Uninstalled Programs And Laptop Went Wonky?

May 26, 2012

I uninstalled some programs that i didn't use anymore, like games, video converters, audio converters and quicktime and now my laptop's display keeps goes back to the default settings and a few of my programs cannot work. (like steam)I use an Asus x42j with windows 7, i7 and a 1 gb graphics card.

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Half Of Programs Just Got Uninstalled?

Nov 22, 2012

I downloaded an old game that I wanted to play again it finished downloading I installed it. Though it didn't install in the folder I wanted it to so I uninstalled it and started the installation again. Went through the process and put in the correct pathing D: program files (x86) it selected and smart highlighted program files x86 for me so i hit enter and the installer thought I was finished with the pathing when I was not and it went ahead and installed the game to that path.So once again I uninstalled the game and this time ... it uninstalled everything within "Program Files (x86) from A to L before I realized what was happening .. I quickly ctrl shift esc'd and canceled that process for the uninstaller and now alot of items are missing so many I don't even know what is gone.Unfortunately I do not enable system restore on any of my drives because I know malware can hide in there and some people recommend to keep it off.is there any way without using system

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Log Of Programs Uninstalled In Windows 7?

Jun 16, 2012

I was dealing with a creepy redirecting malware and I was connecting to bleepingcomputer.com a few times. I went back to connect to bleepingcomputer.com and the connection failed. I did some diagnosis and the detailed info said "The device or resource (www.bleepingcomputer.com) is not set up to accept connections on port �The World Wide Web service (HTTP)�." This was the only site that seemed to be targeted - I could connect to all other sites as far as I could tell.I used Malwarebytes and it found and removed a few files and one directory. I still could not connect to Bleepingcomputer. I looked through the programs that had been installed and found wone I did not recognize - which was installed just about the time of my problems.Then I made a mistake - I uninstalled it without getting a screen shot or writing down the name. The good news - I could now connect to Bleeping computer - but Id like to find out what the ell that was.

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Windows 7 No Programs Can Be Uninstalled

Aug 30, 2012

I have just reformatted and reinstalled Windows 7 ultimate from my USB today (not activated) and it all went well. Though when I went to the desktop, the resolution was all messed up and I can't connect to the Internet either even though everything is working fine with my router and Internet and stuff. So then I go to see if I can uninstall any programs and it shows there are no programs at all.

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Problem With Uninstalled Programs

Nov 29, 2009

i have uninstalled some programs, but when i go too programs and features in control panel,

the program names are still there, as the program has already been uninstalled how do i get rid of the names, i am running windows 7 64 bit.

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Startup Repair Uninstalled Programs

Nov 16, 2009

I installed several programs on my computer. I restarted it several times and “Startup repair” showed during the last restart. So when the computer turned on some of the programs were uninstalled! Is this possible? And how can I fix it? I can’t install these programs every time L

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Uninstalled Programs Refuse To Leave PC?

Nov 19, 2012

I installed Ashapmoo Office Trial Version. I unstalled it but when i right click on my desktop and move my pointer to "New" I get this goddamed Ashampoo Planmaker and Textmaker along with other usual items

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Uninstalled Programs Still Have Notification Area Icons?

May 5, 2012

Some of these notification icons are programs I don't even have anymore. How do I get rid of them?

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Wonky Screen Corruption Problem

Jun 27, 2009

I have a strange screen problem with default UAC settings (and it often appears, to a lesser degree, during boot)

Black (or white) streaks, missing or broken lines when the desktop is dimmed to show a system message. If, in UAC, I choose "Don't Dim Desktop"... the problem goes away when messages appear. The regular desktop is fine. This only happens when the boot screens are shown, and when the UAC is allowed to dim the desktop.

I have an ASRock 4CoreDual SATA2, eVGA 7600GS on AGP (sorry, can't go to PCIe right now,) 2GB of ram. This happened under both the Win 7 Beta and RC1, which I'm running now. Any thoughts?

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TuneUp Utilities Cannot Be Uninstalled

May 18, 2012

I have been trying to remove the (trial version) of TuneUp Utilities 2012 from my computer for over 3 weeks. My computer was hesitating and slow to respond to mouse clicks. So, I took a look at this program that cleans up old files, but, decided not to buy it. Mostly out of fear that this was another attempt to create a problem and charging a fee to fix it. The TuneUp Utilities file has been on my computer ever since. I have already uninstalled the program from my Control Panel and I tried Revo Uninstaller Pro (free version). It removed itself from Revo but not from my Program Data files. Another form of web deception where you enter the problem name to a list and they remove it from that list you just created. I can move it around but not into the recycle bin. What is this thing? How can I not have permission to do what I want on my own computer? XP would never do that! Please help me remove TuneUp Utilities 2012 from my computer.I am using Win 7 Pro w/XP mode, SP1, 64bit, i7, IE9.

Errors: �You need to provide administrator permission to change these attributes.� You need permission to do anything with this file. In fact, I have been using Win 7 without permission ever since I upgraded to it one year ago. My computer still hesitates and is still slow to respond to mouse clicks. The TuneUp Utilities Company is very cooperative though. If you ask the company (aka TuneUpMedia) for help they will eventually sell you another download that will not remove it either..After many emails they will do anything but that. I can uninstall it from my control panel but not from here:C:ProgramDataTuneUp SoftwareTuneUp SoftwareTuneUp Utilities 2012TTUSvclrt.tt or TTUSvc.tt

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 8103 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -1988 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 939342 MB, Free - 841650 MB; E: Total - 1907695 MB, Free - 1491363 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., CG8350
Antivirus: Norton Security Suite, Updated and Enabled

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IE 8 Not Working Correctly After IE 9 Is Uninstalled

Jun 30, 2011

I am a computer tech that works with a wide variety of operating systems. However, a client of mine got a brand new HP with Windows 7 Professional 64-bit pre-installed. Everything was working, but he installed IE 9. Web applications were taking too long to load, so he uninstalled it using the add / remove programs.

This is where it gets interesting. IE 8 seems to work, until you try to download something interactively. For example I went to adobe.com and tried to install Acrobat Reader, the download would not begin.

I tried to install chrome, however the auto-install would not start. When I chose the standalone install for chrome, the direct link to download worked.

The customer uses webmail and in IE he can log into his email, view the emails, but can't delete. When he selects an email and clicks the delete button, the page refreshes, but the email is not deleted.

So I can't uninstall IE 8, I can only turn it off in the Windows Component applet, and I don't see a full install of IE 8 either. He needs IE for some of the web applications he is using in his business, so we need to get IE working. how to fully remove and reinstall IE 8?

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Uninstalled Gnome For Windowss 7?

Jan 22, 2013

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit, looking for a cool desktop i downloaded a GNOME aplication, it installed correctly but when it was time for it to load up it just would turn my screen to black, then it would come back on again with the black screen, the pointer and in a second it would go black again for like 5 seconds... it would continue to do this endlessly, it wont load into windows, the only way it works is when i go in SAFE MODE. I uninstalled the software through its original UNINSTAL feature but still the problem persists.

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How To Delete Uninstalled Hidden Updates

Sep 21, 2011

Windows Updates recently automatically installed two .NET 4 updates. Almost immediately my system began misbehaving: my Firefox Booksmarks toolbar disappeared along with all the bookmarks it held, the shutdown/sleep/lock/logoff button in the start menu changed selection each time the Start menu was opened, desktop icons moved and/or disappeared each time the desktop was opened.

I uninstalled the two updates (Kb2468871 and Kb 2533523) and the system returned to normal.

I hid those 2 updates and changed my update setting to "notify but don't download" so MS doesn't install .NET updates I didn't know about BUT I am concerned that those 2 updates are still stored in my system.

I know that Windows stores updates in C:WindowsSoftware DistributionDownload. My dilemma is that there are more than 30 folders/files stored there and I can determine the contents of only the 2 folders. I can't open the files so I don't know which of them to delete to remove the .NET 4 updates. I've been installing MSE updates manually for the past week.

How can I clear my system of those 2 hidden .NET updates?

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Image Thumbnails Still Look Like Uninstalled Program?

Nov 6, 2011

I installed a program that works with images and then uninstalled it because it doesn't do the thing I needed it to. However, in a Winrar-style fashion, thumbnails of the images it would work with are replaced with the program's icon. This effect has stayed even though I uninstalled it. It's just an annoyance, but is there a way that I can get the image thumbnails back?

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Accidentally Uninstalled HD Graphics 3000?

Dec 14, 2012

So I was going to update my driver, but the installer was giving me an error. So I decided I should uninstall the driver and see if that fixed it. My screen went black. I tried hooking it up to my tv with HDMI because I have a GeForce GT 525M as well, but it did not work.

I am currently on my Linux partition and I have access to my Windows partition. How can I install a driver by pasting files or whatever.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Core i7-2630QM
Intel HD Graphics 3000

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Uninstalled IE9, Now IE8 Doesn't Work And Can't Install IE9

Oct 7, 2011

I wanted to reinstall IE9, so I uninstalled it and now IE8 doesnt work, gives that error:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 8.0.7601.17514
Application Timestamp: 4ce79912


When im trying to intall IE9 again it doesnt complete the installation for some reason.I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit?

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Network Adapter Uninstalled Itself Automatically?

Jan 10, 2013

Since a week, my Network (LAN) adapter on my HP Compaq 6730b Windows 7 64bit, einstalls itselves.I have no idea why this happens. Have installed the newest driver from hp.com (Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Microsoft Windows 7 ) but there's no change.(i've installed it, and a few minutes later it deinstalles itselves again -.-)There's only a message: "The network adapter was successfully removed."Updates from windows 7 are also done everytime there's one.I'm in the internet now with my WLAN-Adapter...but the speed is not that high if you know what i mean

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How To Remove All Uninstalled Software Bits

Sep 24, 2012

I removed (?) all the bloatware and software I did not wanted to use that came with my Toshiba laptop! Ex: McAfee, Nero, I removed via Control Panel/Uninstall programs! But I know that almost all the time, there are still "bits" of those sw that remain in the computer! My question: how can I remove all those "bits"? For example I saw that somewhere in the Registry (via regedit) there was (still) some McAfee and Nero folders!!! Is it safe to delete those?

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Uninstalled Program Still Listed As Installed?

Nov 3, 2011

I recently installed and uninstalled a program. However, the entry for the program still remains in the Installed Programs list in the Control Panel. I have examined the Registry keys under uninstall and I cannot find this program listed there to be manually deleted. How do I remove this entry?

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Vmware Uninstalled, Problem With Ram Allocation

Nov 9, 2009

i recently uninstalled vmware, but half my ram is still allocated to the virtual pc, which means my laptop now sucks, i only have 512mb ram anyway. Can someone let me know how to get my ram back?

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Accidentally Uninstalled Wifi Adapter, Can't Reinstall

Aug 10, 2012

My grandson is getting ready to enter his senior year of high school. They have been given the Aspire 3830-T TimelineX with Windows 7 Professional installed on it.

He is not supposed to download any programs on this notebook, but he did. So, he went into the control panel and uninstalled some things. Included in this was something called Babylon and also his Atheros wifi adapter. He has tried system restore and it will not work at all.

I went to look at the system recovery and it doesn't go back to the date he did this, nor before. So, I don't know how to reinstall this for him and get him back onto wireless.

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Basic Features Suddenly Customized Or Uninstalled

Oct 18, 2011

I have a netbook running Windows 7 Starter, and then all of a sudden some features/devices were disabled, or I don't know...uninstalled?There's a distinct look for the Windows 7 taskbar, right? Well, when I turned the computer on, this was what the taskbar looked like:

 taskbar.jpg   9.59K

It began looking like Windows XP or something. I tried checking the Color Management Settings but all it did was change the color, not the theme (you know, that circle start button)But the Start Menu was the same Windows 7 Menu, only that it had a different theme:

 startMenu.jpg   35.95K

The windows looked like this instead of the smooth and semi-transparent window look in Win 7:

 myComputer.jpg   72.78K

What surprised me was that the Audio was somehow disabled...or uninstalled...When I tried right clicking that audio icon in the taskbar, it asked me to install an audio device, since it was detecting some sort of problem in the audio:

 detectingAudio.jpg   18.72K
 detectedAudio.jpg   31.47K

I thought those were the only things that changed, so I went on with my work. But when I opened a spreadsheet in Windows Excel and tried to Print Preview, it gave me this:

 printer1.jpg   17.56K
 printer2.jpg   37.77K

I wish I could tell you more details about it, but I just can't describe what happened. I don't even know what happened...maybe I tweaked the computer settings by accident and then made the changes after it rebooted. And by the way, the network settings were also somewhat configured, says I'm not connected to anything (well in fact I have a fully functional broadband radio connected).

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Uninstalled ATI Drivers + Used Driver Sweeper = No USB On Restart?

Oct 19, 2011

I've been messing around with various drivers to try and get the game "RAGE" working. Which is an exercise in futility but to make this tumultuous process more agravating I've somehow inadvertently uninstalled my USB drivers drivers as well.This wouldn't be an issue, except that my computer has no PS2 ports.

long version:I used "GPU caps viewer" to check my driver driver version on my graphics card (ATI Radeon XFX 6790) as I'd not noticed a change in my gaming performance and I was unsure if the "11.10 preview 2" drivers drivers had been installed properly. "GPU caps viewer" said I was still running 11.8 which is what I had before I tried changing drivers last time. So I guessed that my drivers had not changed dispite the fact I uninstalled/reinstalled using the guide on the AMD /ATI site. So on a bunch of sites I saw people were using "DriverDriver Sweeper" to get rid of the registry files and hidden bits of the ATI/AMD drivers and softwaredrivers. I used this application, it found the drivers left overs and removed it and then asked if i wanted to reboot.At this point the drivers are "uninstalled" and the generic windows driver is working because my resolution/aspect ratio is stuck at 4:3 and wont go 16:10/16:9. AND more importantly my USB devices were all still working.I restart the computer and It loads windows and I try to type my password and nothing happens, The mouse cursor is in the middle of the screen and I can not move it, and there are no lights on my keyboard. The optical sensor in the bottom of my mouse also does not light up.

I restart again, and check the BIOS, all USB ports are enabled, so I try booting in to safe mode. I can use my keyboard to work in the BIOS, and to select "Safe mode with networking" (vs safe mode with out). When safe mode loads, same issue. No power to USB devices. I tested a bunch of devices; xbox controler; USB memory stick, external HDD etc. and none work. I don't know what to do; the mouse and keyboard work in the recovery partition installed on my HDD, but I really don't want to lose all that data. Ill probably end up using a live CD of linux to get my files and then format the PC if I can't figure out how to fix this.

Additional info:

Windows 7 Professional 64bit
HP branded computer
ATI Radeon XFX 6790
AMD 1065T x6 CSU
600watt PSU

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Uninstalled Media Finder From Control Panel?

Jul 14, 2012

I have uninstalled media finder from control panel but is still appearing with other program files. How can I remove it completely from my system?

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Update Uninstalled Program And Deleted File?

Oct 16, 2011

The last update:October 15, 2011Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2538242)After this update, a program was uninstalled (gone with no trace). The program had a screensaver option and I noticed it when the screensaver came up blank. Its shortcut was no longer on the desktop.Two files I had created October 12th, and was working on were deleted.I don't know if any other files were deleted.

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Reinstall Media Plyer 12 That Uninstalled By Mistake

Nov 27, 2011

I am trying to reinstall media plyer 12 that I uninstalled by mistake, cant do it as keep getting told dont have permissions, can anyone help

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Remove Notification Icon That Stayed After Program Was Uninstalled?

May 1, 2011

I did a stupid thing- installed a "free" program then realized they were going to charge me to actually use it, so I immediately uninstalled it but have discovered there is a notification icon left that I would like to uninstall as well but cannot figure out how to do so. Am including some computer specs.

HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
Operating System
MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
AMD Turion II M50049 �C
Caspian 45nm Technology
6.0GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 399MHz (6-6-6-18)
Quanta 3635 (Socket S1G3)

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Uninstalled Program Remains In Notification Area List

Dec 16, 2009

I uninstalled Lavasoft Ad-Aware application and noticed that the its program tray icon is still showing on the Notification Area List. Is there a way to remove it?

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No Longer Use Linux And Uninstalled Ubuntu Operating System From Partition

Sep 18, 2012

I used to have a seperate Linux Partition on my Hard Drive.I no longer use Linux and uninstalled the Ubuntu Operating System from the partition and re formatted the partition in windows, but when i go to the Hard Drive Partitioning Utility with Windows wont allow me to re expand my main partition to include the other, now empty NTFS formatted, partition.

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Uninstalled HD Conexant - Unable To Find Compatible SRS Audio Device

Mar 29, 2011

I was going through uninstalling programs that were useless and a space waster, however accidentally clicked HD Conexant, and now the souns is terrible and SRS Labs "unable to find compatible SRS Audio Device. I Have a ASUS K52J series, and the website does not offer any clues to what was actually installed. How to restore my audio driver back to normal.

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Uninstalled Ubuntu - BSOD Received After Starting Windows 7 Screen

Feb 17, 2013

After 3 days of frustration to get the Tux for TF2, I very stupidly uninstalled Ubuntu incorrectly, the result was no longer being able to boot Windows 7. I receive a BSOD after the Starting Windows screen. After some googling, it appeared my Master Boot Record was corrupt. I followed all the step which involved using my Windows 7 'legit' installation disk and using the command prompt to restore the MBR, but my Windows 7 still refuses to boot. I honestly do not want to format my current HDD and install Windows 7 again and download all my games and such back. That seems to be my only option next to buying a new HDD.


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