Windows 7 Professional Does Not Boot The First Time

Feb 26, 2011

Any time I boot Windows 7 Professional on my laptop it does not start the first time. I get only a blinking cursor on black screen.

I need to switch it off and re-boot it then it starts perfectly. It does that all the times.

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 Professional Without DVD

Nov 2, 2009

I purchased Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (as a student) and created an ISO, then burned it onto a DVD. I installed Windows 7 Pro on a system previously running Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

I had no problems until this past Sunday. At first, I had a "BOOTMGR is missing" error. Since I had "custom" installed Windows 7 on the same hard drive I had Vista on without formatting the drive, I thought that formatting the drive and reinstalling Windows 7 would solve the problem, but it has not.

My current boot error provides the following information:

File: BootBCD

Status: 0xc0000034

Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required information.

I've read several posts with solutions for problems similar to this and most have suggested first trying to have the Windows 7 install disc try to identfy boot problems. I have done this and experienced an interesting problem.

When it scans the drive for boot errors, none are found, but I noticed it says my Windows installation is on the D: drive, but when I am actually logged into Windows 7, the installation is on the C: drive. In addition, I have also tried a suggestion to use command prompt and fix the BCD (bootrec /RebuildBCD), but it still has not changed anything.

I am really clueless where to proceed from here. I have held off from reinstalling anything onto my system in case any solutions presented require me to reformat or lose any of my applications/settings.

The only other thing I can think of that is potentially causing this error is that my secondary hard drive (B:) is listed as Disk 0 under Disk Management, while the drive with my Windows 7 installation (C:) is listed as Disk 1.

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Windows 7 Professional No Log On Screen Show-up After Boot

Aug 9, 2011

despite the fact that i have been trying to boot up win7pro64 in normal mode in my vaio for the past one month, all of my endeavors have failed so far. i am left with nothing else other than going for recovery resulting the loss of all of software (hopefully, i can backup my data by using ubuntu which is present as dual-boot and/or by safe mode which are booting fortunately). i have tried the following so far in safe mode:

# HDD/RAM tests; passed

# malware check by malwarebytes; passed

# reinstalling the graphics driver as i have a doubt that the video driver is not working since screen goes blank instead of getting blue logon screen with user name/icon/password after windows initial boot (the cursor appears on the screen and i can make it move by using touchpad); passed

# start-up repair; failed

# going back to last good config; failed

# restore point; none exists!

# manual update by downloading recent patches from windows update catalog (using a different computer as this did not allow for some weird reason) since the problem started only after recent windows update that failed during installation; mode does not allow me to fix anything, windows update does not work here in addition to some other important functions that could be done in normal mode.couple of windows updates and loss of the system? i will absolutely hate to go for the recovery.

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Possible To Install Windows 7 Professional Upgrade From Boot?

Apr 15, 2012

My toshiba c650 laptop recently acquired a virus and now it will not boot. I was running windows 7 home premium 64bit at the time with ubuntu 11.10( I think) my computer crashed while I was running a mcafee scan and has not booted since ubuntu also does not boot due to the windows 7 system failure. Any way I was wondering if I bought a windows professional 64bit upgrade, could I Install it from boot? I also need to know if it would wipe all virus's from the hard drive. It would be best to mention that I have tried safe mode, safe mode with networking, my recovery discs and a blue screen repair discs all that happens when running these is a black screen with white cursor I left them all for an hour to see if anything happens but sadly nothing does.

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Does Boot Time Improve After Time

Oct 21, 2011

Does boot time improve on a new pc after a few days?

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Office Professional 2007 & Windows 7 Professional

Mar 10, 2011

Am buying a new computer with Windows 7 professional installed. Have MS Office Professional 07 on old computer which died. Will MS give me another product key so I can install MS Office Professional 07 on new computer? Will I need install additional drivers?

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How To Speed Boot Time In Windows 7

Apr 7, 2012

So, I have a Windows 7 Laptop and XP, I would know to know how to Improve the boot speed time Is there anytime to speed it up or any tweaks or Registry Edits? My computer does not have any maleware or spyware Has 2GB RAM

Things I have done

Defraged HDD
Deleated Unwanted Programs
Went > Msconfig> startup > got rid of extra start up items
Went > Msconfig> Services > took of unwanted services

I tried something New which is really good which works helped improved speed by 10 seconds

Went > Msconfig> boot > checked No Gui boot Went > Msconfig> boot > advance options > number of processors changed it to 2 ( has made a difference) What else can i do? to make it even faster and cut down on the time? What does this option do/mean Went > Msconfig> boot > advance options > Maximum memory

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Run Windows 7 Boot Time Test?

Jun 30, 2011

i have seen people on running a boot time test. basically what it does it it shuts down your pc totally off and then turns it back on and runs a test to see how long it takes to start up. i was just wondering how can i do this with my pc? i have a asus g53sw with windows 7 and i wanted to check the boot speed after i get all of the stupid bloateware crap off of it and see if it makes a there instructions anywhere to where i could run this boot test without installing a 3rd party program, i dont trust those stupid 3rd party computer test programs

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Windows 7 Slow Boot Time?

Nov 25, 2012

I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fixing computer problems. I just want to make sure I am correct with what the problem may be. I need some input from fellow computer heads. My neighbors had a problem with Win7 slow startups. Sometimes it would boot up slow and sometimes it would just stay on the blank screen. I went into Safe Mode and got rid of all of the malware and the one virus. That did not solve the problem. So after thorough troubleshooting I decided to re-install windows. Everything was running fine yesterday but now it is taking about 20 minutes for windows to load and after logging into a profile it takes an additional 10-15 minutes. Last night I had went into msconfig to prevent slow startups . I'm assuming there is a problem with the HDD

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Windows Cannot Boot Every Time Its Restarted

Jan 4, 2013

Every Time I restart windows can't boot. I have absolutley no idea on what is wrong. If I start a destructive recovery, I manage to get on, and after my pc automatically restarts to install ASUS drivers, it works, but over night (my motherboard glows green) and I wake up and it doesn't work.

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Windows 7 Takes Long Time To Boot-up

Sep 21, 2012

Different to most peoples boot up problems, mine problem is that it takes about two minutes to show the boot up animation after the HP logo. All it shows is a black screen with a little flashing white line for about two minutes.

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Windows 7 Are Still In Classic And Boot Time Is Very Very Slow?

Jan 31, 2013

my case is very similar to the one bellow except Malwarebytes didnt find the error Computer suddenly slow and starts up with non-changeable classic themethe start bar and windows are still in classic and boot time is very very slow ,I have tried system restores b4 problem but that hasnt effected anything ( the first time i did this it worked but when i tried to re download AC3 the problem came back - in the first situation Malware bytes did find something which i deleted

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Fonts Change By Them Selves Every Time Boot Up Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jun 3, 2010

Every time I boot up my fonts change to smaller size and then I have to close program and open again to get it normal size for example I use incredimail for my email program. when I boot up the words are very small so I close incredimail and re open and its okay with larger letters. I have Nortons security sometimes the window is smaller then sometimes gets to a bigger size

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Slow Boot Time In Windows 7 Ultimate?

Mar 14, 2011

I recently built a system and it has been running relatively smoothly for a while until all of a sudden my boot time at least doubled. I dont think that this is general slowing down due to more programs installed etc. there must be some kind of problem. At first i thought it might have been one of my USB devices so i removed all but my necessary ones (Mouse, keyboard, wireless network and sound.) and it was still very slow so im not quite sure what the problem is. Sometimes it pauses on the welcome screen and sometimes a black screen just before that. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Also while im asking about this, does anyone have any tips on how to keep my PC running nice and smoothly? Normally i would just defrag/disk cleanup/virus scan when i start to notice it slowing down and physically clean the case if i notice any overheating.

I'll list my system and USB devices below.

Intel Core i5 760 @ 2.8Ghz
Corsair XMS3 2x2GB 1600Mhz
ASRock P55 Deluxe
Palit GTX 460 1GB SE
750W XFX Pro
500GB Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm
Antec 902
500GB Toshiba External HDD
EMU 0202 USB 2.0 Audio Interface
Netgear WN111 Network Adapter (On a 2m USB A-B Cable)
Logitech K200 Keyboard
Logitech G500 Mouse

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How To Remove Ubuntu Entries At The Boot Up Time Of Windows 7

Jun 3, 2011

I have Windows 7 OEM version. Recently my friend installed Ubuntu to work on it. After some time I removed Ubuntu through Add Remove programs but whenever I start my computer at the time of booting, it asks me to choose out of 3 entries :-- Windows 7, Ubuntu, Ubuntu.

Now, I wish to remove these 2 Ubuntu entries and I understand I have to remove some multi disk partition entries for Ubuntu, in bootmgr.dll... right??

How can I remove these two Ubuntu entries??

PS: This is for the moderators--I hope this doesn't come under "black-listed issues". According to my understanding, a simple meddling with bootmgr.dll such as the above doesn't qualify to come under "hacking"..or any other black list issues...

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Changing Icon Size Every Time Boot Up Using Windows 7

Jan 14, 2012

Using Windows 7, every time I boot up the icon size and font is different size either , large or small. I want large, but how do I change to and keep it that way (make it default). Windows 7 now gives me what It wants. No pattern

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20 Minutes Boot Time On Fresh Windows 7 X64 Install

Aug 4, 2010

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my brother's PC. He had been using Vista previously. Upon booting to the installer, the "Starting Windows" screen would appear with the animated windows logo. This screen took 20 minutes of waiting to get past, so for ages I thought it wasn't going to work at all. Eventually I left it on long enough to get through to the first stage of installation. Everything went ok during install, I formatted the single partition on the HDD and told Win7 to install there. The next two times the install had to restart the computer, the huge delay on getting past the "Starting Windows" screen remained (keep in mind this is before/during the install). Vista had no such issues with boot times. And now that Windows 7 is installed, the boot issues remain, even after installing all available windows updates, updating graphics/mobo/sound/mouse/keyboard drivers, etc. I have checked the Event Log as I have read that you can diagnose possible boot problems in there, but there doesn't appear to be any Boot Events logged, all I see in the Diagnostics-Performance log are Shutdown events.

Specs are as follows:

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM
Core 2 Quad 2.8Ghz
500GB Samsung SATA 7200rpm HDD
Nvidia 9800GTX
XFX nForce 780i SLI Motherboard (BIOS ver. P09)

I have tried many things to fix it, such as removing various RAM modules, enabling/disabling various BIOS settings relating to USB/IDE (I don't use any IDE devices but thought I'd try)/RAID etc (also don't have my single HDD in RAID).

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Windows 7 System Restore Points Gets Wiped Out Each Time Boot Into XP

May 29, 2012

In my system I have three operating systems installed for me to boot into - Windows 7, XP & Ubuntu. Windows 7 is the default and probably even the most used one.The problem is that each time I boot into Windows XP, Windows 7's system restore points get wiped out totally. The same does not happen with XP though.

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Windows 7 Long Boot Time And Constant Activity Signs?

Jun 18, 2012

I've been using Windows 7 since it was released and never had to reinstall so far.Unfortunately my System seems to have developed some issues which make work with the computer rather tedious. I have the impression that the issues are all related to a massive boot delay. Windows takes some 4-7 Minutes to boot. The masive delay starts after the logon screen. I have not been able to find out what is going on here and where the timeloss occurs. Once the machine has become usable - i observe some serious disc activity (led blinking constantly. This can go on for minutes.

I already tried to deactivate unnecessary startup programs, scan for malware. I frequently let ccleaner sweep the system.'d be very happy to see some opinions about this behaviour and perhaps find a way to resolve the issue, so I do not have to reinstall from scratch. I am aware that there is an inplace repair function in Windows 7 - this however only works with a system CD that contains Windows 7+sp1+all important updates. As I only have the original system CD I would like to avoid setting up a working boot[CODE]

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Fresh Installation Of Windows 7 Taking Long Time O Boot?

Apr 8, 2011

I have Dell Inspiron N5010 laptop, Intel core i3 2 GB ram and 320 gb hardrive. I was running windows 7 home bsic edition 32bit on it.Everything was going fine.Then I saw some files in my E: drive with the .dll exension which i think were reated to the microsoft visual C++ enviroment and i deleted them .Lap top was sill running fine. But when I shut it down and turned on again it gave an error on startup that "one or more peripheral devices may have been removed imporperly". So I formaed my C: drive, where windows was installed and re-installed windows 7 basic 32 bit. Bu even a fresh copy of windows was taking 5 to 6 minutes to boot up after the "windows is starting screen" but eventually it did start. when I tried installing my drivers it gave an error that the drivers are not supported by this system.

And I know the drivers are the correct one because I have used them before with this same windows and same laptop. So I again formatted my C: drive and this time installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. But the problem is same it takes 5 to 6 minutes on the "windows is starting screen" and then eventully starts up. And I ran "HDTune" software to see if if my hardrive was okay....and it gave no errors. I even set my bios to "restore default setings" but still no luck.I even tried disk de-fragmenation.....and yeah the drivers wont install even in the windows 7 ultimte 64 bit edition.

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Toshiba Satellite L655 Laptop Takes Long Time To Boot Windows 7

Jul 24, 2011

my Toshiba satellite L655 laptop takes long time to boot windows?

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Win 7 Boot Time

Jan 13, 2009

I thought it would be interesting to see how quickly our PCs can boot into Windows 7 by having a poll. It starts so much quicker than Vista for me!

It takes 24 seconds from the OS selection screen to the logon screen for me (Q6600 @ 3Ghz, 2GB ram, 250GB Sata).

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Way To Speed Up Boot Time?

Jun 6, 2012

i got this laptop at first its boot time was fast but lately it seems to take longer time to boot..Is there a way to speed up boot time

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Boot Time Slower For 64 Bit Vs 32 Bit ?

Nov 21, 2009

Boot time slower for 64 bit vs 32 bit ? I was running 32 bit and am now running 64 bit but the 64 bit seems to take longer to boot.

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Unreasonable Boot Up Time

Dec 12, 2009

I just got a HP desktop with Window 7 pre-installed, however, it took about 10 minutes for the starting up the computer. Is it reasonable for Window 7 operating system or there is somethnig wrong with it? If Yes, how can I fix it/them?

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Boot Time Is Quite Long?

Aug 21, 2012

got Windows 7 up and runnin�for a while now , but I am noticing that my boot time is quite long, at least, that how it feels to me. I�ve got a pretty strong laptop, so 80 seconds or even 2 minutes at a certain point to boot up seems strange, right? And this is when I've got almost no software installed, it's still mostly a clean laptophen I did the clean install, I had to convert the disk from GPT to MBR,otherwise I could not have installed Windows. Is it because this conversion that my boot time has increased? My laptop supports UEFI, and UEFI needs GPT in order to work.

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Boot Time Slow

Nov 7, 2009

I've just gone from XP to Windows 7 Professional.

Great once it starts!

It's taking 1 minute 45 secs until the password screen and 3 mins until I can do anything!

My old XP started very quick.

My processor is a Pentium 4 3.0 ghz with 2gb of ram, can anyone help?

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How To Speed Up Boot Time

May 3, 2011

Currently I am using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on my pc :
core i3-2100
msi h67 motherboard
6 GB g skill ram
msi 5770
wd caviar blue 1TB

My problem is my boot partition is only 100 GB, so I put other applications than windows to another drive? So does it actually any correlation between the boot time and me installing other application to another drive than the boot C. I want to try ssd, but it actually quite expensive. So I might want to but another hard drive just to put all the application.

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Abysmal Boot Up Time?

Sep 20, 2012

As I'm trying to turn it back on, it has taken literally 40 minutes to get past the MSI splash screen. It takes a full 8 hours (no I am not kidding, nor exaggerating!) to get into Windows 7. And even then, everything is slow. Not like a normal P4/1GB ram (because I have a machine like that that is faster!) slow, but like low framerate slow. Same with the bootup. The huge MSI logo splash screen looks like I'm trying to download an image via dial up, and loads 1/5 of it at a time, over a period of nearly an hour. This process used to be so fast that I could hardly read it.

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Speed Up Boot Time?

Jul 16, 2010

How can i speed up my windows boot time?

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Unexpected Slow Boot-up Time

Jun 2, 2012

I use a Compaq Presario AY655AA ACJ CQ3220IX with the following configuration:

Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz
HDD Model: WDC WD3200AAJS-60M0A1
Drive Capacity: 305,245 MBytes (320 GB)
Total Memory Size: 3 GB DDR3
Video Chipset: Intel GMA 4500(M)(HD)
Video Card: Intel G41 Chipset - Integrated Graphics 0 [A3] [Hewlett-Packard]
CD Drive Model: hp DVD A DH16AAL
Monitor: 18.5 inch TFT Compaq W185q
Motherboard Model: FOXCONN ETON
Motherboard Chipset: Intel G41 (Eaglelake) + ICH7
USB Version Supported: v2.0
Audio Adapter: Intel 82801GB ICH7 - High Definition Audio [A1]

I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed in this computer. It worked just fine for about one year. It normally took 30 seconds to boot up. But now I'm experiencing unexpected slow bootup of windows. Now it takes about 2 minutes 20 sec. I've tried removing some of the start up programs and also tried scanning with Guardian antivirus by Quick Heal, but it showed my PC clean of viruses. What should I do to solve my problem?

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