Windows 7(32b) Won't Share Second Drive

Jul 12, 2011

Have Dell Dimension 8400 I fixed up with new disk and 4g ram. Put a clean Windows 7 32 install on the new 500g disk, and formatted the old 250 as a spare disk. Nice box, My main machine is a Windows 7 64b Ultimate box - I can network to an XP SP3 box, and the Dell 8400 main disk (made a folder there and shared it). But the Dell box just won't allow any connection to that second disk or a folder in it. All machines on same workgroup. AFAIK "HomeGroup" stuff is all turned off. I have a user by the same name on both Windows 7 machines... have REPEATEDLY gone over the network settings for private/public - and all seems correct. Is there something about sharing a non-main disk? I just want a drop box on this Win32 machine as it will ultimately become a development server for MS SQL Server 2008 express.

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How To Get Windows 7 To Share Blu-ray Drive

Jun 14, 2011

How do I get one Windows 7 computer to share out it's internal blu-ray drive and get another Windows computer to see it as a blu-ray disk instead of a folder? I want to make the shared disk drive be able to auto-play on a remote computer on my network.

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Can't Share Full Hard Drive In Windows 7 Local Network

Jan 26, 2012

i can't share full hard drive in windows 7 local network

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Share XP Drive

Sep 20, 2009

Okay, so I've set up network drives before going from XP to XP.. but a long LONG time ago and can't really remember what I did. Looking through Windows 7 also, it's all changed and a bit confusing :$.

I have two computers.. my main computer running Windows 7 64bit, and my server computer is running XP Pro 32bit. I want to have my server's 250GB drive (the only drive in the computer) accessible via my main computer as if it were plugged in.. so under 'my computer' it'll show something like "Server X:", X being the drive letter giving to the server's drive, and when I double click it I'll see Windows, Program Files.. everything and un-restricted.

Could anyone help be get this sorted and set up?

If anyone has links to a tutorial / step-through that would be very much appreciated.

I need my server (localhost) computer up and running as soon as I can as it's for my home business.

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Can't Share Hard Drive With Other PCs

Jul 19, 2009

I'm going to use Windows 7 for my media center PC. Its going to be a machine without a monitor, I'll just stream from extenders and control it with for now. I've currently got 3 XP machines, I like to be able to share the hard drives and map them on my other PCs to easily drop files onto them. But I've noticed since Vista, I just cant access those hard drives. I try to map it, and usually the PC shows up but nothing is there to select. At the most, my wife's Vista laptop has allowed me to access her Public folder but thats it. Its got the be one of the biggest annoyances with vista for me. We have no firewalls or virus software (i just hate rather reformat than sacrifice PC performance), we use the windows built in firewall but thats it.

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Drive Share Lost After Every Restart

Dec 23, 2011

I use a Drobo and I used to have it map on My host PC using letter I: but since it was causing drive letter conflicts I changed the drive letter to Z:. Ever since I did that my Drobo will lose its drive share every time restart. I can share it back out and it retains the individual folder shares I set up. But this was never and issue before. Is there a way to make a drive letter a permanent share or make a startup script to share the drive letter?

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Can't Network Share External USB Drive

May 18, 2012

I've been trying for a couple hours to look for tutorials and none of them have helped me out.. I can't network share my external usb 1tb hard drive?

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How To Share Drive With Specific Computer

Dec 30, 2012

Computer 1
Username: AAA
No password
AAA is an administrator

Computer 2
Username: AAA
No password
AAA is an administrator

Computer 3
Username: BBB
No password
BBB is an administrator

Computer 4
Username: CCC
No password
CCC is an administrator

There are 2 drives on all computers: C with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed, and D. All computers are connecting to the same router. What should I do if I want Computer 1 to access drive D of Computer 2 and Computer 2 to access drive D of computer 1 while Computer 3 and Computer 4 can't access any other drive apart from their own. I have fully access to all computers' setting.

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Share An Entire Drive In Workgroup?

Nov 22, 2009

Skipped Vista, so I'm just learning to hate permissions in Windows 7. How do I enable the two other XP machines in the workgroup to access an entire drive on the Windows 7 machine? I've been able to set up access to individual folders (not even sure how I did that), but not to an entire drive - in this case data drive D.

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Homegroup Sharing : Share Files From Other Drive?

Dec 9, 2012

I have a 128GB SSD for booting and games and a 1tb hard drive for storage. Because my OS is on my boot drive, the location for my videos folder is on the boot drive and I don't want to store my movies on my boot drive because of space constraints. I'm using homegroup to stream movies to my mother's computer. Is there any way I can stream videos from a folder in my storage drive or any alternative method for changing the root destination of the videos folder in my C drive?

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Win7 Wont Share Drive With WinXp

Oct 1, 2009

I'm currently having issues sharing a full hard drive from my windows 7 machine to my windows XP machine.

No matter what I try, when I try and open this drive on my XP machine I get the error Quote: p4pcmedia is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

Access is denied. I have set up the sharing rules in Windows 7, turned off the firewall and set the permissions to be read/write for administrators and everyone, which is the same permissions the default shared "users" folder which is accessible.

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Physical To Virtual Machine & Share Boot Drive?

May 31, 2012

XP: Physical to Virtual & Share Drive w Host? Disk2VHD vs VMWare P2V? Physical-to-Virtual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My Thinkpad X61T with recent 8GB DDR2 Upgrade:I have an XP Pro 3 instance on a HDD able to use 2.99 GB RAM. I can backup bunch of data files to make size smaller.I have a Win 7 x64 instance on another HDD that can use most of the 8GB RAM. Now, I'd like to do two things:

1. Virtualize the XP instance and create a Virtual Disk/ Virtual Machine, with all of the Programs & Settings intact.

2. Run this XP on top of Win 7 x64 Host and "Slowly" Migrate Files/ Settings/ MetaData etc. from GUEST XP to HOST machine.I'd prefer to be able to SHARE "the C: or Boot Drive" between the GUEST & HOST machines (as it is mounted/ running) and be able to COPY some Specific Files/Folders using ROBOCOPY/ RICHCOPY to maintain attributes that could/ easily get lost with any other copy method.Thoughts/ suggestions, experiences, comparative reviews on using Software/ Tools out of the above listed page and how could go about doing both the let me know UPDATE: Some advise/ suggestions I got on another forum was. Quote: If it were me, I'd use DISK2VHD on the XP hard drive, copy it to the Windows 7 machine, install XP Mode, and fire it up like that.An alternative, in some ways better, would be to use VMWare's P2V converter on the XP machine, install VMWare Player on the 7 machine, and load the virtual machine on there.If you're just worried about docs / settings / etc, I'd suggest skipping virtualization and just use Windows Easy Transfer to make a clean break. I've used VMWare and Virtual PC a LOT in the past, but not used in a long time. I know some functionality for items 1 & 2 exist but wanted to get a comparative idea between the various options LISTED in the Link. I guess I was a little out of touch when I realized so many products existed just to do P to V. I remember only VMWare had that for a while.For me the ability to "share" & "copy" these files is critical. PS: Also, I may or may not have enough storage on the Win 7 x64 drive so I'll have to run the guest VM from a USB 2.0 HDD. Would that work okay? For now, if the suggestion give by someone from the other forum still holds. What are the pros vs cons of Disk2VHD vs VMWare? (Given the specifics of my scenario?)Esp Sharing Drive & Copying using RoboCopy/ Richcopy (To maintain Modified/ Created Dates .. Wish there was way to keep Accessed Date)

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How To Share Internet In Windows 7

Jun 20, 2011

i want to know how to share internet in windows 7 ultimate through adhoc. i'm able to create an adhoc connection and connect but there is no internet connectivity. what do i do to have internet connectivity on other pcs?

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Windows 7 And Xp Can Share Documents?

Sep 17, 2011

I have a new Samsung laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium and an older desktop with XP running in it. I have a Servioo(same as Samsung file share) program running in my desktop XP which allows me to view my vid/music/photos through my Samsung BR player.I can now view my documents from my new laptop back through Servioo and on the BR player. However I cannot see anything on my laptop from my XP shows my Servioo program but it is unable to view anything. I'm trying to view it through the Windows Media Player.Is there a way to do it? I just can't get the "door" to open. sunlaker has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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How To Share Files Between Windows Xp And 7

Apr 27, 2011

I'm trying to share some files between my Win 7 laptop (wireless) and win XP PC (wired), connected to each other via a modem/router (TP-Link 150M Wireless Lite N ADSL2+ Modem Router if it's required ) but it doesn't work! they have a same workgroup name, I can ping my PC in laptop but I can't ping the laptop in PC. I don't know what to do. in the PC i can see the laptop but I can't access it, but in laptop i even can't see the PC.

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Windows 7 USB Print Share/

May 3, 2011

I have a Desktop....

Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Windows Firewall
Homegroup enabled for files and printers
A Dell Photo Printer 720 with Vista 64 driver - USB Connection - Working fine
Connected to a wireless router

on the other-end..

I have a Laptop

Running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit
Windows Firewall
Homegroup enabled for files
Vista 32 drivers for Dell printer
Connected to the same router

I can trade files between the two no problem, but can't use the printer from the Laptop I've tried everything i can find Disabled Bi-directional printing Got rid of other firewalls Try Adding a printer both ways..Over a network, it see it, but says "Windows cannot connect to the printer"as a local printer, with port \desktopdell photo printer 720 The printer seems to install this way, till i send a test page It sits in the Laptop Queue for a bit, then disappears, but doesn't show up in the Desktop Queue and eventually get a dell photo printer message saying Communication Not Available (from the laptop) If I open a window and go to \desktop I can see the printer and the shared folder I can access the folder ok, but if i right click on the printer and pick Connect, "Windows cannot connect to the printer" Both computer are set to Workgroup?

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Windows 7 Cannot See Vista Share

Jun 21, 2011

Windows Vista refuses to allow access to a printer from Windows 7. The Win 7 laptops are in a domain and the Vista Home Premium machine is not. It's security settings are set to share without password. The share has permissions and security set to everyone. Related, the Vista machine cannot be accessed by name, only by ip. I'd like to add the printers and not have to worry about entering the password each time as it gets in the way of work.

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Windows 7 - XP Can No Longer See/share

Nov 10, 2011

We have been using a Windows 7 machine and an XP machine for some time now - they are using the same workgroup name, and were sharing files using the Public folder on Windows 7, no problems. The XP could also connect to the printer, which is hardwired to the Windows 7.

They are both using wifi in our building. The wifi, which is owned by the landlord, used to be called Ourwifi. A couple weeks ago, the power went out in our building and then there was a problem with the wifi and the internet/cable company came out and changed it. It is now reconfigured as Ourwifi2. It is password protected.

Since that change, both the Windows 7 and XP computers are able to access the wifi and use the internet, but now they cannot share files. As far as I know, nothing on either of the computers settings had changed.

The Windows 7 computer was turned OFF when the power went out; the XP most likely was ON (because that user tends to leave it on all the time). Since I've been trying to reconnect them, I may have changed something by accident.

So here are the settings in the Windows 7:Network and Sharing - Under advanced sharing settings, password protection sharing is OFF under "home or work" as well as under "public." Workgroup is listed as the same one as the XP computer (ourwkgrp). In Windows 7, under active networks, Ourwifi2 is listed as a"work network" Windows 7 has Norton running; I'm unsure if it has had any auto-updates that may have changed accessiblity settings. I can't find in the Norton settings how to add all those TCP and UDP numbers suggested in a post elsewhere that might help it find the XP machine. On the XP machine -- XP can see (or thinks it sees) the Windows 7 computer over the wifi -- if I look at "view workgroup computers" in the XP -- Windows 7 shows up, but if I attempt to connect, I get a message saying it is an invalid path, cannot be viewed over the network.

XP cannot print to the printer connect to Windows 7. It can't see the printer b/c I can't expand the Windows 7 folders that show up under "view workgroup computers."

how to access anything if you send "change this to on," etc.

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Windows 7 - Can't Share Folders

Jan 23, 2013

Im having an issue where I cant share folders. I have tried to share in every possible way. I have tried to turn on public folder sharing, but it just goes back to off. If I try to share a specific fodler it just says "your folder cant shared". I have tried turning off the firewall without success. ANother thing I have noticed is that I cant access websites that demands cookies, even though my cookies are enabled the website tells to enable them.

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Network Share - Windows 7 And XP

Oct 26, 2009

i got windows 7 ultimate 64bits, and im trying to share my connection with my brothers PC's, but i got some problem to do that.

I have 2 Lan Cards on my pc, one im connected direct with the Modem and another one to I SHARE with them.

But all the time when i try share this says only the first is connected, all the PC's have the same group name and my connection to modem is marked to share connection.

Anyone got the same problem and can help me?

i will buy the router tplink on the end of the month but i need to share before with them...

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How To Share Printer From Windows 7 To Xp

Jun 19, 2012

I have been trying to access a printer on a computer running win 7 from one running win xp

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Mapping XP Machine To Windows 7 Share

Apr 5, 2012

I've been going round and round trying to resolve this problem with no success. We have a small business using a PC as a server. The "Server" and all the PCs except one (the accounting machine) are running Windows 7 Pro (64-bit). All machines (including XP) are using the same workgroup name: WORKGROUP. The problem I'm having is that the XP machine can neither see the Workgroup, nor can I map the machine to the Shared folder on the Win 7 machine. I've been through all the set up scenarios from Microsoft but without success. I know there's handshaking going on because the Win7 Server can see and access the shared directories on the XP machine. It just doesn't work the other way.

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Share A Folder Via WiFi On Windows 7?

May 22, 2011

how to do this on Windows Vista/Windows 7. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to stream some of my video files from a PC to my iPad. I can do this using a third party app that runs on my iPad that can connect to a computer via a WiFi network. I managed to do this quite easily on Windows XP and I can stream AVI files from the "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments" folder. All I did is this -- I right-clicked on the Documents folder there and selected Properties, then Sharing tab and set "Share this folder on the network", named it and OK'ed it. After that I can easily see that folder from the app running on my iPad and stream files out of it.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 aren't as easy to set up and they don't have the same controls as Windows XP.

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How To Share Files From Vista To Windows 7

Nov 9, 2011

i have all my music files on my desktop using vista. i cannot seem to access these files on my win 7 laptop. they can be accessed via windows media player on the laptop, but thats it. I was attempting to add the music folder to my itunes on my laptop. i have made the music folder public. It can be seen on my xbox as well as my ps3 the network sees the laptop and destop, but when i try to access them they both ask for a user name and password. I have not set any passwords for either.

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Accessing Windows Share On Different Subnet

Aug 3, 2012

My Windows 7 machine runs in the subnet 192.168.1.x (actual IP and there is a Linux machine with windows share (smb or Samba) on a different subnet 192.168.2.x (actual IP There is a router inbetween of course.Before they were on the same subnet and I could easily see the Linux machine when using Windows Explorer and clicking on Network. Now, I can't see it anymore.

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Connect Share Folder On Win Xp From Windows 7 64 Bit?

Sep 26, 2011

connect share folder on win xp from windows 7 64 bit?

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Share Lg Fathom Gprs To Windows 7 PC?

Jan 7, 2012

how to share lg fathom gprs to windows 7 pc, give step by step settings

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How To Uninstall Bear-share From Windows 7

Feb 18, 2013

how to uninstall bearshare from memory?

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In Windows 7 Share Folder Data Disappeared?

Mar 1, 2012

I have created one share folder in windows 7 and put lot of data in it, once i faced problem in accessing the share folder from the network, i removed the sharing from the folder which i shared but what happened is the data's which is in the shared folder got disappeared

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Unable To Setup Share Printer In Windows 7

May 3, 2012

I have two windows 7 computers. computer-A is connecting EPSON printer and I have enabled the file and printer sharing function. The file sharing function is working fine. Then I tried to add the printer in control panel on computer-B, it sees the epson printer but when I try to install the driver (download from computer-A) then it say unable to connect. I have try it on different computer-C it is saying the same thing. What should I do?

I have installed the EPSON driver in computer-B (hoping it would work)but still after the install the driver (download from computer-A) by itself then it says unable to connect the printer.

I have setup all the computers with the group name of WORKFROUP. You may wonder why I don't use the Windows 7 Homegroup, it is because I have some XP computers need to use that computer-A's printer. how to make the printer sharing works. [URL]

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Will Windows 7 Share Video Memory From Inbuilt Gpu

May 13, 2012

I have windows 7 professional 32 bit. I have a 814.2mb maximum memory of which 64mb is dedicated..Im thinking of buying an external graphics card which will have 1024 mb dedicated memory....

1.Will my OS share graphics memory from the inbuilt GPU?(Intel G41 Express Chipset)

2.If not from where will it share?

3. If i turn off aero effects,will i get full 1024mb for gaming?

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