What Would Cause Some Of Games And Printing Flicker And Freeze

Jun 16, 2012

What would cause some of the games and printing flicker and freeze on me?

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Pc Gets Flicker And Freeze

Jun 16, 2012

What would cause some of the games and printing flicker and freeze on me?

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PC Laptop Screen Flicker / Freeze

Oct 10, 2011

I'm having an issue with a newer pc laptop. Win 7 dual-core etc. During use the screen begins to flicker black every couple seconds. I've seen this before and it turned out to be an over-heating issue. I believe that is not the case in this situation.

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Freeze When Playing Games

Jul 9, 2009

When I'm playing games, windows starts to freeze.

So I'm unable to move my cursor, the sound starts to repeat every split-second.

I've checked my temperatures, but they're all stable at around 50-55�C.

My graphics card is up-to-date with the latest Win 7 drivers, provided by nvidia.

After a hard reboot, nothing shows up in my events log.

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All Games Freeze Soon After Starting

Aug 6, 2012

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 Proffecional 64bit on my computer. I was having several problems prior to doing so including explorer.exe crashing on startup, very slow start up, and my recovery drive was repeatedly reformatted to a RAW partition. All these problems got resolved with a reinstall but were replaced by a new problem.

The reinstall I used left my personal files and programs intact. Now whenever I run a game, any game I run into the same problem. What happens is the game starts up fine with no problems, but when I perform certain actions (e.g. Battlefield 3 � if I fire my weapon it will trigger a freeze, Arkham City � throwing a punch or using a gadget will trigger a freeze etc) the game will freeze up but the sound will continue playing. I can use Ctrl, Alt,Delete to start up the task manager and end the process. This closes the game but the process hangs as it is and cannot be stopped, even though the computer carries on functioning fine. I can even start a different game but the difference is the game won�t crash or freeze anymore. It seems as through if one game crashes it somehow stops it happening again to other games.

On a side note I do not get any errors if I disable Windows Audio Service in MSConfig for start-up services. The fixes I have tried include: Running in safemode �for Windows 7 and for individual games Running the games in DX9, DX10, DX10.1 and DX11 Running with CPU overclocked and without overclocking Running with GPU overclocked and without overclocking I have tried increasing Virtual Memory (currently at 50GB)I have tried a few specific fixes for individual games I have also tried with Crossfire enabled and disabled Updating all drivers, Updating the BIOS and Installing Win 7 updates

I tried all these fixes to no avail, the only thing that resolved the issue was disabling the Windows Audio Service, however this leaves me with no sound at all. I have no idea what do try next or what could be causing the problem and I need help. At this point I am willing to try just about anything.

My specs are :
i5-2500K at 4.5GHz
Asus P8P67 Pro Motherboard B3
XFX AMD Radeon HD 6870 Black Edition
MSI R6870
12GB ram
800W PSU

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Games Freeze In Single Player

Jun 28, 2009

So I have a rather unique issue where Crysis, HL2:ep2 and COD:4 crash in single player mode, but never in multiplayer games. There is a pattern, however, which is that the games lock up during loading or saving points. I think it might have something to do with my permissions, but I've tried a number of different options and I'm not sure what I should do next. All of my games are installed to a separate folder called /users/public/games.

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Computer Games Freeze Random?

Oct 4, 2012

But when i play pc games (all games). sometimes it just freeze randomly. i dont know why it is just going on freeze mode 1-2 sec and than back to normal

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Ram Usage While Installing Games And Pc Freeze

Nov 12, 2009

I've had this problem only on windows7, for every game I've installed.

Basically, during the installation all of the RAM is used up, and when it ends the system won't free up the RAM, the PC is dead slow and I have to restart it.

It's not a hardware problem, these are my specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0ghz

RAM DDRII 4GB 800mhz

Motherboard: ASUS P5Qpro

ATI RADEON 4850 Toxic 512mb

Windows 7 RTM x64

has this happened to anyone else?

it's never happened to me with Windows XP, nor Vista, or even Ubuntu.

i used to have 2GB RAM, then when this happened I upgraded to 4 but it made no difference.

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Scvhost Lagging Up Cpu Causing Games To Freeze?

Nov 7, 2011

i have been through what feels like a million options to fix this but none have fixed my problem yet. When in a game specifically world of warcraft sometimes my screen will freeze for 1 to 2 seconds then come back all of a sudden. i have ruled out a graphics card issue and have narrowed it down to this. As many of you may already know the "scvhost.exe" issue lags up my entire computer and i believe is the culprit of the cpu bottleknecking. I have disabled windows update and windows defender two things that have been labeled with this issue and still the problem persists. Scv host is running 11 applications of itself currently and one of them is around 135k at all times. i have a amd 2.4 dual core and 6 gigs of ram my system usually flies. I am running out of ideas and frankly running out of patience.

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Keep Getting BSODS, Freeze, Crash When Playing Games?

Apr 20, 2012

i keep getting BSODS,Freeze,Crash when playing games, watching some videos......it happened after someone tried to install a game after he played it for some few mins it started to crash,freeze and bsod. Unfortunately even after we formatted our laptop it still crashes whenever playing games or videos but it rarely happens when watching videos but the real concern is that it crashes sometimes now and then randomly when using a lot of memory or not...

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Black Screen/Freeze When Playing Games?

Sep 22, 2012

I have started playing Guild Wars 2, after the first couple of days my game started to freezing and black screen to desktop before going back into game to only black screen again. At times my monitor would say no signal. The problem disappeared for close to 5 days and came back up again. I've tried playing other games and the problem is similar, freezing to desktop, black screen and crashing to desktop.During the black screen to desktop I would get 'Display driver stopped responding and has recovered'. I have updated to a few different drivers including the latest stable driver from Nvidia but the problem still exists.I have ran VMT for 10 passes with no errors.

Prime95 Small FFTs for over 2hours with no errors.Running FurMark the test does complete when I run BenchMark(user's setting) when I do the Burn In-Test everything looks okay until my GPU hits 80c. The computer would shut off then. Though when I play games my gpu varies between 50 to 62c[CODE]

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BSOD And Occasional Screen Freeze (especially When Playing Games)?

Aug 1, 2012

i've been getting occasional screen freezes and more recently BSOD, mostly when playing gamesyou can offer from the files i have attached as i'm not able to read any of the crash dump files.

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Win7 And Geforce 250 - Games Make The Comp Freeze

Dec 20, 2009

i have a geforce galaxy gts 250 512mb and in linux/xp 32bit it loads games fine, but in Windows 7 64bit (havent tried 32bit Windows 7)my whole computer just turns black when i try to play. no sound, no response from the normal ctl alt dlt, not even a numlock response. takes a manual restart to get going again. i have tried the drivers that came with the cd, ones that galaxy officially supports, and the nvidia official drivers. Could it be this card isnt supported very well in 64bit Windows 7 yet? Or could I possibly need a new psu?

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Printer Hang While Printing And Text Printing?

Oct 13, 2011

printer hang while printing and text printing

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Firefox Flicker When Scrolling?

Aug 12, 2012

Firefox browses and navigates fine, not a problem. Only when scrolling either with arrow or mouse, the background and sometimes the taskbar/system tray flicker. It's like you can see what window is open behind the browser view.I have tried using IE (not a fan...) and it didn't work so I uninstalled Firefox and attempted a reinstall only to find the problem remains.

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Screen Flicker Problem

Oct 22, 2009

I just got Windows 7 Home Premium today and installed 64bit edition. I must say, I'm over the moon. Great OS. Have a very small annoyance issue I was hoping someone could tell me is a result of a feature that I can turn off that isn't a major.

So here's what's happening

In Windows Explorer / My Computer when it's maximized "full screen", when I double click a folder and navigate around the directories, the screen changes brightness to bright then back very quickly to the original level (it basically flashes). If a folder only has a few other files inside of it, it even changes brightness when I hover over the icons.

It's not a major and doesn't do it when it's not fully maximized. Even if I make it the size of the screen by dragging the corners when it's restored down it doesn't do it. Very weird, and kind of hurts my eyes, especially when it's getting late at night and I should be in bed already.

When I disable visual themes, the problem goes away, but then it looks like rank, and I want to have all the flashy things that are unique to this version of windows, so...

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Full Screen Flicker

Oct 20, 2011

guys im experiencing a very frustating problem...everytime i open games or apps it is not in full screen mode and it flickers when i click...i already updated the drivers for my video card...i experienced this after uninstalling RegistryEasy

Here is the specs of my Desktop PC

Intel Core i5 650

GeForce Gt220

2gb memory

Tnanks in advance

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HP - IQ506 - Screen Flicker

Oct 22, 2009

I'll keep it short and sweet here. Just did the Windows 7 - 64 Home Premium install and did all the Windows and HP updates (yes, video driver is up to date - Nvidia 9300GSm). My screen is flickering for a 1/10th of a second every 20-30 seconds or so. It is incredibly irritating lol. Any ideas?

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Desktop Icons Flicker

Nov 20, 2009

After doing upgrade desktop icons would flicker and after some time the screen resolution would change. Then computer would stop responding and would only respond after forcing reboot. I contacted Microsoft and they had me do a clean boot which stopped the problems.

I restarted non-Microsoft processes one at a time and the problem seems to be caused by NVIDIA Display Driver Service. As long as this is not running computer seems to be fine. Only question is this something that is needed to run? When on Vista Home Premium before upgrade to Windows 7 there was no problem with this running.

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Artifacts - Screen Flicker

Apr 17, 2009

Sometimes fingernail-sized parts of my screen flicker. Are these called artifacts?

They smooth out when I drag the mouse pointer over them.

My drivers are as new as can be.

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Why Does Screen Flicker When Go To Another Page

Dec 5, 2012

why does my screen flicker when I go to another page? actually it does it all the time.

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Solved Taskbar Thumbnail Flicker

Jul 3, 2010

Running Windows Ultimate 7 x64.I have had the problem a few of you have had with the thumbnail previews on the Superbar flickering when you mouse over the icon.Its deeper than just the superbar screwing up. When this happens I cant highlight and play more than one song at a time with WMP Have to minimize windows just to return to browser and switch back and forth to windows explorer.I have to reboot my PC just to play a DVD folder or DVD disc.The problem started well into 6 months or more of using Windows 7 so I knew it was a problem with either some software I installed or a Component problem. I use Acronis for back-ups and have saved full back-ups of Windows 7 that I know are non-problematic , so after restoring a good image on a freshly formatted partition the problem remained.Tried all the obvious things like video drivers and all but still felt it was in the motherboard chipsets. Something had gotten corrupted or changed.

I have a Gigabyte MB and downloaded the drivers for Windows 7, installed.still there. Tried north bridge and south bridge.What I ended up doing was installing Windows XP x64 on a extra partition which allowed me to use my original installation disc for my motherboard and was able to individually install the drivers for both chips...and after the installation of the south bridge, the computer needed to reboot, at which time it went into a deep process (screen display with please wait or whatever) that took several minutes to complete.I dont remember it ever taking that long to complete .....talking ...like....6-8 minutes. I knew something good was happening.I know these drivers are for XP while in XP but I really wanted to do this just to see if it might get in there and root around deep in those chips since they are the original drivers.I never used XP x64 before with this AMD x2 5600+ I am currently using so I spent a couple hours installing a few programs I use a lot and testing them.Finally I rebooted back into my 7x64 (use EasyBCD) and have not had one problem with it yet. It has been 2 days since I did all this.

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Strange Constant Flicker On LCD Monitor

Dec 22, 2011

I've been having this problem for a while now, and I really want to get to the bottom of it. The flicker takes the form of narrow vertical shadows moving across the screen horizontally. It isn't particularly noticeable on lighter backgrounds, but on a darker screen, it's really distracting. I notice it most when play Minecraft (in dark areas) and at darker scenes during DVD playback. I thought it might be that the monitor isn't getting enough power - there's my PC, an external HDD, surround sound speaker system and two lamps running off the same power supply - but I plugged it into a different supply, and still had the same problem.

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3 Min Screen Flicker / Display Blanking Out?

Mar 24, 2012

I have a shuttle Windows 7 pc setup as a media center, running a ati radeon 4550 over hdmi to a sony lcd tv.After the system has booted (on a ssd for os, harddisk for data,1gig network nas for films and music) i get intermittent problems with the display blanking outWhen it starts it goes every 3 mins, with the tv loosing signal for a second then the display returning.Ive tried...Swapping the hdmi cableReinstalling the osSwap graphics card for nvidia Adding extra cooling to the ati4550 card to keep it down below 50c.Even got a new barebones case and motherboardReinstalling the os seemed to resolve it for a while, then it reappeard after a few weeks.

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Screen Flicker Black, Theme Changes?

Dec 23, 2012

I had this problem when I was just neutrally browsing through the internet when my screen just immediately flickered black, not for very long only about 1 second at the most, and my theme changed. I didn't really know what happened, so just kept browsing. I was browsing for about 20 more minutes and the same thing happened again, but this time it changed back. Recently just installed a new video card in my system, and have all the updated drivers, however, I wen't to CPUID to check the temps. of my system and my video card was pulling some numbers I haven't seen it do at this kind of browsing. My graphics card was about 67C and during regular web browsing it is usually around 30-35C. Is this a problem with Windows? Or is it a problem with my Graphics Card?

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Programs Flicker When Drop Down Menu Is Opened

Apr 2, 2011

It mostly happens in Lightwave 9.6 and Photoshop CS2. So the problem is that when I open a drop down menu in those programs the program either flickers a lot or it goes in the background and I have to alt+tab to get it back every time. It is really annoying because I can't do almost all important things in Lightwave and I can't save images in other formats in Photoshop beacuse of the drop down menu, and in other programs it flickers a lot and is just annoying.

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New Windows 7 Random Black Flicker And BSOD

Aug 20, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my computer (Upgraded from windows xp) and everything seems well. However, at random times it (sometimes it flickers black) goes into BSOD then restarts again to windows,,the DMP shows different kind of problems like:

Memory Management Failure "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" System Service Exception

I recently bought two 2gb ddr2RAM and I am now using it.

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Sudden Intermitent Screen Flicker Problem

Aug 6, 2009

this extremely annoying problem started the other day after i ran an energy report, which btw was the first thing i had done on the computer that day. so the energy report may or may not have something to do with it.

the problem could be referred to as several things really, jittering,

flickering, flashing, even kind of a bounce maybe....its just real quick, a split second at a time. depending on what im doing, it can be as often as every 3 to 5 seconds, or just intermittently.

heres a list of when the problem occurs.

1. watching vidoes online. hulu.com so far is the worst. picture flickers every 3 to 5 seconds. Internet much better, just every so often. watched one full show on nbs.com. didn't flicker once....!!?

2. flickers in game loading screens but not in game. thank god!

3. also when i launch an app or maybe a video offline it'll flicker once as it launches.

here's when it dosent occur.

1. in games. (outside of the loading screen of course)

2. outside of watching video online there is no problem as far as browsing etc.

3. no flickering on the desktop, or when navigating though windows.

to fix the problem ive tried windows restore, and reinstalling my video card drivers. neither fixed my problem. outside of doing a reformat i dont know what else to do.

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Flicker After Installing Latest NVIDIA 8600M GT Driver

Oct 16, 2011

So I just recently upgraded to Windows 7. After installing all the necessary drivers provided by Windows Update, It was time to install the one provided for the Graphics Card. Ever since I've got the driver set, there seems to be this flicker on the screen that tends to show up every few seconds.

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External Display NOT WORKING - Need To Reset Flicker Rate?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron 1012 running Windows 7 Starter SP1 and I've got it hooked up to my Protron 42" LCD screen with HDMI cable. I changed the flicker rate to 70 Hertz without checking the Proton's maximum flicker rate - yeah, that's really SMART - so now I've got an issue with my external display.It worked okay for second but then my laptop screen turned black and the external display reads "Signal Out of Range" (duh, the Protron works only up to a 69.8 Hertz flicker rate, which I SHOULD have checked BEFORE changing it, but what's done is done -_-).Now, when I plug in the HDMI cable, my laptop screen goes to black and the external display still reads that same message. I can't change the flicker rate without seeing the menu on my laptop screen.

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