Toshiba L455D-S5976 Will Not Boot At All

Dec 4, 2012

The Toshiba L455D-S5976 Laptop will not boot. Nothing. Already tried to "reset" by removing the battery and unplugging, holding the start button etc... Still Nothing. The initial fan comes on and the light on the front showing the hard drive activity flicker once or twice then nothing. The battery is dead and the AC Adapter is plugged in. The lights on the front showing charging are not on. The adapter is good. I get nothing not a BIOS or any type of boot up. HOw can i tell where the fault is.

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Toshiba Won't Boot Up?

Dec 10, 2011

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas when my computer shut down randomly and attempted to restart. It would flash the Toshiba screen and then display a white blinking underscore. Whenever I tapped a key, I'd hear a beep.could access my BIOS and boot screen, but not my recovery partition. went on my brother's laptop (the one I'm using right now) and burned the windows 7 recovery tools to a disc. I booted from that disc, and soon discovered that I could...>Access command prompt, therefore access my c: d: and x: drives.>Run memory diagnostics>Do a system restore>Run startup repairI can see my two restore points but I get an error when I attempt to restore from them about 5 minutes in. can see all my files, but I can't access them. I'm in command prompt right now, and I have access to all my partitions

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Toshiba Laptop Won't Boot

Sep 14, 2011

I bought my son a Toshiba Satellite C655-S5132 laptop running Windows 7 for Christmas. He used the laptop about a week ago, and a couple of days ago tried to use it and it won't boot. Most of the time when the computer is turned on there is simply a blank screen. Sometimes a scree will show up that has Toshiba's name on it with F2 go to utility manager and F12 go to boot manager in the bottom left corner then a blank screen. Then sometimes it screen with Toshiba's name and the F2 and F12 will show up and them after a while something that looks like and underline that is blinking will show up in the upper left hand corner and there will appear a message that says ...

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 083)
ForAtheros PCIE Ethernet Controller v2.0.1.9(12/15/09)
Check cable connection
PXE-MOF: Exiting Intel PXE Rom.
No bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key

When it opens pressing F2 in Setup Utility the system date is correct, the System Date is correct and Language is in English. You can enter these three and change them. But the CPu Type, Cpu Speed, HDD/SSD, Total memoy Size, an Sytem Bios Version cannot be selected or entere.The boot manager can be entered and the boot sequence can be changed. Nothing else can be done, can't even enter safe mode.

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Toshiba Laptop Won't Boot?

Oct 21, 2012

Bought the toshiba satellite A505-S6970 for college three years ago. Now the logo shows then the F2 or F12 menu. After which there is only a blinking cursor, There are no error beeps. Additionally the keyboard is entirely unresponsive: I can neither enter the F2 nor F12 menu.After powering I have left it sitting an hour but it was still a flashing cursor. It will not boot to usb if I put in a known to boot usb drive. Similarly it won't boot from a bootable CD or a DVD.

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Toshiba Laptop Won't Boot?

Jun 24, 2011

The laptop runs the UTube Toolbox (TB) most of the time so when I went to bed I checked the TB and everything was running fine. I checked it again when I woke up and the screen was black and gave the following message:Check cable connectionPXE M0F: Exiting PXE ROMNo bootable deviceInsert boot disk and press any keyI don't have a boot disk. I tried to create one on my other win7 laptop but I only have cdrws and not dvdrws so I guess it failed because of lack of space to record everything?The cdrw did save some boot files but the Tosh laptop still couldn't load windows.I did manage to run the repair tool from the LT directly and when it finished it said the root cause was a corrupt registry. I presumed it had fixed it but windows still wouldn't load and now I only get the original problem message or the repair thing which never shows a windows and the HD stops sounding like it's actually scanning after about a 1/2 hour

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Toshiba Satellite Won't Boot To USB?

Jan 6, 2013

My friend just recently got a Toshiba Satellite C855D-S5307 and he's displeased with the Win8 experience. He asked me to install Win7 on the machine, but I can't for the life of me get it to boot to USB. I've tried all 3 USB ports, none of them seem to like the stick. It does say "Loading Files" with the progress bar on the USB 3.0 port, but it just goes to a Win8 PC diagnostic afterwards, and tells me Windows couldn't start properly. I tried booting to USB on my Acer Aspire (Also running Win8) and it worked without error. I don't know what to do.I've set USB first in the boot order.Something odd though is that when I press f12 in POST to get into the boot menu, USB is listed along with the other devices, but the device name isn't there, unlike everything else. The menu looks like this:. USB
2. HDD/SDD.........Toshiba MK507blah blah3. ODD.

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[CRASH] Toshiba Laptop Will Not Boot

Nov 21, 2012

I have a year old Toshiba laptop that just stopped booting up this week. Worked fine Sunday, then Monday it would not start. Black screen with the option to repair or start normally. Repair goes through the motions and then states it was unsuccessful. Starting normally will eventually reach the desktop, but nothing will function at that point. The pointer is in perpetual hourglass when held over the task bar. Nothing, such as Explorer, will start.I pulled the hard drive out and connected it to another Win 7 computer via SATA/USB cable set. Initially, I could see the drive and access the files. Foolishly, I chose to run an antivirus before backing up the files. I was concerned about backing up the potential problem. MalwareBytes did not identify any malicious files, but Semantic threw up a warning about Yontoon-S.exe, so I attempted to delete it via Explorer. That action locked up Explorer. I rebooted the host computer. I should have backed up first because now I am unable to see the files. Explorer will assign the drive a letter, but when I select the drive to do anything, Explorer thinks about it for some time and then puts up a message that the drive must be formatted before it can be used. I do not want to reformat until I recover my data first. I tried to use SeaTools to diagnose drive problems. Drive fails the short generic test. I am not able to run Check Disk because Explorer thinks the drive must be formatted first. How can I get to the data before reformatting?

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Toshiba Nb100 Won't Boot Into Windows 7?

Jan 12, 2011

my Toshiba nb100 wont boot into windows 7. it has a 512mb ddr memory

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Toshiba Satellite Will Not Boot Anymore

Nov 24, 2012

I have now burned through 2 laptops last week.. both were Toshiba Satellites Model:C655-S5132. I was running iTunes, Google Chrome, �Torrent, and Google Music Manager on both when they died. What happened was they both froze up when I was listening to music in iTunes and I held the power button down to shut them off.. now they won't boot. I am only really concerned in getting one of them to work for right now due to the fact that I don't have a computer other than these two.

The computer I am trying to fix will boot up past the Toshiba Screen and then will go to a black screen with a white flashing underscore in the top left corner and will not boot any further. I am able to use a windows 7 install disk to try and fresh install it, but I get an error message when it tries to move files. I was somehow able to access the explorer and view all my files through the install disk so my hard drive isn't crashed at least. I cannot boot in safe mode, I cannot boot to last good configuration, no system restore files work, I don't have a saved system image, and I cannot get into Toshiba recovery console.

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Toshiba Laptop Won't Boot To Vista

Aug 3, 2012

It's my son's (college student) laptop. Below are the details:

Laptop details:
-Toshiba Satellite, model A305-S6916
-Intel Core 2 Duo
-Vista Home Premium
-320GB HD


-Doesn't boot to Windows. It goes past the initial Toshiba screen, to a blank screen.

Steps taken so far: (the laptop did not come w/Vista CD)

-Followed Toshiba's instructions from the website (hold down 0 (zero) while booting up, keep holding until the screen goes past Toshiba's initial screen, into system recovery. Found few options there, again followed Toshiba's instructions & chose to have a clean install (losing all the data).

-Message popped up: BOOTMGR is missing. Looked it up on Google, went into BIOS, and made sure that hard disk is the primary boot sequence. Still no luck. My son has loads of important class lectures and notes in it

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Toshiba Satellite C655 - Unable To Boot-up

Jan 17, 2012

My Toshiba Satellite C655 laptop runs on Windows 7. Today it will not complete the boot-up process. I get to the Windows welcome screen and just as it appears to be going to the sign-on, the screen goes black with a white cursor. From this point, I can get nowhere.I can open in safe mode, but am unable to run any diagnostic from there.

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Toshiba Laptop Refused To Boot After Hibernation?

Feb 12, 2012

I just had a scary experience with my Toshiba A665-S6095 laptop. I had it running this morning and closed the lid, which hibernates it. About 3pm, I opened the lid and hit the power button, whereupon it gave me the "Windows did not close properly.. ." message. What? How? All I did was close the lid.So anyway, I choose "Start Windows normally". Get blank screen with cursor blinking in upper left corner, but Windows does not boot. Disconnect power cord and removed battery. Waited 10 minutes. Put battery back in, inserted power cord. Turned on. When BIOS icon appeared, hit F2 to enter BIOS. Checked everything; all A-OK.

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Toshiba Loading BIOS But Not Going Into Boot Manager

Dec 9, 2012

I haven't touched this laptop in a while. I received a virus which then slowed down my computer and made it really really slow to get into the windows log in screen. It wouldn't go past that. Now, 2 months later, I'm trying to install Ubuntu as my only OS. I hope this will get rid of whatever past problem I had. Is this true? The problem with this, is when I power it up and turn it on, the computer only goes to the "Toshiba Leading innovation" H2 BIOS screen. From here, the laptop screen keeps turning black/blank at random intervals (the disk drive kicks up after it turns blank). The screen returns to the BIOS screen... and I keep hitting F12 and nothing.

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Toshiba L550-00P Laptop Will Not Boot Suddenly?

Nov 23, 2012

I was cleaning up my wife's laptop and installed a defragger from CNET and while in that program the screen went blank and now it wont restart - when I push the On button nothing happens. I'm in real sh...t, I broke HER computer.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And 8 On New Toshiba Satellite?

Jan 21, 2013

I have a new toshiba satellite p870 that came with windows 8 and I would like to install windows 7 on its second hard drive for compatibility reasons. Every time I try to boot from the windows 7 setup disc it gets stuck on the "starting windows" logo screen and will not proceed. I have tried both booting from the disc and doing a custom install from inside windows 8 with the same result. It was necessary to disable secure boot in the bios in order to get the disc to begin to boot. This computer has 2 hard drives and I am attempting to install windows 7 to a partition on the second drive (the main drive had an error about GPT). I am using a windows 7 professional disc received from microsoft a few years ago to avoid burning a new disc. I have set up dual boot on several other computers but this one is different, Is there anything I can do to get this to work?

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Toshiba Boot Disk Free Download?

Apr 13, 2011

Where would I find a driver for my Toshiba Satellite L505D-LS5007 sound card?

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Toshiba Boot Disk Free Download?

Mar 1, 2012

Toshiba boot disk free download??

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Toshiba Windows 7 Boot Disk Download?

Dec 6, 2012

I have a toshiba laptop that I got in June 2012 for graduation, and I tried cleaning my hard disc about 2 nights ago, and when it was done, and it restarted a screen popped up saying "Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 083)Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel CorporationFor Atheros PCIE Ethernet Controller v2.0.2.7(11/02/10)Check Cable Connection!PXE-M0f: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.No Bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key"

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Currently In Safe Mode As Toshiba Laptop Cannot Boot-up Properly

Nov 28, 2012

I am currently in safe mode as my Toshiba laptop cannot boot up properly. I get through the windows startup. All the icons on my desktop look normal, and then about 40 seconds later, a blue screen filled with information briefly appears before the computer shuts down and attempts to restart itself. It happens so fast I can't write down much of what was on the screen other than a data dump, with numbers counting down to 0 and then it does a restart on its own. I did a restore to November 20 and that did not help, so I did another restore for Nov. 9 and that too did not help. I did manage to open in safe mode and managed to find these errors in some event log :

c:usersjayappData empwer-582810-0.xml

Here is the hijack log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:06:07 AM, on 11/28/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Windows 7 Toshiba Machine Taking 20 Minutes To Boot?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a friend who just picked up a brand new Toshiba laptop from Best Buy. It worked great the first two days, then suddenly slowed down to the point that it takes almost a half hour to boot. At first I thought it may be software issues so I wiped the entire computer and installed a new copy of Windows 7 from the recovery disk. This fixed nothing.Since then I have tried disabling the startup processes with msconfig Running GREP to see if he had a rootkit already.Running Avast, Malwarebytes, etc.Running Ultimate Boot CD to use their CPU, HD and Memory diagnostic tools.All of which have turned up no errors, no viruses no problems.what else could be causing such a massive delay?I plan on having him return this laptop and getting another one anyway, but Its not often I cant fix a PC I am given.

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Toshiba Satellite Running Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Won't Boot?

May 3, 2011

As you see in my title it wont boot... It shows the No Boot Disk screen...The only thing I did yesterday was install Warcraft 3and if or is Intel Core i3 and in InsydeH2o Utility it shows No HDD/SSD are connectedscreen[URL]and awhile ago before it started malfunctioning I experienced a BSOD soEDIT:I tryed going into the Advanced Boot thingy which requirespressing f8 but it just shows black screen and everytime i press it beeps

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Toshiba Laptop Brand New First Time Boot-up Failed

Sep 17, 2010

brand new toshiba satelitte laptop, preinstalled windows 7, turned it on for the first time out of box and it began some 'partitioning' thing..i have no idea what it is but i was excited to get going so i selected 'Windows 7 64bit' clicked next and it loaded with a blue bar, took about 20mins......then it went to another screen and said 'creating crc file' , or something like that and the blue bar never loaded..time elapsed went up to 2hrs, time remaining never showed. i figured something was wrong, clicked cancel, rebooted and its now stuck on the windows starting up, black screen..

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Create Or Get A Boot Disk For Toshiba Satellite L645?

Jul 17, 2012

how can I create or get a boot disk for my Toshiba Satellite L645?

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Toshiba L500 Crash - Boot From BBS Hard Disk Message?

Jul 21, 2011

I was uninstalling AVG and my syatem would get the BSOD and xrash before I completed it.Eventuallt my whole system crashed and all I get is a message on a black screen fron Phoenix Technologies aaying 'Boot from BBS-harddisk'.Anyone know what this means and if this screen can be bypassed. I can't use f2, f8 or f12.

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Toshiba Boot Disk Free Download Satellite M505-s4945?

Aug 18, 2012

Toshiba boot disk free download satellite m505-s4945?

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Windows 7 On Laptop Will Not Boot It Goes To The Toshiba Screen Then Black With Cursor In Top Left

Nov 2, 2012

windows 7 on my laptop will not boot it goes to the toshiba screen then black with cursor in top left. i cannot go to safe mode or startup repair because when you hold F8 or any other key it just beeps. im trying to keep from trying the factory reset.

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Windows 7 On Laptop Will Not Boot It Goes To The Toshiba Screen Then Black With Cursor In Top Left

Nov 2, 2012

windows 7 on my laptop will not boot it goes to the Toshiba screen then black with cursor in top left. i cannot go to safe mode or startup repair because when you hold F8 or any other key it just beeps. im trying to keep from trying the factory reset.

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Toshiba Satellite L655 Laptop Takes Long Time To Boot Windows 7

Jul 24, 2011

my Toshiba satellite L655 laptop takes long time to boot windows?

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Toshiba Webcam Has Disappeared From Toshiba Satellite L755-s5256

Jan 20, 2013

I rebooted my labtop everything came back ok but the webcam application that normally is under utilities i went to toshiba website installed their so called application but it's not doing anything, what can i do to get it back.

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Windows 7 Toshiba A505 Windows Boot Manager And Recovery Media Failed

Feb 20, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite A505-S69803; serial number Y9340538Q, with Windows 7, 500Gb HDD at 5400rpm and 4Gb RAM... I think that's all correct.Anyway, long story short, I got a b!tch of a virus, which apparantly was doing all sorts of nasty things to the explorer.exe file in particular. So I backed up all my important stuff: files, Uni work, writings, music and photos etc onto an external hard-drive and went about restoring the laptop to out-of-box factory settings by making the Windows 7 Recovery Media Discs. But when I try to use the discs I get told after about 30 minutes The Toshiba Recovery Wizard "Can't read from the source file or disk: PREINST5.SW5" with options to: Try Again (The same thing happens), or Skip (Same message again), or Cancel (in which case I'm back where I started).After the Recovery Wizard failed I chose the option to erase the hard-drive; it then appeared that when I turn on the laptop as normal I was told <Error>: F3-F200-0002 and the Recovery Media Disks still refuse to work.Now, if I turn on the laptop as normal a message telling me to insert the installation disc, choose language and click "repair your computer". So I put in the recovery disc and get the same message.

Toshiba can't help as my A505 is an American model in Britain and out of warranty anyway. Europe Toshiba HQ don't supply the recovery media for the A505 and the American based Toshiba aren't allowed to send the Recovery Media to Europe; so apparantly I get no help from them. And Microsoft can't help me because my laptop was purchased with everything pre-installed so the codes associated with my Windows and Office are comletely irrelevent.I have been told that I need to purchase a compeltely new hard-drive and purchase Windows 7 brand new to get my laptop back up and running. Purchasing a new OS isn't too much of an issue because I can just get XP for a tenner, validate it with Microsoft and then get a student upgrade onto W7-Ult for �60. So �70 in total, I'm fine with that. But do I need a new hard-drive too? Or can I rescue everything I already had?

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Access Windows Boot Options For Windows 7 Toshiba Satellite?

Feb 6, 2013

I have a toshiba lp645-s4059 model and it does load win 7 but when i try to get to bios setting with ESC,F1,F2 and etc. it wont work and i don't have recory cd or anything else. I want to reset my user password but i can not boot from nowhere.

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