Windows 7 - Shutdown Versus Sleep In Power Options?

Jul 17, 2012

I just upgraded to win7 with an SSd. I would like to go have it shutdown vs sleep after 10 min of inactivity. Is there an option
for that?I am having lockups when it goes to sleep.

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Option To Sleep Is Not There Under Power Options?

Nov 13, 2012

I had to reinstall Windows and now I'm reconfiguring the power options. When I go to "control what closing the lid does" in my control panel, the option to Sleep is not there. It only allows me to select "Hibernate" or "Do Nothing"

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Hybrid Sleep/Hibernate Not Available In Power Options?

May 4, 2012

Just upgrade my server with a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H mobo and a G630T processor. Installed Windows 7 Ultimate. For some reason I don't see the options for hybrid sleep or hibernate in advanced power options menu. Generally, I believe they are supposed to be under sleep in the advanced menu but only "Sleep After" and "Allow wake timers" are present in the menu. I haven't upgraded to a new mobo in years and in my old mobo there was an option to enable S3 sleep. This mobo has options to enable wake timer, WOL, and a couple of others but nothing to disable to enable hybrid sleep. My system seems to still go to sleep ok but the lack of the two options seems odd to me and wanted to see if anyone possibly had a similar problem.

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The 'Do Nothing' Option For Power Button In System Power Options?

Jun 16, 2012

i've tried to set the option for pressing the power button to 'Do Nothing' so no body can shut the computer, and yet it shuts down by pressing the button, so why is that and how can i work this out?

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Add Power Options To Windows 7?

Oct 20, 2011

how to add the "Dim the Display" feature to a desktop?

I found a utility called "Pangolin Screen Brightness" that allows you to do it manually, so I know it's possible, but can't find anything that can add that option to the power settings.

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Windows 7 Power Options Don't Work

Aug 6, 2012

Brand new PC. Windows 7, 64 bit. Power options worked till I downloaded "Web Shots", then they stopped working. (I've used this program for years with no problems and would really like to contiune using it.) After about 45 seconds of downtime, PC goes to sleep and requires a password when you wake it up. No matter what power options I change or put in, the PC continues to have this problem.

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Screensaver And Power Options Not Working On Windows 7?

Dec 26, 2011

my screensaver and power options are not working at all. they where working fine a few days ago and then all of the sudden they started to work intermittent and then they just stopped all together. i have a wireless mouse and ive never had any problems with it. when it first started happening i would unplug the mouse and the screen saver would kick on. but now thats not even working i have tried everything i have found on the internet and still nothing is working all the drivers are updated and nothing is running in the background so i am stumped

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No Power Options Feature?

Feb 2, 2013

I recently bought an Acer desktop computer running W-7. I cannot get either the Power Options or the Screen saver part to work. I set them but they do not hold.

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Power Options Not Remembered?

Dec 16, 2009

Power options resets itself to "balanced" every time I turn my laptop on. If I set it to "performance" or my own power plan this is never remembered when the laptop has been rebooted.

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Power Options Change On Their Own

Jan 3, 2010

I set my options to shut off my monitor and to stand by within power options and when I re boot they change back to defaults.

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Default Power Options

Apr 7, 2012

i have laptop that has some propriatory software for the power settings, specifically its the toshiba evo utility. there is a hard button for it above my keyboard. my usual policy is to run the eco when i'm on batteries and run a windows plan when plugged in. i want to run the high performance when i plug in, but everytime i press the eco button to come out of eco mode it defaults to blummin for deleting the other plans, is there a way round this? can i set the default plan to always be high power when switching back and forth to my proprietry tosh eco mode plan?

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Power Saving Options Are Being Ignored

Sep 15, 2011

My computer will not go into sleep mode, turn off the hard disk, or even go to a screen saver. I manually put it to sleep and it ethier wakes right back up or it waits 5 minutes and comes right back on. I dont have any programs running that should affect it sleeping. I went into the bios and made sure all the wake-up-on settings were off. I tried different power options and settings, and nothing is working. I never had an issue before, the change being that I have a new motherboard and reinstalled windows 7 on a SSD

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Lock PC By Power Options Not Screensaver?

Jul 7, 2011

I am unable to lock my PC via power options. Although I have set it as to lock PC, it is impossible to do it as per Windows XP.The only way to lock it is through the screensaver, but this is not an option for me as I work 10 hours at an office and I prefer the blank screensaver to start in one minute and to turn off the display after 10 minutes.That's when I want the PC to be locked, i.e. after 10 minutes and not after on minute after screensaver starts.

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No Power Options In Control Panel?

Feb 19, 2012

Is this normal..... I am having a slight problem with the laptop freezing every night when i go to sleep...So i figure a need to adjust some of the power options.Howerever - "power options" in the control panel is empty... a small red circle with an x in it is in there and some slider adjuster thingy on the bottom?

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Power Options Shortcut - Create

Feb 11, 2013

How to Create a Power Options Shortcut in Windows 7 ?

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Monitor Keeps Turning Off After 15 Minutes (Power Options Are On Never)?

Nov 1, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) keeps turning the monitor off after 15 Mins of in-activity.However - before it does that at 14 Mins and 30 Seconds it sorta does a quick flash - then at exactlly 15 mins does the turning off.All the power options are set to Never. (I have even created my own power plan for this)I have never had this problem on this PC before - this is a new install - and since then it has been doing this.

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Windows 7 - Shutdown Or Sleep Overnight?

Jun 14, 2011

I got a new Win7 desktop PC and see that David Pogue (The Missing Manual) recommends putting it in sleep mode rather than shutting down overnight. Even Microsoft's website says sleep mode is preferred unless the PC will be off for several days.I'm skeptical of this, remembering the olden days when at least a daily reboot was needed to reinitialize RAM, which tended to chunk up and accumulate pesky processes that didn't terminate themselves. But maybe the new OS makes this old housekeeping rule obsolete. Or maybe sleep mode reinitializes RAM.

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Windows 7 Won't Shutdown, Sleep, Or Hibernate?

Jan 14, 2011

Windows 7 will will shutdown if I hold down the power button, however it will not shutdown when manually hitting "Shutdown" or just pushing the power button once.Everything looks normal when it's shutting down, it says it's shutting down. The lights on the case and fans go off, the fans shut off, yet a few seconds after the fans shutdown completely, the computer magically starts back up again. So it does shutdown (technically, all the signs are there) but it starts back up.Aside from the shutdown feature not working, sleep doesn't work (I don't use hibernate because I don't want to waste SSD write cycles). When I put the computer into sleep mode, it shuts down the fans and lights, however just like the shutdown issue, the computer powers itself back on (wake on LAN is off). Even though it is powered on, it isn't out of sleep mode. None of the peripheral devices work and I can't get the monitors to turn back on, therefore I have to hard boot the computer by holding down the power button. When I turn the computer back on, it is back where I left it before I put it into sleep mode.

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Windows 7 Won't Shutdown , Sleep Or Hibernate

Jan 15, 2011

I have seen a lot of these topics around, but I can't see to find any that answer the question.

Windows 7 will will shutdown if I hold down the power button, however it will not shutdown when manually hitting "Shutdown" or just pushing the power button once. Everything looks normal when it's shutting down, it says it's shutting down. The lights on the case and fans go off, the fans shut off, yet a few seconds after the fans shutdown completely, the computer magically starts back up again. So it does shutdown (technically, all the signs are there) but it starts back up.

Aside from the shutdown feature not working, sleep doesn't work (I don't use hibernate because I don't want to waste SSD write cycles). When I put the computer into sleep mode, it shuts down the fans and lights, however just like the shutdown issue, the computer powers itself back on (wake on LAN is off). Even though it is powered on, it isn't out of sleep mode. None of the peripheral devices work and I can't get the monitors to turn back on, therefore I have to hard boot the computer by holding down the power button. When I turn the computer back on, it is back where I left it before I put it into sleep mode.

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Power Settings - Windows Has Recovered From Unexpected Shutdown?

Dec 15, 2011

My Netbook power profile has these battery setting:

Level: Battery action/Plugged In
Critical Level: 5%/5%
Critical action: Hibernate/Hibernate
Low Battery Level: 7%/10%
Low Battery Action: Nothing/Nothing
Reserve Battery Level: 5%/7%
Reserve Battery Action: N/A

If I leave the netbook on battery and go to sleep/go out/whatever, when I come back it will be off. After plugging it in and powering it on. It will say it is resuming windows, and then I get the "windows has recovered from unexpected shutdown" after Windows is started. I'm not having any problems with Windows, but this message is annoying. Theoretically when the battery hits 5% remaining, windows will gracefully hibernate and I can resume it without any problems.

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Group Policy Overrides Power Options Settings?

Feb 27, 2012

Company laptop, with admin access The group Policy overrides the Power Options settings when I connect via VPN. Is there anywhere in the regedit to override or stop this?

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Command Line Task Scheduler Power Options

Jul 28, 2011

I was trying to create a scheduled task via command line (schtask.exe) and I want it to run regardless of whether the user is on battery power or on AC power. I created an event and it runs fine on AC power but when I try it on the battery power, it doesn't work. I checked the task in the task scheduler and saw in the condition for my event the following options checked:

- Start the task only if the computer is on AC power

- Stop if the computer switches to battery power

After I create the task via command line, I can't modify the settings. Either way, I MUST only use the command line to create/modify the tasks. Is there any way to modify this variable? Or am I stuck on only having the task run on AC power?

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Windows Has Recovered From An Unexpected Shutdown After Sleep

Dec 4, 2012

I got problem windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown after sleep when i was playing League of Legends about 15-30 min after that went to sleep, then restart and pop up it say windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown.

Crashed files here Download

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Windows 7 Cannot Sleep After Power Supply Was Changed

Nov 20, 2011

Here is my current build:


Ever since I changed my power supply from an Orion 480W to my current Cooler Master power supply, my pc will not sleep. It initiates sleep but then immediately turns back on and boots to the login screen. I have tried everything! From powercfg in cmd to changing the seetings on the motherboard in bios, and disabling all hardware from waking my system up to changing the power supply settings in windows. I am considering doing a reinstall of windows

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Group Policy To Lock Down Brightness Settings That Are Normally Configured Into Control Panel Power Options?

Jul 11, 2011

Is there a group policy to lock down the brightness settings that are normally configured into the control panel power options? Or alternatly, can I force these back to particular settings by saving and restoring regsitry keys upon user login?

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Sudden Shutdown Kernel Power 41 63

Apr 26, 2010

I am not playing a game my computer runs fine for hours this Critical Error only occurs when I'm running a game usually after few minutes. Most solutions suggested reinstalling audio driver/making sure there is only one. Well I only have one, it's up to date with one audio device running and was reinstalled a couple of days ago. I'm not yet sure if it occurs in every game which I am checking now so far I've experienced shutdown while playing Just Cause 2 and Metro 2033. Critical error is always the same and always a shutdown even though Restart On System Failure is unchecked. [code]

Also attached is my dxdiag.I've ran RAM diagnostic and it found no faults after 13~ thorough checks. I will try reinstalling audio driver again as well as check whether all of my games trigger this error. I did run the System file checker from CMD cannot quite remember the command now and it showed returned no faults.So far only Metro 2033 and Just Cause 2 have caused this error.Just noticed I have missed a latest video card driver. Will attempt to try again after updating that.

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Getting Driver Power State Failure At Shutdown

Dec 29, 2012

Windows 7 pro..I have been getting driver power state failure at shutdown. what do i need to copy and post to address this issue?

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PC Shutdown/crash Automatically But Power Led Stays On

Nov 22, 2012

Just made a new pc running w7hp from a wd green drive.Psu is a corsair cx430 cpu the a10 5800k and the motherboard is the asrock a75pro4-m.All parts are brand new.For some reason the pc just turns itself off, even when in use. The pled stays on but the power nor reset button work.To turn it back on, one needs to turn the psu off and on first.

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Freezing On Shutdown And When Going To Sleep?

Nov 9, 2012

Nearly every time I shut down my computer it goes fine until reaching the ring that says shutting down then the ring freezes and nothing happens. I have to hard boot it every time. When i put it to sleep or hibernation similar thing happens: screen goes black, the hard drive is working, and then nothing changes, everything is still on hard drives and all. I leave it alone for awhile to see if that helps but nothing happens while i leave it. It happens 90% of the time. Computer specs are uploaded with the profile, on that computer icon.

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BSOD On Shutdown And Going To Sleep?

Apr 12, 2012

My computer seems to be unable to shutdown, go to sleep/hibernate properly. It would always end with a bluescreen and giving me a dump file.Basic System Specs:Windows 7 x64 SP1 with all updatesFujitsu S6520Re-installed OEMAge of System: Almost 3 yearsOS installation: 4 month

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Go Into Sleep Mode Or Shutdown?

Jul 14, 2012

if i am going to leave for about 1-2hours, should i put the computer to sleep mode or simply shut it down?

I was told that sleep mode warms up the computer also. So its not good to go sleep mode. Isit true?

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