USB 3.0 Starts Transfer At 100mbps, Freezes, Speed Reduces To 3-4mbps

Jan 1, 2013

I have a Verbatim pen drive, the capacity is 16 GB. When I start any transfer, say of a 300 Mb file, the first 200 Mb of data gets transferred at about 100 Mbps, then it freezes for at least 2-3 minutes after which the last 100 Mb will get transferred at 8 Mbps. This happens with every file. I reinstalled the USB 3.0 drivers and the pen drive is connected in a 3.0 port.

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USB Transfer Speed

Jan 4, 2010

i am using windows 7 64bit OS .. i have 4 gb ram .. but i am getting transfer speed of only 1.5 mbps or 2 mbps only ..

some times i am getting good speed like 9mbps or 14mbps

am i connecting to 1.1 USB or 2.0 USB ?

how do i know ?

i have 3 ports in my laptop .. sometimes i get more speed in one port and less speed in same port next time ?

how to improve my transfer speed ?

i increased my virtual memory to 10 GB and close all processes which are not needed. but still cant get enough speed?

my pendrives are compatible with USB 2.0

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Bad Connection / Transfer Speed

Nov 2, 2011

I have an Atheros AR9285 WiFi card in my laptop, and the other day, it just became very unstable with the connection and it is giving me very low transfer speeds. I've come to think that a Windows Update replaced the driver in it, how could I fix it, or fix the problem?

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FTP Transfer Speed Dropped From 100MB/s To 2MB/s?

Mar 1, 2012

I recently upgraded my motherboard from Asus Crosshair IV Formula to Asus P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3.I had previously configured my home network to fully support 1Gb transfers in LAN between my desktop and my laptop. I could transfer files with full 1Gb speed via FTP and Windows file sharing.But now with the new mobo and it's new network adapter my FTP transfer speeds have dropped down to 2MB/s meaning both upload and download speeds. Windows file sharing still works fine and I can achieve 50-100MB/s speeds with it.What is causing the FTP to work so poorly now? I can only assume it's the new network adapter since it's the only thing that's changed. I have installed the latest drivers, ran all diagnostic tools the software included, enabled and disabled every feature in the driver configuration but nothing has worked.

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Slow Transfer Speed Over Network

Dec 26, 2009

Here is my problem. In this case, I am trying to transfer pictures from one of my XP systems to my Windows 7 Home Premium system over my wired network. Between the XP systems, things run fairly quick. But not with 7 involved. When I go to transfer the 47 pictures that I want, it tells me that it will take 18 minutes. And this is for only 66.7MB of data. Tell me this can get better. Being new to 7, I have no idea where to look for the problem. I tried searching Microsoft's site and the help files on my system. I just can't find a solution.

Here is some more info, and maybe some you don't need. On the Windows 7 system, I can access all the shared folders on my other systems (all XP SP3). If I go to the network map, my other systems are marked as "The following discovered devices can not be placed in the map.". I don't know if that is a problem or not. The reason I did that is because I was reading through the Microsoft site on file sharing and that was mentioned. It also mentions a program called LLTD, which may be needed on 32-bit XP systems. I tried installing that on my XP system, but it said I didn't need it.

As far as the file transfer, while sitting at my XP system, access is denied when I try to access the shared folder (for my pictures) on Windows 7. Now if I transfer them to the Users/Public/Pictures folder, it will transfer them in just over 5 minutes. Still a little slow, in my opinion, and not where I want them. Why can I transfer there and not into the folder I want them? And why is quicker to transfer while sitting at my XP system?

I have made sure that all the systems have the same workgroup name. I have also tried disconnecting the power from my modem, router, and all systems then powering each one up one at a time. That was suggested to me before. It didn't change anything.

One last thing. While starting my Windows 7 system, as soon as it was at the desktop, I tried to transfer the pictures again and the transfer took off. Almost immediately, it said that there was 20 seconds left. It was flying like I thought it should. Less then a minute into the transfer, it hit a wall and changed to about 20 minutes. Go figure. I checked my settings for the folders I want to transfer to and they are set as shared. Maybe at that point, a security program started up. I don't know. I do have a trial version of Norton's Internet Security installed. It came preloaded with the system. I was thinking of removing that and going with Avast free. I have checked any firewalls and did disable them. No difference.

I tried to list everything I've tried. Hopefully, some helpful info in there. I find it strange that I can access the shared folders but not transfer from them. Any thoughts on what to do? Is there a setting in Windows 7 that needs to be changed?

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Faster Transfer File Speed?

May 31, 2011

My Question is, is it possible to increase the File Transfer Speed on my Computer??

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Abrupt Loss Of File Transfer Speed?

Jun 30, 2011

At first, when I checked this on this new rig, file transfers ran between 60-100 mbps, but the last several times it has dropped off to 1-2 mbps. I checked the drive involved with HD Tune, and it performed about the same as it did on the first test, so I don't think that it is a hardware problem. Nothing else was running that should slow things down, so what else could account for this?

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Why Laptop Freezes And Starts Up Again

Sep 5, 2012

I have an Acer Aspire 4743g. days back my Windows 7 Ultimate got Corrupted, so I cannot start my laptop so I cleaned it(Delete then Reinstalled the OS). Then It worked..But i have noticed another problem. my laptop freezes about 2 seconds then Starts up Again.. then freezes and un froze again... Then I am hearing some clicking sound on my disk drive on the right.(where I put DVD/CD's). And my laptop is 1 Year and 1 Month old, I haven't cleaned the fan. I think it has so many dust/oil in it that may also cause's my laptop to freeze from time to time. Then after about 10 minutes the Blue Screen of Death Appears!. It's so frustrating. I tried using Check Disk but it is stuck on the 4th Stage out of 5. like around 53k. I also tried defraging it. but nothing happens. I am in Safe mode now.

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Extremely Slow Transfer Speed From External Hard Drive?

Jun 5, 2012

I have recently had to format my hard drive and re-install windows. I have also had to replace the motherboard, CPU and power supply. I borrowed a 1.5 TB Freecom firewire external hard drive from a friend to back-up important data before the format, but the transfer speed is uselessly slow now that I am attempting to put the data back on the drive.

I have tried:

- updating the drivers for the firewire card

- switching to 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller (legacy) in the device manager

- Optimizing the drive for 'better performance' as opposed to 'speedy removal' in the drive's properties.

As things stand at the moment, I am getting about 400 kb/ps transfer speed from the external to my on-board drive. As you can imagine, this is virtually useless to me, considering I have hundreds of gigabytes worth of data to transfer.

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Windows 7 Laptop Starts Boot Then Freezes?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a 64bit windows 7 asus laptop. whether booting normally, or in safe or any other mode, it will start the boot process then freeze. elements of one or two lines of blue screen (possibly the windows background) start to appear at the top of the screen when it freezes. Could this possible be something with the Windows load page?

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Computer Freezes To Desktop When It Starts And Won't Shut Down

Aug 1, 2012

My computer freezes many times when ill start it up and get to desktop. It wont take any commands after starting and ill have to shut it down by turning power off. It seems that when ill start my computer in safe mode and then ill restart and go back to normal mode it works normally. All these began after 2 latest updates.

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Starts Up In Safe Mode But Freezes In Normal

Nov 9, 2012

I tried to do a clean start up and still freezes. I've tried to restore it to previous settings and still having problems. Sometimes it freezes when i'm logging on and if i make it past that then it usually freezes within the next 1-3 minutes.

Processor - Intel i7-260 3.4 ghz
Ram - 8GB
64 bit Windows 7

I really would like to avoid having to completely erasing my Hard Drive.

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Windows 7 Starts Up Then Freezes When Application Is Launched?

Jan 3, 2012

Using windows 7, machine starts fine then freezes when I try to launch an application.

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Toshiba Satellite L500D Freezes When Windows Starts?

Jun 5, 2012

It was having problems and I reinstalled windows and it went through that process fine, but as soon as it finished configuring for the first time it froze again. It opens in safe mode fine.

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Toshiba Satellite Pro U400:Mouse Freezes When Starts Up?

Sep 10, 2011

have a problem with my Toshiba Satellite Pro U400, I recently did a clean install of windows 7 home premium 32bit and when I turn it on the mouse freeze but everything els works but it doesn't unfreeze unless when I turn it off and on then it will work but the problem happens again after I turn if on and off again

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Windows 7 Starts Up In Classic Mode, Then Freezes, And No Internet?

Sep 3, 2012

Ok, So I have tried to run a antivirus scan in safe mode, but it stops half way. and tried to download a new antivirus, but also when I go to Safe Mode with networking, It still wont let me connect to internet. Its like when I run normal Mode, its just starting up in regular safe mode, and same thing when I run Safe Mode w/ networking

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Computer Starts, Boots Up And Freezes At Black Screen?

Oct 7, 2012

but I was given it used from the previous owner and later found out it was refurbished. It is a Gateway NV53A. I have always had issues with BSOD's and Windows errors, and most of them either driver or memory related. I fixed and updated all drivers, but never did anything about memory except maybe some tests and they all came out fine. 3 days ago, I was using my PC just browsing a Web page and suddenly the screen went black. I thought it was the lcd, but I closed the lid to see if it would go into standby mode and it just stood there powered on and frozen... The only way it would react was if I manually turned it off holding power button.

Sometimes it does boot up, sometimes it gets farther than others. What I mean is, sometimes it gets past the Gateway logo and crashes there, sometimes it boots up to to the home screen, and sometimes it doesn't even boot... How far it gets depends on how long the PC has been turned off. Odd I know... Anyways, I found out my motherboard requires ram with 1066mhz fsb whereas the current ram sticks it has installed are 800mhz.... I was told new ram with 1066mhz would fix my issues and allow my PC tu boot and run fine as it always did, but I just wanted to be sure that's my Issue, and I also wanted to know how come the computer ran fine (with the exception of BSOD's and some errors occurring every now and then) before and now suddenly I'm screwed. I'm currently using two 2GB DDR3 Ram memory sticks. The brand and model of each stick is Nanya nt2gc64b88b0ns-cg

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Jan 4, 2011

I just built a new system today, and I have been running into some significant issues whenever I try to reboot. Basically, the system hangs up on the Starting Windows screen at the exact same instance whenever I reboot. This has been happening since I installed Windows 7 64-bit edition. After I booted and installed off of the installation DVD, it froze up on the first restart. I then tried to install Windows again. That worked, but it then again froze on the first reboot. I then had to manually shut down the pc and start it up again. Fortunately, it picked up where I left off and finished the Windows 7 install.After I installed Windows 7, I have had no problems whatsoever expect for when I restart, as the system freezes at the point specified on the image above. However, if I shut down my computer and then start it up, everything loads fine.

Here are my specs:

AMD Phenom II Black Edition dual core 3.2 ghz CPU (all four cores unlocked, overclocked at 3.8 ghz)
HIS Radeon HD 4670 GPU
BIOSTAR T A870+ mobo
Seagate Barracuda SATA 7,200 RPM 1TB HD
4 gigs G.SKILL DDR3 240-pin RAM

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart, But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Nov 15, 2012

Windows 7 always freezes on restart, but starts up fine after shutdown

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Will Adding A 2nd Network Card Improve Local Network Transfer Speed

Jan 23, 2013

This sounds really noobie of me but is it possible to improve local network transfer speed by adding a 2nd network card. I was planning to connect one exclusively for lan transfers and another one hooked to a separate wireless router.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off the PC before it gets a little choppy.

The pc in question runs on windows 7 and it's board has built in gigabit, I happen to have a spare gigabit card.

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Windows 7 Audio Reduces Itself

Dec 6, 2011

While on the internet or using windows media player. If I ave my mic plugged in and I talk or someone else talks it automatically reduces the volume for a short period of time before going back to normal. I went and messed with all the audio options including putting communications to do nothing and it stays.Running the lastest realtek audio drivers and this occurs at factory settings level.

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Screen Resolution Reduces On Boot?

Jan 12, 2013

The recommended resolution for the Acer LCD monitor is 1680x1050. This is the screen resolution by default.

I've noticed that particularly after installing a batch of Windows Updates that require a boot, the screen after boot frequently appears with a significantly lower resolution. Although a normal boot will sometimes reload with the correct resolution, only a cold boot will ensure this.

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ATI Reduces Support For Older Graphics Cards

Mar 5, 2009

As time goes on and a product catalog grows, it's not unusual for a company to reduce and eventually eliminate support for older products. In the case of ATI, AMD's graphics division, a new decision to reduce support for older graphics chips is about to take effect. To date, ATI has provided a new WHQL certified driver every month to nearly every graphics card capable of DirectX 9 acceleration. That includes cards all the way back to 2002's Radeon 9700 Pro. After this month's Catalyst 9.3 release, that will not be the case.

After Catalyst 9.3, products prior to the R6xx generation of graphics cards (that go by the Radeon HD 2000 series brand names) will be changed to "legacy support status." This means that these products will get quarterly WHQL driver updates, instead of monthly updates. AMD assures us that these products will still receive critical "hotfix" drivers if high-priority fixes are needed.

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Running Laptop Without Battery Reduces Chances Of Overheating?

Apr 14, 2011

Ever since I bought a new laptop, people kept telling me to take off the laptop battery once in a while and let it run solely on the charger/cable. They say that this could reduce the chances of overheating and could maintain a longer battery life. However, there have been others who say that it's actually bad to do so. Is it best to keep the laptop running with battery or not?

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Contrast Drivers / Laptop Does Not Reduces Light Or Brightness

Dec 15, 2012

my laptop does not reduces light or brightness

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How To Control Fan Speed Without Speed-Fan OR Hardware Controller

Dec 29, 2011

I just want to be able to increase the speed of my fans beyond their spec, and have complete manual control over their RPMs without a care about the temps. I have a liquid cooling setup and the fans on my radiator as they are right now simply aren't cutting it. I have them hooked up to the motherboard in hopes of finding something to just boost their speed via software, but SpeedFan is the only thing I could find and it simply sucks for that purpose.

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How To Speed Up Windows 7 ? - Speed Tweaks

Dec 1, 2008

How To Speed Up Windows 7 - Speed Tweaks by doing the following:-

Disable indexing

Disable defragmentation

Disable Write Caching

Configure Superfetch

Disable the Page File

Disable System Restore

Disable Hibernation

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Windows Easy Transfer - Transfer To & From Computers

Jun 1, 2009

How to Transfer Files from One Computer to Another Computer with Windows Easy Transfer ?

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How To Transfer XP Transfer Files To Windows 7

Apr 6, 2010

I used XP Transfer Wizard to store my files (over 200GB) on external hard drive. Now I have Windows 7 machine and can't use them directly.I tried to use Virtual PC XP mode to import files but Virtual PC can only handle something around 136 GB virtual hard disk, so after 6 hours of transfer it stopped... I don't have the XP machine anymore - I'm stuck with Windows 7 and can't figure out how to move these files over..Is there a way to actually open all these Wizard IMGXXXXX.dat files and read them?

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"Windows Easy Transfer Can't Transfer Your Files And Settings" ?

Aug 4, 2012

I saved my files and settings from a previous installation of windows 7 to an external hard drive using windows easy transfer. Now when I try to transfer those files and setting to my new installation I get the following message:

Windows Easy Transfer can't transfer your files and settings.

The message pops up only a few seconds after the transfer begins.Why is this?! I need those files and windows has screwed me.Everything is basically the same as before I reinstalled. Same computer, same windows 7 installation just recovered to factory settings.Same system language as before.BTW I'm on a Toshiba L505 laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I have tried all the usual suspects such as a clean boot and uninstalling my antivirus to rule out third party interference. I have more than enough space on both my computer and on the external hard drive. I have tried only transferring a user account a few MBs large. I have reinstalled the OS twice just in case something went wrong there. I have clicked on the .MIG file directly. All lead to the same error message.The transfer file seems to be intact and not currupt

Is there another software other than WET that can use the same transfer file that WET created to restore my files? Please help me solve this if you can or at least point me in the right direction because right now I'm clueless. I can't emphasize how important those files are to me. I've searched for solutions on several forums and it seems that this is a problem people have been having for years now and windows hasn't provided an answer yet.

An interesting note, When I reboot the laptop after trying to do the transfer, a new user account appears at startup alongside the one I normally use.This new user account has the same unique name of the user account I am trying to restore but that's where the similarity ends.All the settings for this account are default settings and empty folders.

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Random Freezes, Sometimes Glitchy Freezes And Rarely BSOD

Nov 28, 2012

i have random freezes sometimes they are glitchy and rarely bsod all on bootup or up to about half hour in (which also turns of the mouse). also Internet doesn't autoplay playlists and all sugestions next to the video are black. this started a few weeks to a month ago, first it seemed just a minor annoyance but it started to become more often the last few days. i've tried some checks but without success.
also i remember the week before those crashes that twice the screen driver crashed for a second or 2 and then a message popped up about how a monitor driver crash was adjusted, always when i played a certain game that is still in beta so i taught it was the game.

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