Want To Share Desktops Over Local Network Like Team Viewer?

Feb 16, 2013

i want to share desktops in local network. is there any way or any application by which i can do this without using internet connection. i mean if there is only local network exist.

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Explorer.exe Crushes When Using Team-viewer?

Apr 3, 2012

Whenever I use TeamViewer I always get error message that explorrer.exe has stopped working. This is what Event viewer log shows:

Faulting application name: explorer.exe, version: 6.1.7601.17567, time stamp: 0x4d6727a7
Faulting module name: SHELL32.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17755, time stamp: 0x4f0412de
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000b4add
Faulting process id: 0xdfc


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Remote Desktop Versus Team-viewer And Other Stuff

Jan 31, 2012

the same Win 7 CD I used on my primary computer.I own a small home recording studio, where my console houses two computers with three monitors. My main computer is my Digital Audio Workstation(DAW) and as I am a professional Detailer, it also is my 3D graphics workstation. The other computer is for Midi, Internet, HTPC, and various other things, although both computers are networked through a router and can access the Internet. However, for security reasons, I don't use the DAW computer on the net except to download various upgrades/drivers etc.Because of ergonomics at the console, I would like to access both computers with only one keyboard/mouse. While doing research on Win7 Remote Desktop, I discovered that Win7 Home Premium will only allow this computer to be a Client, but not access a HOST, while Pro/Ultimate will allow a computer to be a host, but will not allow you to access a CLIENT, which is ODD, as if you pay premium price for Pro/Ultimate, it would seem you would want to use it to access a Client computer, not the other way around. Currently, my secondary computer runs XP, and since Home Premium will not allow my primary computer(client) via Remote Desktop to access my secondary computer because it isn't a HOST, I'm looking for an alternative.

I have been researching Team Viewer, as I need an App that will allow me to teach my daughter Sketchup, as she is an Interior Designer. However, she is 500 miles away, and uses a Mac Laptop. Hence my research, which tells me Team Viewer might be ideal. But it dawned on me that maybe Teamviewer might also solve my other desire. Can anyone provide some insight into the pro's/cons of TeamViewer vs Remote Desktop. I had considered purchasing Win7 Pro for my secondary computer just to access it from my primary computer, which would still run Home Premium, and it would be the client, which again, it seems Remote Viewer via Win7 Pro is backwards, but maybe I'm missing something here. Any info would be appreciated as I am semi retired and my income resources are limited. And then, I have a THIRD computer, running XP, that isn't on the net. I was wondering if I can use the same Win7 Home Premium CD to load Win7 on that computer too, since I don't access the net from it.

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Can't Share Printer On Local Network (0x00000012 Error)?

Sep 26, 2012

And also complicated, 'cos not even my CISCO Network teacher has been able to give me a solution. I think I need some smart people here The thing is that I can't share my printer (connected by USB to my PC) with my laptop on another room, over the local network (in Windows 7 the name is Home Group).The printer model is not relevant because time ago I was able to do what I'm trying now.All my configurations are OK, at least the basic ones, because there's definetely something wrong with my PC, and here's why: if I take my laptop and put it next to the printer and connect it to it (by the same USB cable), I can access the printer with my PC, while it's been shared by the laptop.That proves that the internal network is fine. Also, all the configurations of the printer and also of the home group are literally same in both PCs, the big one and the laptop.

Both PCs run Windows 7. I have tried this, Connect to printer error - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads, but it didn't work.The printer is also properly installed on my PC, it is not a driver problem or something like that.My AV is ESET ESSBE 4, but I don't think it's related, because I have tried deactivating its firewall, and also, on the laptop the AV is the same and theprinter did work.The services are also equal in both PC's now. I have even tried changing the network adaptor on my PC (from Ethernet to Wifi). Nothing.I recently had problems with the home group, but they are solved by now. I guess the source of the problems is the same, but I don't know where else to look.

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Can't Share Full Hard Drive In Windows 7 Local Network

Jan 26, 2012

i can't share full hard drive in windows 7 local network

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How To Share Local Printer To Other Remote Computers

Apr 13, 2011

I have a working local Laserprinter under 64bit Win7. Through LAN another Win7 computer is connected. The remote computer can access local shared folders successfully. But it cannot access the local laser printer (connected through USB). How can I share the local printer to other computers in LAN? Do I have to define local printers explicitely as shared/accessible? Or are they automatically accessible (provided that the local user account and passwort is known at the remote computer? Do I have to install the printer driver in general at the remote computer as well or is the printer driver on the local computer enough?

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Will Adding A 2nd Network Card Improve Local Network Transfer Speed

Jan 23, 2013

This sounds really noobie of me but is it possible to improve local network transfer speed by adding a 2nd network card. I was planning to connect one exclusively for lan transfers and another one hooked to a separate wireless router.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off the PC before it gets a little choppy.

The pc in question runs on windows 7 and it's board has built in gigabit, I happen to have a spare gigabit card.

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No Login Pop Up On Network Share?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a network in the house with a mix of windows operating systems.My server is just windows XP SP3 sharing folders across the network by user name login. They are all on a workgroup not domain and the Windows 7 PC's do not have homegroup enabled and all the settings are enabled in the sharing centre options, ie network iscovery etc.WirelessLaptop 1 running Windows 7, Laptop 2 running Windows XP SP3, when accessing the shared folders on the server will bring up a login screen so you can input your user name and password. You then can access your allocated shared folders.WiredAll wired PC's when accessing the shared folders on the server will bring up a login screen so you can input your user name and password. You then can access your allocated shared folders. Mainly Windows 7 now. Windows XP was previously installed and worked ok also.The problem is that on a new install of Windows 7 on a laptop when you click the Server icon in windows explorer, the server automatically shows all of the available folders and no-login screen. This means that you cant login to view your allocated folders on the server.

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Can't Access Network Share

Aug 20, 2009

I have a few computers on the network and they have shared files.I can see their shares fine, they can't see mine. ->this doesn't work for them, they keep getting the error that they don't have permission to acess it.

this works for them.They are mixed machines, vista, windows7 but they all get the error when trying to connect directly to my ip.

I tried enabling and then disabling homegroup(not using it btw) turning password protected sharing on and off, NOTHING works

What does one have to reset/fix in order to connect to the ip and see the shares on that machine.

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Share A Folder Anyone On The Network?

Mar 30, 2012

This doesn't work:

Advanced Sharing Share Permissions: Everyone (Full Control, Change, Read)

I can see the Share Name folder in the "Network" via Windows Explorere, but it gives an Access Denied.

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Network Share - Windows 7 And XP

Oct 26, 2009

i got windows 7 ultimate 64bits, and im trying to share my connection with my brothers PC's, but i got some problem to do that.

I have 2 Lan Cards on my pc, one im connected direct with the Modem and another one to I SHARE with them.

But all the time when i try share this says only the first is connected, all the PC's have the same group name and my connection to modem is marked to share connection.

Anyone got the same problem and can help me?

i will buy the router tplink on the end of the month but i need to share before with them...

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How Do I Share My Computer On Our Network?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a network setup with in our home, and am able to connect to it through windows 7 but after a bit of time all the other computers dissappear off of the network. Also I am having difficutly sharing my folders on the network. The other computers in my home operate on Vista or lower so I am not sure of the issue.

I have lowered the encryption and allowed windows to activly look for networks which it does well but it will only do this for a short period of time. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? Like I said the network will apper and I do have access to it on occassion but then disappers and will not return.

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Cannot Share Over Wireless Network?

Nov 13, 2011

I have previously shared video over windows 7 homegroup with a WIRED connection to wireless devices such as a laptop (win 7 also) and ps3.  recently however, I got a wireless card and moved my desktop making all devices wireless. now i cannot see any other devices in the network, nor connect to a homegroup. the problem seems to go away when i am hardwired to the router. on a sidenote, i think i remember noticing when my desktop was still hardwired, that i could share only one way -> from desktop to wireless laptop, but for some reason not from laptop to desktop. not sure though, i never really had a reason to share from the laptop to desktop. one last thing, i could view the ps3 as an "unidentified device" from the desktop and laptop in the media sharing options (could tell from mac address) but they would not show up in the ps

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How To Share Desktop On The Network

Apr 14, 2012

how can i install my scanner to my pc

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Network Access To One Particular Share Denied

Oct 18, 2011

Background: Last weekend we changed the domain name and migrated all accounts, users, computers, etc.

We have one Windows 7 workstation giving us trouble - the user no longer could connect to their personal folder share (mapped to the U: drive). In troubleshooting, we discovered that NO user, including the domain admin, has access to that share when logged into that box. All accounts have full access when logged into any other computer on the domain. All other shares on same server (Windows Server 2008) can be accessed.

We have renamed the host, re-assigned the IP, dropped the box out of the domain and back again, triple checked all permissions, but no one can access this share...from this box...including the domain admin.

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Share A Folder With Password Over A Network?

Jun 10, 2011

I have found lots of ways to password protect foldres. But I can`t find a way to passwordprotect the access over local network. (and hamachi2)I have tried to make a user (test) and the password (test, on that user).I have tried to share the folder, and just grant access for the test user.And I can see it if I use another computer, but I can`t access it.The other Pc I use, do not have the Test user installed, and that is the way I want it.I don`t want to add the user to all computers. I just want to give it a password, so you have to know that to go in to the folder.

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Logging On To Network Share From Domained PC

Dec 25, 2012

I am trying to access my home share drive with my work computer. In the past I would just type \homeserver from the run command or doubleclick on the shared folder shortcut on my desktop, get a network prompt and enter the uname/pw. They must have done something at work because now the windows login prompt has my work domain name in the user name: workdomainusername and it is unchangeable and there is only a place to enter the pw. The login fails because the share is not expecting to see the domain, only the user name.

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Network Share Remember Password?

Feb 18, 2012

So I got my NAS set up with SAMBA sharing with my password so no one else in the local area should be able to access it. The problem is that I do not have a password on my computer and windows 7 is constantly trying to login to the network share with the username and no password on each boot. I have to manually enter my username and password each time I boot and the "remember the password" checkbox doesn't work.One solution is to have a VBScript remove the network share and readd it using the username and password on each boot, but I wonder if there is a more elegant way of doing it than that?

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Incremental Backup To Network Share?

Jun 17, 2012

I want to backup my work/study laptop to my home PC every sunday over the network. I have done a full backup once (45GB) and want to make only incremental backups from now on. But I did read it's not possible?Is it true, or did that 'problem' already has been fixed in Windows 7 SP1?If not, it does a full backup every time. How can I make it do only incremental backups?

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Cannot Identify Network Or Share Internet

Feb 5, 2011

My computer has and onboard PCIe network card and another PCI network card. I have connected my cable modem to the PCI network card using ethernet cable and have the internet on my computer working fine. This computer then connects to the other computers in my network using a hub, but it keeps putting this connection as a public network and wont share the internet to the rest of my machines even though I have the computers on the same workgroup and sharing enabled. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

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Share A Laptop's Desktop On Old XP Network?

Aug 7, 2011

I seem to recall being able to share a laptop's desktop on my old XP network. The desktop was listed in Windows Explorer as are other files and folders. Apparently, not so in Windows 7.

My network includes a desktop computer and a laptop, shared in a home network. How do I share the laptop's desktop contents (so that I can place files there from the desktop computer)? Or, how do I get Windows Explorer to list the desktop as it lists other files and folders (to allow me to share it)?

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Losing Access To Network Share?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm doing some work for a company who has 13 computers networked together. I just upgraded 3 of their computers to Windows 7 machines. One of them is being used as a database server, but is not running any sort of server software. It's a Windows 7 Pro 32 bit machine, with network access to the folders required for the database shared to "Everyone", and password protected sharing turned off. The problem computers are running Win XP SP3. Windows Firewall is turned off (which is required by one of the databases..I still don't understand exactly why), and I'm running Microsoft Security Essentials on them currently for antivirus.

Randomly, and for no reason that I can get to the bottom of, 3 of the machines lost connection to the shared network folder that the database uses. At one point, I narrowed down the issue to being something caused by Symantec Endpoint Protection (there was a bug in the version they had that could cause this problem) and the only way to fix it was by running Symantec's CleanWipe utility. This worked on 1 of the machines as a permanent fix. On the other two however, the issue continues to occur. If you try to launch the database program, it will lag and freeze windows explorer. If you try to access the shared folder from My Network Places, it will also lag up and freeze. Running CleanWipe again fixes the problem, but it apparently is only temporary. Now the strange thing is: I can boot the computers in safe mode when this happens, and have full access to the network shares. When I boot back into windows afterwards, the access will go away again. I can also access shared folders on any other computer in the network, just not this particular one regardless of being in safe mode or not.

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Sync Folder With A Network Share

Aug 17, 2009

Im after trying to sync a folder from my laptop to a network share on a windows 2003 file server. Not exactly sure how to go about doing it. I would like files to sync both ways so any changes i make to the folder on my laptop get applied to the share on my file server and any changes to the share on the file server are applied to the file on my laptop.

I had a look at sync centre which i believe is 7's version of offline files. I made a test share on my file server and set it to "Always Available Offline"

Now where do i go from here? Is it just a case of setting the foder on my laptop to point towards the network share?

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Access Network Share Without Mapping?

Apr 5, 2012

I want to know if I can access a network share (for CMD line copy) that requires a username and password without mapping it.

The reason is for the purpose of copying backups. If I were to map the drive, any virus/malware could infect the share, defeating the purpose.

I know I can copy to the share if use the same account/passwords on both machines and just do xcopy \pcname\sharename..... I was hoping to avoid creating/changing accounts on the machines.

I know I can map the drive using netuse and then kill it after the copy. This isn't perfect, but I guess if there is no other way, it will pass.

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Can't Network Share External USB Drive

May 18, 2012

I've been trying for a couple hours to look for tutorials and none of them have helped me out.. I can't network share my external usb 1tb hard drive?

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How To Share Network Printer To Other Users

Jan 24, 2013

how to share network printer to other users?

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How Share Music / Photo's On Network

Feb 1, 2013

I've had Windows 7 on my laptop for a long time now, but my desktop was always Windows Vista. I just recently got a new 3TB harddrive for christmas, and decided to finally upgrade to Windows 7. (Yes I know Windows 8 just came out, but I have no interest in Windows 8) I can't get my Windows 7 setup to share music/photo's. It use to be a fairly easy process, but I guess microsoft has now made it "Easy", which means it's somehow more confusing! I don't want to use homegroup because, while I have 1 laptop and 1 desktop that is Window 7, I have another laptop that is Windows XP, a PS3, a Denon HT Reciever, etc that I want to be able to share my music and photo's. Since I installed Windows 7 on my desktop, I can no longer get my PS3 or my laptop running XP to share my music/photos, My PS3 "See's" my desktop, but doesn't find any content, my Windows XP latop, doesn't even see my desktop on the network.

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Can't Add Folder On Network Share To Library

Jan 30, 2009

How can I add a folder on a network share to my library? I get an error saying that the network share needs to be indexed. But I can't find a way to turn this on.

I'm on a domain, and I have my home drive (H, and I want the folder inside called Documents added to my library (and then set as default save location).

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Samba Network Share Issue

Feb 9, 2009

Was having an issue here and was hoping someone could offer some assistance.

I have a Linux Box (debian) running with Samba installed and hosting a network share.

I can access the share on a 2 Windows XP machines, a windows Vista machine, AND a modded Xbox with Xbox media center with SMB support. However, for some reason, windows 7 comes up with an error box when I try to connect and says


More Data is available. being my sharebox/router.

I went into gpedit.msc and then to "Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options" and selected a variety of the choices here but none seem to do the trick.

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Indexing Network Share Locations?

Feb 28, 2009

I am running Windows 7 64-bit on my main PC. I also have a fileserver running Fedora 9/Samba that houses all our documents, video, music, and pictures. I have mapped network drives to these locations. I have no issues at all accessing the remote shares, either through UNC path, or through the networked drives.

When I go to the indexing configuration, the mapped drives do not appear as a target to pick for indexing. Also, I can't add these folders to the respective library folders, because I get an error indicating that the location is not indexed. So I'm hoping that if I can index these locations, I can then add them to my library.

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Not Connecting To Local Wi-fi Network?

Oct 22, 2011

I connect at home wirelessly with no issues using Windows 7 Ultimate on my Fujitsu laptop. I don't really understand all the different types of network but currently I share with no one, and under the network settings it states 'Home Network' and then 'Ready to Create.'I was away for work recently at another site and they have an open wi-fi for visitors to use on non-work laptops, so it's passworded but other than that, it's totally unrestricted.When I tried to connect it found the wi-fi network with full strength but would not identify and connect - the password was okay as I when I tried an incorrect one, it stated just that.

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