can just sort all my videos by the year in which it was created.

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Adding .jpg File To Audio Cd With .wma Files

Oct 24, 2011

I have Windows Media Player Version 12.0.7601.17514. I am trying to create a CD with mostly music (.wma) files but would like to add a few .jpg files. I can move all this (.wma + .jpg) over to the "list" file and them burn to a CD but it will not play on a CD player. I can open the CD through the CD tray on my computer and make the CD play, but this is not what I want. I want to give these CDs to family and friends so they can play on their CD players and car CDs without the .jpg files interfering. The .jpg files are only on the CD for people to find a picture and message I have left for them should they drop the CD into a computer. I see on the internet where people are discussing adding "album art" to files but this is not what I want to do. I just want the .jpg files to be separate from the .wma files and for the .wma files to play. How can I do this? PS when I burn a CD with only .wma (music) files, everything works well and the CD will play in any CD player and car CD.

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Adding Files To Disk Sequentially Fragment It

Jun 14, 2012

I just completed adding several files to my newly defragmented disk, nothing else. But when I looked where things were placed, I saw that the disk was fragmented again. Why does this happen?

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Windows 7 Adding .jpg Extension To Files And Documents?

Nov 7, 2012

Windows 7 adds the .jpg xtension to many of my files which are for example:

Adobe InDesign files
Photoshop PSD files
Camera RAW files
Adobe PDF file

how I can prevent Windows from doing this? I archive my files according to the program they are created in and I need to keep all my with file original xtension.

I use adobe bridge so I do not need to view the contents of my files in any Windows Explorer window.

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Stop Wmp In Windows 7 Adding Media Files Automatically?

Jul 22, 2011

I think whats its more or less doing is every time wmp opens it goes trough my docs and music folders and it adds everything there, i don't want it to its all too messy for wmp to list properly..i've gone into tools and unchecked all the boxes but there dosn't seem to be an option to stop it adding local media.

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Adding Files To Network Share Not Inheriting Security?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a network share set up with everything working. My roommates can see, read, and download files from me, and my WDTV Live can play back music, videos, etc. These folders that are shared have Security settings with the user "Everyone" with Read & execute, List folder contents, and Read set to "Allow". The problem I'm having is when I add new files to a folder that is shared; it doesn't inherit this "Everyone" username permission to it's Security tab.

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WMP Seems To Have Lost All Flac Tags?

Jan 10, 2012

So I have a massive Flac library. And I have WMP tag plus plugin installed. All my music files are on their own seperate hard drive (F:). Originally i had just put the seperate folders for each artist directly on the root of F.

(F:artist folder)

This worked for a while and then somewhere down the line I had to make another folder on the root of F: and then replace all artist folders inside that. (to clean up some sharing issues I believe)

(F:Musicartist folder).

This also worked fine for tags. for a while. I had shared the root drive originally, and also shared the F:Music folder as well. after i had created the F:Music folder and shared that, I unshared the actual drive. Now, this was STILL fine for a couple of days. I had a fully shared library with songs correctly tagged with album art. But today I turned on WMP and went to wirelessly play music over my home network to my xbox. (using the xbox menus to access the music on my computer.)

While music was playing through my xbox I sat at the computer to look at my library only to see if I could "play to" the xbox from my computers WMP. As it turns out I couldn't but I also couldn't "play to" my laptop... which has always been possible because I do it all the time. (it was on and available.) Just I noticed this, my artist library on my computer started to collapse into an "unknown artist" folder.

I literally watched this happen. all my album art just fell off the screen and now not one song has any tags. everything is under "unknown artist" - "unknown album". I've been fiddling with my computer for an hour now i cant see the problem. I have noticed that the .flac files on my computer now have a different icon representing them... and I don't know why that is either. Why no more tags? Its literally a never ending battle to be able to play my music with WMP, but its almost a must to be able to play everything wirelessly throughout my house. I don't understand why microsoft cant get this to work.

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Editing Not MP3 Tags, But MP3 File?

Jun 29, 2011

I overcame all the known troubles with editing MP3 tags, it's no problem. Since I don't like the presentation of my MP3's in iTunes I wrote a program in html/JavaScript that does all the work I want. I'm not a great programmer, just QuickBasic (Very Good!) and html/JavaScript. But now I meet a quite different problem. My program reads tags from the MP3 file itself. Reading 3 tags in over 5000 MP3's takes about 70 secs (Win 7 x64). To speed that up I place those tags (tit2, tpe1 and tcon) in the beginning of the file. I have to do that manually for each file with a text-editor, time consuming! But... is there a way to change the place of the tags in a MP3 file in a more automatic way?

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Wanting To Uninstall Tags?

Jan 24, 2012

I already know how to uninstall it, I already have the window open ready for conformation. But it's warning me that if I uninstall it some of my programs will stop working. I want to know what kind of programs might be affected by me getting rid of this thing, that is on my computer. I just want it gone, and don't want to be guilted into keeping it by the 'it make cause problems if you uninstall me.' It's caused me nothing but irritation since I first got my computer constantly telling me, this driver has been disabled by windows for causing problems, I want it gone.

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How To Delete Unwanted Photo Tags

Sep 4, 2010

When I type the first letter of a tag for a photo tags beginning with that same letter will pop up. In Vista I could remove unwanted tags with regedit and drill down to the tags under windows photo gallery. Can someone tell me where these tags are in Windows 7 Ultimate 64? I am not using Windows Live.

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Edited Tags Not Working In Itunes?

Mar 13, 2011

When I edit tags for music files in windows explorer, either right-clicking and going into properties or editing whilst viewing the details, when I import the song into itunes it doesn't show up.Sometimes it will work, where the album, the year, the genre, artist, and title show up. But sometimes when I upload an entire album 2 or 3 songs wont display the tags correctly. They only show 'artist - song' (which is the name of the file) in the name field in itunes. (It used to only show 'artist - song' when I imported using xp when the files didn't have any info in them except for the file name).

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Download Tags Protection Update?

Aug 24, 2011

how do i download the tags protection update

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Unable To Add Mp3 Tags In Windows 7 Properties Menu

Feb 23, 2012

when I retag my mp3 files using VLC or songbird, I realize that I cannot edit them in Windows 7 anymore. I can access the menu to do it (right-click -> properties) but all the fields are blanked off such that opening it in VLC, the song name will show but in Windows 7's file explorer; it will not show it.

Is there any way to rectify this? I did try saving them over using Adobe Audition (the only software I have that can do it) but that is a bit time consuming.

Here is picture if the menu in case I described it badly: (As you can see, I can click on the fields, but cannot type in them)

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How To Decrease Mp3 Bitrate And Not Loosing Song TAGS

Apr 5, 2012

i have a lot of songs 320 kbps and not enough space on iphone so i would like to convert them to 192 . but the only problem is ( with xilisoft video converter ultimate) that after the converting im loosing all the tags of the song . the file name its all i got .

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Windows 7 Search No Longer Searching Mp3 Tags?

Jan 30, 2013

The new Windows search in 7 is horrible. how to search the inside "metadata" of mp3's? Ridiculous to now have to add search variables and not be able to just turn the option on as XP.

Does anyone have an alternative by any chance? I have been using "Everything" search which is lightining fast for searched unlike Windows 7.

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FLAC Tags Shows In Media Player, But Not In Explorer?

May 3, 2011

I have this problem with most of my FLAC albums where the tags will show just fine in my media player (foobar2000), but they won't show up in Windows Explorer.

how to make them show in Windows Explorer too?

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Media Centre Via Xbox360 Doesnt Read ID3 Tags Properly?

Dec 22, 2011

I am sure that there is an answer to this, but am lost... I have about 28,000 songs which are stored on my Windows 7 Enterprise Media Centre PC. All the ID3 tags are correct (I think), but I cant get the music library working properly on the PC or Extender.The problem I have is with my Various Artists albums... the ID3 tags show song title, artist and album artist. on a various artist album the Album Artist field is set to "Various Artists". I am using an Xbox360 media extended in my living room and whilst its slow, thats a seperate issue, there are some unexpected results when searching for songs...If you search for an artist, if they have produced albums where they are the only artist, then they are listed - the ID3 tags on their personal albums have the Album Artist field set as the Artist field and all works. However when listing by Artist, there is an artist listed called "Various Artists" and every song (12,000+) which is on a compilation album is listed as being by "Various Artists" as MC seems to get the artist name from the "Album Artist" field rather than from the "Artist" field.

I thought I'd found a workaround by changing the Album Artist field to be the same as the Artist - indeed this did work, but the unexpected side effect is that when you search by album, because each track on an album shows a different Album Artist set in the ID3 tag, it lists the album seperately for every song... so you may have "Now Thats What I Call Music xx" listed 20 times - once per song!Is there any way to get media centre to catalogue songs using the "Artist" field rather than the "Album Artist" field - but also to take into account that even though songs are by different artists, should the Album Artist all be the same - then to treat as a single album??I have only just started researching this and have read a bit about Media Centre using the catalogue created by WMP - but to be honest I have never used WMP and wouldnt know where to start.

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"No" Song Tags. Errors When Try Manual Set?

Aug 27, 2011

I've had some songs I think used to properly display their tags, and some new ones that never have.I use Winamp. I play them, and I can see they have tags, but in Explorer they appear to have nothing.

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Adding More Than 4GB Ram?

Aug 5, 2011

Ok, I'm using Windows 7 32bit. and currently have 4GB ram.

Question: Do I need to switch to 64bit to use more than 4GB ram? Or is there other ways or solutions that I don't have to switch to 64bit?

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Adding Second SSD?

Jan 27, 2013

One of my machines has been running XP Pro on a M4 x 256GB. I'm considering adding a second similar SSD for W7.

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Adding A 5th Partition?

May 23, 2011

I am going to be helping a friend who has an HP computer that has 4 primary partitions already. We need to add a 5th partition.

1. convert a partition to Extended and add logical partitions in it

2. Eliminate the System Reserved partition, mark the C: partition as active, and then run startup repair 3 times to recreate the boot files into the C: drive.Is this an accurate assessment, and if so, what are the tradeoffs of each method?I know that with #2 you would lose use of the system tools that are there, but a Win 7 Repair Disc would work for those purposes when needed.

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Adding A USB 3.0 Pci Card?

May 27, 2012

I would like to add a USB 3.0 pci-e card to my system. There are several to choose from but none that I find have a 'header' to bring the USB to a port on my front panel. Those ports are now fed by the USB 2.0 header on my MB. I would sure be nice if I could have a USB 3.0 on the front.

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