Unable To Find System Volume

Apr 17, 2012

I managed to figure out that I have to use the VCenter Converter Standalone itself separately to get it to work out better. I am currently able to boot my VM, but my files are corrupted so it sends me to a restore method. I attempted to restore from my external HD and it seemed to work, but then it gave me an error. Obviously it has something to do with the error i got at around 98% while converting.This is on the left side of the box.

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"Unable To Find A Volume For File Extraction" Error Message

Jul 28, 2012

I am trying to install a C++ Redistributable package and am encountering the following error dialog:

I am also encountering a similar dialog when I try to install the latest Silverlight plugin for IE9.

I'm running Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit.

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How To Find Windows Key 7 Is Volume Version Or Other

Jul 9, 2011

how to find windows key 7 installed on computer is is Volume version or other

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Find The Volume Icon On The Desktop?

Nov 22, 2012

can i find the volume icon on the desktop?

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Unable To Use Caps Lock Volume Keys

Dec 29, 2012

None of my fucntion keys are working Caps Lock, Volume, Mute, Number Lock

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Unable To See/turn On Network, Battery, Volume, Etc. Icons

Jan 20, 2012

I recently noticed my network and battery icons have disappeared off my taskbar. When I tried to put them back, the check boxes in customize notification area were greyed out. I did a little research and people who had the same problem said to run "sfc /scannow" in command prompt. After attempting that, cmd gave me an error.

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Increasing The System Volume?

Dec 22, 2012

I bought a new Philips SHP 2000. Decent headphone but no option to control the volume. Anyway, while watching movies I can use VLC or MPCStar to increase the volume beyond 100%. But for mp3, I usually go for WMP and the sound, obviously, is too low. Same way, while gaming the sound is too low even if I put it at 100% in game settings. The speaker icon in taskbar shows 100%.

Now, is there anyway to increase the sound?

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199 GB Recycle Bin In System Volume Information

Sep 6, 2012

So, I was running SpaceSniffer, an application that scans my hard drive and displays where the most memory is being used up, and I found something extremely interesting. My Recycle Bin on the desktop is empty, as it should be since I just emptied it. However, the Recycle Bin folder within System Volume Information is occupying 199.9 GB of my space.

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System Volume Information Folder?

Jul 13, 2011

I don't know how it happened but I was moving around some stuff and something happened with the open windows (got stucked to the cursor) and when I got it to stop (I've got a new mouse with some small buttons on the side, and I've not managed to get used to them .. however I will disable those)Well the problem is that when I got to unhook that window from my cursor my 300Gb + mp3 folder was gone .. man it almost gave me a heartattack, cause I've been working on that thing for years basically ...I found it, it's somehow inside the "D:system volume information" folder, and if I dragg it out to the root of the D drive it dissapears from the sys vol dir, but doesn't show up in the root at the D drive .. ?? and then if I go out from the sys vol dir and go back in again (basically refresh) then there it is again ..summary: ... cannot move my mp3 folder back to the D: folder since it accidently got moved to d:system volume information ..

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Can't Delete Old XP System Volume Information?

Nov 26, 2012

I have installed Windows 7 on my C: however my old Windows XP was installed on my D: deleted my Windows XP, and want to use my D: as primarily a data disc, however there's an old System Volume Information lingering around from XP, and no matter what I do (take ownership, add permissions, try to toggle off read only and it goes back) I can't delete it.

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Windows Cannot Format System Volume On Disk

Jan 21, 2012

i recently bought a new hard drive to put my os on, and i stupidly changed my old hard drive type from basic to dymainic, and its not letting me reformat it or convert it back to basic. When i try it says "Windows cannot format the system volume on this disk."

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Permissions For The System Volume Information Subfolders?

Apr 26, 2011

I have windows 7 installed as OS.I checked the System Volume Information folders for all the partitions for a possible virus infection.I have C: D: (my first harddisk)and G: (my second harddisk) partitions.I've seen that regarding the D: and G: partitions ,for System Volume Information subfolders (SPP etc..), only SYSTEM has the permission (full control) as shown below(SPP folder as an example):On the other hand , regarding the C: ,for the subfolders(SPP ,System Restore,Windows Backup etc..) SYSTEM and administrators both have the permissions (full control) and for the subfolders of SPP ,such as SppGroupCache and SppCBSHiveStore ; USERS (limited control),SYSTEM (full control)and administrators(full control) have permissions.Is this normal?If it is not , can a virus cause this?Should I remove the permissions of USERS and administrators and leave only the permission of SYSTEM?

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Remove System Volume Information On USB Drive?

Sep 16, 2011

how one removes SVI from a non-fixed USB disk? I have system restore switched off on this drive..shows zero on scale but the disk has 623mb of SVI information possibly from a previous restore point setting..not sure where it came from Not sure if indexing is on this drive Can I remove this information.

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Can't Delete Pagefile.sys And System Volume Information

May 17, 2012

I had an additional Windows installation for testing purposes, on a different partition and now I want to delete everything associated with it because I need some free space.

Although I managed to take ownership and delete the Windows folder and few others, I can't delete System Volume Information and the pagefile.sys file.

System Volume Information - I can't get "ownership" of the files in the directory. Although I'm listed as an "owner" of the directory with "full control", when I check "Replace owner on subcontainer and objectes" I get "Access is denied" and then "Stopping propagation of the owner leads to an inconsistent state..." I think I came across this before, but I have no idea what to do. I also get "access denied" when I try to change the read-only attribute of the directory.

pagefile.sys - when I right click on it, the security tab says "The requested security information is wither unavailable or can't be displayed"

note: I can't format the partition

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Remove System Volume Partition On 2nd Harddrive?

Mar 2, 2011

I removed the mirror for my 2 hardrive to reinstall Windows 7 & sp1. I am now unable to remirror(greyed out) or reformat that 2nd drive as it is still showing as a system volume partion.

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Remove 'Recycler' And 'System Volume Information'?

Jul 14, 2011

need to remove this folder or be able to change the attributes

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View System Volume Information File?

Feb 10, 2012

I have recovered the System Volume Information folder from a formated HDD, and now I have a 3GB file in the folder. Do you know how to open and manage this file?

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System Volume Information Folder Showing On Dell PC

Jan 10, 2013

On my Dell Windows 7 laptop (Studio 1555) I have the System Volume Information showing (despite checking "hide system files" and hide hidden folder options enabled). The folder is also accessable from my admin account (not the root admin but the admin of the PC).

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'system Volume On Disk Is Corrupt' And Sfc Scan Not Working

Jun 9, 2012

I have a toshiba with a windows 7 64bit, and it's been acting really slow recently and freezing up on me so I thought there might be viruses that I needed to get rid of, so I restarted my computer so I could go in safe mode with networking to check if there really were. When I restarted my computer I momentarily forgot to press the f8 key and the windows starting screen with the logo showed up. Without thinking I turned off my computer since I didn't want to restart again (it took forever for the computer to do). Once I turned the laptop on again I ended up going to system repair. For some reason this did nothing to my computer. I left it on for hours and hours until I finally decided I wasn't going to get any results. I once again restarted the laptop but this time when I went to system repair I cancelled it and when into more options and tried doing a system restore which also didn't work and said a bunch of my files couldn't be read. When I looked back at the system repair log it said "system volume on disk is corrupt." I googled it trying to find something to help me, and every place said to run sfc scan, which I did on command prompt, which always gave me the reply "there's a system repair pending which requires reboot to complete" and since my computer can't reboot properly no matter what this is what it'll say. Is there some way to run this scan or another way to fix my computer without having to lose all my data? I have some really important files on here. I've also tried running chkdsk /r /f in command prompt which it wouldn't let me do and said it can't lock the current drive because the type of file sytem is NTFS.

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Bootmgr Missing & The Volume Does Not Contain A Recognized File System?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a toshiba laptop running on windows 7. One day I turned it on and it said "bootmgr is missing press ctrl alt delete to restart."I have been researching how to fix it and have made a repair cd, which boots it and sends me to the start up process, but when I get to the command prompt option and type "bootrec/fixboot" it says "the volume does not contain a recognized file system."

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Disk Volume Error - Run System File Checker

Feb 19, 2010

the tip to run SFC -- I'm not sure where the 'command prompt' is now in Windows 7.

What I did was search for sfc, right click, then run as administrator.

It appears something is running, but no window opened to ask or tell me anything. I checked Task Mgr and Resource Monitor and can't find anything resembling SFC, but there is activity even tho' I'm not doing anything else. The hard drive light is also flickering about once per second. What should I expect? Do I just wait patiently? How can I confirm SFC is running and fixing any errors?

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Gain Access To System Volume Information On An External Drive

Jun 13, 2012

Part of my job involves taking images of many different computers using Norton Ghost and saving them to external drives. One of these drives is a Western Digital MyPassport that is soon being re-purposed. When taking one of the images with this drive I accidentally clicked on the System Volume Information folder and, while I caught my error this time, saw that there were 2 other ghost files already saved in that location. I would like to pull these off of this drive and transfer them to one that will still be in use for storing images, but can't gain access to the System Volume Information folder outside of Ghost to do so, and the steps to access the folder on my computer don't seem to work for the drive (show hidden files and folders is selected, hide protected operating system files is unchecked, and system restore is turned off for the drive).

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BSOD - System Restore Not Functioning Because Of Volume Shadow Component

Nov 4, 2012

I have an older PC (AMD Athlon II x4 630 Processor) running Windows 7 Home Prem - 64 bit. I noticed about a week ago my mouse was acting up (figured it was a bad mouse and didn't think much about it), soon afterwards I started getting that blue screen of death and it would shut down. My current virus protections is AVG, which I ran. I then ran Malewarebytes, Superantispyware and Spybot in both regular and safe mode. They seem to find a few things but nothing that really looked serious. I tried System Restore but got an error statement that it wasn't functioning correctly because of some type of Volume Shadow component problem (which I researched and turned back on to no avail).

Other symptoms are when I try going to control panel or even the microsoft update page they open but are minimized - when I try to open them larger they almost look like they open and go to the far right of my screen out of site. The reason I think it is a virus is that in safe mode the control panels opens right up - but still cant get to microsoft update page. This problem seems to be getting worse the last couple of days. What is weird I really don't notice much else wrong with pc. I can still go online without a problem, home page hasn't changed any and haven't noticed pc slowing down at all.

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Recover Deleted System Volume Information On External Drive?

Jun 13, 2012

Honestly don't know y I deleted it but, I was cleaning files from my drives while in Linux and I deleted the system volume folder from one of my hdds and now all my data is inaccessible. Haven't touched the drive since, would like a surefire way to get it back. Here is my set up64gb ssd Windows 7 1tb hdd internal (deleted system volume folder) 1tb external hdd 50gb Linux partition 950gb ntfs partition

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System Volume Information Folder Access Denied Message

May 3, 2011

i have a problem with opening "system volume information" in my computer.when i open it gives a message saying that"access denied".

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System Volume Information Folder Access Denied In Windows 7?

Jul 5, 2012

access denied msg in System Volume Information

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Stuck On Starting Windows - Repair Shows System Volume On Disk Corrupted

Oct 19, 2011

I have had Win 7 installed for a while now).

Here is a summary of my problem:
1) My computer recently got stuck on the "Starting Windows Screen." So I manually held the power button to reboot.
2) On reboot, it said there was a need to run a startup repair, which I did. Everything checked fine, except for the last one which said "System Volume on Disk is Corrupted," which it claimed to have successfully fixed.
3) After rebooting from repair, the system gets stuck on "Starting Windows Screen" for a good 10-15 minutes, after which it runs a registry check. After it completes that I get hopeful -- but the screen then gets stuck on an all black screen with just the mouse cursor and nothing more.
4) Additional note: Attempting to start the computer on "safe mode" leads safe mode startup to become stalled on "DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS"
5) The lastest attempt to repair yielded this message: "Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically.

Problem event Name: Startup Repair Offline
Problem signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
02: 6.1.7600.16385
03: uknown
04: 21201099
05: AutoFailover
06: 2
07: Corrupt Volume
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale Id: 1033

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Unable To Find CD Rom In Windows 7?

Nov 3, 2011

i am unable to find cd rom in mycomputer and i had done some steps like REGEDIT......HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentCon...but there not able to detect Upper Filters and Lower filters there it was showing some folders like 0000,0001 and Properties but the properties is not accessing...

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Unable To Find Drivers

Nov 23, 2009

I have a new Windows 7 Pro 64, and Windows detects a Samsung 4828FN 3in1 printer and a Canon LIDE 80 scanner in "Devices & Printers" but appears to be unable to find drivers. I downloaded & installed Win 7 drivers from both mfg sites, but neither appears in their appropriate windows when called up. The scanner on the printer works and saves to files, so I know the USB connections are working. Canon Toolbox Settings cannot detect.

Of course the HP 1000 printer has no Win 7 drivers to download, so that one does not work either,

Also, when I try and select new printers from a "Print" drop-down menu, I get a message "The Active Directory Domain Sevices is Currently Unavailable"

Anyone have suggestions?

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Unable To Find Out What Is Causing Bsod

Jan 16, 2013

I recently got 2 BSOD referring to Acpi.sys. I couldn't found out what were causing these BSOD's and I'm asking for Your support. Just before the BSOD appears, the PC is sluggish. My computer is a DELL PRECISION T5500, hex core processor XEON 5675, video card: Quadro 4000, 12GB RAM ECC, 1.5 TB HDD and Im running Windows 7-64 bit I have the latest drivers.

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Unable To Find Software For Files

Jul 5, 2012

Folderico lets you change folder icons to whatever you want, which is great, but I haven't been able to find a similar software for file types. I'm not looking to change the icon to every file, only certain ones that have blank thumbnails (think .bin or .gba files for example; I want to give each .gba file a custom icon, like a game cover or something, but I don't want all the .gba files I have to have the same thumbnail).

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