What Are The Remote Files Upload Supporting File-hosting Site

May 4, 2011

what are the free online storage services, that gives remote files upload supporting feature free of charge?

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Why System Hangs When Try To Upload Any File To Any Site

Apr 5, 2011

why system hangs when i try to upload any file to any site eg. i m trying to upload a photo in Facebook, my system hanged uo and no mouse, keyboard or Alt+Ctrl+ Del is working 1st time when this happens i wait for around half and hour and press the power Switch to shutdown.when i tried again the same problem happens, i tried in other sites also in Naukri.com, Monster.com in Orkut.com with JPEG, Doc and Pdf files.

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Can Not Upload Dump File

Feb 19, 2012

Just build a new computer running windows 7 64-bit- it's fast and works great. I bought an external hard drive to back it up and every time I run a back up I get a BSOD. I have a dump file but don't know how to read it so I am posting it here.Actually it seems that I can not upload the dump file here.

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Put It In A Zip File Because It Kept Saying Invalid To Upload?

Mar 11, 2012

I put it in a zip file because it kept saying invalid to upload... Don't really know what it could be /: , all i know is that my computer was running really slow when it did it , andthat whenever i typed it would delay for a couple seconds for it showed up in the chat box , its fine , now i just wanna know what it is , and if i need to fix it before it gets wors

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Can't Upload Files?

Jul 11, 2011

I noticed that files don't upload.It as i try to upload files to web site for example this forum (manage attachment button) it would not upload it just says "Uploading File(s) - Please Wait " and stays that way. File size is smal like 80kb or so jpg so i dont think that would be problem.

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Windows 7 File Upload Not Responding

Jul 31, 2009

I have the 64bit RC, and keep it updated through win updater.When I want to upload a picture to a website, I click on the "Browse computer" button, when I do the window opens for me to navigate to the picture ... as normal, however all it does is freeze, and then goes into (not responding) mode? I have tried it with Firefox and IE, both do the same so its not that, and I have done it on numerous sites, so its not the site?

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Upload File Issue / Error

Oct 31, 2009

i'm having a strange uploading issue.

whenever i try to upload a file via Internet or dropbox, the upload finished a 25mb file in about 5 seconds, then gets an error. this is not normal as i usually have 40-80kb a sec rate.

apparently sendspace works, but it's slow.

tried it in firefox, chrome and ie8. tried downloading newest driver, reboot, rollback to old driver and so on.

also, i don't know if it's worth mentioning, but my internet got incredibly slow and up to 800ms ping after i tried uploading via Internet/dropbox. i then have to disable the connection and troubleshoot it to get it back to normal.

tried it in safe mode with networking, and didn't get any problems at all.

i'm runnin windows 7 64bit rtm.

network adapter: realtek rtl8111c

edit: i forgot to add that i also tried disabling the windows firewall. didn't help.

edit2: uploading with basic uploader without status bar works. so if anyone haven't found a fix to this we can let this thread die untill there is.

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Upload Files To A Different Drive?

Oct 7, 2012

Windows is installed on Drive C which is a 120 Gb SSD, and everything i upload defaults to there, but i also have a 1Tb HDD (drive D)that i want to use as main storage for image/music files etc. I've already copied across all the image files/folders i previously uploaded to the D drive, but can i 'tell' Windows to upload to drive D automatically? I want to keep the SSD as clear as possible.

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Windows 7 Can't Upload File Larger Than 300kb

Jun 9, 2011

My workplace upgraded our OS from Windows XP x32 to Windows 7 Enterprise x64. Since then whenever I want to upload a file that is larger than 300kb to our EDMS server (web based), I always got timeout. I installed windows virtual pc with windows 7 x32 (I didn't installed any software on it except firefox 4) and tried to upload the same file, I still got time out. I was using Internet explorer 8, firefox 3.1, and firefox 4. They all gave me the same result.

More information: Server: Windows 2003
IIS - Apache/Tomcat
EDMS Software: Java

No more support for the software since it is an old software Desktop PC: It's already been customized by our computer tech support and I don't have admin right to the desktop computer I've already tried in my virtual pc:

a. disable IPv6
b. disable autotuning

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Can No Longer Upload Large Files

Oct 7, 2012

I usually send clients large images around 4Mb via the email. I also upload to various sites, files up to 15Mb. They are all usually jpeg or .psd format.

For some reason it just doesn't work anymore - they get so far and seem to just hang. I contacted my ISP provider and they went through all their trouble shooter but told me that the problem is my end.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit. I have tried IE9 and Google Chrome but neither helps. I use Microsoft Security Essential. I have tried turning off the firewall but this doesn't work either.

Smaller versions of the jpegs seem to upload OK. I haven't done anything to change what I am using recently other than to run the automatic updates.

I have internet satellite using an ipstar modem. No router.

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Cannot View Or Upload Minidump Files?

Jun 4, 2011

I used BlueScreenView to check what was the cause of the multiple BSOD's i was always getting and it turns out it is ntoskrnl.exe. However, i cannot zip the minidump .dmp file to upload and I cannot view the file's contents at all either.

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Can't Upload Files In Windows 7, Not With Gmail, Not With Dropbox?

Jun 8, 2009

I've tried uploading some files to my dropbox account , the small ones (under 1 mb) went ok but when i tried to upload a 5 mb file the upload process went really fast and i got an error saying "Upload failed". Then i thought something is wrong with dropbox.. went to my gmail account, same thing, upload process went really fast and i got an error saying "Upload failed". Tried a web upload site, same thing! (im dual booting with xp) tried my xp machine with dropbox and gmail and everything is fine.

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Can't Upload Files Or Connect Online With Programs?

Apr 3, 2012

I've had this problem for a couple months, but have ignored it until now because it is hindering my ability to sync my iPhone. Essentially, any uploading-related activity that requires my computer to communicate with a network is not working. I can't connect the iTunes store in order to sync my phone, I can't attach files to my Gmail and there've been a couple other instances I can't recall where I couldn't connect through a program. My browsers work fine and I can download files easily -- it just seems like the uploading function does not work. Possible virus?

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Cannot Upload Anything To The Internet Or Attach Files To Emails?

Jul 15, 2012

since beginning of july 2012 my laptop won't allow me to upload anything online to sites like facebook, Internet, attach files to emails and other websites. it seems i can't send files through an instant messenger, either, so i know it's not a problem with my browser. i can browse sites and play/watch videos & also download. when i upload a picture or an attachment, the gif image keeps rotating but the upload bar doesnt go above 2%. i've checked windows firewall's advanced settings, and outbound connections are allowed, and all the rules that would say anything isn't allowed don't have anything to do with files to websites. i scanned my pc for viruses using avira antivirus and also malware bytes anti malware. also scanned and fixed registry usingccleaner. finally did a system restore. im using google chrome. tried on mozilla firefox & internet explorer-9 but same result. did a reset as well. my os is windows 7.also i've tried turning off the antivirus & also firewall for public networks. that doesn't help either[code]

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Map Network Drive From Web-hosting?

Feb 9, 2011

I wanted to know if its possible to map a folder from my web-hosting account as a drive on Windows 7. I know I can map an FTP folder - but that gets mapped as a folder and NOT as a drive. The reason why I want to map something as a drive is so that I can use it for cloud storage.

Services like DropBox are blocked at my workplace so unfortunately I cannot use them and hence I am looking to map a folder from my personal web-hosting as a drive on my computer.

My web-hosting is a basic PHP-MySQL hosting with cPanel version 10.

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Hosting Website On Personal Server?

May 5, 2011

My friend is running a website through some free host. Well, I want to do it for her on my own server. I have a old Gateway and Dell laying around so I want to do it on one of there. Anyone know of any good "guides for dummies". I also ran acrross this (Host a Website - IIS7.5[2]=Networking%20Internet) and said that I would need to "register a DNS Host from here for free".

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Run Batch File On Remote Computer Without PsExec?

Jul 19, 2012

Currently on the network we are on because of the way it is setup wake on lan doesn't work, so SCCM has at best a 70 success rate for patching. So I am currently spending a couple days a week remoting into computers and running a batch file to manually update computers. I need a way, that isn't psexec to execute a batch file on a remote computer.

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Remote Desktop Connection - Save File As XPS

Jan 4, 2011

I'm having some trouble with remote desktop connection. I have successfully configured my desktop to remotely access it. But every time I start up remote desktop connection it prompts me to "Save File As ... *.xps". The application is driven by the mstsc.exe process, so it starts up when I start my remote session. If I try to save it, it immediately prompts me again for the same thing. Also my One Note Application starts up on my client pc (Laptop) and is also triggered by the RDP connection process.

Here is what I have already tried:
- Tried to just end the Save As .. Application thru windows task manager, but since it is driven by the mstsc.exe, It also closes the remote session
- I Also checked my remote desktop settings on my laptop to check and see if there are any programs listed to start up when I connect, but no progams are set!

Also every once in a while it actually starts up without the prompt and I actually experience a perfect and smooth remote session!

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File Sharing Over Remote Desktop Not Working?

Jan 3, 2013

I have two laptops an ASUS with windows 7 ultimate and the other with windows 7 home premium. I also have a built desktop with windows server 2008 r2. I have enabled remote connection on the server and can log on with all of the user accounts. But I can not file share when I have remotely connected to the desktop using remote desktop connection. I have enabled printer and clipboard and then went in to more and selected the drive i wanted to share. I then logged on to remote desktop and the drive is not listed in computer management or in my computer. Is it an issue in the windows server os that I need to do?

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Remote File Sharing - Drag And Drop Using LogMeIn

Aug 19, 2011

I am an Access Developer. I have been using LogMeIn to connect to clients remotely and also, on occasion, to send or receive files. I have discovered that Remote Assistance seems to do the same thing, however, what does seem to be missing is the ability to transfer files conveniently from one machine to another. Is there something I'm missing or is this not a part of Remote Access?

If it is not, is there something else that Windows 7 offers that is basically the same thing as file transfer in LogMeIn? If not, is there some other way of looking at the problem that others use when they need to send or receive files from another computer. The files I am talking about are not extraordinarily large. It is very convenient in LogmeIn to see my drives in one pane and the clients in another and to just be able to drag and drop.

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Copy/Paste Files Through Remote Desktop?

Apr 2, 2012

Running Remote Desktop from Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to Windows Server 2003 Std. Can't copy a file from Windows 7 and paste to WS03 or vice-versa.

No problem with copy/paste text from an app on Windows 7 to an app on WS03. Three other machines in the office running Windows 7 Pro x64 to the same WS03 machine have no copy/paste problems.

Tried Safe Mode--no luck. Tried terminating rdpclip.exe on WS03 and restarting--no luck.

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Cannot Start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot Find The Specified File)

May 30, 2012

I had a small problem with my laptop a few days back ,but it was fixed when I removed and inserted the battery. But the F drive was renamed to D drive automatically. I think this was the cause of the following errors, which i noticed when I tried to use my Reliance Netconnect+ datacard and Error 711 (Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager Service) showed up.I tried system restore but i noticed it was disabled and so there were no restore points.A little research showed that Now I have the following errors: I cannot start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot find the specified file) and cant start Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start). Both services are set to manual.(Target file is svchost.exe -k netsvcs).

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Supporting A 64 Bit Windows 7?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm wanting to upgrade my wifes computer from 32 bit Vista to windows 7. I cant seem to find information to tell me if it will support a 64 bit windows 7, but i suspect that it may. Here is a link to this pc [url]...81434.html.I have a 64 bit windows 7 on hand that would be convenient. Which can i use?

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Create A Batch File That Will Move Files Based On The File Type?

Oct 30, 2010

How to create a batch file that will move files based on the file type?My Requirement : I need a batch file to copy all .doc files in all my HardDisk to aremovable disk say (Z: drive) . Can anyone make it possible using a batch file

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Intel Will No Longer Be Supporting PCI

Sep 8, 2011

Intel Will No Longer Be Supporting PCI.Starting next year, with H77, Z75, and the Z77 chipsets, Intel will no longer include a PCI controller on their chipsets. After 20 years of service the end of PCI is coming of age. url...

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64-Bit Not Supporting Wireless Card

Oct 8, 2009

Okay, so I'm using Windows 7 64-Bit. It's flawless, and a bit of a show off, seeming as it already had all of the necessary drivers for all my PC components pre-installed. :P

One issue is the network card. I had a Netgear WPN311 card before, which I couldn't find the right drivers for, so I decided to put my old Belkin F5D7000 into the PCI port.

So.. basically.. I don't have any way of getting online, because I am literally unable to find drivers that suit Windows 7 64-Bit, and at the same time work on this Belkin card.

So this is the one thing I'm confused with.. The PC seems to pick it up as a 'Multimedia' device under device manager. I am completely at a loss what to do with it, and it's becoming very frustrating. If anyone can help me out, tell me what drivers to use for this or the Netgear one if that so happens to be necessary, I would be very, very grateful.

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System Is Not Supporting For Headset?

Jun 28, 2012

my system is not supporting for headset

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Sony Not Supporting Windows 7 Transition

Nov 3, 2009

I have a 1 and a half year old Vaio with 32-bit Vista. I installed 32 bit Win 7 and discovered that i not longer can play Bluray Disks on it because the driver for the Nvidia GeForce 8400M GT is not compatible with Win7. I have installed "generic" Nvidia (but non-Sony sanctioned) drivers from several sites (using the modified .inf file)to no avail. I still cannot play BD movies. So "the one and only" source for an update to this driver is Sony and the say that they are no supporting this model (VGN-AR630E) for the Win7 transition.

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Pc Is Acer 5750z And Pc Is Not Supporting Bluethooth?

Oct 17, 2011

bluethooth is in my hardware but not supporting in pc

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Autocad 2006 Is Not Supporting Windows 7 64 Bi?

Jun 12, 2012

i have autocad 2006 is not supporting windows 7 64 bit. now how should i install auto cad2006

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Remote Desktop Connects But Remote Host Screen Stays Black?

Nov 8, 2011

I know there have been a number of posts on this subject but I have been unable to find a solution. I have 2 Windows 7 machines, both running SP1.

My HP Pavilion is running 64-bit and my Dell Latiude E6400 is running 32-bit. I can successfully RDP from my Dell and even my Apple iPad (via an RDP client) into my HP Pavilion. However, the problem is that when I try to RDP from my Pavilion into my Dell I get connected but all I see is a BLACK from the Dell machine. The only thing i can see is the Status bar at teh top telling me that i am connected. A few moments later I get a popup message telling me that the machines have failed to communicate.

I have confirmed that RDP settings are identical on the Pavilion and Dell. I have even downgraded the Dell NVIDIA graphics driver to an older version based on the recommended version on the Dell support web site.

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