Slower Computer Not Sure Of Reason

Oct 3, 2012

My problem is after several power outages, I noticed my computer is running slow, all my games run at 10 fps maximum, when I used to get over 70 fps, Even videos are suffer from fps drop, I tried cleaning the PC, fans are running alright. [code]

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Computer Running Slower?

Jul 2, 2011

My 1 month old comp is beginning to get very slow. I ran a virus and spyware/malware sweep and it came up clean.

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Computer Got Slower At Gaming?

Jan 2, 2013

I have a computer with this settings

Processor dual e2220 @2.4 ghz
Motherboard ASRock G31M-S
Ram 3gb DDR2
Video Card : Nvidia Geforc 9500 GT 1gb
Windows 7

I have been playing fifa 13 at low settings for weeks on resolution 1280x720 and had a normal performance. Suddenly computer slowed down and i cant play fifa fluently anymore. I tried even other games like fifa 12 pes 13 hitman etc. BUT it doesnt work anymore fast. I tried even formating my pc but still it is slow.

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Computer Got Slower Since Installing Windows 7?

Jun 15, 2012

Recently I installed windows 7 sp1 to my computer. I used to have vista installed. I realized that my computer got slower after installing windows 7. I did use windows 7 before on the same computer. The windows experience index score of my processor was 7.0 and my ram was 7.2 the previous time I installed windows 7. Now they are 4.4 and 5.6 while hard disk and graphic scores stayed the same. I also realized that I can't select 4 processors on boot options. ( I have an amd phenom 9750 quad-core 2.4 ghz processor. and 8 gb of ram

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Computer Seems To Be Getting Slower Over Time - Sound Stutters

Jan 17, 2013

I have a samsung npqx411w01 with i5 and 6gb, It also has NvidiaGeforce graphics with 1gb dedicated as I enjoy playing BF3. I have had this computer for about 6 months now, and its been great, but over time, despite antivirus/malware/disk cleanups. It just seems to be getting slower. I am at the point now where the audio sounds cracky, and even stutters, I cant play any games since there is a significant lag, as well as with streaming of any kind and Although I thought it may only be with the wifi, it is still limited with an Ethernet cable(the internet may be a separate problem). There was an incident nearly a month ago in which my system completely shut out. I couldn't open windows without safe mode or else I would get a windows error a few seconds after logging in. I was able to restore, but I feel things haven't been the same.

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Computer Starting Up A Tiny Bit Slower Then Usual?

Jan 17, 2013

my computer lately has been starting up a bit slower then usual i don't really know what/if theres anything wrong with it or if im just crazy/paranoid I reformat it once a month to make sure its always got that fresh install performance we all know and love. theres been no BSOD'S/random popups/errors/or any other strange activity so i kind of doubt its malware related but im not ruling anything out. whatever you guys could recommend i do to ensure its not malware

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Disabling Aero Makes Computer Slower

Dec 10, 2011

A buddy of mine insists that disabling Aero (Desktop Window Management / DWM.EXE) will slow your system down (lets assume it has a mid level graphic card).His logic is that Aero offloads some of the work to your GPU. Disabling it will increase CPU usage. My logic is that DWM.EXE uses a "significant" amount of CPU, regardless of what the GPU is doing. DWM.EXE on most systems I've seen is usually at the top of the list when I go to task manager and sort by "CPU TIME". It uses more CPU time then my browser, more then explorer, etc etc.So how can disabling it increase CPU usage? Where is this change reflected (which process shows increase CPU usage if you disable DWM)? How would you prove or disprove this?

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Computer Shutting Off For No Reason?

Apr 24, 2011

Last night I was on face book playing a game and my computer shut off for no reason.I turned it back on but it shut off again after about 10 minutes.I downloaded hijackthis but it won't seem to work for me,it dos the scan but I get a message saying,for some reason your system denied write access to the hosts file.If any highjackthis domains are in this file,hijackthis may not beable to fix this.

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Powered Off Computer For No Reason

May 20, 2009

im not sure what this means, but im shocked to learn that windows 7 just restarted my computer or crashed and i dont know why. can anyone help me? im using build 7077. and heres the stuff from event viewer relating to the restart.

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down For No Reason?

Feb 15, 2013

My computer keeps o hshutting for no reason...

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Computer Freezes For No Apparent Reason?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a 4 month old Asus G60Jx and, lately, it started freezing for no apparent reason. It freezes the most when I'm running a few applications together such as google chrome (with lots of tabs)+ powerpoint+winamp+adobe reader. However, it should not be the case of exhausting the memory (this laptop has 8Gb RAM).

My specs are:
Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Nvidia Geforce GTS 360M
i7 Q720 1.6GHz
8Gb Ram

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Computer Keeps Forcing Shutdown For No Reason

Oct 11, 2010

I am running windows 7 on my hp desktop. For some reason, when I load windows, after a few minutes, out of no where while I am using the computer, windows forces a a shutdown. If I can make it to press cancel, it will cancel the shutdown temporarily but then it will come back to shut down and the second time it won't even ask me, it will just force the shutdown. Sometimes when she's really cranky it won't even load windows. Like as soon as I type in my admin password, it forces the shutdown. It's driving me insane. I thought it had something to do with norton antivirus so i contacted them and they gave me norton antivirus 11 from 10 and that did not solve squat! I did run a system restore and i scan my comp for viruses but was not able to solve the problem.

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Computer Often Freezing For No Apparent Reason

Aug 12, 2011

I built a gaming rig at the end of June, and at first I noticed every once in a while the mouse icon would stutter a lot when moving, then it'd be fine. Figured it was maybe just interference with bluetooth, as I'm using a Logitech MX 5500. However, last night while listening to music on iTunes, it started happening again and the audio would cut in and out with distortion until I just closed iTunes completely. The issue came up again today while using Steam and iTunes at the same time and it forced me to quit both programs, as it didn't look like it was going to stop. Now, I've just noticed it again while trying to play a flash video online.

Core i5 2500k

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Computer Just Crashed Due To Reason 'IRQL Less Than Or Equal'

Feb 9, 2012

My computer just crashed due to the reason "IRQL less than or equal" or something along those lines, because it was only up for a second before my computer crashed. Minidump file is included in case anyone can help me. I think it might have to do with my ram, because ever since i bought it (around 2 months ago) i have crashed 4 times.

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Computer Crashes For No Reason Then Fails To Start?

Feb 5, 2012

Computer crashes for no reason then fails to start. I get half of the post screen which says 1 Keyboard 2 Mice 1Hub then nothing? It should show all the HDD installed next but nothing shows. The only way of getting the computer to boot after this is to disconnect SSD from the motherboard? Any Ideas guys and gals...

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BSOD Without Reason On A New Computer Files Zipped

Aug 24, 2012

I recently built my own computer and since I got it up and running, my computer has been blue screening without any reason that I can find. It never BSOD's during the same thing. Sometimes I'll be playing a game, other times just browsing the internet, and once while watching a movie.I'd rather not have to wipe the computer and start over, since I just got it fully situated and functioning. Well, functioning for the most part, minus the BSOD.

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Computer Wake Up Every Night At 12 For No Apparent Reason

Jan 28, 2012

Using Windows 7 x64. For some reason every night at 12am the computer wakes up for no apparent reason. I've checked the task scheduler quite extensively and can't find anything that is set to go at 12am exactly. I only have three items in my library and 2 of those are disabled. I looked pretty good in the microsoft section but couldn't find anything. How to locate this bugger?

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Windows 7 Slower Than XP?

Aug 25, 2010

Well in my case, performance wise it's a lot slower is it normal? For example, watching videos is real choppy that I have to set its quality to low which I didn't have to do in XP. Playing games I get lower FPS compared to XP, and even browsing through my folders can be slow at times. I've looked around for possible solutions via search and found nothing. I've also installed all the drivers including latest video card ones from It can probably be because of my slow ass processor or memory, which I will update in the future, but in XP it was running quite fine.

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Windows 7 Slower Than Xp?

May 3, 2012

Windows 7 slower than xp

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System Got Slower Suddenly

Apr 2, 2011

My system all of a sudden got slower than honey in Dec. to put it nice. When I go to task manage I see "system idle process" usage at 60 - 100%. Looked system idle process up and this is the explanation I got: When opening Windows Task Manager you may notice that the "System Idle Process" is high and be concerned about something using your system resources. When a computer or a processor within the computer is idle it will have a high System Idle process in the CPU column, often in the 50's to 90's. This is completely normal for a computer as it waits for something to do. But this has been going on forever I would guess, why is it slowing my system down now and it never did before? it's so slow Xmarks normal take 15 to 30 sec. to sync. I stopped it at 2 min. As I am typing this ...I type 5 to 10 letters and everything freezes for 5 sec. then it fills in and freezes, then 5 sec. later I can type some more.

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Everything Is Slower And Nothing Works After Restart?

Jul 1, 2012

yesterday i installed quicktime for team fortress 2 and it required a restart.After the logo appeared it remained on black screen for 1-2 min then another 1-2 min on 'Welcome' after that i got a bunch of windows about programs that crashed,my wifi adapter doesn't work,everything doesn't work. I tried system restore but nothing changed I'm having this problem for a long time,this is my 3rd installation and it keeps appearing.

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Boot Time Slower For 64 Bit Vs 32 Bit ?

Nov 21, 2009

Boot time slower for 64 bit vs 32 bit ? I was running 32 bit and am now running 64 bit but the 64 bit seems to take longer to boot.

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Windows 7 Slower Than Vista?

Apr 25, 2009

Just went back to Vista32bit for a while... everything is so much faster! or is Windows 7 actually slower?

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Windows 7 And Software Getting Much Slower

May 14, 2011

Boot now takes several minutes, and I am not certain it actually finishes as I've noticed that Steam usually won't load.Firefox and Windows Explorer are so slow as to be practically unusable. The Action Center program, when activated, tells me that it has been disabled; no amount of turning it on will change this.Safe Mode works just fine; there are no performance issues there.

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Windows 7 PC Has Been Slower Since Last Format

Dec 10, 2011

I've made a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and my computer starts up alright but it takes like 2 minutes to load all the programs and before formatting this did not happen (I had exactly the same programs installed).

Here are my specs:
Core 2 Quad Q9550
4GB DDR2 OCZ (Yeah I know it's a bit old )
ATI 6850
Samsung 1TB

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New Hard Drive Slower

Nov 12, 2009

I would first like to start off by saying that I do love Windows 7, but I seem to be having some issues with my new internal HDD for my computer. I'll start by giving specs on my computer to give everyone an idea what I'm dealing with here.

Prior to installing the WD Black, my computer was running a Samsung SP2014N (7200rpm, 200GB, 8MB cache, IDE). While using Windows 7, this HD was very fast at accessing information, but transfer rates seemed low (in my opinion), and I needed much more space since my External HD was crashing.

After careful consideration, I purchased the new WD Black. Brought it home, connected the new HD, installed Windows 7, updating all drivers and even updating the BIOS as of yesterday. This new HDD seems slower than my old one, and I cannot seem to find a way to speed it up.

In BIOS, I have to run the new HDD through IDE settings for it accept it, but the primary and secondary IDE controllers are still showing with nothing running in their place. This also transfers over to Device Manager, where the new HDD shows up under the IDE/ATA/ATAPI Controllers as "ATA Channel 1", with DMA checked under advanced settings.

All Drivers have been updated prior to checking in here. I know I am not getting anywhere near the 3GB/s transfer rates that WD claims this drive will perform up to.

If anyone out there has any suggestions at all, I would love to hear from you. I'm just running out of ideas..

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Windows 7 Gaming On A Slower System?

Dec 24, 2010

My systems specs are basically as follows:

Athlon 64 3500+
8600 GTS 256 MB

I'd like to use win 7 to make use of direct x 10 since win xp lacks the support and generally play games like F.E.A.R 2 and Modern warfare.Do you think I would be able to play these games w/o problems with better graphics and about the same speed in Win 7 (or some kind of Gamer edition like ARC)?

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Corsair 120GB SSD Getting Slower After Formatting?

Aug 12, 2012

I did about 3 format since I bought my ssd. And its getting slower and slower for everytime I format it, I have format it about 2 times not more. and its about 100-200 write speed on it, before it was about 200-300. but its not fast as I expected here comes my bios settings if i have anything wrong there [URL].

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TeraCopy Slower + Not Copying All The Files?

Oct 13, 2011

I've just purchased a Seagate FreeAgent goflex ultra portable drive 1 TB usb 3.0 which I'm using it on my usb 2.0 port on the back of the computer. I've a front usb ports but its not giving it enough power so it's only working on the back side.I'm trying to copy some files using TeraCopy from my old transcend 500gb drive into this new seagate goflex 1TB drive. But its only giving me speed between 15-22 mb/sec on usb 2.0, without TeraCopy its even much slower. Both drives are connected on usb 2.0 on windows 7. Why is it not giving me atleast 30 mb/sec ? Should I return this drive and buy some other brand like Western digital or transcend ? Which external hdd get atleast 30-35 mb/sec on usb 2.0 ?Another problem is that the folders which I dragged and dropped into TeraCopy originally has 106,301 files inside them but TeraCopy says it is copying only 106,277 files. Why would it not copy all the files ?

My system specs:

Intel core 2 cpu 4400 @ 2.00ghz
windows 7 SP1 32 bit home premium
4gb ram

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Slower Boot Time After Patch?

Sep 7, 2012

I have a spare pc with Windows 7 64bit professional (no SP1) on a ssd which I bought a year ago. Back then, it booted within 20sec or so. I noticed a slower boot time after the SP1 patch. So I assumed the patch slows the PC and so I went on with my life.

Now that I bought a new PC with a Windows 7 SP1 64bit professional DVD, I expected to have a slower boot time since SP1 was already added on the DVD. But to my surprise, it booted just as fast, around 17 sec on a fresh install. I rebooted and got the same 17 sec. Next, I updated the recommended patches. I did not install anything else that was optional, any MB drivers, GPU drivers, etc. Just plain recommended windows updates. Boot time went from 17 to 46 seconds. How can that be? If patches slow PCs, then the new DVD should have done so from the beginning.

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Why Is Windows Slower When Turn Off Paging

Mar 24, 2011

Why is windows slower when I turn off paging?

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