Win 7 Wont Boot After Install Over Vista

Oct 23, 2009

I currently have a Vista/XP dualboot on my system.

I attempted to install Windows 7 as an upgrade over Vista, thereby keeping my XP.

The install runs fine however on the final reboot the PC no longer boots correctly.

It displays the "Press anykey to boot from CD" timer and then instead of showing the bootloader (as it has been all the way through setup (Choose XP/Windows 7/Earlier Windows)) It simply freezes.

The only way I have been able to make my sytem work at all has been to boot from the Windows 7 dvd attempt to install it again and wait until it forces a reboot at which point the bootloader is visible again and I can get back into XP.

Ive tried the repair option on the DVD and no joy either.

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Triple Boot, Can't Install Vista

Jul 11, 2010

i'm try to make my laptop triple boot.i've installed windows 7 and xp, now i created a partition for vista but it became LOGICAL instead of PRIMARY so when i enter the vista setup i try to install it to the LOGICAL drive but of course it won't i go to windows 7 and try to install it from the OS but it says that i don't have enough storage in my temp folder, i mean common..?!it probably goes by default to the first volume wich is SYSTEM PRESERVED and has only 100MB.

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Upgrade Install On Win 7/Vista Dual Boot

Aug 25, 2009

Well i am currently running Vista Home Premium sp2 and Windows 7 Ultimate (build 7100) in a dual boot config for about 2-3months and loving it. I was wondering if i could upgrade my Windows 7 install to RTM without affecting my Vista install? Do you get a choice which OS you want to upgrade or does it go by what OS you load the upgrade disc from?

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Dual Boot - Overwrite The Vista 32 Install With Win 7

Jan 19, 2009

I have on my desktop a dual boot Vista64 and Vista32.

BCD is via Vistabootpro.

I would like to overwrite the Vista32 install with Windows7.

Anything I should be aware of?

I hestitate for example to set the Bios to boot from DVD while installing Windows 7 or will the Windows 7 install when rebooting during installation automatically default to the Vista32 partition?

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Lost Dual Boot With Vista After Win7 Install

Jun 3, 2009

I just installed windows 7 ultimate on my pc.

i already had xp32 and vista 64 business on a dual boot on the same HDD before installing windows 7.

during windows 7 install, I selected the xp32 partition, formatted it and installed windows 7 over the top as I no longer wanted xp32.

When the windows 7 install was complete I expected to see a dual boot screen with

option 1. windows 7

and option 2. vista64

unfortunatelty i have no dual boot options, the pc now just goes straight into windows 7. It doesnt sem to know that vista is there.

i would appreciate assistance in getting a dual boot set up with vista64 and windows 7

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Upgrade Vista Then Install As Boot Camp On IMac?

Feb 6, 2011

Current state: I have a Dell with Vista HP 64 that hangs alot Near Future State: I fought this problem on my Dell PC / Windows Vista for sometime now and I'm fed up. I'm going to get a iMac and use boot camp to have both Mac OS (Snow Leopard) and Windows 7. Best of both worlds on superior hardware (my and other's opinion, not my point though).Here's my question: I think I'm going to buy Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit full installation (not upgrade) and use that to "upgrade" my Dell with Vista. Then when I get the iMac, I will use that same product to do a new installation of Windows 7 on the iMac (and decommission the Dell).Is this the right approach? I don't think Windows 7 upgrade will work for the iMac part of the plan. Is this true? Will I be able to "move" Windows 7 full install from Dell to iMac?

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Boot Menu Shows Vista After Clean Install

Sep 21, 2009

I did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Vista Ultimate Boot Camp Partition (on my MacBook Pro), rather than an upgrade install.

Windows 7 told me that it would move Vista to a folder called Windows.old or something like that.

Fine. After everything was installed, I used Disk Cleanup to delete that folder, and the space was recovered on my partition

But when booting into Windows 7, I get a boot menu that seems to indicate Vista is still there.

So my question is, can I simply delete Entry 2? Or is there other remaining stuff from Vista still on my drive somewhere that I should also delete? What is the drive "Active Boot Partition"?

I wish Windows 7 gave an option to do a clean install WITHOUT keeping the old system around...The whole point of doing the clean install was to get rid of all the accumulated junk and start fresh.

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Custom Install Win7 On XP Pro/Vista XP Dual Boot

Nov 3, 2009

I have just discovered that I cannot do an Upgrade from Vista HP to Win 7 Pro and that I will have to do a Custom or clean install. That will be OK and doesn't cause any problems.

I have XP on one HDD and Vista on another with dual boot. However I want to replace Vista HP with Win 7 Pro 32 bit, ( I intend to go 64 bit later on).

What I would like to know is, will Win 7 replace Vista on the boot sequence (MBR?), so that on booting the PC I have the option of selecting either XP or Win 7, or will I be presented with a boot menu of XP, Vista and Windows 7, albeit that Vista is no longer installed? If the latter, will this cause any problems in selecting the OS that I want to launch i.e the MBR looking for a now non existing Vista and would there be a way to remove reference to Vista?

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System Should Dual Boot To Windows 7 Or Vista Ultimate, But Does Not Recognize Vista

Aug 15, 2012

My system dual boots to either Windows 7 or Vista Ultimate, or, at least it is supposed to. Something happened and now the system just boots to Winodows 7 without giving me the choice to boot to either. When I use F6 I find that only Windows 7 is listed in the Operating Systems box.

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Windows 7 & Vista Dual Boot Installation - Vista Won't Load?

Sep 13, 2010

New laptop has Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I have two business programs that won't run on a 64bit system. Partitioned the hard drive to install Vista Home Premium 32bit to create a dual boot system solely to run these two programs.Can't get Vista to load. Followed tutorial meticulously. All goes fine until the "Vista will boot for the first time" step. After this first boot, the screen returns to the "completing installation" page. However, the process dies here and the progress bar across the bottom of the screen never moves, even after an hour. Reformatted the partition and started over with same results. Multiple attempts always die after the first boot.

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Remove Vista From Vista / Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Sep 13, 2012

I have two drives (C and D) with Vista on one and Win 7 on the other (not sure if they're actual drives or partitions of a single drive, how do I tell?). I am dual booting and never use Vista. Starting to need the disk space and want to delete Vista. Is this difficult in this scenario?

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Removing Vista From Dual Boot Of Windows 7 And Vista?

Apr 5, 2011

I had recently installed windows 7 on my laptop running windows vista. I did not remove the existing windows vista installation, and thus win 7 was installed in a dual boot combination. Now, i want to remove vista from my laptop and use windows 7 only.The problem is that during installation, win 7 was installed on logical drive and windows vista was on the primary drive. Thus, i cannot delete/format the windows vista partition. Also I cannot transfer the boot drive to the partition containing win 7 because the vista partition is the active one.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Dual Boot - Keep Vista With Win 7 Without Reinstalling Vista

Oct 11, 2009

I have dualboot XP SP3 and Vista Ultimate on my system,,and now i want to install Windows 7 over the XP OS. I wish to keep Vista with Windows 7 without reinstalling Vista.

Can I just install Windows 7 over XP , or should i be careful for MBR,or boot....

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Vista Boot Error Winload.exe

Oct 14, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on a partitioned harddrive with vista on the other half. After the installation i have my boot menu with:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows vista still works but when i try and load windows 7 i get a boot error message

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Need VISTA Install Disc And A Windows 7 Install Disk

Jun 7, 2011

you will need VISTA install disc and a windows 7 install disk..first upgrade XP to vista then upgrade XP to windows 7

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Upgraded Vista To Windows 7 On Boot / Need Vista Cd Or Windows 7 Cd

Mar 18, 2012

I have recently upgraded my win vista 32 bit to windows 7 32 bit home premium. If my comp crashes do i need a vista bootable cd or can i repair it from windows 7 cd which i purchased

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Cannot Boot Win 7 RC From Vista Boot Manager

Jun 25, 2009

I had a dual boot system with XP Pro and Vista Ultimate 32bit everything was great.

I decided to try the Windows 7 RC but I needed a new drive due to lack of space.

My original drive is IDE, I bought a SATA drive and moved the OS's to the new drive.

I wanted to keep the old drive in system for storage so I formatted it and changed BIOS boot priority.

After fixing some minor issues with drive letter assignments due to the fact the bios reads the first and second IDE channels first then SATA.

I was all ready to install Windows 7 RC on an unallocated 100gb section of my new drive.

Note: that the old drive has a single partition formatted NTFS but is currently blank.

And I did follow the "Golden Rule" of installing the oldest OS first when I set up the computer in the first place.

The Install went fine.

Now for the problem.

Windows 7 did not add an entry into Vista's boot manager so no option to boot into Windows 7 without the install disk in the drive.

I used EasyBCD 1.7.2 from within Vista to add an entry for Windows 7. But when initially added easyBCD assigns the drive partition a drive letter that I don't have.

Therefore the entry does not show up on reboot. I changed the path to the correct drive and then the entry does show up on reboot.

But when I select Windows 7 the boot manager refuses to load Windows 7 saying that "cannot verify the digital signature of the file winload.exe"

I have tried wiping and re-installing the Windows 7 partition 3 times I've tried using the Windows 7 install disk to repair startup problems.

None of these has worked I'm at a loss as to what is happening.

If Windows 7 created a hidden partition for recovery and boot files I'm unable to find it, I thought of trying and Linux Live CD to look for the hidden partition but have not done it yet. My thought was to delete this hidden partition and wipe the Windows 7 partition and format it before re-installing either from within Vista or during the Windows 7 install process via a command prompt in an attempt to keep Windows 7 from creating this hidden partition. The problem is that I don't believe this will solve the problem due to the digital signature error reported by Vista's boot manager.

Can anybody help me with this or at least bring a perspective that I may be over-looking?

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Changing The Windows 7 Boot Screen Back To Vista's Boot Screen?

Nov 18, 2011

I find that the Windows 7 boot screen slows down the boot process on my machine. Is there a way to restore the old Vista scrolling loading bar? I know it's there as my netbook uses it.

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Dual Boot - Get Rid Of Vista

Jan 25, 2009

I seem to be having a right trauma with this lol. I originally had Vista installed. Then i installed 7 to another HDD and that worked fine. I could choose between the OS. Now, i want to get rid of vista and use 7 solely. Easy i thought. Remove the boot entry and format the partition. Thats where it went horrilby wrong

Upon reboot i got the dreaded BOOTMGR missing file do'h

Anyway long story short i manged to system restore and fixmbr to boot back into 7 (phew)

Now can anyone tell me of a way that i can ditch vista without the headache of this.

ive attached a screen shot of how things are layed out.

Plus can anyone recommend a good imaging program that i could use just in-case my tinkering leads to something i cant repair.

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Vista + Win 7 - Where Is Dual Boot ?

Nov 13, 2009

I've something going on in my PC with 3 partitions. I have one called C:/ where I have Windows Vista 32-bit (x86) installed, other called S:/ which is empty and the last one is N:/ where I have all my files like images, music, videos, etc... (wisely done so when I need to re-install OS, don't waste time burning all that files on dvd).

Since I got one partition empty (S:/), I decided to give Windows 7 a try. Being a TechNet Plus subscriber, allowed me to get a free copy of Windows 7, which I downloaded and it was saved on C:/ partition.

I know that's stupid and I've been slapping myself because of that but, I went to the downloaded files and hit twice on setup.exe. This means I didn't burned the .iso to a DVD

Seven was sucessfully installed. After playing around with new features and graphics, I installed some Windows Updates and rebooted for the first time (since I installed it).

DAMN, here starts the problem because when booting up, appeared the message on black screen saying "BOOTMGR IS COMPRESSED. HIT CTRL+ALT+DEL TO REBOOT". I totally forgot that my S:/ partition was compressed! And we all know that an OS partition should never be compressed. And then I slapped myself again.

The weird thing is that I couldn't boot in Windows Vista, I hadn't that option. Since I didn't burned Windows 7 to a DVD (*slapping me again*) and I couldn't start in Vista, I had to insert a modified Vista DVD by Toshiba (that came with PC when I bought it), this means that I don't have the repair option, I'm only able to format and re-install OS (and that sucks!), ..., and now it is fixed, that "bootmgr is compressed" message is gone which allowed me to boot to WinVista but where's dual boot??!

First thing I done when I got Vista back was uncompressing S:/ partition. Then I went to msconfig, but there is only one OS in Boot tab - Windows Vista. Once C:/ partition was formatted, and Windows 7 Setup was saved there, I lost those files, I need to download them again. But it is already installed, so there has to be a way to fix this. The problem is that I can't load Windows 7, I don't have that option while booting...

Anyone knows how to fix this?

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Vista Boot Screen

Nov 16, 2008

Who noticed the Vista Bootscreen being used somewhere in Windows 7?

You might find it built into a specific function?

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Boot Screens - Vista Bar

Jan 17, 2009

I have installed 7 on my desktop. When i boot i get that new funky glowing logo. which is nice.

Now, when i install it on my acer one netbook i get the old drab vista bar.

Now would i be right in assuming that its something to do with the graphics card on the machines? If not can anyone point me in the right direction. Its not a problem to me im just curious as to why its done that.

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Vista Scroll Bar On Boot Up?

Jan 5, 2011

I installed windows 7 but instaed of the 4 colours I get the Vista scroll bar on boot up. I have changed the screen resolution & made some changes using command prompt but no luck so far?

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No Vista In Boot Menu

Jul 22, 2009

i have done fresh install of win 7 on my D drive

it installed properly but theres no vista in boot menu

i have important links on my firefox in vista

is there anyway to boot vista .

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No Boot Files In Vista

Sep 9, 2009

I am dual booting Windows 7 64 and Vista and using EASYBCD in each operating system. I am able to Boot into either program with no problems. However When I start EasyBCD in Vista I get the Vista1 and Vista2 screenshots. The Vista3 is what My msconfig tab in the Vista operating system looks like.

When In Windows 7 operating system and use EasyBCD I get the Windows 7 1 screenshot. My msconfig boot tab in Windows 7 looks like Windows 7 2. Let me add that I'm using a product called RollbackRx (ONLY) on the Win 7 operating system, both systems are on seperate harddrives. What do I have to do to get the boot files to be seen in the Vista msconfig boot tab, and the EasyBCD view settings window?

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Can't Dual Boot Seven, Vista

Mar 10, 2009

I installed Seven Beta on a dedicated partition in my laptop so that now my hard disk has the following partitions:

C=VistaOS default OEM Operating System

D=Data for documents, pictures, etc.

E=SevenOS Seven Beta

This is when I read my HD from Vista, but from inside Seven the partitions are like that:

C=SevenOS, D=Data, E=VistaOS

My problem is that I CANNOT boot Seven as there is no dual boot menu showing at all during boot time.

I downloaded BCDEdit and added a menu entry for Seven, but that did not work. Again, no dual boot menu showing at all.

So here's my question: how can I set up a dual boot process using the standard tool of Vista, for BCDEdit didn't work and at this very moment I cannot boot Seven?

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Vista N 7 Not Working On Dual Boot?

Feb 13, 2010

the vista and win7 both has retail version,n it is 30days trial...for which lots of cracks n activators are available.i just want to know,i am trying dual boot,having win7 on C n vista on D partition,n both are activated by crack...but problem is,as long win7 is only OS,its activated but as long i install vista on D n apply crack,vista gets cracked but win7 on C again reverts to 30day i felt,this might be cause of installing win7 on C n vista on D,i mean oldest OS must be 1st,i dun know i m saying right or wrong.

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Windows 7 With A Vista Boot Screen

May 20, 2011

I am running windows 7 and I booted into safe mode to do a sfc /scannow. I was having another small issue and thought that I would just do that to check if it would fix it. After I rebooted I got a boot menu that said that I have Windows 7 and Vista installed and I should pick which OS I wanted. This was upgraded from Vista. I picked Windows 7 and it couldn't find it. Tried again and picked Vista and it couldn't find it either. That wasn't good. I had a Vista recovery disk from Neosmart and tried that. It booted on that and detected right away that there was an issue and offered to fix it. I let it and when it rebooted, I got the Vista startup screen but it was my Windows 7 that I ended up with. It couldn't be any different because that is all that is on it.

I am assuming that because I used a Vista disk for the repair is why that happed but when I try to now use a Windows 7 recovery disk, it doesn't change back. Not that it is really important, but wondering if I can change it back. Otherwise, I guess as long as it is working, not going to worry about it.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 With Vista?

Feb 17, 2011

I was wondering if it's possible to run windows 7 along with Vista (64bit). My current computer has 4 drives setup in a RAID configuration and i am wanting to add a new drive which I could run Windows 7 on.

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Bld7000 Has Vista Boot Screen

Jan 5, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 build 7000 in a couple of PCs , everything fine.

I have installed it on a netbook (LG X110, its the same with MSI WIND U100), and upon boot, the boot screen is the old Vista animated boot screen, with the green bar loader at the bottom. No new Windows 7 boot screen.

I guess it has to do with the screen size of LG X110 (10") which also causes screen detection issues in other OS's (e.g. Backtrack 3), but is there an option where I can FORCE the resolution/screen size so that it will show the correct boot screen?

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