Unable To Install Any USB Devices?

May 21, 2010

I noticed a problem with my Windows 7 64x not picking up new usb devices such as usb sticks, ones i already have used on the computer was working fine. Today I come home and find my keyboard isn't working but my mouse is (they are both connected by wireless). So after playing around with it for a while i uninstall my mouse and keyboard and reboot my computer. Windows 7 will now load to where i can select my home account. Only problem is Windows 7 is not picking up any of my USB devices so i am unable to click into my home account. I have even tried a few usb keybaords and a ps2 one. They keyboard do work in the bios and I have been unable to find any option that would disable usb devices. I have tried to recovery disk but TNA.

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Wireless Laptop Unable To See Wired Devices

Dec 6, 2011

I have a new Windows 7 (HP) laptop normally connecting to a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router wirelessly. There is also windows XP-Pro file server, an XP thin client (running phone system) connected to the router via Ethernet. Finally, there is a 500GB USB drive plugged into to the router's USB ReadyShare port.

When the laptop is connected via Ethernet it can see and communicate with all Ethernet devices and all Ethernet devices can connect with the wireless laptop including the routers ReadyShare USB storage. All connectivity appears normal and shares are valid and recognized.

When the laptop is connected wirelessly, all wired devices continue to recognize it normally but can NOT communicate with it. The laptop sees nothing but the router's gateway. It does not recognize any other device connected to the router wirelessly or via Ethernet and does not recognize the USB storage connected to the router via ReadyShare.

It should be noted that the Netgear WNDR3700v2 router does see all wired and wireless devices. Also note that network discovery and file sharing is enabled on the laptop.

Netgear has assured me that all is well with the router (and I agree). I believe the problem is with Windows 7 wireless settings but this is the first Windows 7 device we have and I just don't know enough about the OS to know where to look to correct the problem.

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Cant Install Bluetooth Devices

Jun 4, 2011

i cant install my bluetooth devices and i press Fn+F5 do nothing my lap is not do anything how i can open my bluetooh.

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Can't Install Drivers For Devices Nvidia 8400M GT Graphics

Oct 10, 2009

A couple days ago, I installed Windows 7 (through MSDNAA).

I have a problem with some devices. The situation can be seen here:

I tried updating driver software through windows and it said it was unable to find drivers

I have no idea what the "Unknown Device" may be. The "Multimedia Video controller" I'm guessing is my Nvidia graphics card? The Mass Storage Device I think is my Magicgate memory card slot, but I'm not sure.

I have an Nvidia 8400M GT graphics card and judging by what I've seen on the resolution window (and device manager), I'm currently running on my standard VGA graphics device, and not my Nvidia.

I manually searched for the drivers for my graphics card off the Nvidia site, but every time I try to install it, I get this messege

]I've already tried reformatting and reinstalling windows 7, now I'm running out of ideas. Can anybody please help?

I'm using a Sony Vaio TP3 computer. It's a "desktop" with laptop components and was initially running on Vista.

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Fresh Windows 7 Install Not Detecting USB Or Network Devices?

Dec 26, 2011

Family member got a new laptop for Christmas and asked if I could clean it up. So I just went about freshly installing Windows 7 in order to rid of the ridiculous bloatware. Well, same OS installed fresh and the computer won't detect anything from the USB ports, the ethernet port or the wifi adapter.

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Fresh Windows 7 Install Not Detecting USB Or Network Devices

Nov 7, 2012

I stupidly tried to upgrade to Windows 8 on a Windows 7 Gigabyte slate S1080. It didn't work and now when I try to reinstall Windows 7, network and USB are not detected. The windows 7 installation is trying to find the device drivers but as there is no CD ROM and the USB is not detected, I can't go any further

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Can't Connect Wifi Devices To Wired Devices?

Jun 25, 2011

I have been unable to connect to anything on my wired network, for about the last week. I don't remember making any changes however, I just became unable to connect.I having done a little troubleshooting.1. I can connect to the shares of my Windows Home Server if I use the IP address. The name does not resolve.2. Flushed DNS and restarting DNS server. Flushing DNS works on one client, to allow browsing by the name & restarting DNS works on the other. However neither works after a restart.3. Only my Wifi clients are experiencing this issue. My wired clients, desktops, PS3, Xbox 360, and Boxee can connect perfectly.This issue is not limited to my server. I can't connect to shares on my desktop, nor print to my wired printer.Some network background:I have DSL through CenturyLink and have a Linksys E2000 router.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Clean Install

Jan 31, 2010

I'm an IT student who got a free Win 7 x64 disk from my school, and I am unable to do a clean install. My system specs are as follows:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.12 Ghz
nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX 512 MB PCI-e
320 GB Western Digital HD SATA
1 Gb DDR2 1066 MHz and 2x2Gb DDR2 1066 MHz SDRAM

I set my boot sequence to boot from DVD-ROM drive first, and HD second. It goes to the "Windows is loading files" screen and gets hung up. I started the process and went to watch TV for an hour, and it is still on the "Windows is loading files" screen. I haven't gotten any error messages. I've unplugged all USB devices from my computer as I have seen on this forum that it has worked for some people.

edited to add: I originally had only 2 Gb of RAM, and it got hung up at the "Windows is loading files" screen. I thought it was getting hung up because I didn't have enough RAM, so I bought brand new 2 sticks of 2 Gb RAM. I took out one of the 1 Gb sticks and placed both of the 2 Gb of RAM...for a total of 5 Gigs. And, it is still doing the same thing.

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Unable To Install Anything

May 26, 2011

I am running Windows7 Home Premium and a 64bit desktop on a wireless home network. Two other units, a laptop and netbook, are on the network. All computers have access as administrator. Can download and save files, but upon trying to install applications(Skype, Internet Exployer 9, shareware, etc) receive various error messages(Corrupt file, missing dll, or the app starts to install and then simply stops.

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Unable To Install From Usb

Oct 30, 2010

I've got a fresh hard drive waiting for Windows, but I seem to be having some issues when installing from USB. I've got a bootable USB stick, and I've modified my bios to boot from USB first. When I reboot my computer, the windows seven install setup begins. I select the new hard drive and begin installation. All goes well, and it eventually says "Windows needs to restart to continue". The computer reboots (remember, it's booting from USB first), and immediately goes right back to the beginning of the set up process. So I'm in the infinite loop of running the set up process, but it never gets passed that. Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong? Set up seems to go fine, but after reboot, it just starts over again.

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Unable To Install Anything

Sep 6, 2011

Ok So I recently got a virus on my computer and it really wasn't going away with any anti virus program so I reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch.Everything seemed to go off without a hitch and all drivers were found and the like BUT after about a day or so I couldn't install any programs. I've tried ITunes, The new Office Suite, Enterprise but nothing seems to install. I keep getting an error message that I need to "Install as Administrator" even though I'm on the adminstrator account, AND when I click "Run as Administrator" it still doesn't install. ITunes spit out the error that I was running in Safe Mode when I wasn't at all.I'm just at wits end. Should I reinstall Windows 7 again? Could I have gotten another Virus? It just seems really really odd. Also the version of Windows 7 I installed WAS not the same version I got when purchasing the Laptop. I recieved it through MSDNA from my college.

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Unable To Install The SP1?

Jul 19, 2011

I have made several attempts to install Service Pack 1.Initially through Windows Upate process and now more recently i have downloaded the big 1.9gb .iso file. This has been burnt to DVD and i have attempted twice to install from the DVD. On each of these last 2 ocassions it has reached the 'configuration' stage but has failed at 15% then 'reverted the changes'.I have run the System Update Readiness Tool ( this said it installed ok ), i have turned off Avast AV and i have disconnected from the internet during installation.I notice in Windows Update there are a lot of old updates which have 'failed' - updates which were released before SP1 was. Should i attempt in install these first then try SP1 again?

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Unable To Install Programs

Jun 2, 2011

Everytime i try to install a program it just hangs and never completes. I am running window 7 64bit and have been search the internet for any possible solution. Everything i have tried has not worked. Examples of programs i have not been able to install include, new version of java, flash player, itunes.

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Unable To Install XP Mode

Jan 15, 2012

Win7 pro, sp1.Dell i620 Unable to install XP mode. Process goes 98% completion, stops, removes all changes, returns to normal.Tried new hdd with same image. Did not work. Tried new hdd with only win7 loaded.

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Unable To Install Any Programs

Mar 11, 2012

My issues first began with Microsoft Office Word Starter. I couldn't run it -- I would get an error message about there being no associated file. I fixed this with system restore, and my computer was good for a while. Perhaps a week later, I noticed I was unable to install any programs. I would get a notification saying something about shell.dll and that there was no file associated with whatever it was that I would try to install (VLC player, Adobe Reader, the list goes on... but for some reason WinRAR worked).I tried to remedy this by doing a system restore. When my computer started up again, a notification popped up saying that system restore failed (or that it was unable to make changes). Today, I noticed I am unable to run anything as administrator, FireFox has been acting up, and my computer has been freezing quite frequently.

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Unable To Install Java

Jun 11, 2012

Ever since I installed the most recent Java update (31) Internet explorer asks for the administrator password to run Java every time it starts. Also even when given on one of my user accounts it will say "java not installed" on some websites. I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling and even changing my security settings.

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Unable In Install (mostly) Anything 0x80070002

Jun 5, 2012

Windows 7 Pro 64. I attempted to install Google Sketchup the other day and was given an error. I did a little research and tried a few potential fixes, but nothing worked (turning off startup services, registry edits, amount other things)

This is the entire error:
microsoft.VC80.ATL, type="win32", version="8.050727.6195", publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processArchitecture="x86"

Also, during this time period I did not renew Norton and instead decided to install AVG. I ran into this similar error:

microsoft.VC90.ATL,version="9.0.30729.4148",publicKeyToken="1fc8b9a1e18e3b",processArchitecture="x86 ", type="win32"
Same HRESULT number.

Something in my reading said to try and install Visual C++ 2005, this came up with a nearly identical error as well. (though I am not sure if 2005 is compatible with Windows 7?)

I was able to successfully install MalwareBytes during this time, however. What is wrong here? Is there anything I can try to fix this short of a complete reinstall of Windows?

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Unable To Install OpenBVE

May 28, 2011

I have Windows7 Home Premium 32bit.I have been trying to install OpenBVe, I follow all the instructions.It all seems fine until I try to run the program, then I get: "The file system configuration could not be accessed or is invalid, due to the following reason'access to the path 'C:usersour desktopapplication data' is denied".I have tried "run as administrator" still no joy.I have checked the security settings everything is set to "full control".I am on a home network, but we only have 1 user, who is also the administrator.

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Unable To Install Or Change Anything

Aug 4, 2012

My problem is I am trying to install children s educational /Games from CDs After having installed the programs, and the programs that help run them like Adobe 6, I have installed (8) eight different programs, of which some run, and some don't. The main problem here is after I have turned off the computer. Then on restarting the computer there is no educational /Games programs on the computer, Even the short cuts I used to start the programs have gone. Nothing in the All Programs and nothing in the Programs and Features window either.

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Aug 29, 2012

I had windows xp on it, however due to a virus, it crashed. For time being I started using Ubuntu O.S. The grub shows windows xp and the Ubuntu. When I click on Windows, it tries to load and then blue screen.Now, I want to reinstall a windows xp on this machine, using my another laptop (dell) installation cd.The setup starts and after it loads some drivers and tries to start windows setup, I get a blue screen saying that I either have virus or I need to format the HDD.

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2010

I have previously installed Windows 7 and recieved the same error and tried it again and it worked, but the installation seemed unstable and I recieved many Blue Screen Errors. In an attempt to correct this I tried to reinstall Windows 7. In doing so I have wiped my hard drive for a fresh install.I placed the Windows 7 Installation DVD in and proceeded with the install. When I got to the 'expanding files 20+%' the installation stops and I recieve an error stating:"Windows cannot install required files. The file may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation. Error code: 0x80070570"In an attempt to correct this I have transferred the files to a USB external hard drive and have got to the same point in the installation and recieved the same error message. My next step is to download an ISO off the internet and using this as my DVD might contain a corrupt file.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 64

Oct 6, 2010

I had previously been running Vista 32, however after reading up a bit (obviously not as much as I should have) I decided to upgrade my old machine with 4 gb of DDR2 (up from 2gb) and Win 7 64 bit. As can be seen in my system specs, my processor is a Pentium D 3.2 (840 i believe), and going on a thread a I read stating that a dual core can handle 64 bit I got that version. Install has been a nightmare, first it would give me an error that (according to forums) is a result of bad memory, tried everything with that (swapping out to my old memory that was fine, going from 4 to 2 gb... no dice) Next I took the drives out, and installed win 7 on them using a different machine (I have a much newer/nicer build as well, this is a second machine). Install went fine, so i moved the drives back to the other machine and I'm getting a BSOD on start up (and its a quick BSOD, cant even read it, flashes a second then reboots)... every time. I am a mouse click from ordering the 32 bit version but dont want to drop another $100 only to find out that maybe thats not my problem. Given that the machine was running fine with vista on it (even with the new memory) I am inclined to think this is not faulty hardware, just maybe incompatible software (the 64 bit version that is).

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to install a windows 7 home premium on a laptop but it wont let me.

when i put the CD in and boot from CD everything goes well it loads his files and i can select the language settings, than i click to install and i need to choose between upgrade and clean install, if i choose clean install the click to install window appears again, i can do this all day cause it keeps looping the same process.

i tried to install vista as well but same results than i thought lets install windows xp to do a upgrade install but installing xp wasn't successful either.

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Aug 18, 2011

My laptop is a Dell inspiron 1545, not actually sure about other stuff of hardware.Sofware Windows 7 Home Basic with original dell Recover Cd.wo months ago, I was working in some homework when it freezes at all, and stays that way for about 10 minutes, so I force the shut down. When I restarted, It ask for a Start Repair, so I do, but It was unable to Repair... I mean, it was actually unable to enter to the repair options neither from the Repair CD... just freezes at the Win background image and no options shown... I wasn't sure what to do because I wasn't even able to format from the CD, I tried Live Cd's, but was the same problem, Win just didn't charge, so I download Ubuntu and decided to installed it over Windows after backing up all my files... then I run the Win Recover CD and reinstall Win 7... It was ok until yesterday, when the exact same problem began! The computer freezes, I force the shot down again (after nearly 5 hours, because I was afraid the same problem to happen and didn't want to format again and reinstall all my programs)... finally I've got the same exact problem, so I back up my new files and very unhappy try the past solution, only this time I wasn't able to Reinstall Win 7, even I format all partitions... I have being trying like 100 times and it always the same: the laptop freezes during installation (while compleating installation) and it's unable to do anything else, but reinstall Ubuntu.

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Jan 6, 2012

doing a clean install of windows 7 home 32bit ,using gen copy of windows,asus pdg51 mother board,775 processor 4gb memory ,new dvd and wd 1tb hard drive install runs fine through up when trys to copyies the files etc then say unable to continue.

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Jan 25, 2012

I recently decided to upgrade to windows 7 Professional 32 bit. Before I could do so however, I was interrupted by an error telling me that "Autorun could not be read because it is "Corrupted?". I run on Windows XP Professional x64. My computer is a Dell Inspiron 530;

4 Gigs of RAM
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
intel core 2 quad Q6600 2.4 ghz

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Unable To Do A Clean Install?

Aug 10, 2012

I want to do a clean install of windows 7 but every time the "expanding windows files" part of the installation gets stuck on 14%!

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Unable To Install Windows 7

Dec 18, 2012

I work on computers for extra income so I've installed operating systems numerous times but this one has me stuck. I received a Dell 700m netbook that need a clean install done, I was in the middle of installing Windows 7 when the power cord came loose causing the laptop to shut off without completing the install. Since then when booting from the hard drive I get a "windows failed to install" error message, when booting from the disk to try a fresh install I get to "starting services" screen at which point the laptop restarts. I've ran diagnostics on it, everything passed. Tried using repair disk, ran 3 times got nothing. Went to advanced startup and tried using cmd prompt but was given an error message.

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Unable To Un-install AVR Studio 5 IDE?

Sep 25, 2011

I tried to uninstall a program AVR-Studio 5 but could not do it. I show me the message of finished uninstallation but still I can see that in control panel and it runs from my desktop shortcut icon. Then by frustration I deleted the folder containing all the installed components. Now I am not even able to install a new AVR-Studio 5. Is there anything I can do to get it back

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Unable To Install MS Office SP 3?

Nov 18, 2011

I am unable to install MS Office Home & Student 2007 Service Pack 3.I have downloaded it from the automatic MS Update, and also from the separate download site (both of which is very time-consuming on a slow broadband connection!), but the installation keeps failing. I have probably run an attempt 5 or 6 times now

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Unable To Install Windows 7?

Mar 27, 2011

Recently out of the blue my computer started telling me that the bootmgr was corrupt or missing.Since then I have tried every possibility to resolve the problem, including buying a new HHD.All seems well when I rewrite the MBR, no errors and the program loads. After that the MBR is messed up again - it's a nightmare

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