Full Screen Exits For No Apparent Reason?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm on Windows 7 (7600) Ultimate and up until about a week ago everything was working pretty good, but now applications exit full screen mode on their own.It seems to be totally random, I'll be sat watching a movie in Media Player Classic (or WMP/VLC) and it'll just exit from full screen, at no particular time, for no reason that I can find. It does the same thing if I have iTunes playing (with Visualizer) in full screen mode.As far as I'm aware I haven't changed anything or installed any new software around the time it started happening.

I'd perform a system restore and see if that would help...if "Windows 7 Manager" hadn't deleted them all! I don't have a screensaver so I it's not that triggering the full screen exit.Also, I have to use the mouse before the app will respond, I can't simply use Alt+F, not until I've clicked the mouse.

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Computer Exits Full Screen?

Jan 23, 2013

Okay so i have an asus u56e laptop 1yr old and i for some unknown reason in the past week when watching a movie or playing a game it has exited full-screen as if windows has told it to so. I have updated drivers. I saw on another forum that the reason anothers was doing so was avg 9 however i dont use nor have ever had avg 9 on my laptop i use microsoft sec ess.

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Computer Freezes For No Apparent Reason?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a 4 month old Asus G60Jx and, lately, it started freezing for no apparent reason. It freezes the most when I'm running a few applications together such as google chrome (with lots of tabs)+ powerpoint+winamp+adobe reader. However, it should not be the case of exhausting the memory (this laptop has 8Gb RAM).

My specs are:
Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Nvidia Geforce GTS 360M
i7 Q720 1.6GHz
8Gb Ram

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No Signal Detected In WMC For No Apparent Reason

Jun 2, 2011

I have had my current PC for over a year, running Windows 7 with Media Center, and for almost the whole time I have had my OTA antenna hooked up to my PC and have never had issues. Today I decided to clean out the dust inside my computer, so I unplugged everything, including the coaxial cable from the antenna. After I was done, I plugged everything back in, and now I cannot get a signal. The antenna cable is screwed in firmly into the tuner card.

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Computer Often Freezing For No Apparent Reason

Aug 12, 2011

I built a gaming rig at the end of June, and at first I noticed every once in a while the mouse icon would stutter a lot when moving, then it'd be fine. Figured it was maybe just interference with bluetooth, as I'm using a Logitech MX 5500. However, last night while listening to music on iTunes, it started happening again and the audio would cut in and out with distortion until I just closed iTunes completely. The issue came up again today while using Steam and iTunes at the same time and it forced me to quit both programs, as it didn't look like it was going to stop. Now, I've just noticed it again while trying to play a flash video online.

Core i5 2500k

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Folders Stopped Opening For No Apparent Reason

Mar 27, 2012

Recently my folders stopped opening for no apparent reason.Basically what happens is that I can double click or right click a folder on my desktop (including "My Computer") and it will briefly flicker across the screen and then nothing.The folders which I have opened appear on my task bar and I am able to manually close them, but they do not show up when I select them.I re-installed Windows because I didn't really feel like mucking around too much trying to fix this issue, but shortly after re-installing anti-virus, web browsers and Steam the problem came back again!

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Printer Stopped Working For No Apparent Reason

Jan 14, 2012

I recently got a new PC, with Win 7 on it, which is new to me. I have had it for a month, and a week or two ago I noticed that the printer was no longer working - I don't use it that much, so I can't say exactly *when* it stopped working, but I *do* know that it did work when I first got the new system. This makes me suspect that a Windows Update hosed things at some point. BTW, I am running Win 7 Home Premium SP1.Anyway, the actual problem is that every time I try to print now, the printer "uh-oh" box pops up in the middle of the screen and says "Printer not reponding". If I am not trying to print but just click on the little printer icon in the lower right task bar, I get the same box and the same msg. I remember having this problem periodically with the Toshiba laptop (with Windows Vista) that I had before I got this hot new system, but I could usually power-cycle the printer and get it to come back online and print. And it certainly was not totally dead as it now is with the new Win 7 system.I have researched this a good deal on the net. I have re-started the Print Spooler Service, ran the Hardware Troubleshooter (which didn't help because it couldn't find a printer). This printer, a Kodak 5100 All-in-One, was set as default printer. The Kodak site told me to run the "Kodak Printer Setup Utility", which I did. It failed to find the printer...so much for that. Next, I un-installed all the Kodak software, then downloaded the latest version, with drivers, all of which was newer than what I had. When it was done installing the software, it went thru the printer detection sequence, and failed to find the printer just like its older version had.

I read in several places that I should delete the printer and re-add it, so I tried this. I was unable to re-add the printer, though, because the Kodak software can't find it - perhaps deleting it was not the wisest thing to do...oh well. I am dead in the water now because Windows is supposed to automaticcally detect a USB printer when it is connected (isn't it ?), and it doesn't find mine. BTW, the printer itself works...I just used it earlier tonight as a phot-copier. I have also tried several different USB ports, both front and back of the system case (no hubs or extenders here). I had finally decided that the cable was the only thing I could think of that was left, since the printer itself does actually work. Then it occurred to me to dig out the cheap Toshiba laptop that this hot new system replaced and try it with the printer...after all, it worked before. So I connected it back up to the Toshiba laptop, and it won't work on it, either, now.I decided that this was incontrovertible evidence that the printer cable was the culprit, so I bought a new one, connected it, and.....nothing. Still won't detect the printer with the new cable attached!!Now I'm completely bumfuzzled. I am a veteran problem solver and trouble-shooter. I remember in my old programming days, running a hardware debugger and tracing DOS interrupts through the OS code, and now I can't figure out what's wrong with a printer? One last pearl of information that only adds to the craziness: I noticed when booting the new system that the AMI BIOS message says "USB devices found: 1 keyboard, 2 mice, and 3 hubs". I thought the "2 mice" was kind of strange, so I went into Device Manager, where I found two entries under "Mice and other pointing devices"! Both are titled "HID-compliant mouse" and are identical. If I delete one, my mouse stops working. If I delete the other, mouse still works, but next time I reboot, I have two mouses in Device Manager again. I thought this might be the key, that perhaps my BIOS was detecting the USB printer as a 2nd mouse. This is one reason I went back to the Toshiba laptop...it used to work, and *should* still work, esp. in the light of my "phantom mouse" theory, but it doesn't, and so I have hit the proverbial brick wall.

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Computer Wake Up Every Night At 12 For No Apparent Reason

Jan 28, 2012

Using Windows 7 x64. For some reason every night at 12am the computer wakes up for no apparent reason. I've checked the task scheduler quite extensively and can't find anything that is set to go at 12am exactly. I only have three items in my library and 2 of those are disabled. I looked pretty good in the microsoft section but couldn't find anything. How to locate this bugger?

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Occasional High HDD Activity For No Apparent Reason?

Jan 15, 2013

I have recently upgraded my hard drive and cloned my old Win 7 partition to that. All seems to be o.k. but occasionally my hard disk starts to work intensively for less than a minute freezing everything.The hard drive that I have used for the migration of my OS was one that had a few large files on it. I have used easeus partition manager to shrink the partition with these files and made a new partition in front of it for the OS.I have checked the had drive for errors and bad tracks, and it looks that there are no such problems.A look at the event viewer shows the application experience and error reporting services starting and stopping all the time. Could it be the write caching of windows?

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Netbook Gone Super Slow For No Apparent Reason - CPU At 100 Percent

Aug 20, 2010

In the last few days my netbook for no apparent reason has gone super slow. Chrome takes ages to load webpages when it use to take a second. The computer is very unresponsive. When I check the task manager the processes list is stuffed up. The processes keep jumping up and down the list. Sometimes a process is at the top of list but a second later it's at the bottom of list. As soon as I log in my cpu usage is a 100% when i have no applications running. I'm scanning with avast now and then will scan with Malwarebytes.

Netbook specs:
Thinkpad 100xe
AMD Athlon Neo MV-40
Huron 65nm Technology RAM
2.0GB Single-Channel DDR2 @ 159MHz (5-5-5-15) Graphics
ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics (Lenovo) Hard Drive
156GB Hitachi HITACHI HTS545016B9A300 ATA Device (IDE)

Why my pc is lagging so much?

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Full Screen Games No Full Screen On Windows Seven

Sep 2, 2009

Full screen game will full screen when I use Vista and XP. When I use Seven, the side will become dark.

But when I use fraps to take screenshot, it appears to be full screen image. So, i have to draw it out. Any idea?

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Blue Screen With Unknown Reason

May 23, 2012

OS: Windows 7 enterprise x64
Lenovo T410

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Random Screen Flickering, No Known Reason

Nov 4, 2012

A couple of days ago, I noticed my screen started flickering randomly. Nothing really changed to my computer. I have uploaded a video which you can see right here: [URL]

I've tried quite a few things such as completely renewing my drivers and such. The video shows the flickering on Facebook but it happens a lot more then just on Facebook.

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Random Blue Screen For No Reason Today, Dump And System Report Inside?

Jun 22, 2012

been awhile since i been here but im back sadly and worried...So ima explain best i can what i did that maybe caused the BSOD. First off my cpu is OC but barely and no voltage changes and has been that way for 3 or so months. By default it runs at 3.8Ghz and i just OC it to 4.0Ghz and its been running that way fine for months and its made to be OC way more so i highly doubt its that. 2nd. I do have dameon tools and i see alot of ppl say that can cause it but again, its been on pc 4 ever and never had no issues with it and it rarely gets used but it still does get used here and there.3rd. I installed some codecs yesterday to try to get sony vegas to read a video and i probably installed 3 different codecs and some were named the same and it was the coded for a h264 or something like that, i already uninstalled that.

4th. No major changes have been made to pc, no recent windows updates, program installs or nothing has been done. Only thing i did most recently yesterday was upgraded a widget for reading GPU and its called GPU meter.5th. Finally and im scared this might be the issue is i noticed on sony vegas ( video editing program ) that it likes to max out all my cores and i noticed the temps reached 90-94 on my cpu which really scared me but ive only used this program twice but i was thinking maybe it was damaging my cpu but not sure.The last thing i was doing when it BSOD was i had a video uploading to facebook and firefox was open and a little dialoge box telling me how far video was done and apparently it got finished and i went to get drink and came back and BSOD was up and the pc didnt auto restart like it did before, had to force shutdown and restart.

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Intel Exits The Desktop Motherboard Business To Focus On New Form Fact

Jan 15, 2013

Intel exits the desktop motherboard business to focus on new form fact?Are desktops doomed to extinction?

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Full Screen Videos Crashing To Black Screen And Buzzing

Mar 26, 2011

My computer has a problem with crashing while playing a video in full screen. When it crashes the screen turns black while the speakers give out a buzzing noise. Everything is unresposive the only solution is to turn it off with the power button. It happens in any full screen video online or offline and even visualizations from windows media player and iTunes, but only in full screen. I don't think it's overheating either because sometimes it takes 30 mins to crash and other times it will crash immediately when put in full screen. *I've tried setting it back to factory settings thus reinstalling windows. *All the directx features are working with no reported problem there.* I don't think it's a memory issue in the computer, as my specs are:

Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: intel core i5 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Graphics card memory: 0.5 GB
Any other ideas?

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Screen Displays In Box Projection Not Full Screen After Downloading Windows 7?

Jan 3, 2013

My screen displays in Box projection not full screen after downloading windows 7 - how can I get the graphoics to fit the full screen please

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Screen Resolution Can't Get It To Change Back To Full Screen

Dec 9, 2008

i'm having some trouble with my screen resolution . i set it at (800x600) cause i'm using a 51 inch big screen hd tv. it go's full screen but then for no reason it puts the bars back on the sides of the screen. i checked and it still reads (800x600) and i can't get it to change back to full screen until i reboot. works fine in vista . i'm not seeing anything about drivers failing so i'm not sure what's happening.

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Dual Screen, Unable To Full Screen On Second Monitor?

Feb 26, 2012

I have 2 monitors set up,

Primary: Samsung Syncmaster 19 Inch widesreen 1400 * 900
Secondary: LG E2541 25 Inch Widescreen 1980 * 1080
OS: Windows 7 64bit
VideoCard: Nvidia Geforce 560 Ti

I use my primary mostly for browsing, msn, music players, Ventrilo etc etc,I want to use my secondary Monitor for gaming Watching Videos.However, when i want to use something Full screen on my secondary monitor it goes full screen on the primary monitor.
I cant also run it in windowed mode and stretch it out to full screen, it does not allow me to do that, it goes back to the size of my primary Monitor.

Ps.I want this since i play mostly with fullscreen borderless or in windowed mode so i can still browse the internet or adjust music/ventrillo settings. I dont want to have an Taskbar below the game, so thats why i need it on the Second Monitor.

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Horizontal Screen Tearing When Viewing Anything Full Screen

Sep 2, 2012

no matter what i'm viewing, be it a video on Internet/dailymotion/vimeo/wherever or anything on vlc, the second i go full screen i notice horizontal screen tearing across the entire screen. i managed to lessen it to an extent on vlc by switching to directx output, but it still pops up on Internet videos etc.have also just started to notice it on non full screen videos.if it makes a difference it's around 2/3 of the way up the screen on online vids and 90% of the way up on vlc.i know this problem is going to be hard to pinpoint since it could be any number of things, but i have the feeling this is all because i have a setting too high/low somewhere.

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Screen Show Box Display Rather Than Full Screen Size

Jan 3, 2013

My screen show box display rather than full screen size after downloading Microsoft Windows 7, how can I get Full screen size

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Keep A Full Screen From Resizing To A Half Screen?

May 28, 2011

If I click on the maximize window, I will get the full screen that I want but the half screen will reappear in later use (during the same online session).

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Screen Dimming In Full Screen Videos

Nov 17, 2009

alright so just recently my screen has been dimming when i stream videos(south park studios, Internet). i have my laptop screen set to dim after three minutes of being inactive, but i thought watching videos was an active process. after five minutes my laptop screen turns off, which is how i have it set for inactive use.

i'm using an hp dv7t laptop with windows 7 ultimate 64-bit installed.

maybe this isn't a problem with windows, but a problem with the browser i am using? i'm using the latest version of firefox.

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Screen Resolution Cannot Give A Full Screen?

Apr 4, 2012

my screen resultion only gives me a wide screen, but i want the monitor to have a full screen. to fit top and buttom how can i do that ?

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Boot Time Has Increased With No Apparent Cause

Aug 31, 2012

No updates or new applications installed, but recently boot time has about doubled, with the longest stretch during the amber (yellow) monitor light on and blank screen after Windows Starting and before the blue splash screen.

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version: 6.1.7600 Service Pack 1 Build 7600
Other OS Description: Not Available
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
System Name: KOKUA
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
System Type: X86-based PC
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date: American Megatrends Inc. 1005, 8/24/2010
SMBIOS Version: 2.6
Windows Directory: D:Windows
System Directory: D:Windowssystem32
Boot Device: DeviceHarddiskVolume1
Locale: United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
Time Zone: Hawaiian Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 8.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 6.48 GB
Total Virtual Memory 12.3 GB
Available Virtual Memory 10.8 GB
Page File Space 4.30 GB
Page File D:pagefile.sys

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Browser Screen Not Full Screen?

Oct 6, 2012

i use Internet explorer but when I open a page it is not full screen, and I have to use the maximum size buttonHow can I make it full scree by default

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F11 Key Does Not Go To Full Screen?

Oct 23, 2012

When I hit the F11 key on one of the computers at work it will not go full screen whereas the others will - I have checked all the setting and everything seems to be the same on them - boss said he accidentally hit something in the upper right hand corner and since then it won't do it - not sure what he hit but he needs full screen

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How To Get Full Screen

Dec 20, 2012

i have a 1" black border on my dell ST2320L and ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 series adapter. how can I get a full screen?

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IE Is Not Opening In Full Screen

Nov 24, 2011

have a problem with IE not opening in full screen.I have been up on other site and tried every suggestion I have found but still about half my pages open full page and half don't.I can't believe MS hasn't put out a fix to this problem - any suggestions?

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Help Regarding Full Screen Setup

Dec 31, 2009

I recently updated my os to win 7 in my sony laptop(vgn-cs17g). I have loaded a 64bit version and i have a problem finding the nvidia drivers.

i have another problem also when i play a game the sides of the screen ar black i mean i am not able to get the full screen mode...even the drives in the sony website ar not upto the mark..

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Games Won't Go Full Screen

Oct 29, 2011

It started when I left a game running in full screen and my laptop went to sleep mode.Every time I want to start a game now it doesn't stretch full screen. It just stays centered with a big black frame around it.

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