Undo RAID 0 And Move OS To One HD

Feb 16, 2011

I have read of problems using RAID 0 for video editing and I have my OS Windows 7 Professional on two WD FAEX 1TB drives in RAID 0. I have decided I want to Put the OS on one of the drives and use the other for media storage. I want to do away with the RAID configuration. Do I need reformat both hard drives, change BIOS setting in ASUS P6T Deluxe v2 motherboard and do new reinstall of Windows Pro OS? My goal is to do video editing with Vegas Pro 9.0 Intel i7 920, 2.66Ghz, 12GB Corsair RAM, 6 X 2GB, 850W Corsair pwr supply, NVIDIA Quadro FX1800 video card and HT OMEGA Striker 7.1 sound card in Coolermaster 600 case. Working fine now. Would like to make changes without messing everything up.

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Suspicious 'Undo Rename' And Delayed 'Undo Delete'?

Oct 30, 2011

There are two things which have been bugging me off for some time now: a suspicious 'Undo Rename' in the right-click context menu even if I did not rename anything, and a delayed 'Undo Delete' in the right-click context (I deleted a shortcut from the desktop and it took some time for the Recycle Bin to be filled and an 'Undo Delete' option in the right-click menu to show up).My User Account Control is set to maximum yet there's no UAC prompt to rename something. I didn't recall renaming a specific file(s) as well, all files from my desktop to folders remain "as is" or were unchanged.

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Possible To Move XP Backup To RAID 0 Drive

May 29, 2012

Just wondering what or if I could move an xp backup onto a raid 0 drive. I did setup the drives in raid in the bios, and they show as raid. I booted into my marcium backup and ran my xp backup onto the drive, that showed in marcium as a raid 0 drive. When I booted, which went fine, into xp it shows in disk management as raid 0. But the problem is, it shows two drives, together and the 2nd drive as being un partitioned. Therefore I'm only running on one drive. Is this fixable, or do I need a clean install?

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Windows 7 Raid 0 Setup / Missing Raid Controller Driver

Nov 19, 2011

Installed a new M4 ssd today and loaded windows on it. Previously i was using 2 raptors in raid 0 for the os and programs. I re raided the 2 raptors and connected them to the jmicron ports and set them up for raid in bios, then created the raid 0 array no prob. Windows doesnt see the array when loaded up and i have the latest rst drivers installed..did this prior to the os install on the ssd. using the x58 e760a1 mobo. under device manager, the raid controller has an exclamation mark and no driver installed yet i have the latest rst installed..

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Pci Sata 6 Raid Card That Has At Least 4 Slots For 4 X 2tb Hard Drives For A Raid 5?

Aug 24, 2012

I need a PCI SATA 6 RAID card that has at least 4 slots for 4 X 2TB Hard drives for a RAID 5

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Bios Change From Raid To Non Raid On Dell Xps435

Jan 1, 2013

I had one hard drive failed(640gb). I bought replacement and tried to restore image but it failed. Then I wanted to convert to non raid system. I changed both drives(640gb) to non raid and bios change in advance setup. I am getting error when I try to reinstall win 7, "setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more information". I have deleted old partition many times but win 7 setup on this dell xps435 desktop won't install windows.

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Converting To Raid 0 Windows 7, Not Hardware Raid 0

Apr 25, 2012

I have tried to find the way to do this, but without success as I cannot see the wood for the trees.

I have a mature Windows 7 system, with so many applications loaded that rebuilding from scratch is just not an option. I have a 300MB Velociraptor wholly given over to the OS and another empty 300MB VR. I want to extend, that may not be the right word, my OS to use both disks in Raid 0.

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Raid Better With MB Config Or Separate Raid Controller

Aug 12, 2012

Which configuration would be better using mobo sats 2 raid or using seperate rid controller via pcie card Rosewill Rc-211 wsis3132) or should I use mobo for raid and card for extra sata w/o raid I have more drives than sata slots. How do I transfer data videos/Tv shows from existing drive to raid?

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Undo Changes On Computer?

Nov 20, 2011

In searching I found Microsoft SteadyState and it is discontinued program for Windows XP.It is like a virtual environment where you can use your computer but after a reboot all changes are undone, deleted files are restored, in essence your computer is restored back to the previous state(before the virtual environment).

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Can't Undo System Restore

Feb 10, 2012

the beginning part of the story probably isn't important, but essentially I did a system restore on my computer based on its own recommendation. Then I realized that I hadn't backed up my English paper to my flash drive yet. So now my english paper document is gone, and I can't undo the system restore because the undo button is not where it's supposed to be according to the instructions on MS.

I mostly just need that document. Another document for my logic class is half gone now too, but it's not as hard to redo.

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Undo Administrator Application?

Jul 19, 2010

I inadvertently made one of my applications into an administrator app. So, every time I open it, I get prompted to give permission. I'd like to undo this, but don't know how to.

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Undo System Recovery?

Mar 3, 2012

First off, I'd like to point out that I'm kind computer literate and some technical things you guys may say may be over my head. That being said, here's what happened.I booted up our Sony Viao running Windows 7 and a window popped up talking about system recovery. At the time I didn't even know what that meant, so I was like "what's this BS" and exited out of the window. Then the computer went into system recovery mode. I just thought it was doing an update of some sort, so I walked away and let it do it's thing. I at the time didn't know that while I was watching tv, our computer was erasing all of our data. When I came back, it was finished and said "restoring to factory settings". Then it set-up for first time use, pick a password, ect. Loosing our important documents is one thing, but we're super bummed we lost all of pictures of our daughters first year and a half of life. I know it's our fault for not backing up our files and we will from now on.So my question is, is there a possibility that the data wasn't wiped completely off the hard drive? Could the data just have been moved to another part of the hard drive and not be erased until that space is needed? I've tried booting up in "safe mode", but that didn

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How To UNdo Compatibily Program

Aug 15, 2012

My computer is running in compatibily Program mode. How do I reverse this process and get it to run in Win 7 mode so my software will work (Dragon11.5)??Systemspecs popup says it will damage computer and not commonly downloaded (AV & FW turned off)

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Way To Undo Factory Settings

Dec 12, 2011

how do i undo factory settings

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How To Undo Installation Process

Oct 11, 2012

So, I just built my new system and everything seems to be running fine but I realized just as I was finishing the installation for Windows 7 that I was installing the 32 bit version (silly me I thought you would be given an option to choose once it started). Anyway, I'm at the screen where it is asking me to create a user name and name my PC for the first time. I tried restarting the computer with the 64 bit version but it just loads back to the setup screen. What is the best way to get the 64 bit version installed?

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When Go To Undo It Will Keep Showing The Same Cards Until Persist?

Aug 14, 2012

My OS is Win7x64 IE9. The difficulty I am experiencing has to do with the game of SolitaireAt times the deck acts as if I have double-clicked on it. And when I go to undo it will keep showing the same cards until I persist. Sometimes when the game is ended and I click on "play again" the cards just show up without any shuffle. Tried to find tutorials on similar incidents and found none.[CODE]

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How To Undo Permission For A Specific Program

May 29, 2011

I know that the answer to my question is easy, but when it comes to working with Permissions, I am an absolute dud. Anyway, I have two programs that I want to have open automatically when I boot up, Thunderbird and Maxthon. I have placed their shortcuts into the Startup folder. They do open, but when Maxthon opens, the User Control Box opens asking to allow program to make changes to the computer. This is my mistake in that when I set up Maxthon I inadvertently must have clicked a button that directed a permission OK. But, BTW, Maxthon shortcut->Properties->Advanced button->run as admin NOT checked??? I would like to undo the permission request so that Maxthon will open on boot up without having to do anything.

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Undo System Recovery Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2012

i have vaio laptop when i get it ,it was contain only local disk(C) so i made shrink to create another logical derive (D)so, when i recovered my laptop after that i lost (D)?

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How To Undo Replaced Excel File

May 16, 2012

How to undo replaced excel file

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How To Undo RegEdit 64bit CommonFilesDir Changes

Dec 8, 2012

Or maybe tell me what is the stock location so I can set it back?

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Undo A Partition Made In Windows XP?

Feb 7, 2013

When I open a PDF file using Adobe, only one page opens, not the entire document. To access the next page, I have to open a new window. On my Vista computer, the entire document will open. How do I fix or change so the entire document opens?

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Hardware RAID 1 To Windows 7 RAID 1

Jul 10, 2012

I have Win 7 Pro 64 bit installed on an ASUS P7P55D LE motherboard which supports RAID 0,1,5 and 10 using Intel Matrix Storage Technology through an on board Intel P55 chip set. The system was assembled in Nov 2009 using two Western Digital Caviar Black 750Gb drives in RAID 1 as Drive C:. (I now know from Western Digital Customer Service that I shouldnt have done that, but lets move on from there). Last December, an error message informed me the RAID array was broken and identified one of the 750 Mb drives as needing replacement. I happened to have a spare 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black at the time, so I pulled the 750Mb drive and replaced it with the 1.5Tb drive. Life was once again good. Then on July 4th (wouldnt you know) there was a repeat of the December 2011 error message telling me to replace the other original 750Gb drive. Okay so I had another 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black laying around (dont ask) and did a similar swap out. Thats when I emailed WD Customer Support asking about the 750 since their diagnostic software said the drives were fine. Thats when I learned that I should be paying lots more for enterprise quality drives if I want/need RAID. Well thats not what ASUS says in their advertising, but live and learn. All thats prologue, because my real question is whether its possible to break the hardware-based RAID 1 array and set up a Windows 7-based RAID 1 with the two 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black drives without having to reinstall Windows 7.

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Can Undo Or Reverse A WRONG System Image

Nov 4, 2011

My gateway laptop with win 7 64 froze up on me in startup. I made a system disk and backups for it and my daughters when I bought them. I have the backup on a simpledrive 500gb. When trying to restore it the only imageackup was Hers. It would not recognize mine(labeled His). Well, having no other option I clicked on Hers and now my gateway thinks its her Acer. My usbs dont work.

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SB600 ATI RAID AHCI Drivers? (BSOD On Boot If In RAID/AHCI Mode.)

Jan 6, 2009

anyways, my main drive is a RAID 0 with Vista x64, but I have a second HD that is a SATA 250GB, which I installed Windows 7 on. The only way I could get install to work was to switch my BIOS to IDE mode rather than RAID. I would of course though, like to be able to access my Vista drive from Windows 7 (and more importantly, not have to switch between IDE/RAID mode at all in the BIOS, it's a pain).

Now, the one odd this about this all is that the drivers I have for Vista (x86/x64 drivers) for this mobo's RAID controller WORK when loaded on installation to identify and install to the drive, but seem to not load or not work in any way once the first reboot on install occurs. Maybe this is because I installed from within Vista x64, though.

(Incedentally, my motherboard is an M3A Asus, using ATI's SB600 for a RAID controller)

I've tried loading the drivers from within Windows 7 while in IDE mode, but the install program won't let me. At first it didn't allow because of version restrictions, but then I altered the ini file to get around that, but it encounters some sort of error when installing and quits.

Any help that can be offered, would be grateful. I realise it's a beta and not a real release, so I can get past the BSOD from my odd setup, and I really am enjoying playing around with it so far. Very very impressed.

Edit: Just in case anyone thinks of suggesting me to right-click the inf file and install that way, already tried, won't allow for it.

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Undo Or Recover Lost Files From System Restore In SAFE MODE?

Oct 27, 2011

I am familiar with System Restore, selecting earlier times, and the often-available option of undoing a System Restore. But I found out (too late) that according to Microsoft, System Restore done in Safe Mode is not able to be undone.I lost 1,000's of photos doing the system restore, now the only restore point option visible is what I believe to be the new one after I did the restore. Prior to me doing the System Restore, there were a number of times from me to choose from, I just chose one that was 10 days ago. Is there any software, method, or hack that I can use or do to recover the thousands of photos that were on my desktop and that were in folders on my desktop? It's a 1 TB HD?

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Cards Don't Move When Try To Move Them

Aug 20, 2011

Win 7 Freecell "sticks" The cards don't move when you try to move them. If you keep trying you get the message "freecell is not responding" or "problem with freecell executable". Could this have anything to do with a recent Norton upgrade? I have tried turning windows games on and off and it doesn't help. If so, where can I get a clean reinstall?

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Disable The "undo" Functionality Of Windows 7 Explorer (file Operations)?

Dec 28, 2011

This is a bit of a strange problem, admittedly. Nonetheless, I'm hopeful that someone here may have a solution.Win 7 Explorer has this "feature" whereby you can undo all sorts of file operations (rename, move, delete) by pressing ctrl+z or by clicking the "undo <whatever>" menu item in the context menu.I find this incredibly annoying, because the only time I use this feature is by accident (either I was trying to ctrl+z in another program window without realizing the focus was switched to, say, the desktop; or I simply failed to click the menu item I was aiming for, and hit the undo <whatever> instead..)

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Can't Find The "undo" Button?

Jun 9, 2011

I have Windows Live Mail that comes with Windows 7 Premium.I can't find the "undo" button anywhere

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Windows 7 Restore Won't "Undo"?

Mar 24, 2012

I recently did a restore back to the 16th, obviously some programs were effected, mainly the newest installs, however restoring didn't fix the particular issue I was having, so I wanted to Undo the Restore. When I select to Undo the restore it acts like it's returning it to the point it was before the restore, but after it reboots and I log in, I get an error saying it "cannot access some files" to disable my antivirus and try again.I've done that and it's still giving that error. My biggest problem with the restore is that it has affected some setups I had saved on my external hdd. About 60 or so of them now show up as .tmp files. If anyone knows if undoing the restore will resolve the issue on the external drive that would be great, however if there's another way to fix the .tmp problem that would be even better. I wouldn't mind having to use the 'restored' version of my windows but I need those setups so I can fix the effected programs.I'm on 56k and most of those setups were downloaded while at a friends house because they're between 20 and 300mb. Something I don't dare download on dial up internet because it would take a week or more to do it, if the connection didn't time out first.

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RAID 1 Has Gone Critical

Feb 26, 2012

Recently had my RAID 1 go critical, "a member of the array has failed or is not responding". This happened after getting BSOD while playing Battlefied 3 (that was loaded on the RAID (is serving as C). I replaced one of the drives, repaired the RAID and then loaded Call of Duty MW3 into a different 320 GB drive. That game has also crashed to BSOD and now RAID is listed as critical again. RAID looks like it has split the two drives. One is listed as <LD 2> and the other is listed as <single drive>. Is there a way to get them back together again? Sure would love to find harmony within my computer.

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Bluescreen With RAID

May 12, 2009

Currently I'm running the RC1. I just got two additional hard-drives to throw into a raid configuration which I set up properly within the bios (worked in XP).

The trouble is when I boot it makes it out of the BIOS and into the Starting Windows Screen. Windows bluescreens at that point. It only bluescreens when I have the RAID option enabled in my bios. I imagine that there aren't drivers for the controller?

When I go to intel's website to install their matrix controller drivers, I get this error: this computer does not meet the minimum requirements for installing this software.

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