Computer Often Freezing For No Apparent Reason

Aug 12, 2011

I built a gaming rig at the end of June, and at first I noticed every once in a while the mouse icon would stutter a lot when moving, then it'd be fine. Figured it was maybe just interference with bluetooth, as I'm using a Logitech MX 5500. However, last night while listening to music on iTunes, it started happening again and the audio would cut in and out with distortion until I just closed iTunes completely. The issue came up again today while using Steam and iTunes at the same time and it forced me to quit both programs, as it didn't look like it was going to stop. Now, I've just noticed it again while trying to play a flash video online.

Core i5 2500k

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Computer Freezes For No Apparent Reason?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a 4 month old Asus G60Jx and, lately, it started freezing for no apparent reason. It freezes the most when I'm running a few applications together such as google chrome (with lots of tabs)+ powerpoint+winamp+adobe reader. However, it should not be the case of exhausting the memory (this laptop has 8Gb RAM).

My specs are:
Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Nvidia Geforce GTS 360M
i7 Q720 1.6GHz
8Gb Ram

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Computer Wake Up Every Night At 12 For No Apparent Reason

Jan 28, 2012

Using Windows 7 x64. For some reason every night at 12am the computer wakes up for no apparent reason. I've checked the task scheduler quite extensively and can't find anything that is set to go at 12am exactly. I only have three items in my library and 2 of those are disabled. I looked pretty good in the microsoft section but couldn't find anything. How to locate this bugger?

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No Signal Detected In WMC For No Apparent Reason

Jun 2, 2011

I have had my current PC for over a year, running Windows 7 with Media Center, and for almost the whole time I have had my OTA antenna hooked up to my PC and have never had issues. Today I decided to clean out the dust inside my computer, so I unplugged everything, including the coaxial cable from the antenna. After I was done, I plugged everything back in, and now I cannot get a signal. The antenna cable is screwed in firmly into the tuner card.

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Folders Stopped Opening For No Apparent Reason

Mar 27, 2012

Recently my folders stopped opening for no apparent reason.Basically what happens is that I can double click or right click a folder on my desktop (including "My Computer") and it will briefly flicker across the screen and then nothing.The folders which I have opened appear on my task bar and I am able to manually close them, but they do not show up when I select them.I re-installed Windows because I didn't really feel like mucking around too much trying to fix this issue, but shortly after re-installing anti-virus, web browsers and Steam the problem came back again!

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Printer Stopped Working For No Apparent Reason

Jan 14, 2012

I recently got a new PC, with Win 7 on it, which is new to me. I have had it for a month, and a week or two ago I noticed that the printer was no longer working - I don't use it that much, so I can't say exactly *when* it stopped working, but I *do* know that it did work when I first got the new system. This makes me suspect that a Windows Update hosed things at some point. BTW, I am running Win 7 Home Premium SP1.Anyway, the actual problem is that every time I try to print now, the printer "uh-oh" box pops up in the middle of the screen and says "Printer not reponding". If I am not trying to print but just click on the little printer icon in the lower right task bar, I get the same box and the same msg. I remember having this problem periodically with the Toshiba laptop (with Windows Vista) that I had before I got this hot new system, but I could usually power-cycle the printer and get it to come back online and print. And it certainly was not totally dead as it now is with the new Win 7 system.I have researched this a good deal on the net. I have re-started the Print Spooler Service, ran the Hardware Troubleshooter (which didn't help because it couldn't find a printer). This printer, a Kodak 5100 All-in-One, was set as default printer. The Kodak site told me to run the "Kodak Printer Setup Utility", which I did. It failed to find the much for that. Next, I un-installed all the Kodak software, then downloaded the latest version, with drivers, all of which was newer than what I had. When it was done installing the software, it went thru the printer detection sequence, and failed to find the printer just like its older version had.

I read in several places that I should delete the printer and re-add it, so I tried this. I was unable to re-add the printer, though, because the Kodak software can't find it - perhaps deleting it was not the wisest thing to do...oh well. I am dead in the water now because Windows is supposed to automaticcally detect a USB printer when it is connected (isn't it ?), and it doesn't find mine. BTW, the printer itself works...I just used it earlier tonight as a phot-copier. I have also tried several different USB ports, both front and back of the system case (no hubs or extenders here). I had finally decided that the cable was the only thing I could think of that was left, since the printer itself does actually work. Then it occurred to me to dig out the cheap Toshiba laptop that this hot new system replaced and try it with the printer...after all, it worked before. So I connected it back up to the Toshiba laptop, and it won't work on it, either, now.I decided that this was incontrovertible evidence that the printer cable was the culprit, so I bought a new one, connected it, and.....nothing. Still won't detect the printer with the new cable attached!!Now I'm completely bumfuzzled. I am a veteran problem solver and trouble-shooter. I remember in my old programming days, running a hardware debugger and tracing DOS interrupts through the OS code, and now I can't figure out what's wrong with a printer? One last pearl of information that only adds to the craziness: I noticed when booting the new system that the AMI BIOS message says "USB devices found: 1 keyboard, 2 mice, and 3 hubs". I thought the "2 mice" was kind of strange, so I went into Device Manager, where I found two entries under "Mice and other pointing devices"! Both are titled "HID-compliant mouse" and are identical. If I delete one, my mouse stops working. If I delete the other, mouse still works, but next time I reboot, I have two mouses in Device Manager again. I thought this might be the key, that perhaps my BIOS was detecting the USB printer as a 2nd mouse. This is one reason I went back to the Toshiba used to work, and *should* still work, esp. in the light of my "phantom mouse" theory, but it doesn't, and so I have hit the proverbial brick wall.

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Full Screen Exits For No Apparent Reason?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm on Windows 7 (7600) Ultimate and up until about a week ago everything was working pretty good, but now applications exit full screen mode on their own.It seems to be totally random, I'll be sat watching a movie in Media Player Classic (or WMP/VLC) and it'll just exit from full screen, at no particular time, for no reason that I can find. It does the same thing if I have iTunes playing (with Visualizer) in full screen mode.As far as I'm aware I haven't changed anything or installed any new software around the time it started happening.

I'd perform a system restore and see if that would help...if "Windows 7 Manager" hadn't deleted them all! I don't have a screensaver so I it's not that triggering the full screen exit.Also, I have to use the mouse before the app will respond, I can't simply use Alt+F, not until I've clicked the mouse.

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Occasional High HDD Activity For No Apparent Reason?

Jan 15, 2013

I have recently upgraded my hard drive and cloned my old Win 7 partition to that. All seems to be o.k. but occasionally my hard disk starts to work intensively for less than a minute freezing everything.The hard drive that I have used for the migration of my OS was one that had a few large files on it. I have used easeus partition manager to shrink the partition with these files and made a new partition in front of it for the OS.I have checked the had drive for errors and bad tracks, and it looks that there are no such problems.A look at the event viewer shows the application experience and error reporting services starting and stopping all the time. Could it be the write caching of windows?

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Netbook Gone Super Slow For No Apparent Reason - CPU At 100 Percent

Aug 20, 2010

In the last few days my netbook for no apparent reason has gone super slow. Chrome takes ages to load webpages when it use to take a second. The computer is very unresponsive. When I check the task manager the processes list is stuffed up. The processes keep jumping up and down the list. Sometimes a process is at the top of list but a second later it's at the bottom of list. As soon as I log in my cpu usage is a 100% when i have no applications running. I'm scanning with avast now and then will scan with Malwarebytes.

Netbook specs:
Thinkpad 100xe
AMD Athlon Neo MV-40
Huron 65nm Technology RAM
2.0GB Single-Channel DDR2 @ 159MHz (5-5-5-15) Graphics
ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics (Lenovo) Hard Drive
156GB Hitachi HITACHI HTS545016B9A300 ATA Device (IDE)

Why my pc is lagging so much?

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Computer Shutting Off For No Reason?

Apr 24, 2011

Last night I was on face book playing a game and my computer shut off for no reason.I turned it back on but it shut off again after about 10 minutes.I downloaded hijackthis but it won't seem to work for me,it dos the scan but I get a message saying,for some reason your system denied write access to the hosts file.If any highjackthis domains are in this file,hijackthis may not beable to fix this.

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Powered Off Computer For No Reason

May 20, 2009

im not sure what this means, but im shocked to learn that windows 7 just restarted my computer or crashed and i dont know why. can anyone help me? im using build 7077. and heres the stuff from event viewer relating to the restart.

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Slower Computer Not Sure Of Reason

Oct 3, 2012

My problem is after several power outages, I noticed my computer is running slow, all my games run at 10 fps maximum, when I used to get over 70 fps, Even videos are suffer from fps drop, I tried cleaning the PC, fans are running alright. [code]

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down For No Reason?

Feb 15, 2013

My computer keeps o hshutting for no reason...

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Computer Keeps Forcing Shutdown For No Reason

Oct 11, 2010

I am running windows 7 on my hp desktop. For some reason, when I load windows, after a few minutes, out of no where while I am using the computer, windows forces a a shutdown. If I can make it to press cancel, it will cancel the shutdown temporarily but then it will come back to shut down and the second time it won't even ask me, it will just force the shutdown. Sometimes when she's really cranky it won't even load windows. Like as soon as I type in my admin password, it forces the shutdown. It's driving me insane. I thought it had something to do with norton antivirus so i contacted them and they gave me norton antivirus 11 from 10 and that did not solve squat! I did run a system restore and i scan my comp for viruses but was not able to solve the problem.

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Computer Just Crashed Due To Reason 'IRQL Less Than Or Equal'

Feb 9, 2012

My computer just crashed due to the reason "IRQL less than or equal" or something along those lines, because it was only up for a second before my computer crashed. Minidump file is included in case anyone can help me. I think it might have to do with my ram, because ever since i bought it (around 2 months ago) i have crashed 4 times.

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Computer Crashes For No Reason Then Fails To Start?

Feb 5, 2012

Computer crashes for no reason then fails to start. I get half of the post screen which says 1 Keyboard 2 Mice 1Hub then nothing? It should show all the HDD installed next but nothing shows. The only way of getting the computer to boot after this is to disconnect SSD from the motherboard? Any Ideas guys and gals...

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BSOD Without Reason On A New Computer Files Zipped

Aug 24, 2012

I recently built my own computer and since I got it up and running, my computer has been blue screening without any reason that I can find. It never BSOD's during the same thing. Sometimes I'll be playing a game, other times just browsing the internet, and once while watching a movie.I'd rather not have to wipe the computer and start over, since I just got it fully situated and functioning. Well, functioning for the most part, minus the BSOD.

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Boot Time Has Increased With No Apparent Cause

Aug 31, 2012

No updates or new applications installed, but recently boot time has about doubled, with the longest stretch during the amber (yellow) monitor light on and blank screen after Windows Starting and before the blue splash screen.

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version: 6.1.7600 Service Pack 1 Build 7600
Other OS Description: Not Available
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
System Name: KOKUA
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
System Type: X86-based PC
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date: American Megatrends Inc. 1005, 8/24/2010
SMBIOS Version: 2.6
Windows Directory: D:Windows
System Directory: D:Windowssystem32
Boot Device: DeviceHarddiskVolume1
Locale: United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
Time Zone: Hawaiian Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 8.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 6.48 GB
Total Virtual Memory 12.3 GB
Available Virtual Memory 10.8 GB
Page File Space 4.30 GB
Page File D:pagefile.sys

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How To Correct Apparent Mistakes In Office 2010 Main Dictionary

Sep 8, 2012

I was just typing something which Word 2010 did not recognize. My spelling of "monosaccharides" is correct, but Word offered "monosaccharaide's" and "monosaccharaide," both of which are incorrect spellings (at least in the U.S.). I checked the custom dictionary to see if at some point I had inadvertently marked these spellings as correct, but they did not appear in the custom dictionary, leading me to believe that the misspellings are in the main dictionary.

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Computer Keeps Freezing?

May 27, 2012

I have an old Toshiba Satellite L355-S7905 that was handed down to me back in 2009It gave me some problems beforehand (needed a new OS twice since I got it) but over the past year it's been fine. Suddenly, out of the blue, the OS crashed on me a few days ago.The crash was pretty bad and the OS wouldn't boot anymore. So, I did what any logical person would do; I reformatted my HDD (to ensure no viruses or spyware remained) and attempted to reinstall Win7 Ultimate. After the install, I manually updated all my drivers, and went underway resituating my programs. All was well with the universe, and then it happened.My system froze. One reboot later and it started freezing any time I tried to launch Firefox. Shortly after that, it started freezing whenever I tried launching any program at all. It even froze when I launched the Command Prompt. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to solve the problem of the CPU spiking then the system locking up. I've tried virus scans, registry cleaner, disk defragenation, and disk clean up

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Computer Keeps On Freezing

Nov 4, 2011

does anyone know what is wrong with my computer? can u please tell me if it is a virus or what can be the problem, and how to solve it if possible?
alot of times whenever i use itunes or go to Internet on my computer, my computer freezes. my computer wont allow me to do alt control delete so i can end task the programs that r opened cause nothing pops up when i do it.about the freezing i hear the song play on Internet but my computer screen just starts becoming blurry and starts to glitch.i have tried to scan my computer with avira and malwarebytes anti-malware full scan and quick scan on both, but it does not detect anything.

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Computer Keeps Freezing

Apr 19, 2012

My computer keeps freezing. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. HD is good swapped a new one same issue. Reloaded windows to no hope as well. Yet runs fine with linux systems. No BSOD/ black screen just locks up no activity at all ( on windows). Computer is only two years old.

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My Computer Keeps Randomly Freezing Up

Nov 20, 2011

My computer keeps randomly freezing up, I know when it happens because my mouse starts to skip, and then like 30 seconds later, my whole computer freezes?

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Computer Freezing Non-Stop?

Mar 21, 2012

the other two ( won't mention names ) did not reply in a week's time. my computer went nuts from one day to the next. Internet videos freeze but i hear the audio. i have "google" as my homepage but it keeps changing to babylon... i've removed it but it keeps coming back. also, i try typing anything and have to wait for cursor to catch up to what i'm typing... i get the following message every time i switch from one webpage to another.. " security warning do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?this webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure https connection, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage. tsg sysinfo: tech support guy system info utility version os version: microsoft windows 7 professional, 32 bit processor: amd athlon(tm) 5000 dual-core processor, x64 family 16 model 4 stepping 2 processor count: 2 ram: 3070 mb graphics card: nvidia geforce 9500 gt (microsoft corporation - wddm v1.1), 1024 mb hard drives: c: total - 238372 mb, free - 190772 mb; f: total - 1907726 mb, free - 1419068 mb; motherboard: biostar group, n61pc-m2s antivirus: kaspersky internet security, updated and enabled

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Computer Freezing When Start It Normally?

May 21, 2012

i don't know much about computers, but i also can't download in safemode with the tool that was offered by this site so i'm not sure what all i should be includingi have an hp pavilion g7-1219wm notebook with windows 7. maybe about a month ago or a bit longer, the computer froze up while i was watching a movie on netflix. for a few days then, it'd been going slow and freezing momentarily but this time it would freeze for long periods of time and a few times i shut it off by holding down the power button (which i know you aren't supposed to do, stupid me) then when it wouldn't restart, at all.i did a recovery and re-installed most of what was in windows updates (except for two/three which refuse to install) but all of a sudden, it began freezing again. when i attempt to start normally, it seems fine - for under five minutes then everything freezes. i can move the mouse around but that's the only thing i can do. i've been using it fine in safe mode with networking thinking this month, we'd be able to get it fixed but that's not happening and to top it off, it's begun to freeze even in safe mode with networking

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Computer Freezing Soon After Start-up?

Nov 13, 2012

I have a samsung laptop, and run with Windows Seven. About a month ago my problem started. My computer will freeze and require me to manually shut it off and restart. At first it happened infrequently, but as of yesterday it freezes right after it starts up. I run spy-bot search and destroy, which I did using the guest profile. It found and fixed about 62 problems. I hoped that would have fixed the problem, but unfortunately it hasn't. Right now I am operating in safe mode.

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Computer Has Been Freezing Up Randomly?

Dec 8, 2012

Starting just last week my computer has been freezing up randomly. I don't know what is causing this, but it's getting really annoying.

Hard Drive Capacity 320 GB
SuperMulti Dual Layer DVD+/-R/RW
Processor Cores 2
Processor Speed 1.86 GHz
Processor Type Intel Pentium Dual-Core P6000

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Computer Freezing After An Hour Of Use

Dec 29, 2012

So in the past week, my computer has started freezing. After about an hour of use, the screen will freeze. Sound will still play for a while and the mouse still moves. But other than that, it completely freezes.

Ctl+alt+del doesn't do anything and I have to manually shut it down.

Sometimes if it sits for a while and I don't mess with anything it will black screen and tell me to insert bootable media.

My computer is only about a year old and I put it together myself. I have an 64 GB SSD with Windows 7 intel i5 2500k 3.3ghz CPU 8 GB of RAM EVGA GTX 570

My graphics drivers are up to date. My registry seems in order. I have no virus' showing up under my scans. My PSU doesn't seem to be overheating. Memory test in my BIOS shows fine My case has plenty of airflow HD tune pro doesn't show any bad sectors And I've cleaned up with CCleaner

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Adsl Freezing My Computer

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop. windows 7 home 64 bit. I uninstalled windows live mail from my computer & since then my computer is Verrrry slow. if I switch off my adsl the computer's speed is normal.All programs are "not Responsive" when i am connected to the internet..Please help. I ran a virus check (bitdefender ) no viruses were detetected.

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New Builded Computer Is Freezing

Aug 2, 2011

I am having issues with my computer freezing. It's not frequent but it and it happens pretty much whenever it wants. I can be rendering a video in Premiere Pro CS5.5 or just downloading something with the system completely idle. I check the Windows Event Logs after every time I reset the machine and there's no errors at the time of the crash. At the time the computer rebooted it says the last system shutdown was unexpected.I ran Memtest86+ 4.2.0 and it came up with no errors. I also ran 3DMark Vantage, I know it's not really a stability test but I wanted to see if it would cause it to freeze, which it didn't. But then I ran Prime95 on a stress test and it causes the machine to freeze after the 640K Self-Test passes everytime I run it.

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