Share XP Drive
Sep 20, 2009
Okay, so I've set up network drives before going from XP to XP.. but a long LONG time ago and can't really remember what I did. Looking through Windows 7 also, it's all changed and a bit confusing :$.
I have two computers.. my main computer running Windows 7 64bit, and my server computer is running XP Pro 32bit. I want to have my server's 250GB drive (the only drive in the computer) accessible via my main computer as if it were plugged in.. so under 'my computer' it'll show something like "Server X:", X being the drive letter giving to the server's drive, and when I double click it I'll see Windows, Program Files.. everything and un-restricted.
Could anyone help be get this sorted and set up?
If anyone has links to a tutorial / step-through that would be very much appreciated.
I need my server (localhost) computer up and running as soon as I can as it's for my home business.
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Jul 19, 2009
I'm going to use Windows 7 for my media center PC. Its going to be a machine without a monitor, I'll just stream from extenders and control it with for now. I've currently got 3 XP machines, I like to be able to share the hard drives and map them on my other PCs to easily drop files onto them. But I've noticed since Vista, I just cant access those hard drives. I try to map it, and usually the PC shows up but nothing is there to select. At the most, my wife's Vista laptop has allowed me to access her Public folder but thats it. Its got the be one of the biggest annoyances with vista for me. We have no firewalls or virus software (i just hate rather reformat than sacrifice PC performance), we use the windows built in firewall but thats it.
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Jul 12, 2011
Have Dell Dimension 8400 I fixed up with new disk and 4g ram. Put a clean Windows 7 32 install on the new 500g disk, and formatted the old 250 as a spare disk. Nice box, My main machine is a Windows 7 64b Ultimate box - I can network to an XP SP3 box, and the Dell 8400 main disk (made a folder there and shared it). But the Dell box just won't allow any connection to that second disk or a folder in it. All machines on same workgroup. AFAIK "HomeGroup" stuff is all turned off. I have a user by the same name on both Windows 7 machines... have REPEATEDLY gone over the network settings for private/public - and all seems correct. Is there something about sharing a non-main disk? I just want a drop box on this Win32 machine as it will ultimately become a development server for MS SQL Server 2008 express.
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Jun 14, 2011
How do I get one Windows 7 computer to share out it's internal blu-ray drive and get another Windows computer to see it as a blu-ray disk instead of a folder? I want to make the shared disk drive be able to auto-play on a remote computer on my network.
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Dec 23, 2011
I use a Drobo and I used to have it map on My host PC using letter I: but since it was causing drive letter conflicts I changed the drive letter to Z:. Ever since I did that my Drobo will lose its drive share every time restart. I can share it back out and it retains the individual folder shares I set up. But this was never and issue before. Is there a way to make a drive letter a permanent share or make a startup script to share the drive letter?
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May 18, 2012
I've been trying for a couple hours to look for tutorials and none of them have helped me out.. I can't network share my external usb 1tb hard drive?
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Dec 30, 2012
Computer 1
Username: AAA
No password
AAA is an administrator
Computer 2
Username: AAA
No password
AAA is an administrator
Computer 3
Username: BBB
No password
BBB is an administrator
Computer 4
Username: CCC
No password
CCC is an administrator
There are 2 drives on all computers: C with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed, and D. All computers are connecting to the same router. What should I do if I want Computer 1 to access drive D of Computer 2 and Computer 2 to access drive D of computer 1 while Computer 3 and Computer 4 can't access any other drive apart from their own. I have fully access to all computers' setting.
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Nov 22, 2009
Skipped Vista, so I'm just learning to hate permissions in Windows 7. How do I enable the two other XP machines in the workgroup to access an entire drive on the Windows 7 machine? I've been able to set up access to individual folders (not even sure how I did that), but not to an entire drive - in this case data drive D.
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Dec 9, 2012
I have a 128GB SSD for booting and games and a 1tb hard drive for storage. Because my OS is on my boot drive, the location for my videos folder is on the boot drive and I don't want to store my movies on my boot drive because of space constraints. I'm using homegroup to stream movies to my mother's computer. Is there any way I can stream videos from a folder in my storage drive or any alternative method for changing the root destination of the videos folder in my C drive?
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm currently having issues sharing a full hard drive from my windows 7 machine to my windows XP machine.
No matter what I try, when I try and open this drive on my XP machine I get the error Quote: p4pcmedia is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.
Access is denied. I have set up the sharing rules in Windows 7, turned off the firewall and set the permissions to be read/write for administrators and everyone, which is the same permissions the default shared "users" folder which is accessible.
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May 31, 2012
XP: Physical to Virtual & Share Drive w Host? Disk2VHD vs VMWare P2V? Physical-to-Virtual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My Thinkpad X61T with recent 8GB DDR2 Upgrade:I have an XP Pro 3 instance on a HDD able to use 2.99 GB RAM. I can backup bunch of data files to make size smaller.I have a Win 7 x64 instance on another HDD that can use most of the 8GB RAM. Now, I'd like to do two things:
1. Virtualize the XP instance and create a Virtual Disk/ Virtual Machine, with all of the Programs & Settings intact.
2. Run this XP on top of Win 7 x64 Host and "Slowly" Migrate Files/ Settings/ MetaData etc. from GUEST XP to HOST machine.I'd prefer to be able to SHARE "the C: or Boot Drive" between the GUEST & HOST machines (as it is mounted/ running) and be able to COPY some Specific Files/Folders using ROBOCOPY/ RICHCOPY to maintain attributes that could/ easily get lost with any other copy method.Thoughts/ suggestions, experiences, comparative reviews on using Software/ Tools out of the above listed page and how could go about doing both the let me know UPDATE: Some advise/ suggestions I got on another forum was. Quote: If it were me, I'd use DISK2VHD on the XP hard drive, copy it to the Windows 7 machine, install XP Mode, and fire it up like that.An alternative, in some ways better, would be to use VMWare's P2V converter on the XP machine, install VMWare Player on the 7 machine, and load the virtual machine on there.If you're just worried about docs / settings / etc, I'd suggest skipping virtualization and just use Windows Easy Transfer to make a clean break. I've used VMWare and Virtual PC a LOT in the past, but not used in a long time. I know some functionality for items 1 & 2 exist but wanted to get a comparative idea between the various options LISTED in the Link. I guess I was a little out of touch when I realized so many products existed just to do P to V. I remember only VMWare had that for a while.For me the ability to "share" & "copy" these files is critical. PS: Also, I may or may not have enough storage on the Win 7 x64 drive so I'll have to run the guest VM from a USB 2.0 HDD. Would that work okay? For now, if the suggestion give by someone from the other forum still holds. What are the pros vs cons of Disk2VHD vs VMWare? (Given the specifics of my scenario?)Esp Sharing Drive & Copying using RoboCopy/ Richcopy (To maintain Modified/ Created Dates .. Wish there was way to keep Accessed Date)
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Jan 26, 2012
i can't share full hard drive in windows 7 local network
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Oct 31, 2012
Have a Dell iNSPIRON 600 with Windows 7,, Have a couple of user accounts and trying to share the documents i have with Microsoft Office with my other user accounts. Tried to "share" them and yet still cant access them when I switch accounts..
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Nov 12, 2012
I've found some information on how to do it in the latest versions of OSX, but I'm not finding all the bells and whistles in my version, so I can see and transfer to/from my PC.
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Jul 5, 2009
I have used 7 (64 bit) long enough to be confident in using it as my main Windows machine.
Part of that is being a print server. I am staying with Workgroups to allow connecting to Linux boxes using Samba.
I installed the printer just fine.
But I can't see how to share it.
Google searches helped me verify some things.
Under Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings I do have File and Printer Sharing enabled.
Under Advanced sharing settings I have set the radio button to Turn on file and printer sharing.
But when I go to Devices and Printers in Control Panel, and go to properties of the printer, I do not have a sharing tab. Or anything share related on the context menu.
I can access folders on other machines, and I can share folders, but I get prompted for a password on other machines even though I have disabled passwords. That is a lower priority.
How can I share the printer?
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Jun 13, 2011
There's something very basic about "sharing" that I'm misunderstanding. Does the term "sharing" mean sharing with other computers on the network?
If so, then how do you share folders with another user on the same computer? Here's an example: Each of my sons has a Standard user account on the same computer. So 'A' can't access 'B's files, and 'B' can't access 'A's files. They want to be able to share certain folders, like pictures and music.
They could simply copy folders they want to share to the Public user folder, but that's not a practical solution. How do users on the same computer share files and folders? Is it possible to put restrictions on sharing ('B' can view some of 'A's photos, but he can't edit them, etc.)? There's got to be an easier way than fiddling with access permissions, which often ends up with unintended consequences.
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Jan 25, 2012
I recently purchased a new routeur, D-Link's DIR-825. I am quite happy with it's performance so far, the main reason I bought this model was that it has a USB port so that I could use a HDD as a network.I installed the "Shareport" utility provided by D-Link and yesterday I finally got around to plug my HDD into the routeur. Things went smoothly and I was able to "connect" to the drive from my home computer.I then turn on my laptop, which is my work computer, and tried to connect to the drive. Shareport told me that it was already connected and needed to be disconnected.I mean the whole idea behind me buying a routeur with a USB port was to have a hard drive that would serve as a network backup that could be accessed by both computers at any given time.Besides, if only one computer can be connected to it at a time that's not what I call sharing, the "Shareport" utility should have a different name then.Now is that inherent to this type of setup or is it simply a show of the software limited capabilities?
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May 13, 2012
I am planning on configuring dual boot on my laptop (Win 7 and win 8).I was following this tutorial How To Dual Boot Windows 7 and Windows 8. The tutorial is pretty self-explanatory but the only thing I can't find anywhere is if I will be able to share files between these 2 OS?Can I share files, if yes, then how?
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Sep 10, 2012
I have a laser printer that is abandoned by Canon (ImageClass D761).However, I have an old XP notebook that I can print to it..Can I share the printer through XP and print to it via Windows 7? There are no drivers for it in Windows 7..Or will I just have to make PDFs of everything I want to print and send them to the XP notebook and print from there.....?
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Nov 1, 2012
the simplest LAN is two computers connected through a wire
how to share data (files) b/w these two devices without using net ?
1- just using a wire
2- using a router
the other question is about WAN .. what are examples of WAN other than internet ?
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Oct 27, 2009
I'm trying to access a share on a Windows 7 machine from a media player. My authentication goes through and I connect fine for 10-30 seconds, but then the connection just times out. I can reconnect from the media player, but it always disconnects again.
I've already changed the "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level" to "Send LM & NTLM responses". I wasn't able to connect at all before that.
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Nov 21, 2009
I upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium from Vista on my desktop. My home wireless networ was running smoothly. Since the upgrade I am no longer able to access my printer (Canon i9100) from my laptop running XP. My XP recognizes the network complete with my W 7 desktop and my son's Mac mini. The XP just will not connect with the printer the printer is a USB printer that functions well if directly plugged into the XP. When I try to print from the laptop with the printer plugged into the Win 7 desktop tho, it doesn't find the printer.
When I try to "add a printer" to the XP through the Win 7, it keeps wanting to download the correct printer drivers but cannot find them anywhere. I have the original disk that contains the drivers but it will not load onto Win 7 (doesn't like 64 bit). Canon does have drivers for 64 bit so the printer works fine on Win 7. Is this too complicated a post? It's late and I'm pretty frustrated with the whole subject.
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May 16, 2012
Ok so i made a homegroup and set it up on the other PC, i can get info off my sons PC but he cant use my printer or see my files. Whats going on ? I have the printer set to share i cant even see it on his PC. This file sharing stuff is not my strong point, can someone try to ease my burnen. All i need to do is let him share my printer.
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Aug 7, 2012
how do i share 3g usb dongle between too pcs on the network using windows 7
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Jun 20, 2011
i want to know how to share internet in windows 7 ultimate through adhoc. i'm able to create an adhoc connection and connect but there is no internet connectivity. what do i do to have internet connectivity on other pcs?
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Sep 17, 2011
I have a new Samsung laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium and an older desktop with XP running in it. I have a Servioo(same as Samsung file share) program running in my desktop XP which allows me to view my vid/music/photos through my Samsung BR player.I can now view my documents from my new laptop back through Servioo and on the BR player. However I cannot see anything on my laptop from my XP shows my Servioo program but it is unable to view anything. I'm trying to view it through the Windows Media Player.Is there a way to do it? I just can't get the "door" to open. sunlaker has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.
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Oct 10, 2011
In my office, I have a win2003 server running a domain. Most our clients are xp pro machines but I recently got a win7 home premium pc and am trying to access a shared folder on the server but no luck. No matter what permissions I've set (share permissions and security permissions), I can not access this one folder on the server from this machine. I realize I am unable to logon to the domain with win7 home but I should be able to access a shared folder right?
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Jul 8, 2012
I have three computers in my homegroup. While I have been successful in sharing folders between two, am unable to do with third one.KR-PC is able to connect with RK-PC. but RK-PC is not able to connect to NUPC-PC This snap shot is from RK-PC. When I put in the homegroup password from NUPC-PC, it says invalid username or bad password.
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Apr 26, 2012
My Sony Bravia TV. I need to share Some Media On My PC to TV [e.g. Music File or Movies]. I don't need to use WMP for sharing. Is it Possible? I have PS3 But I need to share Media in my PC direct to TV. And Last.. Galaxy S II can Connect to My PC or TV With DLNA ?
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Sep 23, 2010
Our network runs on a 2008 active directory domain, and our domain controller also is an internal DNS server; we have an additional server that is our internal web server and hosts a RAID 1 mirrored file share for everyone to put their data (which we have folder redirection configured on for the My Documents folder, and people also access it as a mapped network drive). It all works flawlessly, except on two client computers.
1. The two clients can ping the file server both by name and IP.
2. Clients can can log into the file server by remote desktop, by name.
3. Nslookup shows that the clients can communicate with the DNS server and resolve the domain name to the correct IP address.
4. Clients can access the internal sites at http://<file server>
5. Clients cannot access the file share at \<file server>, but can access it at \
6. I have already flushed the DNS cache on the client machines.
Its really odd, because it would seem like this is a DNS issue but everything else works: http dns works, nslookup works, and I already flushed the DNS cache. These are the only computers having any issues at all. All the computers on the network have their dns server manually assigned, and all the servers have a DHCP reservation so their IP wont change.
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Jan 26, 2011
I have no idea why microsoft does such simple things through the ass, maybe to make people go crazy. Here's the problem:
I have wifi network setup, homegroup with my blueray dvd player, xbox 360, 3 other computers (all windows 7). on homegroup options, I check marked all options, video, music, docs etc to be shared, and also to be streamed.
I made 3-4 folders in my drive (f) to put all my stuff in there that I wanted to share, but when I right click either of the folders and go to "share with" they all are set to "nobody" and when I click "sharewith homegroup" at buttom of screen something blinks as if another screen opened for a second- but nothing changes, it stayes on "nobody". Nothing fixed this. Not replacing securities, not remaking homegroup, I mean i've tried 100 different things and nothing seems to work.
Funny thing, on my xbox/dvd player - 2 of these folders are visable and I can play files in them, although they are both set to "nobody" as well. But others aren't.
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