Windows Shifting Back To Primary Monitor When Switching Users

Oct 17, 2011

I run a dual monitor setup, and I use two user profiles and switch between them throughout the day. I set up both user profiles identically, which is as: In each profile, I run multiple instances of Internet Explorer 9, so I have four or five Internet Explorer windows open with multiple tabs open within each window. I keep two IE9 windows open on my left monitor, and three open on my right monitor. I also have MS Word and MS Excel open on my left monitor, and two notepads open on my right.

When I click on Start and switch user accounts, if I go back into my first user account, my windows will have either moved off screen somewhere, or they will have moved to the first monitor. The behavior is inconsistent in which windows are shifted around, but the windows end up moving none the less, and it ruins my work flow. I spend all my time setting up the windows back to their 'correct' positions.

Switching users to the 2nd user account will cause the same consequences with the windows set up on the 2nd account, thus defeating the purpose of utilizing multiple profiles to make work more efficient. I recently switched to Windows 7 on a new computer. My "old faithful" has Vista 64 does not exhibit the window shifting issue.

I am running a new 2nd gen sandybridge system, with an asus h67 motherboard and an i7-2600. I have 16 gigs of ddr3, and Win 7 64 Home Premium. I have an ATI Radeon HD 6570 running both monitors, with the latest video drivers installed. I've encountered this issue with and without ATI Catalyst suite installed and with/without Ultramon installed.

I don't want to revert back to Vista 64 just because it will be a lot of downtime to install and transfer my profiles again on the new machine, and I'd like to stay on the most current OS regardless, but I may have to switch back to Vista if this is a known issue on 7. We use dual monitor Windows 7 setups at the company I work for (my day job), and Ive verified 3 of my coworkers also have this issue. I also replicated this issue myself on one of the work Win 7 comps.

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Switching Drivers When Switching Users?

Oct 11, 2011

get windows 7 to switch audio drivers when you switch to another user account.

For eg.. normal speakers device for my personal account and then have my multichannel device (profire 2626) set as default for my other user account 4 studio work.

Atm, if i change it on one account it changes on the other account which is annoying and i'd just like to set default device for each account so i don't have to do this.

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Keep BROADBANDconnection When Switching Users?

Aug 22, 2011

Box HP-Pavilion
OS Win 7 Home Basic Ver. 6.1.7600 32Bit
BIOS American Megatrends 5.11
Sound Realtek High Definition Audio
Modem HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem
CPU Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU
E6500 @ 2.93GHz, 2936 Mhz

Original Post Quote: I am trying to find out how to keep my Broadband connection active when I switch users. I have 4 accts. on my computer, one for each family member. Whenever I switch accts, my Broadband connection shuts down. You can start it up again after the switch with no problem. I would prefer, however, to have it stay connected during the switch, as this would just make my life easier. For instance all users connect to the same torrent software, and I have the files for it synced. So, no matter who is logged in, the torrent info is the same. When the connection drops, the torrent software has to reload all the DHT info. I have googled this, to no avail. I assume it is a matter of where the BB Modem Drivers are installed?? Or maybe a Registry tweak. At any rate, I am at a loss as to how to do it, but I am sure it can be done.

I am trying to find out how to keep my Broadband connection active when I switch users. I have 4 accts. on my computer, one for each family member. Whenever I switch accts, my Broadband connection shuts down. You can start it up again after the switch with no problem. I would prefer, however, to have it stay connected during the switch, as this would just make my life easier. FOR INSTANCE all users connect to the same tor, Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player software, and I have the files for it synced. So, no matter who is logged in, the tor, Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player info is the same. When the connection drops, the tor, Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player software has to reload all the DHT info. I have googled this, to no avail. I assume it is a matter of where the BB Modem Drivers are installed?? Or maybe a Registry tweak. At any rate, I am at a loss as to how to do it, but I am sure it can be done.

Quote: P2P Instructions We do not support P2P file sharing applications and any threads requesting help for such will be closed. This includes Torrents, Kazaa, LimeWire, RapidShare, Pirate Bay, and the like. If you're interested in the topic, you are free to discuss it on our site (and please visit, but information on how to use them will not be provided.I thought the above might clarify things. Since the other 3 forums I posted this on had no problem with it, I assume you misunderstood my intentions. (And, yes, the other site have a "no torrent help" rule). I DO NOT want tor help. Nor do I want help with Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player software, all of which I also have synced between users. I want BroadBand Modem help. In hindsight, I suppose the I could have used Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player software as my "For Instance" examples. Be that as it may, if you re-read my original post, you will notice that I DID NOT ask for tor help, nor am i asking for Yahoo, Skype, Down-load Manager and, Media Player software help now. I am simply looking for an answer to my "staying connected" issue.

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Switching Users Causes Not Enough Resources

Sep 24, 2009

I have Windows 7 on a machine at home that the whole family uses. I've noticed that when i leave some applications running (ie...IE, Firefox, Mail, ect...) and someone else wants to login to do something they get the error message "Not Enough Resources to login".

So i will then have to log back in as me and close everything i left open so they can login.

There is no domain obviously since the windows fast switch user is being used.

Has anyone else had this issue or no how to resolve it?

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Primary Monitor Switches To Secondary Monitor?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently had an older HP Pavilion Media Center m7760n Desktop PC rebuilt. The old power supply fried the motherboard so I need to get a new power supply and motherboard. Here are my current specs.

Mainboard : Asus P5QPL-VM EPU
Chipset : Intel G41
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 @ 2133 MHz
Physical Memory : 2048 MB (2 x 1024 DDR2-SDRAM )
Video Card : Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1)
Hard Disk : WDC (1000 GB)


As you can see from above, the "video card" is actually integrated into the motherboard.The computer works perfectly except for one major problem. I have 2 monitors, one is 22" with 1680 x 1050 resolution and the other is a 15" monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution. At the back of my computer I have a VGA port and a DVI port. The 15" is connected to the VGA port and the 22" is connected to the DVI port.When first starting the computer, the 15" monitor was recognized as the primary monitor while the 22" was recognized as the secondary monitor. No problem. I simply went to the display settings and set the 22" to be the primary monitor and the 15" to be the secondary monitor. Unfortunately, this setting seems to reset as soon as I reboot the computer. The 15" is always set as the primary monitor on start up, forcing me to set the proper settings all over again. What's worse is that even after I have set the proper settings, they sometimes revert back when using Media Center or other programs. Worse yet, sometimes the monitors both go completely black ... as if the monitor settings were about to switch but got locked up some how.I'm assuming that perhaps the on board video has a primary port (VGA) and a secondary port (DVI) but even still, shouldn't Windows 7 be able to over-ride this and save these settings so that the monitor settings remain the same during startup and regular usage?

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Windows 7 Won't Detect Primary Monitor

Mar 6, 2009

I'm using a Sager 3790 notebook with 2 GB of memory, a Centrino 1.7 Ghz and a Mobility Radeon 9700.Installation went perfectly. The card was detected by Windows Update and drivers were isntalled for it. They're from December 2008. Okay, that's fine and dandy.As soon as the drivers install the highest resolution available on the primary display is 640x480. Why? Because Windows won't/can't detect my primary monitor. It shows up as an "Unknown display device."I can attach an external monitor and adjust its resolution all day. I can also remote into the laptop and that works fine.I am nearly 100% confident that I cannot change the display resolution because the monitor won't detect correctly. I can't manually force an install of a monitor or change the "Unknown display device" driver because that section is grayed out in the "Advanced Settings" under the Display Resolution tab.

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Switching To Windows 7 From Xp - Monitor Wont Display 1600x1200 Now?

Jun 9, 2011

I cant go higher than 1200 1024 i think its. I was able to run in 1600 1200 in Xp on the same monitor. In the settings it even says recommended 1600. When i try this resolution the monitor just switches of so i press escape to get back to one previous. This occurs with any resolution above 1200.

Ive been with this problem since ive had windows 7 [couple months, more] now. I thought that if i buy a newer monitor this might fix it but if i can use 1600 resolution without buying monitor just yet then that would be great.

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Mouse Pointer Keeps Switching Back?

Jan 28, 2011

Ive got a whole new Pointer scheme Saved in with the whole windows Theme , but when I reboot it starts with the normal windows 7 Pointers?

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Primary Monitor Keeps Changing

Jun 15, 2011

I start Windows after the machine being off for a while, maybe a day or two, the primary monitor setting changes to my secondary display. As I do actually have two monitors on the video desk, it is fairly easy (for me) to change the setting to what it needs to be. But I am not the only operator that uses this computer, and most of the volunteers know little when it comes to computers of any kind.
Now you would think that someone with my technical background would have been able to fix this issue, and I can...using a 3rd party solution that costs money.

edit: to clarify, I have been having this issue for few years, but I have been the only person using the system. And this was happening on previous systems as well

Specs of the system in question:
Custom Built Desktop;
Windows 7 Professional x64;


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Monitor Not Working After Switching?

Dec 8, 2011

I have two computers. The monitor (Acer) on #1 quit working. I switched monitors. #2 monitor (samsung) didn't work on #1 either. I thought it might be my computer. My brother got his monitor working with it. We thought it might have been my cables. I bought new ones. I tried it (with new cables) with monitor from #2. Didn't work. I put the orignial monitor back on, and it works. Now the monitor from #2 doesn't work on #2. I think it might be a driver issue, but not sure.

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Switching A Monitor Between VGA & DVI-D Digital ?

Nov 21, 2009

As I posted in the monitors forum, I am having problems with a new LG W2053 TQ monitor. Being used with a new HP Pavillion Elite PC. Great picture, but just can't get any of the OSD or configuration screens to appear.

It has those touch sensitive buttons on the front. Have tried everything, but they never appear on the screen no matter how I press them (quickly, tapped, held for several seconds, etc.)

Other than that, the monitor is great.

Have it hooked up with a DVI-D cable for a digital connection, rather than VGA.

Was wondering if perhaps to get these OSD screens to appear, the monitor needs, and uses somehow, the analog VGA cable for this. So, thought I'd give it a try. Now have both cables in place.

But, I'm reasonably sure that the PC is still using the DVI-D digital cable for its output to the PC. Looked in all (I think all) the monitor related screens in Windows 7 but can't find where it is.

a. Is there an option in Windows 7, somewhere, to tell Windows7 which to use, and to switch the output spigots between VGA and DVI-D going to the monitor ?

b. Or, any thoughts as to why the config OSD screens won't appear would also be most appreciated.

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Dim (UAC-Like) Screen With Bright Cursor After Switching User And Back?

Jan 4, 2012

The issue is that my screen will go dim after switching users or switching users and switching back, its not a set pastern and doesn't happen every time. so i havnt been able to reproduce the issue, however i have had it happen to more then one of my computers and on more then one installation of windows 7 (and windows 2008R2 in one instance).uling out basicly any hardware issue is that my cursor always remains bright and sometimes switching/logout/login will resolve the issue on one account or the other account (no patern)Decreasing the chances of a driver issue is that i have had this problem on 2 systems with different brand graphics over the course of 2 and 3 windows installations respectively all with multiple driver updates and re installations.

Ruling out a connection to UAC is that i have UAC totaly disabled on both machines Heres the rub, i might be doing this to myself... but i cant just except that.instead of having my screen lock after a certain time frame, i use a special screen saver that 'runs a program'. the program ive chosen is "tsdiscon.exe", the executable used to invoke a 'switch user'.when theses 2 computers are left unattended i need the next user to see the user selection screen, ive had too many issues with people not knowing to hit the "switch user" button on the lock screen.ive found all sorts of people having this issue (dim screen bright cursor), but many seem to be dead ends or fixes that only fix the symptoms like the one show here display - Why does my screen dim on a desktop installation of Windows 7? - Super UserIn that case someone suggested forcing the graphics card to use its own color/brightness profile instead of the systems, i tried this and it does seem to work but i want to know why the system profile is screwed up.

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Rage Won't Play On Primary Monitor

Nov 2, 2011

I just finished upgrading my CPU, ram, and mobo, and everything went off without a hitch. Except that now rage won't play on my default monitor. Other than the hardware, nothing has changed with the setup. All my other steam games play on the default monitor but Rage. I'm at a loss here. As windows sees them, monitor #1 is my secondary monitor and #2 is my primary. For a video card I have an XFX 6870 Black edition. I updated my drivers and Catalyst Control center to the latest versions, after experiencing crash issues with rage, so my drivers are all current.

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Get A Print Screen Of Primary Monitor?

Mar 8, 2012

Of course, it is easy to get a print screen of my primary monitor, but how do I get one on my secondary? Simply clicking on it's background doesn't work.

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Windows 7 Cannot Detect Primary Monitor Trying Both Screen Resolution Detection / Missing From Devices Menu

Jun 20, 2012

I recently updated my nVidia drivers to the latest and also my SiSandra Lite software (for quick access to accurate specs of my PC). After updating SiSandra Lite, I looked at the GPU section. As usual it loaded the primary monitor first where everything was fine. I then changed to look at my secondary and my primary monitor turned off and my desktop was shifted to my second.Now when I boot my computer, my primary comes on, but after the pre and post bios. Only when Grub comes on does something appear on my primary monitor, but it's very low resolution (compared to what it used to be). The windows 7 loading bar appears on my primary but before the logo can appear and glow, it swaps to my secondary monitor where it stays.

Windows 7 cannot detect my primary monitor trying both screen resolution detection and it's missing from the devices menu. Really confused about this whole business.I realise this may have been posted as a problem before. I did find little snippets of information about it but nothing sufficient.

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Background Picture Position Respected Only On Primary Monitor?

Dec 13, 2012

Some background first. I have three 1920x1080 monitors. The central monitor is Landscape. The two side monitors are portrait, used for working with web browsers, code, communication.I find it easer to deal with large amounts of text in portrait, where I can continuously track a lot of text without tracking back and forth across the entire width of a widescreen monitor.So, I'm trying to set a background. It works fine.It's abstract-ish, so I set the 'stretch' option.That works fine on the central monitor.On the two side monitors, the image is compressed between the left and right sides of the screen, but does not stretch to reach the top or bottom of the screen. The extent that they seem to extend up and down seem to exactly match the dimensions and alignment of the central screen. If this is so, then it would mean that on the portrait monitors, the background is filling a 1080x1080 block in the center of a 1080x1920 display.The only thing that functions properly is 'Tile'. None of the other options seem to produce any change in the image displayed.

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Shifting To Windows 8

Oct 28, 2011

Why dont you change to windows 8.It is release now.It is very attractive.I think that this may be similar to real windows 8 Beta.go to - [link to pirated software deleted by mod]

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Switching D Drive Back To C Drive After Computer Crash/

Mar 26, 2012

The computer I'm having a problem on is a HP G6- 635 DX Windows 7 x64. About a week ago I decided to disable a few startup items because my computer took too long to load up. I think I disabled something that I shouldnt have because the next time I restarted I had gotten stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen.After I couldnt fix that problem I decided to just use the System Recovery option, so I popped out my hard drive and put it into an HDD enclosure and backed up my music/video files onto my other computer (Windows Vista Home Premium). When I plugged my hard drive back into the laptop I got the "bootmgr is missing" screen. I've tried all the command prompt steps to try and fix the bootmgr, they arent working but I think thats because my computer is automatically booting from the C: drive (which has no files in it and is about 200mb in size), and my D: drive is 285 gb and has all of the folders that used to be in the C: drive (Program Files, Users, Windows etc). Theres also another drive titled "Recovery" with the size of 13 gb

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Switching D Drive Back To C Drive After Computer Crash?

Mar 26, 2012

The computer I'm having a problem on is a HP G6- 635 DX Windows 7 x64. About a week ago I decided to disable a few startup items because my computer took too long to load up. I think I disabled something that I shouldnt have because the next time I restarted I had gotten stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen. After I couldnt fix that problem I decided to just use the System Recovery option, so I popped out my hard drive and put it into an HDD enclosure and backed up my music/video files onto my other computer (Windows Vista Home Premium). When I plugged my hard drive back into the laptop I got the "bootmgr is missing" screen.

I've tried all the command prompt steps to try and fix the bootmgr, they arent working but I think thats because my computer is automatically booting from the C: drive (which has no files in it and is about 200mb in size), and my D: drive is 285 gb and has all of the folders that used to be in the C: drive (Program Files, Users, Windows etc). Theres also another drive titled "Recovery" with the size of 13 gb.Also whenever I try to do System Recovery it gets stuck at 88%. I have Easeus Partition Manager bootable by CD & an HDD enclosure, thats how I am able to see the files.So basically what I;m asking is, is there a way that I can get my computer to boot from the D: drive OR what files should I move from the D: to C: drive that will make my computer boot and finish the System Recovery?

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Pc Boots Up, But Monitor Goes Back To Sleepmode?

Nov 25, 2011

I"m new to computers, so I will try to be clear as possible.But I have a question about my pc.I turned on my pc and i heard the fans, but the sound was too long and went from low to high. And stops.Then my monitor did turn on, I saw a little message.Then all of the sudden it goes to sleep mode (orange button).After that my system cabinet has that same sound when I turned it on. And stops.

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Win 7 Freezes When Monitor Powers Back On

Jan 24, 2010

I don't know what this could be, I set my system to power off the monitor instead of using a screen saver. When ever I try to power it back on the screen will come on with the desktop as I left it, but the computer freezes.

So I reboot and during the reboot it checks my C drive for consistency, never finds a problem. Other than that the system works fine, and it doesn't happen every time, more like once or twice a week. It happened twice today which got me fed up enough to ask the community. I have no clue what it could be, I thought it might be the C drive going out, but it's a new SSD, actually it's a replacement as the first one I bought died after about a month and OCZ sent me a new one.

Asus P6T Deluxe V2
i7 920
12gb OCZ High Perf RAM
120gb OCZ Vertex SSD
Lian LI 750W
nVidia Quadro 3800
Win7 Home Premium

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Monitor Turns Off Then Back On When Starting Game

Oct 22, 2009

When ever I start a game the monitor goes blank, well almost blank (little white blinking cursor in top left) for a couple of seconds and then its fine again.

Anyone have this issue?

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Monitor Doesn't Come Back From Sleep State

Apr 17, 2009

I went to sleep last night with the computer on (Windows 7 7077) like always and this morning it's still on but none of the usb devices are working, monitor doesn't come back from sleep state but the fans on all the components are still spinning. I tried hard rebooting 3-4 times and still nothing. I let it sit and cool off for a bit and still nothing. Anyone know what the problem could be?

I was thinking it was the motherboard but then wouldn't the ethernet light be off if the board wasn't working? The only thing on the computer the has been overclocked is the CPU which I took from 3.0ghz to 3.8ghz and it's been running fine on the stock cooler for the past 6 months almost and then bam it's like this. I don't think it could of been over heating as the temps usually run 30C at idle and 50-60C at full load and the side is off of it.

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External Monitor Resolution Reverts Back To 800 X 600?

Jun 19, 2011

How do I stop the screen resolution from reverting back to 800 x 600 when switching to external monitor? Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile thinks the optimal resolution is 800 x 600 when it's actually 1024 x 768. How do I make it see 1024 x 768 as the optimal resolution and make it the default for the external monitor?

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Monitor Stays Blank When Turning It Back On

Dec 16, 2009

I am going to preface this by saying that this has *nothing* to do with restoring from sleep or hibernate modes. In searching for an answer to this issue, I found way too much related to that.

My problem is simple. Occasionally (~50% of the time) when I turn the monitor back on after shutting it off, it will stay blank and not really turn back on. It makes no difference how long the monitor has been off. After turning it back on, the power light is green, indicating there is a signal, but the screen is black.

Again, the computer has not slept or hibernated. I simply shut off the monitor and later come back to turn it on. The same thing will happen occasionally if Windows shuts the monitor off after the configured time. (I did that last part as a test; I typically do not automatically shut it off.)


OS: Windows 7 64-bit

CPU: Intel Core i7 860

MB: Asus P7P55D

Memory: 8GB - Corsair CMX6GX3M2A1600C9 (2 x 2 x 2GB)

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB

Monitor: Chimei CMV 221D

NVIDIA Drivers: (11/20/2009)

I originally thought it was the OS that was hung. However, I was able to go into the start menu and restart ("Start" -> "Right" -> "Right" -> "R"), so I know the OS was there responding to my commands.

Attempts to fix:

- Restart the computer. This worked.

- Shut off the power to the monitor and turn it back on. This works most of the time.

- Lock and unlock Windows. This works after a few tries.

- Hit CTRL-ALT-DEL followed by ESC. This works after a few tries.

So, I have a fairly simple work around now. So this is only a minor annoyance. Hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL then ESC does seem to work. I don't think it is a placebo because I waited 5 minutes and it did not come back, but after 2 cycles of that, it came back. I think that fixes it because it causes full screen refreshes.

Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone seen this before? The drivers are recent, but I noticed this with the clean-install Windows 7 drivers for this card as well. This is a very clean and very recent install (3 days). I never had this problem with Vista 32-bit, the same graphics card, recent drivers, but different CPU/motherboard/memory.

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Monitor Won't Turn Back On After Sleep Mode?

Apr 17, 2011

so the Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit install is fresh, and all the drivers are the latest available. I have updated my mobo's bios to the latest version through Asus' "AI Suite II" which makes things very simple. I want my PC to be able to go into sleep mode but I don't want to have to force shutdown every time it goes into sleep mode after a time span. For some reason if I wake my PC after its been in sleep mode for a short period everything turns back on just fine... I know there might be a solution through the configuration panel

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Shifting System Reserved Partition To Other HDD?

Feb 25, 2012

I've two HDD connected to my system , a 1TB & an 160 GB . But now i want to remove the 160 GB HDD . But i noticed a weird problem when i opened disk management . Here is a screenshot :

As you can see my OS ( Win 7 ) is installed on C: drive which is on Disk 1 . While its System reserved partition is on Disk 0 . Now since I have to remove Disk 0 , The System reserved partition has to be moved to Disk 1 . I don't wanna reinstall the OS , so how can i shift the System reserved partition (With all its contents ) from Disk 0 to Disk 1 .?? :-?

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Randomly Opening Programs And Shifting Desktop Icons?

Feb 15, 2011

While I have my laptop shut my Icons shift around and change size and some of them are randomly opened I came home to 30 instances of Alchohol 52 opened on my screen. I cant figure out whats doing it its a brand new laptop only had it for about four weeks.

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Change Any Kind Of Audio Shifting Setting Within Media Center?

Dec 25, 2012

Is there any way to compensate for the bluetooth headphone audio delay while watching Live TV in Media Center? For movies it's simple I can do it through Media Player Classic but I don't see how to change any kind of audio shifting setting within Media Center.

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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[ACCOUNTS] Move C:users To D:users?

Jan 30, 2011

I just installed a new 64 gig SSD in my computer. I also have a 2T secondary hard drive.The SSD is not big enough to contain all the stuff that will eventually be in "My documents",i.e. under "users" so I need to move the users directory to my secondary hard drive but havewindows behave as it were in its original location.I did some research and found the following technique which seemed plausible (and several people said it worked for them)

1. Install windows normally.
2. After install, boot from installation disk.
3. Get into the command prompt by clicking "repair".
4. Use robocopy to copy c:users to d:users. The command line should be: robocopy c:users d:users /mir /xj /copyall
5. Verify all files copied successfully.
6. Delete c:users. Command line should be: rmdir /s /q c:users
7. Delete c:documents and settings. Command line should be: rmdir "c:documents and settings"
8. Create junction to new users directory. Command line should be: mklink /j c:users d:users
9. Create junction for the old "documents and settings". Command line should be: mkdir /j "c:documents and settings" d:users
10. Restart computer.

Note:When in recovery mode the disk drives end up with different drive letters than what the normally have.Consequently my SSD drive which is "C" became "E" and my hard drive which is "D" became "C". Confusing, but I adjusted the above commands to reflect this.All seemed to go well until I rebooted. The computer booted up fine, but when I entered my password to log in windows complained that it could not find my profile. Since I could not log in at all I was forced to re-install windows. Supposedly, this is doable and I NEED to do it asap as my SSD will not hold all the stuff that will eventually be in "users".

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