Unable In Install (mostly) Anything 0x80070002

Jun 5, 2012

Windows 7 Pro 64. I attempted to install Google Sketchup the other day and was given an error. I did a little research and tried a few potential fixes, but nothing worked (turning off startup services, registry edits, amount other things)

This is the entire error:
microsoft.VC80.ATL, type="win32", version="8.050727.6195", publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processArchitecture="x86"

Also, during this time period I did not renew Norton and instead decided to install AVG. I ran into this similar error:

microsoft.VC90.ATL,version="9.0.30729.4148",publicKeyToken="1fc8b9a1e18e3b",processArchitecture="x86 ", type="win32"
Same HRESULT number.

Something in my reading said to try and install Visual C++ 2005, this came up with a nearly identical error as well. (though I am not sure if 2005 is compatible with Windows 7?)

I was able to successfully install MalwareBytes during this time, however. What is wrong here? Is there anything I can try to fix this short of a complete reinstall of Windows?

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Unable To Complete Backup - Error 0x80070002?

Mar 7, 2010

When attempting to backup a system image and/or selected libraries or files on an OEM installation of Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, I am receiving an error message. The initial pop-up states: The Last Backup Did Not Complete Successfully When I click on the pop-up to check the backup and select �More Details,� I see the following message. The System cannot find the file specified Error Code: 0x80070002 No additional information is provided. (And no clue is provided regarding what �file� is not found.) While I am attempting to backup to an external hard drive connected via eSATA, this error also occurs when I attempt a backup to either an external USB drive or a DVD.

I have attempted to run various backup scenarios wherein [a] Windows selects what to backup, [b] I choose a system image only, [c] I choose libraries only, or [d] I choose a very small data directory in a directory outside of the libraries. The error is always the same. When the system image is included, the backup does run for a time before the error message occurs � and a significant amount of data is written to the drive. When I run a file-only backup, the error is almost instantaneous. So far, in attempting to resolve the problem I have taken the following steps (although not necessarily in this order): Confirmed the registry profiles image paths are accordance with the information found at: The Storage Team at Microsoft - File Cabinet Blog : Common causes and solutions to Backup, System Restore, and Complete PC Backup problems - updated!. Everything was correct, no problems found. Ran the system file checker (sfc /scannow) with no errors reported. Scanned all hard drives (chkdsk x: /r) Confirmed that VSS and Windows Backup Services are running via services.msc Although I didn�t think it applied, I tested the Hotfix suggested at: You encounter problems when you move data over USB from a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer that has an NVIDIA USB EHCI chipset and at least 4GB of RAM. No success. Reviewed the information at Error code 0x80070002 when you back up files in Windows 7 however the scenarios did not apply and therefore the solutions were not available to me. Checked the error logs at C:WindowsLogsWindowsBackup, but the error log is empty . Ran a Clean Boot via msconfig.exe Attempted to run Backup in Safe Mode, but of course Backup & Restore cannot be run in safe mode, even if I try to start the services manually (Error 1084). Reset Backup Files Configuration, using instructions at: Backup User and System Files - Reset to Default Configuration I am extraordinarily frustrated. This is a new computer, and an almost new installation of Windows. I have obviously missed something, but don�t know what it is. I am desperate for a solution.

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Install Error Code: 0x80070002

Oct 24, 2009

I'm having probleam installing the is UG version of Windows 7 Pro for students. I followed the directions here, and converted the iso into usb bootable disk, and everytime i run the disk it keeps getting me an error.

"Windows was unable to locate required installation file [boot.wim]. Verify that the installation source is valid. and restart the installation."

Error code: 0x80070002

I am trying to do a dual boot, keeping my current xp into Asus eee box b202.

Am I missing something here?

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Can't Install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - Error 0x80070002

May 29, 2011

I have Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit. I have never had SP1 before. I recently used system restore to roll back a few days and now when I try to install have Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit. I have never had SP1 before. I recently rolled back my PC a few day with system restore, then updated Windows to the newest updates. I downloaded SP1 32-bit and when I try to install it, it installs right to almost the end and gives me: Error 0x80070002.

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Error 0x80070002 While Making A Clean Install Of Windows 7 X64?

Jun 1, 2011

After saving money for quite while, i was able to finally buy a new pc, i had assembled other pc`s for my friends and never had any trouble installing windows on their systems, but now, every time i try to install windows 7 x64, the computer hangs while extracting windows files, then, after some time it prompts me with the error 0x80070002, saying that it didn`t find the required files, so i tried with many suggestions:- Updated to the latest BIOS.- Switched the RAM modules from A2 and B2 to A1 and B1 (my cpu fan was in the way so i had to buy another, and yup, i`m living on cup noodles).

- Ran memtest x86+ for 8 hours (no errors)- Ran sea tools but it didn´t detect any drives (still don´t know why, and the windows 7 installer detects the hdd just fine, also tried it on another computer and works fine)- Switched sata cables, switched sata connectors.- Switched from ahci to ide on the Bios, but it didn´t detect any drives after that, so i returned to ahci.- Disassembled all the pc and re-assembled it, re-checked every connection with every install guide 3 times- Tryied to install again, several times, with the same problem, never getting beyond the 48% extraction, mostly 12%, 9% and so on.And right now, i´m poor, un-able to work, and dangerously nearing towards un-employement (sold my previous computer to buy this one, my savings are gone, and can´t afford to get sick, a little problem called "living in Mexico"

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Error 0x80070002 While Making A Clean Install Of Windows 7 X64

Oct 3, 2012

i just upgrade my windows 7 ultimate to windows 8 9200 then i guess i delete some files and now im having problem with this 0x80070002 error.

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Error: 0x80070002

Dec 19, 2009

I have just upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 ( A few days) and after a look around thought I'd do a Back-up but I received an error message that it couldn't be completed with Error - 0x80070002.

So, please, can someone explain this and how to overcome it.

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Backup Will Not Complete (0x80070002)

Jan 15, 2013

I have had many failed attempts at backingup my pc and keep getting the following error message"Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:UsersSeanDesktop2013-01 (Jan). Error The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002))"

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0x80070002 Error Can't Start Computer

Jun 6, 2011

I recently have had major issues with my HP pavilion dv6 laptop. I bought it about a year ago, and it has worked reasonably well until now. I downloaded some iso files, and I wanted to run them, because they were an old game that I really liked of my friends, but he sold it. I tried to copy it onto a disk, but the disk was playing up, so I downloaded DAEMON tools lite so that I could install it. I then had to restart the computer, as you have to with new software, and It seemed fine. I then turned on the computer the next day, and the CHKDSK program ran. I didn't worry about this too much, it happens occasionally.but when the computer started up properly; it wouldn't run any programs. when I tried to get things to go, it would always come up with a balloon in the corner saying that the file system structure is corrupt or unusable, please run CHKDSK on file system C:. So I did. The next day(today), everything worked fine. I could do just about everything. I told CHKDSK and the memory diagnostics tool to run while I was at school. I didn't notice anything bad at the time. Everything worked when I got home from school; except that most of my gadgets had no writing on them, which concerned me a little, and some of my startup programs didn't start.

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Windows 7U Cannot Boot Due To 0x80070002 Error?

Jun 15, 2012

Critical updates were installed for my Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit desktop yesterday, today I put the computer on and just after the Windows loading screen I receive a Bluescreen for a millisecond before computer immediately restarts. I am them prompted to do a repair when computer restarts which after many minutes brings up the error message 0x80070002. The computer is a self build and has been fine for 3 years but this appears to be a major problem. I cannot afford to lose my files (most are backed up but not all since I only back up every month to an external drive). From the repair screen, I have tried to restore the computer before critical updates were installed (what I feel is causing the problem) but the restore point fails. I cannot enter the desktop and now the startup repair simply hangs.

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Error 0x80070002 When Saving Image

Oct 21, 2009

While trying to save an image to an external hard drive, I get a message saying "Failed to complete, file 0x8007002 not found". I'm running the Windows 7 Evaluation copy.

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Windows 7 Backup Error 0x80070002

Aug 6, 2011

So I have been wanting to fix this issue for a while. I want to have a fresh backup file on my computer to use incase anything ever goes wrong and I have to revert to a earlier time. My last backup was back in December and has stopped working since then. I have done a lot to this computer and If I ever have to do a system restore that's the only backup point I could revert to and that's bad. I would loose A LOT of stuff on my PC. Okay so every time I try and run the backup or when it runs on its own I get this error message: The system can not find the file specified. With error code 0x80070002 at the bottom of more information. I'm using a 1TB USB External HDD. Brand is Green Drive. My PC is an HP and is using a motherboard that they shipped it with. This is my motherboard just incase anyone wants to see, because I read this might be a USB chip set issue. [URL] I'm using Windows 7 x64bit.

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Error Occurred While Troubleshooting 0x80070002

Jul 14, 2012

What does this mean and how do I fix it.

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Error Code: 0x80070002 Windows 7

Oct 2, 2012

How do I correct the problem. notebook has never completed the backup?

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Ready Mediacenter Error 0x80070002?

Oct 22, 2012

Play Ready Mediacenter error 0x80070002

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Windows Backup Error 0x80070002 At End Of Wizard

Jul 22, 2012

So I tried creating a backup.I can launch the backup wizard, select the drive I want to save the backup on, then I select "Let Windows decide" (I also tried selecting let me choose and selecting different folders, no difference), after that I get the "overview" but when I click on "Save settings and run backup". That's where the popup error appears saying "The System cannot find the file specified. (0x8007002)"Clicking OK just closes the popup and the wizard.

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Error Code 0x80070002 When Clean Installing?

Jul 26, 2012

After my computer got a virus, I decided to perform a clean install. In the middle of installing, it says, "The file does not exist. Makes sure all files required for
installation are available , and restart Error code:0x80070002".

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Windows 7 Won't Repair Or Start - Error# 0x80070002

Jul 12, 2012

Last night before I went to bed there was a Windows update, and this morning when I turned the pc on, it just went to this screen saying that something was wrong and i needed to repair. I clicked the repair box, but it didn't wanna do that. So I went into the system recovery tool to go back to (the only restore point) which is yesterday, but when I try and do that, it says "Details: An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x80070002)

I don't know alot about computers, and I'm currently writing this on my laptop, since I can't enter my computer in any way

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Remove The Error Code 0x80070002 From Laptop?

Jul 6, 2012

while I try the troubleshooting wizard in my computer, I receive the message which says that it can not continue due to the error code 0x80070002. this is because I want to reactivate a software called epiinfo7 which has stopped working. so how this error code can be removed?

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Windows 7 PC Continuously Booting To Repair Mode (0x80070002)

Nov 17, 2012

My pc, which is running Windows 7, is continuously booting to repair mode and 9 times out of 10 just boots to a black screen with mouse cursor at which point I have no option but to do an illegal shutdown. I have tried to run a system restore but an error message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore (0x80070002)' keeps popping up. On the occasion it gets through to the desktop it says that it was successful. Next time I shut down and go to reboot I have the same problems. Also when I go to the internet the homepage has defaulted [URL] which looks similar to google but without the banner.

I dont think this is malware but possibly a critical windows update that has corrupted. If I get to desktop and then shutdown there are 11 updates that are downloading but on reboot the you can see that the updates are loading properly. The only thing I have changed recently is I have updated the printer drivers. For no reason, all of a sudden the other day the printer stopped working and once I updated drivers it was fine. This pc has worked fine for months until the latest set of updates came through. On further reading it looks like searchnu is malware. Could updating a driver really have installed this.

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Windows 7 Backup Fails With Error Code: 0x80070002?

Jan 31, 2011

7 Ultimate on a Lenovo computer, 8 mb RAM, Q8200 CPU. Recently I started getting notifications that my backup failed because the system cannot find the file specified, and the above error code. I'm not specifying any files, and I've reset backup to its default settings, all to no avail. I'm backing up to an external USB hard drive. In fact I bought a new one because I thought the old one was too small

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Error (0x8007045D And 0x80070002) While Installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Nov 14, 2011

i've recently decided to reinstall windows 7 64bit because my computer started freezing up occasionally while browsing, playing games or even watching Internet videos... the freezes would pass after a few minutes and the computer would recover and start up/shut down would take a long time as well. so i thought that reinstalling windows might work as i haven't done it in a long while. but i encountered a problem while installing windows 7 64bit, i receive these errors (0x8007045d and later after trying a few things it changed to 0x80070002 both times it stated something about files missing or being corrupt) while on the "extracting windows files" section of the setup.

i've done a clean install every single time and formated my hdd (seagate barracuda 7200.10 320gb) but got an error every single time but at various %'s (once it went up to 70% other times it would get stuck as soon as 5%). i've tried switching ram's, switching dvd drives, disconnecting my gpu but nothing seems to work... has my hdd died? or perhaps my mobo or cpu is acting up? i burned my windows 7 iso's myself via imgburn - i've used the slowest possible burn speed (x2) and did it multiple times but every single dvd gave same error. also i've tried multiple iso's and downloaded them multiple times as well to confirm they didn't get corrupted while downloading.

my specs:
os: formatted hdd right now but previously i used windows 7 64bit
motherboard: intel bearlake g31 (i think, not sure... its such an old mobo)
cpu: intel core 2 duo 3.3ghz
gpu: geforce 9600gt - tried removing but didn't work
ram: ocz 2x2gb 800mhz ddr2 - tried switching to an exact same pair from another computer but it didn't work
hdd: seagate barracuda 7200.10 320gb
dvd-rom: not sure but i tried two different ones, both producing errors

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During Belkin Uninstall Get Error Code: -5005 : 0x80070002 Windows 7

Dec 6, 2011

During belkin uninstall get error code: -5005 : 0x80070002 windows 7

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Clean Install

Jan 31, 2010

I'm an IT student who got a free Win 7 x64 disk from my school, and I am unable to do a clean install. My system specs are as follows:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.12 Ghz
nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX 512 MB PCI-e
320 GB Western Digital HD SATA
1 Gb DDR2 1066 MHz and 2x2Gb DDR2 1066 MHz SDRAM

I set my boot sequence to boot from DVD-ROM drive first, and HD second. It goes to the "Windows is loading files" screen and gets hung up. I started the process and went to watch TV for an hour, and it is still on the "Windows is loading files" screen. I haven't gotten any error messages. I've unplugged all USB devices from my computer as I have seen on this forum that it has worked for some people.

edited to add: I originally had only 2 Gb of RAM, and it got hung up at the "Windows is loading files" screen. I thought it was getting hung up because I didn't have enough RAM, so I bought brand new 2 sticks of 2 Gb RAM. I took out one of the 1 Gb sticks and placed both of the 2 Gb of RAM...for a total of 5 Gigs. And, it is still doing the same thing.

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Unable To Install Anything

May 26, 2011

I am running Windows7 Home Premium and a 64bit desktop on a wireless home network. Two other units, a laptop and netbook, are on the network. All computers have access as administrator. Can download and save files, but upon trying to install applications(Skype, Internet Exployer 9, shareware, etc) receive various error messages(Corrupt file, missing dll, or the app starts to install and then simply stops.

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Unable To Install From Usb

Oct 30, 2010

I've got a fresh hard drive waiting for Windows, but I seem to be having some issues when installing from USB. I've got a bootable USB stick, and I've modified my bios to boot from USB first. When I reboot my computer, the windows seven install setup begins. I select the new hard drive and begin installation. All goes well, and it eventually says "Windows needs to restart to continue". The computer reboots (remember, it's booting from USB first), and immediately goes right back to the beginning of the set up process. So I'm in the infinite loop of running the set up process, but it never gets passed that. Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong? Set up seems to go fine, but after reboot, it just starts over again.

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Unable To Install Anything

Sep 6, 2011

Ok So I recently got a virus on my computer and it really wasn't going away with any anti virus program so I reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch.Everything seemed to go off without a hitch and all drivers were found and the like BUT after about a day or so I couldn't install any programs. I've tried ITunes, The new Office Suite, Enterprise but nothing seems to install. I keep getting an error message that I need to "Install as Administrator" even though I'm on the adminstrator account, AND when I click "Run as Administrator" it still doesn't install. ITunes spit out the error that I was running in Safe Mode when I wasn't at all.I'm just at wits end. Should I reinstall Windows 7 again? Could I have gotten another Virus? It just seems really really odd. Also the version of Windows 7 I installed WAS not the same version I got when purchasing the Laptop. I recieved it through MSDNA from my college.

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Unable To Install The SP1?

Jul 19, 2011

I have made several attempts to install Service Pack 1.Initially through Windows Upate process and now more recently i have downloaded the big 1.9gb .iso file. This has been burnt to DVD and i have attempted twice to install from the DVD. On each of these last 2 ocassions it has reached the 'configuration' stage but has failed at 15% then 'reverted the changes'.I have run the System Update Readiness Tool ( this said it installed ok ), i have turned off Avast AV and i have disconnected from the internet during installation.I notice in Windows Update there are a lot of old updates which have 'failed' - updates which were released before SP1 was. Should i attempt in install these first then try SP1 again?

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Unable To Install Programs

Jun 2, 2011

Everytime i try to install a program it just hangs and never completes. I am running window 7 64bit and have been search the internet for any possible solution. Everything i have tried has not worked. Examples of programs i have not been able to install include, new version of java, flash player, itunes.

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Unable To Install XP Mode

Jan 15, 2012

Win7 pro, sp1.Dell i620 Unable to install XP mode. Process goes 98% completion, stops, removes all changes, returns to normal.Tried new hdd with same image. Did not work. Tried new hdd with only win7 loaded.

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Unable To Install Any Programs

Mar 11, 2012

My issues first began with Microsoft Office Word Starter. I couldn't run it -- I would get an error message about there being no associated file. I fixed this with system restore, and my computer was good for a while. Perhaps a week later, I noticed I was unable to install any programs. I would get a notification saying something about shell.dll and that there was no file associated with whatever it was that I would try to install (VLC player, Adobe Reader, the list goes on... but for some reason WinRAR worked).I tried to remedy this by doing a system restore. When my computer started up again, a notification popped up saying that system restore failed (or that it was unable to make changes). Today, I noticed I am unable to run anything as administrator, FireFox has been acting up, and my computer has been freezing quite frequently.

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