Widows 7 Update Task Not Running - Unknown Error 8024A000

Nov 16, 2012

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. I have done a system backup of my portable and restored it to a larger hard disk. Everything is working OK except for Windows Update. When I try to run Windows Update I get a task isn't running message - Unknown Error 8024A000. I have replaced the old hard disk and Windows Update works just fine.

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Update Unknown Error

Feb 7, 2010

New Machine, new HDD, new Win7Ult install...

Windows Update is failing for some reason (I was successfully able to install 2 updates, but all of the others fail)

I am getting an "unknown error" 80070308, and while there seems to be one other reference to this on a MSFT forum, the solutions there were basically restart the update service, which doesn't work, or rename some of the Windows files... which I did as well to no avail.

Does anyone know what this error is? Or had it before?

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Widows Live Essential Update

Apr 8, 2012

I keep trying to update Windows Live Essential but it tells me to turn on my firewall and it is on. I tried to uninstall and reinstall and it did but didn't load Windows Live Mail. That is the client I use. I loaded Thunderbird and it couldn't find my contacts. So....I restored to 2 days earlier and I am back to square one. What do I do next.

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Task Scheduler Not Running Missed Task

Mar 2, 2011

When i set task scheduler to run a program it works. But if the pc is not on at the time it will not run unless task scheduler is opened.It is set to run as soon as poss after scheduled time and task scheduler itself starts and runs properly

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Windows 7 Xp Wont Start After Widows Update?

Jul 26, 2011

I have an almost new HP dv6 I-7 pro and used windows update in xp mode and now it will not boot in XP, a black dos looking screen pops up and says windows root\system32\hal.dll missing or corrupt. re-install a copy of this file.I see this file in C\win\sys32

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Firefox Not Running After Latest Update, Error AppHangB1

Aug 29, 2012

2 days ago I uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials from my pc. Yesterday I update my Firefox from v. 14.0.1 to v.15.0, since then firefox won't run on this pc. I tried downgrading it to version 14 but it wont work. Here's the error msg: Code: Description: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:AppHangB1
Application Name:firefox.exe
Application Version:


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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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BSOD Error On Boot In Widows 7?

Jul 21, 2012

The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1420 running Windows Vista Home.When I turn on the laptop, the computer boots up and then goes to a menu where I can either choose to Start Windows Normally, or Begin Start Up Repair.Both of these options cause the computer to load for a few moments, and then it BSODs, with the error unmountable_Boot_Volume.I then tried to boot the computer off the Windows Vista install disk. It goes through Loading Windows Files, and then it begins loading Windows, and then it BSODs with the error Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area. I am now stuck with what to do.Also loading the computer in safe mode also reults in a BSOD.

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BSOD Running When Running Intel Driver Update Utility And More Apps

Aug 12, 2012

ive been getting BSODs and finally figured out how to debug it with WinDbg (x86) and set the symbols for windows but i cant read the text. ive tried reinstalling my GPU and Java but no luck. when i try to run intel driver update utility as soon as i run it i get a BSOD ive got the minidump here if anyone knows how to read it, so here you go.

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.2.8400.0 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:UserskalyeDesktop�81212-36504-01.dmp]


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Unknown Program Trying To Install Or Update?

May 25, 2011

I keep getting a Windows installer pop-up saying that "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue....." I click "Ok," and the pop-up goes away but comes back. I'm not trying to install anything, and I don't know what program may be trying to install or update or whatever it's doing. Is there a way to find out what program it is so I can get it to stop?

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CPU At 100% Unless Task Manager Is Running?

Dec 13, 2012

my laptop has a similar problem to a previous topic: [URL] there did not work for me, I'm assuming it's individual pc to pc

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Task Scheduler Not Running?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't install anything on my computer or run disk defragger because I keep getting error messages. Here is one:"Disk Deragmenter cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try again.I tried to mess around with the task scheduler but I still don't understand the problem.

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Scheduled Task Not Running

Jun 25, 2012

Scheduled Task not running when "run whether user is logged on or not" option is selected? Is this an issue/bug in windows 7?

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Task Scheduler Is Not Running?

Oct 18, 2012

my task schedule is not running and y googe chrome s ot working and my internet stooped working all te time

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Get 2 Task Managers Running Concurrently?

Feb 16, 2011

Is it possible to get 2 task managers running concurrently? I just want to see the 'performance tab' and the 'processes tab' side by side while I'm running some computations and doing some important tests.

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Not Running Anything Besides The AV, And Windows Task Manager?

Nov 15, 2010

Alright well the other day i switched from using Avast to MSE. After the switch it seems that my memory, and my cpu is being used a lot. Even when i am not running anything besides the AV, and Windows Task Manager, and the little processes.I have scanned my computer for viruses, malware, spyware, and even did a disk defrag. I also closed any processes that i know are not required.

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Windows 7 Task Manager Is Not Running

Dec 6, 2011

I use windows 7 ultimate x86 edition. I can not run task manager.Whenever i try to run this....it shows taskmgr.exe is not a valid win32 application. I use kaspersky 2012 antivirus. It does not detect any virus that might cause the problem. I have tried to run task manager from command prompt or system32 directory as administrator, but it shows the same error. How can i solve this?

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Task Manager Running A Batch File

Feb 13, 2012

I have written a batch file to run every afternoon, using Task Manager.When I was running WIndows XP, the Task Manager (or it may have been the batch file itself) opened a new DOS window whilst it was running so that I could see everything was working correctly. Under Windows 7, the same batch file will only run in a new window if I run it myself - if it runs in Task Manager it will only run in the background. How can I get it to oipen a DOS window whilst running through Task Manager, please?

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Task Manager Didn't Indicate Firefox Is Running

Nov 26, 2011

I moved my Thunderbird and Firefox profile folders from their original locations in Roaming... to a C: ... location because their backups were in Compatibility Files. When I went to start either one, I got a close program message. It stated that FF (or when starting TB), they were already running and had to be closed. I then ran Process Explorer and Windows Task Manager. neither of whih showed any indication that these programs were running. I then return the profiles to their original locations, and FF and TB returned to normal.

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Task Scheduler And Running Application In Foreground

Feb 8, 2010

My requirement is to start an application (UI based) in the foreground as soon as the PC boots (whether user is logged in or not). I added a task to the task scheduler & configured it to run under the same account as my foreground logon account. I am seeing the task is scheduled but it is running in the background. Also observed that task manager is not showing the process unless I click on the button "Show processes from all users".

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Task Scheduler Fails When Running VB Compile EXE?

Jul 7, 2010

I created an exe with Visual Studio 2010 to automate the execution of a 2nd program.This exe requires 2 command line arguments.When I run this exe from a Short cut with the arguments defined everything works as desired.However, when I make a Scheduled Task to run this exe, the 2nd program does not get run and I get various results in the Last Run Status - most of the time the result is 0x41306.The task is set up as follows:

- run whether user is logged in or not
- run with highest privileges
- configure for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 although using Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 does not work either
- the schedule is set up and enabled
- the actions point to the exe create by VB
- the only conditions set is to wake computer to run
- settings are allow task to be run on demand / stop task if running more than 3 days / if task does not end when requested force it to stop

From the task history I get the following logs:

Task Scheduler successfully completed task "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" , instance "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" , action "C:UsersSunday ServicesDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsWireCastLauncherWireCastLauncherinReleaseWireCastLauncher.exe" with return code 3762504530.

Task Scheduler successfully finished "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" instance of the "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" task for user "HBCMP3RECORDERSunday Services".

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IE8 Multiple Iexplore.exe Running In Task Manager

Apr 14, 2009

Anyone noticed that IE8 runs multiple iexplore.exe in Task Manager?

And by the way did you notice IE8 behaves differently in that respect when installed on WindowsXP as opposed to Windows 7?

WindowsXP copies of iexplore can use up to 50,000K and every copy uses quite a bit of memory.

Windows 7 copies of iexplore only use about 5-15K.

While using IE8 in WindowsXP I thought I had a malware program running by it using so much memory and exhausted myself trying to run all kinds of scans to root out the offending program only to realize it was IE8 itself. When I uninstalled IE8 and went back to IE7, the behavior stopped.

Just something interesting that might save others the frantic search to root out adware. I suppose the bottom line is DO NOT USE IE8 on WinXP.

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Copy My Running Processes In Task Manager?

Jan 15, 2013

I have tons of processes currently running in my task manager, some are duplicates or more.How do I make a copy of everything that is currently running?

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Disk Defragmentation Cannot Start - Task Scheduler Not Running

May 29, 2011

When I try to run Disk Defrag I get this error message, "Disk Defragmentation cannot start because the Task Scheduler service is not running. Start the Task Scheduler service and try again." How can I correct this problem?

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Windows 7 Task Manager Not Showing Apps Running?

Sep 27, 2011

Windows 7 Premium 64 bit's Task Manager used to show a bar with pplications/Processes etc., with lists below making it possible to "end-now" some apps and stop some processes at least for a while to save on CPU/Memory usage. There was also provision by a menu bar at the top of Task Manager window to shut down pc etc., from within the task manager.Presently my Windows 7 Premium 64 bit's Task Manager shows only what looks like a list of processes (Not Applications) topped by a head-bar having Name/PID/Description/Status/Group and a selectable button at the bottom right for Services.(I could have uploaded ascreen if this Ask Your Question Form had provided for attachments!).I suspect this change in Task Manager came after some new installs - Windows Updates etc.

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RAC Task Running In Windows 7 - System Will Not Work For 5 To 20 Minutes

May 14, 2010

Every morning, after computer has been idle for some time, it will not work for 5-20 minutes. I found that a program called "RAC Task" was running just before the computer started up again. Can this program be disabled or rescheduled to a better time?

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Task Manager Display - Get The Running Processes List Back?

Jul 18, 2011

I have Windows 7, Premium Home Edition. When I typed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, I used to get the Task Manager. Tabs allowed me to select some options, one of which was "processes". Maybe I clicked something that changed things, but now I only get a list of running programs (NOT processes). And I don't have any tabs to select other options,How can I get the running processes list back?

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Unknown Usb Device Error

Nov 16, 2011

I just bought a amd phenom ii x4 955 and a asus m4a88tm le motherboard . After that i formated my hdd and installed win 7 ultimate and amd motherboard drivers. Now when i connect a usb device it shows Unknown usb device (except my mouse and keyboard).

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Shortcut Icon Unknown + System Restore Error / Fatal Error "0x80090067"

Jul 25, 2011

Shortcut Icons just show the >unknown< icon.I have tried to:

1. reboot in safe mode

2. move the shortut folder in and out

3. closed Explorer.exe and reopen it.

4. the last thing i've tried was to use the system restore as many say htat would help the problem. but when i want's to run system Restore it comes with the fatal error "0x80090067", so i cannot restore. WTF.

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Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown Error

Apr 30, 2011

I am currently getting this error message when I try to access certain page, Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error.Now I have been searching google for the answer and had no luck. Few days ago I have been able to access the page but all of a sudden I am getting this error code. I am using Chrome with windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

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Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown Error?

Jun 6, 2012

Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error?

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