Windows 7 Wakes From High Def Audio Bus Right After Being Put To Sleep

Aug 30, 2011

I've had this problem every since I built my new rig - the thing either won't go to sleep, or will wake back up if I put it to sleep manually. It doesn't do it all the time, but it happens enough to be an annoyance.

Here's what powercfg says after it wakes up:
Code: C:UsersCharles>powercfg -lastwake
Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 1


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Windows 7 Wakes From Sleep Several Times A Day?

Aug 7, 2012

Win 7 wakes from sleep several times a day ... during night time it looks to be about 1 hr (+or-) withe the event log showing the following:"Wake Source: Device -Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller"

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Windows 7 Computer Wakes Up After Seconds In Sleep

Jan 15, 2010

I have a problem with Windows 7. I cannot use the sleep function! This is is so frustrating.. I used to put my computer to sleep all the time in XP. But when I upgraded to Windows 7 a while ago, my computer just wakes up instantly after going into sleep mode, as if I was spamming the power button. I have tried searching for answers, and one solution I have tried was the "network card activity problem". However, it didn't work.

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Applications Hanging After Windows 7 Wakes Up From Sleep Mode?

Jul 23, 2011

Whenever my system is woken from I assume its sleep mode ( My power options are Sleep mode after 30mins and 'Turn off Display' after 10mins". I commonly find some programs will not work,they start to load up and then hang.A windows 7 prompt comes up and I then click 'Show problem details' to reveal the following below in the case of my attempted starting of Paint Shop Pro. This particular time around, Excel and Word opened all the way and also alowed data entry but as soon as you click on the round symbol in the top left corner to save etc it also did nothing but say 'program not responding in the very top bar.Description:A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.[CODE]OS and most applications all installed on a 120gb OCZ Vertex 2 SSD with a 1Tb Samsung F3 Spinpoint drive holding all my pic,movie,sound files, word docs, excel docs etc. I try to save zero application files on the SSD but all on the HD.

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Laptop Wakes Up By Itself After Sleep

Sep 22, 2012

My laptop wakes up for no reason after I put it to sleep. I unplugged my USB things and it still doesn't solve. When I do powercfg -lastwake it gives me this:

Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 1
Type: Fixed Feature
Power Button

This does not have to do with an outdated driver(Most likely) It happened when I decided to decrease the brightness.

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Goes Into Sleep For 45 Seconds Then Wakes Up?

May 30, 2011

It is the most bizarre thing. Either it goes to sleep by the timer setting or I can use the "Start button" then select sleep. It closes up properly and looks all hunky-dori. Then between 30 and 45 seconds later, it wakes up again.

I heard it happening enough last night that I had to turn the computer off. I joke that it only needs 45 seconds of sleep and is ready for work again..

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PC Wakes Immediately After Sleep?

Apr 13, 2012

Obviously my problem is my pc wont sleep, it wakes a second or two after I press sleep. I checked google and this forum for a few hours and come up empty handed. Event viewer has no record of the pc even going into sleep mode, through the filter "power - troubleshooter".

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Laptop Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Or Hibernation?

Dec 21, 2011

when i did the powercfg -LASTWAKE, it didn't show the wake source, same thing in event viewer, how do i know what's causing this?

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

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Laptop Wakes Up Seconds After Going To Sleep

Sep 18, 2010

Whenever I try to put my laptop into sleep mode, it wakes back up a few seconds later without me touching anything. Has anyone come across this before? I just reformatted my computer and this didn't happen before the reformat.

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PC Wakes Up Immediately After Going Into Sleep Mode?

Jan 8, 2012

I've looked through the Advanced Power Settings options and not found something that appeared to be an issue to me. It still auto wakes up with Allow wake timers set to Disable and When sharing media under Multimedia Settings set to Allow the computer to sleep.I also ran powercfg -lastwake in cmdafter an automatic wake up and these were the results:

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Computer Wakes Up From Sleep Nothing Displayed

Apr 1, 2010

when I wake up my computer from sleep, it will turn on (all of the fans and lights start running) but there is nothing displayed on either of my monitors.I have my hard drive set to "never turn off" and this hasn't helped the problem.

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Screen Resolution Changes After Pc Wakes Up From Sleep

Sep 8, 2011

I am running a Windows 7 HTPC, which connects to an LCD TV. Unfortunately, I keep getting automatic screen resolution and aspect ratio changes all the time.Each time I start the PC from from a complete powered off state, I have to go to the TV settings and change the aspect ratio. Many times, not each time, when I wake up the PC from from a sleep state, the resolution of the screen changes automatically from 1200 x 720 to the lowest 800x600.

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Laptop Non-Responsive When Wakes Up From Sleep?

May 28, 2011

I've had an HP dv5t laptop for about a year and a half (see specs), and so far (knock on wood) it's been pretty much perfect EXCEPT for one problem that has been happening on and off for the last several months. It occurs about once or twice a month for no apparent reason --- and I don't know if this this is a hardware or a software problem. What happens is that all of a sudden, for no reason my keyboard and touchpad/mouse are completely non-responsive -- and the only thing I can do is use the power button to shut down. When I reboot everything seems fine, until the next time it happens, a week or two later. It can happen when the laptop is running, but more often it happens when I open the lid after the system has been in Sleep mode. (I keep the laptop in 'Sleep' mode all the time when the lid is closed, and only fully "shut down" once in a while.) Everything seems to load properly --- the Desktop looks perfect and all my apps/icons are there, but the mouse won't move and the keyboard doesn't respond.

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Computer Wakes From Sleep In 2-3 Minutes

Sep 22, 2012

I've got a pretty regular and predictable usage pattern with my computer - quick logon in the morning to check emails, go to work, use computer at night, restart before bed.The computer is set to sleep after three hours of inactivity. So in the morning it will be sleeping, then when I get home from work same thing. Sometimes not; never figured what wakes the computer, but 90% of the time, that's how that works - it sleeps after three hours, and stays sleeping for several hours.However, this week I noticed that the computer seemingly never sleeps. It's always on when I come by it, including in the morning, and when I get home from work.Checked the system log in the event viewer for events 1 (wakeup) and 42(sleep), and I noticed that, into the morning of 9/16, the normal pattern of several hours of sleep was adhered to. Since 9/16 though, every sleep period lasts about 2 1/2 minutes. That is, it goes to sleep (event 42), and then within 2-3 minutes, it will wake up (event 1).There have been no Windows updates in that time that would affect this. Definition updates for Windows Defender on 9/18 and 9/21, and KB2744842 (security update for IE 9 on x64 systems) on 9/22, but nothing happened, including no new software installations, on 9/15 or 9/16.So why is my computer suddenly waking from sleep almost immediately?

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Computer Randomly Wakes From Sleep Mode?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm positive that I'm not bumping into the mouse or anything to accidentally wake it as I make sure to turn my wireless mouse off once I've finished a session on the computer. and often times the computer will wake in the middle of the night. I will select sleep mode before going to bed and when I wake up it will be running like normal

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System Insomnia, Wakes Up After 50 Seconds After Going To Sleep?

Jan 21, 2012

My desktop won't stay asleep. It consistenly wakes back up after approximately 50 seconds.This happens regardless of whether I manually select Sleep from the start menu, or if it goes to sleep on its own.

System Specs:

Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (problem also existed prior to service pack)
ASUS M3N78-VM motherboard.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor 2.80GHz
8 GB Ram
Samsung SSD 830 Series 64GB SSD drive (boot drive)
2 SATA HDDs mirrored with onboard NVIDIA RAID
AMD Radeon HD 6950 Video Card (problem existed before this was added)

Things I've tried:

BIOS set to S3 Only (previously set to auto)All "Power On By" options in the BIOS set to Disabled Unplugged all USB devices (including KB/Mouse) and Network Cable Unchecked "Allow this device to wake the computer" on Network Interface

powercfg -lastwake reports:

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

All devices in Device Manager appear to have the correct device drivers. No yellow exclamations.

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Computer Only Wakes From Sleep Half The Time?

Aug 16, 2012

This has been an ongoing issue with my computer only waking from sleep half the time. The other half I need to actually power cycle my machine in order for it to wake. I know when it is going to wake properly because I hear the DAC on my Asus Xonar Essence STX Sound Card click on and if it's not going to work obviously I don't hear the click.I have tried the following:

- Complete system rebuild with new hard drives, reinstall of windows

- All drivers updated and bios updated (I have been through a fair few driver updates because this has been an issue for over a year)

- New Memory installed

- Played with as many power settings in the bios as possible

I am really starting to think it is a hardware issue with either my motherboard or video card but don't have a spare of each of these and don't want to buy new stuff just to test it.

Here are my Specs:

Motherboard: Asus P8Z68-V Pro
CPU: Intel i7 2600
Video Card: Gigabyte 6950 (in eyefinity with 3 Monitors)
Sound Card: Asus Xonar Essence STX
HDD: 2 x 240GB Sandisk Extreme SSD (Raid0)
Memory: Kingston Hyper X 4x4GB (16GB Total)
PSU: Seasonic X Series 750w
Monitors: Samsung MD230x3 (3x23") 2 connected via DVI and 1 via DisplayPort

As mentioned the hard drives and memory were replaced so it can't be either of those. Also it can't be any settings because it does wake via my keyboard/mouse half the time. It is also hard to troubleshoot as it may work 3 times ok and even wake form sleep overnight but then I could leave it for 30 mins come back and it won't wake that time, there is no pattern that I can make out, not sure what else I can do to troubleshoot this but it is really annoying as my computer gets a lot of use and would rather put it to sleep than continually turn it off and on.

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Computer Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Every Hour Event Log

Nov 19, 2012

i thought was a hardware issue but its not everytime i put my computer to sleep it wakes up after an hour or so, i have disabled all network adapters from waking up the computer i have disabled all programs and my mouse from waking up the pc i have checked over and over on the task scheduler to see if anything wakes the the computer up from sleep and have yet to find anything .

now the strange part is here when i click on the cmd and type in powercfg lastwake nothing shows up like it wont tell me what woke up my computer

but when i go to to event viewer the same program keeps loging on my pc no matter what itll look something like this logoff, then logon logon Special logon and then it will turn on i will past the information from the even viewer below

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />


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Display Setting Resets After The Laptop Wakes Up From Sleep?

Jun 9, 2012

I keep having to go back and adjust color and contrast every time my laptop wakes up from sleep. I keep hearing it's something to do with the drivers, but I tried going to device manager, right clicking on display adapter and seeing if there are updates and it says i have the latest installed.I just got this computer too, so you'd think it'd come with all the new drivers?

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Taskbar Staying Stuck After Computer Wakes Up From Sleep

Oct 2, 2010

I use win 7 home premiun and everytime my computer wakes up from sleep my the taskbar stays stuck for 1-2 minutes. I have downloaded a a program called process explorer to see what is running in windows explorer. I used a option in process explorer called kill the process on the programs that are running but it doesn't do anything.

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Realtek High Definition Audio Causing Video / Audio Stuttering

May 11, 2011

Starting about a month ago, after six to seven months of my laptop working fine, I've been getting video and audio stuttering whenever gaming or watching most HD videos and after messing around with my drivers I realized that whenever my Realtek HD Audio drivers are disabled my video runs flawlessly, but when enabled both video and audio stutter. I'm using a Sony VAIO laptop so I'm assuming that the sound card isn't easily replaceable. I've tried using the newest drivers straight from Realtek's website and also the outdated driver provided by Sony's website, both of which result in the same stuttering. Sony has also replaced the motherboard once and it did not resolve the issue.I'm currently running Windows 7 with 6gb of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce 330M graphics card.

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Realtek High Audio Definition Audio

Dec 29, 2012

I'm having problems with my sound, I'm getting a very loud buzzing sound and nothing else. My computer is only a year old (self built) and I have never had this problem before, I got home from grocery shopping and it was buzzing.

What I did to try and fix it:

- thought headset was broken, used speakers, still buzzing

- used windows troubleshooting, said my port wasn't being detected, fiddled with it a bit and tried front ports. front ports causing buzzing as well

- checked for driver update, nothing

- uninstalled driver (buzzing stopped)

- re-installed driver and buzzing started again

So, i do think the problem is the driver, but i have no clue what to do about it.

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No Sound (High Definition Audio Device) After Windows 7 Install

Oct 12, 2011

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2016 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 76965 MB, Free - 63834 MB;
Motherboard: Apple Computer, Inc., Mac-F4208EC8, PVT, 1
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

After installing Windows 7 in a Mini Mac I have no Sound (High Definition Audio Device).

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Microsoft High Definition Audio Device Driver Windows 7

Oct 14, 2011

i have a acer m3190 desktop dut i am having problems reistalling driver.

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Windows 7 32bit High Definition Audio Controller Not Working (code 10)

Jul 5, 2012

I recently purchased a used computer from a random individual. it is a powerspec 7123 and appears to be recently reformatted with fresh install. I get home, hook up the basics (ethernet, keyboard, mouse, monitor) open and reboot it installed about a dozen updates. I am downloading programs like java, flash, and I notice i have no sound and the little speaker icon in bottom right corner has the red X on it. I dont know if it was this way BEFORE the updates or not. I have uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled, always get the "driver not properly installed" message. Im sure more information is needed but I am not terribly computer savvy I kinda just fumble around with common sense so please ask for whatever specific info you need and how i might go about getting it (tech programs with logs to post and what not).

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Choppy Audio And High CPU Usage

Feb 1, 2011

since a few days my audio is very choppy. it's like an old lp record skipping and repeating short times. this always happens when the cpu usage is near 100%. i have updated all my drivers (rollback of audio driver not possible, grayed out).

type: notebook
os: windows 7 ultimate 64bits
cpu: pentium dual-core t4200 @ 2.00ghz
ram: 3gb

i first though i only had it in left 4 dead 2, but i got it when viewing a Internet video also.

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ATI High Definition Audio Device?

Jul 12, 2011

my sound has stopped working? says: no audio device is installed. This just happened today

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AMD High Definition Audio Device

Jul 7, 2012

where can i get a free drive on my outdated AMD high definition audio device.

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High Definition Audio Controller Missing?

Aug 12, 2011

I have had to re-install my windows 7 home after it froze up on me several times. I then changed to windows 7 ultimate but still have the same problem minus the freezing. "NO AUDIO OUTPUT DEVICE INSTALLED" I have done all that I can think of including re-installing drivers checking with tech reports from others and so on all I find is for vista or XP. In the device manager I have an exclamation point on "HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CONTROLLER" and the red X on the speaker symbol in the system tray. I've tried everything I can find to no avail. Also my USB ports no longer work as well. My Toshiba is model L505D-LS5007

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Can't Uninstalling High Definition Audio Device?

Dec 9, 2011

So i have tried to uninstall this damn High definition Audio device. I have 8 of them (because i have SLI i guess). So i have tried follow this guide for example: PROCEEDURE to PERMANENTLY DISABLE THE NVIDIA HD sound device(BLACK SCREEN & LOGIN FIX)

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High Definition Audio Device Not Working?

May 25, 2012

i cant use skype cause my contacts does not hear me.ive got high definition audio device,high definition audio device 2, line in and cd audio.i selected high definition audio device by default and its not working.i even tried the others to no avail.ive also deactivated bass booster and other audio improvements but still it does not work

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