Win7 And Geforce 250 - Games Make The Comp Freeze

Dec 20, 2009

i have a geforce galaxy gts 250 512mb and in linux/xp 32bit it loads games fine, but in Windows 7 64bit (havent tried 32bit Windows 7)my whole computer just turns black when i try to play. no sound, no response from the normal ctl alt dlt, not even a numlock response. takes a manual restart to get going again. i have tried the drivers that came with the cd, ones that galaxy officially supports, and the nvidia official drivers. Could it be this card isnt supported very well in 64bit Windows 7 yet? Or could I possibly need a new psu?

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Can't Install GeForce 8800 Drivers On Win7 X64

Oct 29, 2009

After upgrading to Win7 x64 i can't install drivers for my GF 8800 GTS.

Windows have installed this for me (drivers themselves are fine, but I want to have control panel):

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Microsoft Updates Cause Win7 64 Bit To Freeze

Dec 21, 2009

i finally got my new rig up and running. Install was a breeze and everything seemed to work like it should. I go to the Microsoft Update page and download all the security patches. When the computer needs to be restarted to finish the installation, it hangs up and just sits there until I restart the computer. Just curious if anyone has had this issue and if there was a solution. It is annoying to have a brand new setup with a OS that freezes quite often. And wtf happened to Paint? They ruined it.

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Win7 Will Freeze When Browsing The Internet

Dec 1, 2009

The pc usually freeze when I am browing web just like FVampir but it remains quite "stable" when there is not much loading like listening music, browsing the explorer etc...

Starting to think that buying a new motherboard is the only solution for running win 7

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Freeze Up At Completing Install Of Win7 Will Not Complete

Nov 4, 2009

installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on my computer would completely freeze up. At completing install.

1.tried upgrade

2. tried clean install nothing plug into usb ports only plug in are keyboard and mouse still freezes on last part of Installation.

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Merlin X950D 3G Causing Win7 To Freeze

Nov 17, 2009

When using Merlin X950D 3G on the Rogers network in Ontario Canada with Windows 7 64-bit the computer freezes. It worked with no problems in Vista 64-bit. It does not always freeze right away but eventually it does freeze. When using the laptop without the 3G adapter connected to WiFi instead the computer runs fine and does not freeze after hours of use.

When installing Windows 7 I did a clean full install and not the upgrade option.

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Freeze When Playing Games

Jul 9, 2009

When I'm playing games, windows starts to freeze.

So I'm unable to move my cursor, the sound starts to repeat every split-second.

I've checked my temperatures, but they're all stable at around 50-55�C.

My graphics card is up-to-date with the latest Win 7 drivers, provided by nvidia.

After a hard reboot, nothing shows up in my events log.

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All Games Freeze Soon After Starting

Aug 6, 2012

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 Proffecional 64bit on my computer. I was having several problems prior to doing so including explorer.exe crashing on startup, very slow start up, and my recovery drive was repeatedly reformatted to a RAW partition. All these problems got resolved with a reinstall but were replaced by a new problem.

The reinstall I used left my personal files and programs intact. Now whenever I run a game, any game I run into the same problem. What happens is the game starts up fine with no problems, but when I perform certain actions (e.g. Battlefield 3 � if I fire my weapon it will trigger a freeze, Arkham City � throwing a punch or using a gadget will trigger a freeze etc) the game will freeze up but the sound will continue playing. I can use Ctrl, Alt,Delete to start up the task manager and end the process. This closes the game but the process hangs as it is and cannot be stopped, even though the computer carries on functioning fine. I can even start a different game but the difference is the game won�t crash or freeze anymore. It seems as through if one game crashes it somehow stops it happening again to other games.

On a side note I do not get any errors if I disable Windows Audio Service in MSConfig for start-up services. The fixes I have tried include: Running in safemode �for Windows 7 and for individual games Running the games in DX9, DX10, DX10.1 and DX11 Running with CPU overclocked and without overclocking Running with GPU overclocked and without overclocking I have tried increasing Virtual Memory (currently at 50GB)I have tried a few specific fixes for individual games I have also tried with Crossfire enabled and disabled Updating all drivers, Updating the BIOS and Installing Win 7 updates

I tried all these fixes to no avail, the only thing that resolved the issue was disabling the Windows Audio Service, however this leaves me with no sound at all. I have no idea what do try next or what could be causing the problem and I need help. At this point I am willing to try just about anything.

My specs are :
i5-2500K at 4.5GHz
Asus P8P67 Pro Motherboard B3
XFX AMD Radeon HD 6870 Black Edition
MSI R6870
12GB ram
800W PSU

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Games Freeze In Single Player

Jun 28, 2009

So I have a rather unique issue where Crysis, HL2:ep2 and COD:4 crash in single player mode, but never in multiplayer games. There is a pattern, however, which is that the games lock up during loading or saving points. I think it might have something to do with my permissions, but I've tried a number of different options and I'm not sure what I should do next. All of my games are installed to a separate folder called /users/public/games.

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Computer Games Freeze Random?

Oct 4, 2012

But when i play pc games (all games). sometimes it just freeze randomly. i dont know why it is just going on freeze mode 1-2 sec and than back to normal

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Ram Usage While Installing Games And Pc Freeze

Nov 12, 2009

I've had this problem only on windows7, for every game I've installed.

Basically, during the installation all of the RAM is used up, and when it ends the system won't free up the RAM, the PC is dead slow and I have to restart it.

It's not a hardware problem, these are my specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0ghz

RAM DDRII 4GB 800mhz

Motherboard: ASUS P5Qpro

ATI RADEON 4850 Toxic 512mb

Windows 7 RTM x64

has this happened to anyone else?

it's never happened to me with Windows XP, nor Vista, or even Ubuntu.

i used to have 2GB RAM, then when this happened I upgraded to 4 but it made no difference.

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What Would Cause Some Of Games And Printing Flicker And Freeze

Jun 16, 2012

What would cause some of the games and printing flicker and freeze on me?

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How To Make Win7 X86 Use All 4GB RAM ?

Nov 8, 2009

I know what you`re thinking: "why don`t you just go for Windows 7 x64 ?". Belive me, I did... or at least, I tried. But I was overwhelmed with BSOD's which I was unable to fix. I posted a thread *here* about the BSOD's, sadly I couldn`t get rid of them. Long story short, 2x2GB=BSOD, but 2GB=OK. Now I`m not gonna sit with a 2GB stick on my shelf. So I`m willing to give up on x64 and just go for x86 (haven`t got around to installing x86, will do that tomorrow; hope it runs ok with 2x2GB RAM installed, otherwise I`m gonna go completely crazy).

Anyway, since x86 only shows 3.25 or 3.5GB out of 4GB, I found a very interesting article about doing something about this. *This is the link* to the article. The instructions on how to tweak Windows start from the part where it says "Patch Details" (around the middle of the article). I`m not a programmer, but I read the whole article and I pretty much understood what he`s saying. I am to understand that the file NTKRNLPA.EXE needs to be modified, but how? With what am I supposed to open it? BCDEdit is used later on, so I don`t think is that I need to use at first. Basicly, I don`t understand with what to open the file.

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Scvhost Lagging Up Cpu Causing Games To Freeze?

Nov 7, 2011

i have been through what feels like a million options to fix this but none have fixed my problem yet. When in a game specifically world of warcraft sometimes my screen will freeze for 1 to 2 seconds then come back all of a sudden. i have ruled out a graphics card issue and have narrowed it down to this. As many of you may already know the "scvhost.exe" issue lags up my entire computer and i believe is the culprit of the cpu bottleknecking. I have disabled windows update and windows defender two things that have been labeled with this issue and still the problem persists. Scv host is running 11 applications of itself currently and one of them is around 135k at all times. i have a amd 2.4 dual core and 6 gigs of ram my system usually flies. I am running out of ideas and frankly running out of patience.

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Keep Getting BSODS, Freeze, Crash When Playing Games?

Apr 20, 2012

i keep getting BSODS,Freeze,Crash when playing games, watching some happened after someone tried to install a game after he played it for some few mins it started to crash,freeze and bsod. Unfortunately even after we formatted our laptop it still crashes whenever playing games or videos but it rarely happens when watching videos but the real concern is that it crashes sometimes now and then randomly when using a lot of memory or not...

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Black Screen/Freeze When Playing Games?

Sep 22, 2012

I have started playing Guild Wars 2, after the first couple of days my game started to freezing and black screen to desktop before going back into game to only black screen again. At times my monitor would say no signal. The problem disappeared for close to 5 days and came back up again. I've tried playing other games and the problem is similar, freezing to desktop, black screen and crashing to desktop.During the black screen to desktop I would get 'Display driver stopped responding and has recovered'. I have updated to a few different drivers including the latest stable driver from Nvidia but the problem still exists.I have ran VMT for 10 passes with no errors.

Prime95 Small FFTs for over 2hours with no errors.Running FurMark the test does complete when I run BenchMark(user's setting) when I do the Burn In-Test everything looks okay until my GPU hits 80c. The computer would shut off then. Though when I play games my gpu varies between 50 to 62c[CODE]

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How To Make A RAM Drive In Win7 64?

Aug 2, 2009

In all my years of tweaking now i still have never made a RAM drive(the fact that i never had enough spare RAM to do so) I have now had 8GB for awhile now and pretty much 4GB of it is never in use. I would like to make a RAM drive for firefox and try that out.

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BSOD And Occasional Screen Freeze (especially When Playing Games)?

Aug 1, 2012

i've been getting occasional screen freezes and more recently BSOD, mostly when playing gamesyou can offer from the files i have attached as i'm not able to read any of the crash dump files.

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Make Win7/XP Dual Bootable With Cloned XP Drive?

Nov 25, 2012

Desktop runs Windows 7 (64bit) Laptop runs XP (32 bit)I have programs on my laptop that I want to be able to run on my desktop. Programs that I no longer have install information/CD keys for. I have no trouble making partitions. A 'clean' install of XP onto the partition allows me to dual boot flawlessly using EasyBCD.What i *want* to do is be able to 'clone' my XP drive to the partition to be able to run those programs.

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How To Put Windows 7 On More Comp With Same Key

Jan 30, 2013

can some please just give stright answer i got 5 comp i need to get running asp i have 6 kids so need for school i'm running windows 7 how many of this comp can i put it on and can buy just a key for them ?

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Make Older MS Games Windows 7 Compatible

Dec 30, 2009

There are a number of games that MS issued back about 15-20 years ago that I have enjoyed playing even with Vista. However these games are incompatible with Windows 7 64 bit. Does anyone know how I can get these games to run on Win 7 64 bit. Its a shame if I can't since I have enjoyed them all these years. The games initially were issued as WEP 1, 2 and 3 and are as follows:

Blackjet, Winmine (the older minesweeper game), Cruel, Golf (not the golf game), Tetris, Fugigolf, Jezzball, Maxwell, Rodent and Tutstomb.

I would hope Microsoft would reissue these games in their original form but compatible with Windows 7 64 bit. They are not sophisticated, but they are very enjoyable.

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Make Online Games Easier To Play

Feb 27, 2011

I'm having trouble with my new computer,it is slow when I try anf play games like spider solotaite, can you help?

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BSOD / Comp Freezes Randomly - New Build?

Jan 5, 2012

I did my first build a while ago but kept getting the Blue Screen of Death. I got a tech guy in to look at how I built it, do mem tests and hard drive tests and he said that the motherboard must be faulty. I then sent the motherboard back and they gave me a replacement.I now have put it back together and am STILL getting BSOD's or my screen just freezes. It can run for quite a while without crashing if I am just using facebook or just cruising the web but when I start using skype or play games or have a few different programs open it is more likely to crash. However it does crash even when I am just using Chrome.

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Why Don't Get The Black And White Message After Restarting The Comp

Jan 4, 2011

My disk is only allowing me to reinstall on a bootable drive. Why don't I get the black and white message after restarting the computer that I need to hit any key to open up the disk so that I can install on a data only disk. My computer does not recognize my Windows 7 auto function. My boot sequence(CDROM and HD) has been changed several times without correcting the problem. I had a code 39 problem earlier indicated in contol panel and corrected the problem only part way.In the past I have had two ways to install windows 7 since Oct 08. Something is wrong with my computer. . Nero uninstalled. Belarc information available with different format.Windows 7 Home Premium (build 7600) 32 bit. 2.60 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 128 kilobyte primary memory cache 512 kilobyte secondary memory cache 64-bit ready Multi-core (2 total) Not hyper-threaded Board: ASUSTeK Computer INC. M2A-VM 1.XX Bus Clock: 200 megahertz BIOS: Phoenix Technologies, LTD ASUS M2A-VM ACPI BIOS Revision 1901 07/21/2008

1920 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

Slot 'A0' has 1024 MB
Slot 'A1' has 1024 MB
Slot 'A2' is Empty
Slot 'A3' is Empty NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A ATA Device [CD-ROM drive]

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ITunes Only Syncs With IPhone In XP SP2 Comp Mode?

Dec 14, 2011

I am having a problem syncing my iPhone with iTunes, it wont work unless I use XP SP2 compatibility mode? iTunes works regardless of mode, its just the syncing that has a problem. If iTunes starts normally (non comp mode) then selecting the info tab in the iPhone causes iTunes to hang/freeze?I have followed the following articles and threads to no vail. (38 pages of no help) iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting contact and calendar syncing via USB on Windows Sync Services: Advanced troubleshooting for contact and calendar syncing If anyone has any ideas or can explain what the compatibility mode is doing

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Geforce 8800gtx Vs NVIDIA GeForce GT 430?

Aug 6, 2011

i am getting a NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 i want to know is it better and by how much

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Music File Properties Not Saving From Windows Vista Comp To Windows 7?

Aug 14, 2012

I transferd all of my music files from my old laptop whih is a toshiba windows vista. Most of the files have the artist, album and genre. Howvere, when i view them on my new laptop a lenovo ideapad iwndows 7, it isn't showing the properties for most of them...some yes...but very few. i just dont get it. I tried t save to a hard drive and then save to the new comp and to save to a flash drive and upload...same result both ways. I dont want to have to go through all 2000+ musc files and reenter all the properties..

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Win7 (32bit) To Win7 (64bit) Upgrade Install Error

Nov 8, 2009

I have purchased and downloaded both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows7 Professional (no CDs or media here only download version)

I sucessfully upgraded from Vista 32 to Windows 7 32

Then I upgraded my hard disk (140Gb 500GB) and RAM (3GB to to 4GB)

Now I would like to go from Windows 7 32bit to 64bit

When I try and run the Windows 7-P-retail-en-us.x64.exe file it upacks the box then stops with this error:"We are unable to create or save files in the folder in which this application was downloaded. Please check the folder properties to make sure that you have security permission on the folder to write flies and that that folder is not read only".

I am the System Admin and I have full rights, and have moved the exe and the setup box files to My Documentsand I have modified the directory properties/attributes but I still get the same error over and over.

I searched the posts and some people stated one needs a clean install others say you can upgrade from any version so I am trying the upgrade here especially since the upgrade from Vista 32 to Windows 7 32 was smooth and did require all the extra work of a reinstall.

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Upgrade Win7 32bit To Win7 64 Bit In Place

Oct 28, 2009

Is it possible to upgrade in place from Windows 7 32bit to Windows 7 64bit.

Is it better to do a clean new 64bit install?

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Reinstall Win7 32bit To Win7 64bit

Oct 28, 2009

I purchased the Win 7 Pro Upgrade 32bit via digitalriver, but I've been doing some reseach and probably should have selected the 64bit version.

- Any ideas how I can get the 64bit version?

- For those who ordered the 32bit back-up disc kit for the extra $15 and have received it, does it come with both 32bit & 64bit?

- I've already installed and activated the 32bit version, but when I go to install the 64bit version, will I need to / is there a way to deactivate my initial 32bit install or will this not matter?

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