What To Know Before Formatting And Clean Installing

Aug 28, 2009

Is there anything that you should know before you format your drive/partition for a clean install? These are some of the main things you should do to avoid disappointment: Back Up important programs/files on the Windows 7 Partition/Drive Back Up themes/wallpapers/gadgets etc.. Back Up all bookmarks add-ons from firefox/i.e etc.. Download the latest graphics drivers or any other drivers that are necessary and store them on usb drive Useful Programs: EasyBCD: Is a great tool for editing the Boot manager EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition: Great Partition manager for creating/editing partitions (if you don't like the vista/Windows 7 disk utility) MozBackup: To backup all your firefox add-ons/bookmarks etc.. ImgBurn: Simple easy to use burning tool (to burn the iso image) Is there anything else that could be added to the list? Just post them here and I'll add them. I figured if we could get a few people posting Hints/Tips here it may be helpful to others in this situation.

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Windows 7 Clean Install Upgrade Disc Formatting

Oct 27, 2010

I have a laptop which has been giving me a hard time lately, and I need to reinstall windows 7 (for the 4th time in 1.2 years). I have never reformatted it before and all I have is the windows 7 upgrade disk that came with it (I got it back in September when all of those free upgrade deals were going on, it originally had vista.) I read that you can have activation issues after formatting the hard drive while installing using the upgrade disc. I think Microsoft let you do it if your email them to activate it, but I'm not sure and I don't know where you would do this. Since I don't feel like formatting it, installing vista, and then reinstalling 7.

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Installing Windows 7 With Formatting

Jul 11, 2011

Ive had it crashing on me with 10 minutes everytime i turn it on. It was this minidump thing. I got my copy of windows 7 finally D and i was wondering if i can like... format my entire C drive and put the disk into the CD drive and do it there. I got like this boot thing in the front tht lets me choose wat i want to boot from.

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Clean Re-installing Of Windows 7?

Sep 6, 2012

I want to do a clean reinstall of windows but Ihave much data as well as programs I would prefer not to have to reinstall inaddition I have banking etc that I doesnot want to lose. My question is, what isthe best way to do this, is there a backup program available? The reason forthe reinstall is that the O/S is so corrupted that it is not performing as itonce did.

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Installing A Clean Windows 7 64 Bit?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a sorta working windows 7 32 bit version installed currently. It created a 2nd partion (p when I first installed it. Would you assist me with short and simple instructions on how to create a clean install of the 64 bit version that will allow me to dual boot untill I get the 64 bit version all setup and running? If it works out ok I would like to remove all traces of the corrupt 32 bit version once I get the 64 bit working and all setup. I have all my data backed up and plenty of room on my main hard drive.

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BSOD When Formatting Or Installing On Drive Drive, Error 0x0000003d?

May 1, 2012

I've just finished building my new computer and I'm getting BSOD errors when first formatting a hard drive and secondly (after a successful format) installing a game on it.My boot up SSD drive seems to be fine, it's just my other hard drive.64bit Windows 7 Home premium. Full version I bought a a few days ago. The whole computer is new. If you need any further information, let me no.8GB RAM. Intel Core i5 2500k CPU. Radeon 7850 graphics. 120ish SSD. 1Tb hard drive. Asus P8Z68-V Pro gen3 motherboard.Edit:having just seen a notice, I've updated the post to contain two attachments. Or atleast I think I have

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After Formatting And Installing Windows 7 / Is It Possible To Recover Files From Windows

Nov 10, 2012

After formatting the system with windows xp & Installing windows 7, is it possible to recover files and folders in c drive ?

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Clean Installing Of Windows 7 Premium?

Apr 21, 2011

I own a very good custom desk PC (Intel Pentium Dual 2200; 2GRAM, 250 G hardisk). I had XPProPack3 and several severe troubles had recently spoiled its nice using. Repairing was a complete failure. I have a 'two' partition. I have installed every program that could be possible in B, plus all the other personal files. C has the system and the usual unavoidable installed other programs. I have decided to buy a brand new 7 Premium and 'clean' installing it. As, at the very beginning of my PC, the mother board had to be replaced. I think the drivers CD I keep belongs to this late. Well, for shortening this enquiry (as it's possible in real life), my concerns are: first, to get a crystal clear tutorial with the 'specificities' Windows 7 might have; second, to ask if, in the case I wouldn't have or find 'the' drivers CD, is it possible (or easy) to get them on line? Please, sorry. I am a simple amateur old computation fan (74 years old; brain still in good conditions, still working as succesful clinician and expert witness

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Installing Windows 7 After Clean Format?

Mar 29, 2012

First what I did was use the command prompt (after using system repair disc) to completely reformat my drive c partition on my laptop. Then when I tried to install Windows with the installer cd, it just simply didnt want to boot up. I already tried setting up the BIOS so that it would start the cd/dvd drive first, and I also tried using my windows vista cd. When I used the vista cd and tried to install it on the partition some message shows up on the bottom saying "theres a problem with the hard ware" or something like that..

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Installing Windows 7 (clean) Without The Disc

Apr 27, 2012

I got a virus while on Windows 7, it pretty much destroyed the OS. So I had to revert back to Windows vista and try to figure out a way to Install Windows 7 Professional again. To my luck, I can't upgrade from Windows vista (home) to Windows 7 professional.

Now, I don't have the disc, or any other disc so I can burn an ISO(legally).

So, I was wondering, is there a way to perform a clean install? OR, is there a software that will load up the ISO when the PC boots?

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Error Code 0x80070002 When Clean Installing?

Jul 26, 2012

After my computer got a virus, I decided to perform a clean install. In the middle of installing, it says, "The file does not exist. Makes sure all files required for
installation are available , and restart Error code:0x80070002".

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Installing An Windows 7 Upgrade To A Clean Harddrive?

Feb 22, 2011

Is it possible to install a fresh copy of Windows 7 Upgrade (Genuine Retail Copy) onto a completely new hardrive without having any previous Operating Systems?

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After Installing Clean Windows 7 Usb Ports Doesn't Work?

Oct 19, 2012

My problem began when someday i had issue in my windows which was usb was not recognized as i tried putting 3 usbs but all of them didn't work and i have 2 usb ports in my laptop which is dell xps 15z so i don't think it is a hardware issue
My problem continued and i searched and searched the internet for solutions but no one really worked so i decided to format the windows and installing new clean windows 7 one, and i did so and after installation i had too many more problems knowing that i installed all the required drivers needed for the laptop and checked them with driver genius, now any usb i plug in isn't even sensed by the lap or self installed like the usb ports have no drivers or anything.I tried the wireless mouse which isn't sensed on another laptop and it installed and worked instantly, so where is driver software installation which should install the mouse automatic?

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Stuck Installing Win7 On A Clean Hard Drive

May 13, 2009

I am very lost, I have a IBM ThinkPad T42 with an older 20Gig hard drive that is blank, no OS on it, nothing at all. I tried to perform a custom clean install of Windows 7 and get to the part where you can format the drive or install drivers. When I select to install the drivers it can never find any.

What am I doing wrong? I know a little but I guess not enough, do I need to install fro somewhere else? and what drivers is it looking for?

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Troubles Installing Windows (clean Install) - Error Code 0x80070017

Apr 15, 2012

Just inherited a pc, and bought a brand new 1tb hdd yesterday to install windows on. I was foolish at first by not changing any of the bios settings (was a long time since I have done an install) and just left it as it was. I got through to installing windows and it stopped at expanding files with the above error code, which I have heard is really commonWindows cannot install required files. The file may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required or installation are available, and restart the installation.Now I am certain there is nothing wrong with the DVD, as it is the same one that has been used on two other PC's. I tried turning it off and restarting, that was when I got another error load up - Bootmgr is missing!After this I restarted it and changed the bios settings to boot from the DVD drive. I tried doing a repair on this through the disc.

Went through all the settings and typed Bootrec.exe/REBUILDBCD in command prompt but that came back fine. I tried clicking startup repair after this but it did not restart, so I just went through the motions and restarted it manually as by this point I was getting frustrated. Upon restart I went through and booted from the DVD, and it went straight through. This time I tried re-installing but deleted all the partitions on the drive which had appeared since trying to install. However the same error message has come up again

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Formatting Windows 7 And Installing Windows Xp?

Jul 24, 2012

I have a HP Mini 311-1033CA. I have slipstreamed the required sata driver and got to the screen asking to format the partition NTFS style. After reaching 100%, it'll restart the computer (as expected) but boots back into windows 7. All of my data is intact...I am installing windows xp pro sp3. I am also using an external cd drive?

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Disk - Clean And Clean All With Diskpart Command

Jan 3, 2010

How to Clean or Clean All a Disk with the Diskpart Command ?

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Jun 25, 2009

I seriously needs some help with formattign my computer. I've got some virus' on my computer, and I'm not able to remove them (I have tried with Hijackthis and NOD32 Antivirus).

My problem is, that when I changed to Windows 7, my computer automaticly remved my recovery file, which holds my Windows Vista file. This means I can't install any operating system after format. I also need to format to clean up my computer etc. but that's unimportant.

This is a serious problem to me, because I use my computer for basically everything, and I have to use it on secondary college next year, and I can't afford a new one. so please help me, as fast as possible!

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Formatting My Old XP Drive

Dec 28, 2009

I am having a problem formatting a drive. When I first built this computer, I had two 500GB HDD's installed. Originally I installed XP on the machine. Some time ago, I installed Windows 7 on my other drive. I have been using Windows 7 for months now, and I no longer wish to use Windows XP.

I am running out of space on my Windows 7 Drive, I originally only allocated 90GB to it. I want to format my XP drive so I can move things around and get more space, but I cannot reformat, disk management gives me the error, "Windows cannot format the System Partition on this disk."

I REALLY REALLY do not want to have to reinstall windows 7. I basically want to format the XP drive and make that my new media drive, and extending the current Windows 7 drive to include the space that I will gain from moving my media drive.

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Font Looks Different After Formatting?

Oct 1, 2010

I've formatted my laptop a few days ago and thought that some fonts in some websites looked weird compared to before, I thought I was just being paranoid and that it was my imagination, but after a few days where I couldn't stop to think that, I took a printscreen in the other pc on the house and comparing side to side to mine it as clear as day that it's different On the left it's how mine is, on the right how the other PC is(and how it was before in mine). All I did was formatting and installing most of the programs that was installed before on the laptop, I didn't tweaked the fonts or anything. Oh, also this is not specific to a browser, the font on internet explorer or firefox looks exactly the same. I tried resetting to default and checked that the font used is Segoe UI size 9.

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Formatting Windows 7?

Jan 16, 2011

Can I install Windows 7 over the top of Vista

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Formatting A Drive For W7

Jul 17, 2009

I'm currently dual-booting Vista and 7, and I want to get rid of Vista, but I'd like a couple people to just confirm for me that I'd be doing it correctly because I don't want to mess up my MBR or anything like that.

I currently have Vista on my C drive and 7 on my F drive. If I go to Computer Management and then Disk Management, this is what I see:

First, because I have a ThinkPad, I have Q and S drives. But I believe they're irrelevant to this question.

My C drive, with Vista, says it's an NTFS drive, "Healthy (Primary Partition)".

My F drive, with 7, says it's an NTFS drive, "Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Logical Drive)".

If I were to just flat-out right click on the C drive with Vista and click format, and then restart, would I be screwed? Or would it load 7 because it would be my only OS? And if this would be a problem, how should I go about removing Vista?

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Formatting Without Getting Any Windows.old?

Nov 27, 2009

My friend wiped my friend's computer on a Vista installer by choosing "load drivers" or something in the partition screen and then pressing format. I can't find this anywhere, or what I mean is there are no drivers to load. When I try to format, I can only format so that my computer saves a Windows.old file. Does that get rid of viruses? Does it get rid of a slow computer?

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Formatting Dvd For Use In A Dvd Recorder?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a Sony dvd recorder which has decided to stop formatting dvd's (all types -r, -rw, +rw etc).I have a lot of tv programmes now stuck on the Sony's hdd that I need, and wondered if I could use my pc to format dvd's, so that the Sony's format function is bypassed.

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Deleting OS Without Formatting?

Jan 26, 2012

Okay, I want to do a fresh install of Windows 7 onto an SSD, then use my HDD which currently has Windows 7 on it for extra storage. However, I don't want to be prompted about which drive to boot from, nor do I want useless OS files on my spare drive.I don't have another drive to backup files to, so backing up then formatting isn't an option. What can I do to delete the OS files entirely and structure the drive like you would a typical backup drive?

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How To Do Formatting In Hp G62 Laptop

Feb 29, 2012

when i turn on my hp g62 laptop after some time it gose white screen for a long time

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Formatting Without Boot CD

Apr 14, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue. What I am attempting to do is format my C (Windows 7) drive, in order to reinstall Windows from the installation disc.

Here is my problem. Whenever I try to boot from the disc, it just loads Windows normally and doesn't launch startup repair or anything. My thought is that this is due to the fact that my DVD drive, while fully functional, is not compatible with Windows 7. I know it works as when I first bought the PC it installed Windows7 just fine, so my thinking is that if I can get my C drive formatted, I will then be able to boot from the Windows disc and install.

I can't seem to find any option in startup that will allow me to do this. I also do not have additional DVD, CD or Blu Ray drives that I can install.

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Formatting Usb In Using Laptop?

Apr 25, 2012

how can i formating usb in my laptop?

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USB 'E' Requires Formatting?

Oct 24, 2012

I have a word doc on my USB that I don't wish to loose and now I'm getting a message to format! I've tried many approaches over the past week but with little success. The size of the file "c:UsersuserDocumentsSAVED FILES$ROOT00105Finding Form 1Part 3.docx" exceeds the 64KB limit for FAT 32Another company states that the Status of the file is 'Excellent', the size is '95 KB', the Date Created was '25/09/2012' and the Date Modified was '04/10/2012', Time '18:10'. That is the correct file although I'm not sure if 95KB is all the data?? It was roughly 20 pages of text

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How To Do Partition Without Formatting

Dec 14, 2012

my has one partition. can I partitioned without formatting?

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Get Data From Hdd Without Formatting It?

Jan 27, 2013

get data from hdd without formatting it?

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