Windows 7 Mapping Network Drive Asking For Password?

Feb 2, 2013

I have 2 computer's, my netbook and my main computer. I have these setup on the same network using LAN. I created a network drive on my main computer and would like to access it on my other computer but it always asks me for a password when i try to map the network on the computer that i am trying to share it to. I have not set any passwords on the computer that is hosting the network drive.

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Accessing & Mapping Network Drive Without VPN?

Oct 10, 2012

my employers IT support department has emailed me a certificate which allows me to access my office pc desktop using RDC without the need to establish a VPN to the server.can I now someone map one of the shared drives that is on the main office service again without the need to establish a VPN? perhaps using this "certificate"?

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Mapping Network Shared External Drive?

Jul 26, 2011

We have a company drive that we map folders from to certain computers. They reconnected at log in like normal. However, we have a separate external drive that when I map a folder from it, it never reconnects on log in. I have set the folder permissions for the user I want. I have tried directly connecting with the folder share name and also using the IP address of the server. They will initially connect when you set it up at first, but then it never reconnects to the drive/folder when logging back on. I have tried almost everything I can find and it still never seems to connect.

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Mapping A Network Drive Problem / Issue

Aug 11, 2009

This makes no sense. I have always had 2 cpu's on a network. My main rig, and a "server". (Basically a storage and backup cpu). Well I just built a new rig, and installed Win 7 RC. Re formatted my old "main" rig to become my new "server". I still had the old "server" (Win XP) connected to the network, and had no problems mapping the drive to my Win 7 machine, and the new server with Win XP.

Now, I took the 320GB Storage drive out of the thrid CPU and installed it in the new "server" and tried to map the drive to my Win 7 Machine. I can not for the life of me get it to work. Both machines have the same user and p/w for login. WHAT GIVES?

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Network Drive Mapping For DNS-320 Media Server

May 20, 2012

I recently brought a Dlink DNS-320 and have searched the relevant forums for that product but all the solutions for resolving a 'map network drive error' have been unsuccessful.I have tried mapping the drive on this product using the IP address and I can ping the IP address for this device, the device also appears on my network via UPnP but I unfortunately I get a error message when trying to map the network drive the DNs-320 also came with a storage utility to map drives but that doesn't work either.I have gone through previous posts and tested this without my firewall on or changing the TCP/IP settings.

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Difference Between Homegroup And Mapping Network Drive?

Mar 12, 2009

Is it just Libraries and Public and Personal sections? How are those different than mapping a new drive and setting permissions and/or passwords accordingly?

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Mapping A Network Drive Using "net Use" Command?

May 24, 2012

I am trying to create some batch files to connect to network drives. I am not understanding something.ode: net use x: \myserverc$documents /USER:mydomainlogin_name the /USER:mydomain, what do you enter in the mydomain location of you are not part of a domain?

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Timeout Mapping Network Drives At Windows 7 Login?

Jan 15, 2013

This is my situation: I have a virtual machine running, and a network drive which is mapped to that machine.The problem here is that when I am trying to login on windows, windows is first trying to connect to that mapped network drive - which it cannot because my virtual machine has to start up first. This results in a rather long login-time.So my question is, is there some (registry) setting which allows me set this connection timeout to 0? Or that it won't automatically reconnect the drive at login? Of course the setting 'Do not automatically reconnect at login' is too obvious and does not work, because it also removes the whole mapped network drive at system restart - in my situation the drive should be there, just not connected

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Mapping A XP Drive From Windows 7?

May 23, 2012

In my new laptop, I have migrated to 7, but the majority of my data are still on my XP machine. I tired to used "Map Network Drive" from within the 7 to map the C: drive of the XP machine, but unsuccessful!some useful info, the the workgroup on both machines is the same WORKGROUP,in the "Netwok"/"My Network Places" of either machine, I cannot see the other,from 7, I can remotedesktop the XP machine with all local drives available, remotely.previously, I have mapped between XP machines with no problem, but Im wondering this time why it doest work. is it due to 7-XP incompatibility

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Mapping Network Location To Website Results In Empty Folder Windows 7

May 17, 2012

We used to map a network location an http site in Windows XP. Worked well, but under Windows 7 when we map the same location we show an empty folder and it should contain all the links from the site. I did notice that when we tried this on a different XP box we were prompted for the user ID and Password to login to the share (makes sense to me... ) but there was no prompt in Windows 7 - instead we just get "This Folder Is Empty" Did I miss something? We can access the website in IE... did not try to access the share using the computer name instead of the website... could try that.... however they use the mapping as above because they still use FrontPage to administer the site and this method provides the mappings etc that FrontPage likes to have.

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Access Network Share Without Mapping?

Apr 5, 2012

I want to know if I can access a network share (for CMD line copy) that requires a username and password without mapping it.

The reason is for the purpose of copying backups. If I were to map the drive, any virus/malware could infect the share, defeating the purpose.

I know I can copy to the share if use the same account/passwords on both machines and just do xcopy \pcname\sharename..... I was hoping to avoid creating/changing accounts on the machines.

I know I can map the drive using netuse and then kill it after the copy. This isn't perfect, but I guess if there is no other way, it will pass.

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Mapping A External Network Disk

Oct 8, 2009

I hooked a network disk to my router but cant get permission to

access the content of it on my computer.

The disk shows up in network but got a this error each time I try

to open it.

I searched the forum for answers but didn't manage to find a good one.

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Mapping Libraries To Network Drives Possible ?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm using XBMC on an HTPC, that connects to a server hosting all the media files.

Both machines run 7 and I'd love to use Libraries to aggregate movies, TV shows, music, pictures, etc. coming from different folders. Unfortunately, from within XBMC libraries are unreachable.

I thought about mapping them to a network drive, but the actual libraries seem to be a *file* and not a *place* (you can check them by creating a shortcut to a library and looking at its properties).

Anything I've missed?

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How To Set Password Of Drive For Other Network Users

Oct 30, 2012

i want to set passWord for protective my sharing drive. I wat to set password when other user enter my drive after giving password. we are using windows xp.

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Setting Up Small Office Network With NAS - Mapping Folders?

Feb 21, 2011

I have 2 lenovo h320 desktop running 7 pro 64 and a dell laptop running 7 pro 32. I have a seagate blackarmor 220 nas as well as a netgear srxn3205 wireless vpn firewall router. My first issue is setting up homegroup. I can create one on any pc and see it to join on the other 2 but when I enter the password it tells me I have a network problem. I can ping each pc's ip address from the others. I have checked all the typical fixes, ipv6 enabled...

Secondly, I need understanding the network layout and how the NAS plays a role in the mapping. When I map the network it shows the 3 pcs all connected to the router and to the internet but it shows the NAS as other devices at the bottom. I have mapped a few folders from the NAS to each pc and can see as well as use them but not sure why it is not part of the map.

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Entered Wrong Password, Now Can't Map Network Drive

Dec 31, 2009

I have set up a Windows 7 machine that shares out a hard drive as a network share along with printers to our network. On another computer I was mapping the network drive and accidentally entered the wrong credentials (wrong user name) and choose the remember credentials setting, and it would not let me map the drive.

I tried to go back in and remap the drive again but Windows is remembering the user name/password and I can't map it. I can map the drive from any other computer just fine. Does anyone know how to make Windows forget the credentials so I can map the drive?

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Drive Mapping

Jan 11, 2009

I want to map drives on a Win 2k server box from the Win 7 box.

1) I cant see a way to match the workgroup name with the other machines on the network.

2) It sees the Win XP laptop but not the 2K server.

3) Suggest the help files be updated

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Map Network Drive Fails To Retain Password After Reboot

Dec 21, 2009

I have Win 7 ver 6.1 (build 7600) on Desktop and I have a Linux server. I don't use a password to logon to windows.

I successfully mapped Linux drives using my Linux user (which happens to be the same as the windows user) but on Linux I have a password. All the mappings were OK (4 directories) asking me on each one username + password + ticking the box called "retain credentials".

All went OK until I rebooted, then a message pop-up that "could not reconnect all network drives"...appeared: => the old stupid message from win XP.

Ok I opened My computer and surprise: My user and my password from the sharing pop-up window were gone! I've inserted them again and all went OK.

I thought they solved the old windows XP problem which clears the user + password from the Network drive mapping IF you do not have the SAME password as the mapped drives.

What can I do to retain that User+Password combination for good in Win 7 Mapping?

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Mapping To Hard Drive?

Feb 15, 2012

this is one for the techie (if you dare (LOL)). When my computer boots, it automaticly tries to map to my external hard drive through my wifi. Of course it can't and it states can't do it. But after a few seconds/minutes I can go to computers, click on it (red X) and it brings it up for the rest of the time or until I reboot the computer.

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Drive Mapping Via MS Domain

Sep 22, 2009

I just installed windows 7 on my laptop and attached it to the domain. I then rebooted and logged in to the domain but unable to see all my drive mappings that I see on my XP or Vista systems. I am able to hard map my drives. Can anyone help?

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Mapping From Xp To Win 7 Drive Problems

Dec 12, 2009

Trying to map a windows 7 drive to xp via network switch and Ethernet. I've given the 7 machine a static IP of and the xp machine

From the xp machine: type and get credentials box. Insert user name and password and it connects immediately and shows "users" problem. However, if I try$ or any other drive and enter the same user name and password it changes the user name to "computer name""user name" and nothing happens. I CAN'T GET THIS TO WORK AFTER 6 DAYS!

from the 7 machine: type and connects without credentials needed. type$ and get credentials box. put user name and password and immediately have access to that drive with no problems.

No matter what I try I cannot get to any drives on the windows 7 machine from the xp machine and its driving me crazy. It also will not work if I'm logged in with the same user name and password on each machine at the same time.

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Mapping Home Drive

Jan 7, 2010

Has anyone else had problems mapping the home drive through active directory in Windows7 ? we are running windows server 2003 for our domain controllers. This works flawlessly in windows xp stations, but i can't get it to work on windows 7 stations. I'm hoping i don't have to map the home drive through the login scripts.

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Easy Transfer Drive Mapping

Oct 26, 2009

I am having issuse with an XP-win 7 upgrade.

When I use WET utility it tries to install all my files onto my small C:drive. The original .mig file comes from a computer with C: J: K: drives... the new comp just has C: and D:.

Why isn't it giving me an option to map the drives when I upgrade?

It tries to install on C drive then gives up when it runs out of space.

When I look at the map drive tab in WET it says 'no drives are available for mapping.'

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Mapping A FTP Server As A Local Drive

Dec 26, 2009

I have a big problem, I was using NetDrive to map my FTP Server to my computer for some time now. I was using Windows Vista 32-Bit, I just installed Windows 7 64-Bit. Now to a surprise I found out that NetDrive doesn't support 64-Bit Operating Systems as of this time. I have been searching no-stop for about 2 hours and haven't found much.

I found some posts that recommended another FREE program to use that is like NetDrive but they still doesn't support 64-Bit. I don't want to buy a $50.00 program like WebDrive for example. I have also tried to use windows explorer to connect to the FTP Server and doesn't seem to work well (mostly not at all). I don't know why?

So at this point I am asking everyone if someone knows of a FREE program or method that I can use to connect my FTP Server to a local drive on my computer?

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Sep 23, 2009

Our company uses an accounting program called Wisetracks which is built using the Borldand Database Engine.

We have installed this program under 32bit Windows XP as well as Windows 32bit Vista.

It will not install under Windows 7 64bit which we want to move to.

I have installed the program under Windows 7 XP Mode.

The problem is the following:

The Borland Database Engine administrator requires the database files which reside on our server as Drive F: to be mapped .

Under Windows 7 the mapped drive is shown as:

F on Win7PC and the Borland program does not recognize this.

How can I do drive mappings so that this works.

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Network Password / NOT Homegroup Password

May 19, 2011

Untill yesterday my homegroup was working just fine. Two laptops / home premium / windows 7.Now when I try to access it I am prompted for a Network user name and password, the same promt giving details of my domain. This is not my homegroup password, I know where and how to find / use it. I have renamed pc's tried setting up homegroup again etc etc. Incidently I cant change the share options on any of my folders now, they are all locked to 'Nobody'.Can anyone help as it appears to have support from Microsoft for their product I'll have to pay pardon my igronance but if I sold a product with constant updates I wont charge for the support.

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Enter Network Password But Password Was Never Set

Nov 19, 2009

I've always thought of networking as one of the black arts.

4 PCs - One Vista, 2 Windows 7 Home Premium, 1 Windows 7 Ultimate. All see each other. All have appropriate folders shared.

Try accessing A from B and I get "Enter Network Password (to connect to B)". I never set one up to start with, so why is it asking me for it. How do I access/change something I never set?

Try accessing B from A - I see the PC, and the folders I want but trying to access them results in "You do not have permissionto access folder names Contact your network administrator - who he? Obviously me but I don't know what the answer is!

Trying similar things with the other two PCs in the mix results in various permutations of the same problem.

I have tried all the various links suggested through Networking and Help, but most of the actions seem to be boxes to click to make the PCs try to sort themselves out. When it fails I can't find a manual way of trying to sort it out.

Any suitable tutorials that may help? Couldn't see any.

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Windows Security Suddenly Needs Network Password?

Jul 1, 2011

My Windows 7 PC is asked for a Network Password (Windows Security Dialogue Box) on a home network when trying to access files on my XP machine on a two-PC home network. This was never been asked before. Windows 7 did a Windows Update last night and rebooted my computer. UserNames and passwords did not work. I did disable this feature from other recommendations... Local Policies > Security Options > Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only. My XP machine can access files on my Windows 7 machine and does not ask for a password.

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Windows 7 Prompts 'Enter Network Password'

Oct 25, 2010

I've got a desktop computer with XP Pro SP3 and a laptop with both XP and Windows 7(dual-boot). These two computers are connected through a router in a network(desktop comp-wired, laptop-wireless). Everything works fine, except the sharing in Windows 7. From the desktop computer I can access all resources on the laptop without problems. From the laptop, everything works fine too, when I try to access the desktop computer's shared folders and printers, but ONLY FROM XP. Every time I want to do this from Windows 7, I'll be prompted for a "network password". I have no idea what I had to enter - I did a search over the internet, and found following suggestions:

-turn on network discovery, file and printer sharing, public folder sharing at the Advanced Sharing Settings, and disable password-protected sharing
-both computers are in the same workgroup
-disabled the limitation of blank passwords in the group policy editor

NOTHING WORKED. (firewall might not be the reason, because I use Windows Firewall, and it's configured to enable sharing)What username/password do I have to enter, or how could I access the resources without a password?

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Windows Keeps Asking For Network Password To Access Computer

Oct 21, 2011

I have a small home network set up with 4 PCs (1 laptop & 3 desktop). I can see all my computers in my networks but I cannot connect to one of my desktops using my laptop. All the other computers/laptops can read and transfer files without a problem except for the laptop connecting to one of the PCs.

Both the laptop and the PC that is asking for a network password are on the same version of Windows 7 Home. I have file and printer sharing enabled. All are on the same workgroup. I have firewall off and I have turned off password protected sharing yet when I try to connect or print from my laptop to the one PC it asks for a password and I can't figure out why.

This only started recently a week ago. Prior to that never had this problem and shared files/printer without a problem

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Disabling Network Password Prompt For Windows 7 & Ulitmate X64?

Nov 6, 2011

I have 1 desktop and 2 laptops all running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Everything was working find till I had a fatal crash HD crash. Had to reinstall everything new on a Fresh HD.With the New install, my laptops can't access my desktop with out a network name and password?!? HOWEVER, my desktop can access share files on both laptops, but not the other way around. I've had things working before...and nothing has changed except the new OS install on a new HD.I don't understand what I am missing? All comps are able to see each other, I just cant get rid of the prompt for the user name and password when trying to access the fresh install on my desktop.I've gone in to the advance network sharing settings and check the radio button to "turn off password protected sharing" That should have done the trick.It seems to work on my laptops....but NO DICE????Last desperate thing, I even set up a HOMEGROUP(which i never needed to since i got the file share to work fine) BUT even in the HOMEGROUP, the same prompt for a user name and password keeps popping up when trying to access the desktop and Not from the desktop to the laptops?

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