Windows Seems To Be Blocking Things From Loading.

Mar 2, 2012

so i recently downloaded a series of windows updates. i guess it's been a while. anyway. ever since i've downloaded and installed the updates, not all content is loading on webpages. also, everytime i try to load aim, it starts to open but randomly closes.for instance on twitter, no matter what link i go to or what i click on, it just goes to the main page. in addition, when i click on a link that should prompt a menu, it won't work. oh and Internet videos aren't loading.

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Difference Between Blocking The Sender Versus Blocking The Senders Domain?

Apr 30, 2012

I seem to have had a surge of spam. Many supposedly from "techdaily at (various domains)" Any others have this?Whats the specific difference between blocking the sender versus blocking the senders domain?

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Unable To See Certain Things On Windows 7?

Apr 27, 2011

For some reason lately some applications I click on show up on my taskbar but do not appear on screen. For example I click Google Chrome and its automatically expands to the right side of the screen and I am not able to move it or see it, I can only see the icon on my taskbar. This happens with a few other things too. I have restarted and it didn't work. This also happens when I click on My Computer, downloads etc. It is very annoying.

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Blocking Downloads With Windows 7?

Jun 24, 2011

i have a laptop that i let my GF daughter uses. is there any way to stop her from changing any settings and downloading any thing from the internet?

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Windows 7 Blocking Internet

Feb 26, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and am using Verizon DSL to connect to the Internet using an Ethernet cable. I am having an issue with loading content from the Internet. Some sites, such as Google, load but then if navigate from them, nothing happens. Other sites, such as CNN never load and timeout after a couple minutes. I think the problem is with the computer and Windows 7 because if I go wireless using the same router with my iPhone, I have no problem loading these same sites. Everything worked fine a few weeks ago so something changed but I have no idea what. I did have McAfee antivirus on the computer but uninstalled it hoping that might solve the problem - it didn't. Is there some setting in Windows 7 that is blocking these sites from loading.

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Windows 7 Blocking Downloads?

Apr 14, 2011

I have windows-7 and I went on the "JPL small body data base" site and to use one of the features I would have to download some active-x software. When I ok this to download I get a message that says that windows has blocked it because they don't know them. Is there any way to let me make the decisions instead of windows?

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Is Windows 7 Blocking UDP Traffic On

Mar 1, 2012

We are building an 2 application that connect to are used to send data from app A to app B, acting as a local p2p connection. On windows XP, everything runs as it should. On windows 7 it doesn't work anymore.We've tried turning off the firewalls, opening ports etc but we cannot get this connection to work on Windows 7. Anyone got an idea of what changed in Windows 7 regarding tcp/udp or socket changes?

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Windows Firewall Blocking ICS

Jan 7, 2013

I'm currently sharing my internet connection with another computer (both run windows 7). The other computer can only access the internet if the computer holding the dial up connection has windows firewall turned off. I tried to add an exception in windows firewall for port 80 but did not have any effect.The local area connection adapter on the computer that's holding the internet connection has the following settings: [code] the other computer has obtain IP and DNS address automatically Using ADSL modem is a Sagem F@st 800 to connect to the internet no router used, just a simple cat-45 cable (i think that's the name of the cable!)

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Is Windows 7 Blocking UDP Traffic On

Mar 1, 2012

We are building an 2 application that connect to They are used to send data from app A to app B, acting as a local p2p connection.On windows XP, everything runs as it should. On windows 7 it doesn't work anymore. We've tried turning off the firewalls, opening ports etc but we cannot get this connection to work on Windows 7. what changed in Windows 7 regarding tcp/udp or socket changes?

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Windows Security Blocking Everything

Aug 13, 2012

Windows Security is blocking absolutely everything. I mean everything from downloaded and installed software to Windows core software and programs. The only thing it will seem to run is explorer.exe.Here is a screenshot of trying to open User Account Control from Control Panel. Sorry for the quality but I had to take picture on phone as can't take screenshot and upload as nothing will run.The original, slightly less, strange thing is the lack of running processes in Task Manager. Usually even on a clean new laptop then are half a dozen or more, from Windows own core stuff to manufacturer install rubbish. On this thing there is only the follow core services.

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Windows 7 Isn't Saving Things At Shutdown

Apr 7, 2011

I just recieved a brand new gaming computer the other day with windows 7 64bit. I downloaded world of warcraft with utorrent and everything went well, I was able to play and all, shut down my computer, but then when I turned my computer back on world of warcraft was gone for some reason, and I dont know what to do now. Is their any way to get my world of warcraft client back? also is there any way to make sure windows 7 saves everything when it shuts down? because it also didn't save my preferences for my desktop either.

My specs
AMD Phenom II Quad Core CPU
500gb HD

PS: i JUST switched from mac to pc, and I haven't used a pc in 5 years. how to prevent my stuff from not being saved that would be awesome.

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Windows 7 Pro Asking For Admin Rights For Every Little Things?

Dec 19, 2011

At my job we just went from a windows xp machine to a windows 7 professional. when Some one with out admin rights does anything it asks for someone with admin rights to type in their info (their username and password). For instance, I had one user trying to download an email attachment and it asked for admin permissions. We have other windows 7 pcs in the building and they don't do this. The xp machine before we installed the windows 7 pc didn't do it either. So anyone know how to make it not ask for admin right when doing tasks that shouldn't need admin rights? Yes we are on a network, but their group policy allows them to at least download an attachment or even change their wallpaper.

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Clear Windows 7 From The Unimportant Things?

Mar 11, 2012

My Disk Is Full And Ican't Understand What Make It Full

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Windows 7 Firewall Blocking Internet.

Oct 19, 2009

I have a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on a new hard drive.

I have only installed 5 programs. CorelDraw, Adobe Creative Suite CS3, Jing (screen capture utility) Webroot Antivirus -Anti-Spyware for Windows 7 and WIDCOMM Bluetooth software for Win 7.

I installed Corel and Adobe...rebooted ...everything was fine.

I installed Webroot and WIDCOMM...rebooted...absolutely no internet connection.

I uninstall WIDCOMM then reboot. Still no internet.

I uninstall Webroot then reboot. Still no internet.

I reboot and then turn off Windows Firewall...reboot again. I have internet.

I turn Windows Firewall back on and reboot. No internet.

I turn Windows Firewall back off, reboot. I have internet.

So, I do a System Restore to the point before I installed the Webroot and WIDCOMM software and I have internet and it works fine.

Why would either of these software effect windows firewall in such a way as to disable internet access?

Is there some setting that I need to change / allow or something inside of Windows Firewall? I find it odd that with the firewall disabled I am able to get on the internet, but with it enabled, I can't at all.

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Reinstalled Windows 7 And Things Stopped To Work

Sep 26, 2012

I bought this computer as an custom product. It was fine but it slowed down drammatically over the past week. So some people suggested i should try to reinstall Windows 7. The installation went fine but when I was done with the installation i found out lots of things were not functioning any more. For example the computer can't detect the graphics card and claims that it only finds the Standard VGA thingy. I used to connect to interest with Lan cable to the router but that doesnt work either as no options showed up when i want to connect to a new network. Sound isn't working either as it says no headphones detected while there was one plugged in all time. The sata-3 usb port isnt working at all. So is there anything i can do to fix this total mess and get back to work soon? I did create an system image before i reinstalled the system but that wasn't recognized when i have the hard drive plugged in. So everything was in an chaos and i have no clue what should i do next.

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Windows 7 Gadgets Blink Upon Saving Things?

Aug 7, 2011

I noticed that when I save anything using Google Chrome (my primary browser), whether it be Pictures or Websites, my three gadgets (calendar, clock, weather) blink and flash to the top of my processes. I've tried disabling them and renabling them, but it doesn't work. Turning them off obviously solves the problems.

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Windows 7 Search Doesn't Find Things?

Oct 22, 2012

I'll start out by saying that I don't like Windows 7 search. I liked "Search for files named . . ." or "Search for files containing text .but as usual no one asked me.My problem is one that I've had since I upgraded to Win 7. I have my user folders on E: and I set a junction to point C:UsersBarnabas to E:UsersBarnabas. Pretty simple. If I reference C:UsersBarnabasxyx.doc the file E:UsersBarnabasxyx.doc opens. Way cool.The problem is that for some reason this confused Windows search.Let's say I open up my desktop user folder and select Documents. I know that I have a file called Dogs.doc but I don't remember which folder it is in. So I put Dogs.doc into "Search" and hit go. No files found. However, if I open "My Computer" and navigate to E:SystemUsersBaranbas and do the same search, the file is found.Does anyone know of a fix for this problem. I know that I can use another search tool like FileSearchEX but MS was nice enough to put that Search box on nearly every window, I feel like I should take advantage of it.

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Booting Windows On One Drive, But Installing Things On Another?

May 17, 2012

My operating system is giving out, i am locking up regularly now, i feel i have too many things installed on a vary small drive to pinpoint the problem. i have been neeeding a second hard drive for a while now, i think its time.The question is, how can i boot off of one hard drive, but install all my applications on the other, as if i where booting my OS off of a 30gb ssd, just big enough for the operating system, but actually installing things on my second hard drive.

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Why Is The Windows Firewall Blocking File Sharing

Jul 20, 2012

I used the standard trick of assigning permissions to the "Everyone" group to allow file sharing among all the Windows 7 and winXP computers on my home network. All was working fine until my son took his computer to school and they made him load their security software. When he came home for the summer, his computer could still see the network and file shares, but none of the other computers could see his shared files. This persisted even after I uninstalled the anti-virus software they made him install. I can fix the problem by disabling the windows firewall on his computer. That is probably safe here because of the firewall in my router, but I'm worried that might not be safe when he connects to other networks. Plus I can leave the windows firewall enabled on all my other computers, so I suspect there should be a better way around this problem. If I click "Diagnose" when my computer can't access my son's computer I get a message that says that windows can't find IPC$. So on my son's computer I opened a dos window and typed "net share ipc$" (a command I found from a google search about this problem). The response to this command was "System error 5 has occured; Access Denied".

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How To Stop Windows Security From Blocking Programs

Mar 18, 2011

I am using window 7 pro. with MS office 10 and other non Microsoft programs. On Monday while I was updating my iPhone OS using ITunes, ITunes gave me an error message stating that it lost connection with my iPhone. I rebooted the Laptop and too many problems started to pop up since then. For starters, my iPhone was wiped out, where the only way to restore it was by going to the Apple store. Now, ITunes gives me Error 50?! The Apple Store tech avers that ITunes has nothing to do with the problem.

Since then, the majority of my programs are not working those that run require my permission to execute including Windows components such as control panel, security, uninstall, program install, etc. Excel and MS Word are working, but Outlook, Outlook safe mode, OneNote, ITunes, Skype, Adobe, windows troubleshoot, McAfee, Chrome, etc. are not working. They all missing important files or give me an error message. In contrast, I created a new user account without Administrative right. I can run all programs without any problems using this account, except for having to reconfigure everything all over again and having to provide an administrator's permission virtually after every click. I ran chkdsk, desk defragment and McAfee scans from the new user's account and all ran flawlessly and reported that my system is clean with no virus or bad sectors. I have 180 GB of free space. Note: I broke the screen on my lap top, and I used the HD in an exterior HD shell to retrieve some files while I was waiting on my LCD replacement. I had no issues before hand. The ITunes problem started after I reinstalled the HD in the Laptop.

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Can't Install WAMP (on Windows 7) And Port 80 Is Blocking It

Mar 21, 2011

I can't install WAMP (on Windows 7) and am told Port 80 is blocking it. How can I do that?

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Blocking Background Network Accesses In Windows 7?

Dec 3, 2011

I buy a data bundle to access the net on my computer from a mobile phone operator.I pay per meg and I get so frustrated when some impertinent background program jumps on the network to download megs of data every time I connect using up my data minutes without my consent!Iv tried turning off automatic Windows and antivirus updates, but still I dont know what is abusing my network connection every time I go online!Is there any way I can block ALL network accesses except from the browser, for instant, so I can enjoy browsing without worrying about what may be raking up my data bill in the background?

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Clean Install Of Windows 7, And Things Are Not Responding And Hanging?

Aug 12, 2012

I did a clean install of windows 7, and things are not responding and hanging.My computer used to be a hp pavilion p71142 I kept the processor, dvd drive, ram, and hard-drive from it, but did my own build.Before I did my own build, I was having trouble with windows. It was slow and it got to the point where windows would not load/boot. I did a fresh install before I started changing hardware, but still slow.The only thing changed when my computer was hp is the graphic card and psu. But those worked fine for several months with no problems. I have got to the stage again now, where windows 7 will not load, and I can't even get into startup repair.

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Restore Windows 7 But Some Malware Is Blocking Software Launch

Sep 24, 2011

My sister's computer is an HP Pavilion dv5t-2200 notebook PC running its native OS, Windows 7 Home Premium x64. In the last 24 hours, Avast found and attempted to remove some sort of malware. After the reboot, it recommended a full scan. After the scan was completed, the computer rebooted again. This is where the real problems began.With the exception of core programs and services, no other program will launch. Not Chrome, not AIM, not even Avast!. The only HP program still installed on the system, HP Support Assistant, will not start. Attempting to use Windows System Restore results in a BSOD as the computer is shutting down to begin the restore process. Upon returning to the desktop, a dialog box recommends that we run chkdsk, but of course that won't even launch.

Internet Explorer will launch, but the campus network requires a third-party client software install. Unfortunately, that's another program that will not launch.The computer has a recovery partition, but HP Recovery Manager is not installed or cannot be found, and attempts to download and install it have failed because 1) we cannot access the Internet to download it to the hard drive, and 2) it could not be installed from a flash drive containing the softpaq from HP.

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System Reserved Partition Blocking Windows 7 Reinstall

Jun 28, 2010

I installed Windows 7 RTM 7600 on a new hard disk (previously not partitioned), so I have had the 'system reserved' partition created at Windows 7 initial installation time. I have several of problems with Windows 7, so I would like to reinstall it, but by keeping programs and files. The problem is that the Install file setup.exe looks into 'system reserved' partition rather than checking the C:/ hard drive, and as such does not want to proceed with the reinstall because of a lack of disk space (100 Mo only on 'system reserved' partition)...

- How could I do so making the install looking at C:/ rather than at that partition?
- And during the reinstall could I do so that this partition is not created anymore?

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Files And Other Important Things Like Bookmarks And Windows Mail Folder To A Usb Hdd?

Dec 15, 2010

My partner has to move her machine to windows 7, from vista business.What would be the best way to prepare? Files and settings transfer or? Should I backup somehow the files and other important things like bookmarks and windows mail folder, to a usb hdd?

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Reinstalled Windows 7 On Samsung Laptop / Lots Of Things Not Working

Oct 5, 2012

I reinstalled windows 7 64 bit on my Samsung R580 and now a lot of things aren't working. It used to have windows 7 home premium 32 bit on it from the factory. The wifi isn't connecting, the ethernet port doesn't work/ isn't connecting to internet, the hdmi output doesn't work. I used to be able to change the brightness/volume using the FN key and the arrow keys and now that doesn't work. The taskbar used to be see through and now its a solid color and I can't get it to be see through again. I think that's because something with the chipset is wrong or the driver. There used to be a power setting called Samsung optimized and now that's not there either. I don't have any of the backup file/ disks either.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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Xerox Phaser 3117 Driver Error - Windows Policy Is Blocking NT 4.0 Drivers

Dec 27, 2009

I am having trouble in installing the printer (Xerox Phaser 3117) driver on my Windows 7 x64 version. It is giving an error "Windows policy is blocking NT 4.0 drivers".

I have never used Windows NT before.

I have tried changing the disallow kernel mode drivers to install to disable but still has not worked for me. I badly need to run my printer.

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BSOD While Doing Certain Things

May 22, 2012

Things like compressing a 4 gig or above file using winrar, Trying to convert a 15 gig MKV movie to MP4 format using Avs Video Converter, playing avengers in facebook while listening to MP3 using Winamp. This are the ones I noticed that is guaranteed to cause a BSOD after quite a while. checking event viewer, everything seems in order except for this error, which always occurs at the exact time to the second when the BSOD happens.

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Blocking Some Ports

Oct 8, 2009

Im using windows 7 RTM x86

I want to close some opened ports.These ports are 135 and 445.

So, I try to close/block these ports using Windows Firewall. ( with advanced settings )

I created inbound rule for closing port 135(TCP) (as you can see attached screenshot )

Also I applied same step for UDP.

but, when I scan my pc's opened ports using Net Tools 5 program ( open port scanner tool ) , it found port 135 as open.

I created rule and blocked/closed port 135 but Net Tools says : Port 135 still open.

This is risky for me.

How can I close this port correctly ?

Note : Im using MSE for Antivirus security.

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