Single Physical SSD Acting As Two Drives In RAID0?

Dec 10, 2012

I always thought that RAID 0 configuration is possible using two identical physical drives. I bought this Sony Laptop. If you go down to the Hard Drive Storage section you see you can customize it with four different options. I chose the 1st one (750GB mechanical drive). However you can see that the last two options involve RAID 0 (128x2 or 256x2). I was wondering where to install the 2nd drive as there is only a single drive compartment with a single SATA ribbon connector when you remove the back cover. I called Sony Tech Support and this is what they said: "You can only physically install a single SSD. The RAID 0 options involve a single physical SSD that inside has two chipsets in RAID 0, in other words, it's a single physical SSD that acts as two drives". Of course I never heard of this, does this exist?

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Set Up A Raid0 With 2 X 1 TB Drives?

Dec 4, 2010

Looking to set up a Raid0 with 2 x 1 TB drives. Only problem is the drives are from 2 different companies. 1 is a HITACHI Deskstar 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0gb/s, the other is SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s. Am i able still able to combine these 2 drives to make Raid0 array?

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Creating RAID0 With Two Drives - Low Capacity Available

Mar 18, 2012

I'm trying to create RAID0 with two drives. The first is 320GB and second 1TB. I know it won't be 1,32TB. The summary capacity should be 1229,5 GB (298.0 + 931.5). It asks for RAID name, RAID level, Strip Size and Capacity. Capacity is by default 596.2 GB and below is "The default value indicates the maximum capacity using the selected disks....". I hope the maximum size could be at least 1100GB. How is it possible to have available only a half of the smaller drive? I have:

GIGABYTE GA-Z68A-D3-B3 (BIOS version F10)
Drives Samsung (320GB) and Western Digital (1.0TB)
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100

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Admin Mapped Drives Acting Weird

Jul 21, 2009

I've been finding that the new UAC and linux style permission system is pretty annoying (I'm coming to Windows 7 from XP). Yea, I know it's proper security but I haven't had any issues with XP all these years since I know what I'm doing so I really wish my OS would trust me, lol.

Anyway.. I made life pretty comfortable by installing HotKeyBind and having it run as the administrator so whenever I hit Win-D I get an Administrator level DOS window. Usually when I get hamstrung by the limited rights it's when I'm in DOS trying to do something so this got rid of most of my hassles. HKB launches at startup from a batch file in the startup folder which does a "runas" on HKB to launch it as admin.

Now the problem comes from the fact that the DOS process is not running as me, so my mapped drives are not accessible. Even file associations were wrong when launched from that window. So I edited the launch batch to launch a second bat rather than HKB directly. In that batch file I map my drives. Seems to work golden. Alas, it seems at random intervals the system suddenly forgets the domain user I've associated with the drive mappings. (All the drives are remote PCs that require my domain credentials). I made another .bat called "admindrives" that will unmap them all then remap and then they work.

Just now though, I couldn't access my webserver's D$ share, kept getting "Access Denied" in my admin DOS. Admindrives.bat didn't help. Manually remapped the drive.. net use w: webserverd$ /user:domainusername pwd. It mapped with no error, but still couldn't access the drive. Opened a regular non-admin window, went to the W: drive just fine.

It's frustrating as hell. I wish I could just make my domain account act like the super-admin, or make the super-admin have a domain user token.

Anyone know of a way to handle mapped drives like this? Has anyone found a way yet to make a domain account have the full no-limits admin privledges?

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Clean Install On Multiple Partition/physical Drives

Oct 21, 2009

On my home computer, I have 2 physical drives. One hard drive has a single partition (D:) and the other (newer) drive has two partitions (C: and E:). Unfortunately when I first purchased this computer, the technician mistakenly installed Windows XP onto my older hard drive (D:) rather than installing the OS onto the desired C: drive.

The main problem that I am having is: Can I perform a clean install of Windows 7 onto C: drive even though my current OS (Windows XP) is installed onto D: drive? P.S. I have already backed up all files that exist in all of my partitions and would like to format all of the drives (C, D, and E)

drive spaces: C: = 40gb D: 200gb E: 200g

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Single Or Multiple Hard Drives For Best Performance?

Mar 23, 2010

I just rebuilt my desktop and installed Windows 7. I had thought to put My Pictures and My Music on separate Hard Drives from the Operating System and everything else; OR would performance be better with all on one hard drive and backing up the My Music and My Pictures to separate Hard Drives? I'm using i7 processor with 8G RAM and 500GB hard drives (3); with a 1 Tetrabit External MyBook.

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Merging Multiple Drives Into A Single WMC Listing

Jan 17, 2012

I have a C: drive and an E: drive on a Windows 7 X64 Media Center PC. Both have a directory called "Movies" ... when I start Windows Media Center and go to "Videos" I have a C:Movies AND an E:Movies.

Is it possible to merge both these directories into a single directory in Windows Media Center?

The C drive is 95% full so I can't copy the movies from the E: drive onto C: and the E: drive is 95% empty... so over time I'll add more movies to my collection (on the E: drive) and would really like to have ALL the movies from both C:Movies and E:Movie listed in a single directory and arranged alphabetically....

Ps. I've already tried adding both directories to the windows library 'Movies' directory but you can't access the 'Movie' library from within the Media Center!

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Raid0 Unallocated Space 700 GB

Apr 7, 2011

I have a set up with one SSD for windows 7 x64 and two Seagate Barracuda Green ST1500DL003 1.5TB HDD 3.5"

Without raid0 all is going well, when I raid0 the two Barracuda I have better performance but I have a huge unallocated space of 746.53 GB On Windows 7 disk management the I do not have any option for the unallocated space, as all options are grey out when I right click.

When I log off windows and delete the raid0, I can see all 2795 MB of the space, if I raid them again I end up with 746 GB space which I cannot add as a simple volume nor expand the other volume.

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Setting Up RAID0 On Xps 420 With 2 New Seagate Hd's

Sep 18, 2012

I must be missing a step somehow, and I'm not so tech savvy anyways, but.. I have an '08 dell xps 420, recently installed win7 ultimate x64, have 6GB ram, backed up oem internal to 2tb external, also did windows easy transfer copy to ext, now replacing oem hitachi 750mb internal w 2 1tb seagate barracuda hd's...booting from cd-rom drive works fine, but cannot seem to get raid0 config worked out nor load drivers for drives.

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Cannot Install Windows 7 (64bit) On RAID0

Dec 3, 2009

Motherboard: GA-MA790X-DS4

I set up the raid and everything bios related but windows 7 (64-bit) cant detect the hard drives even after i got the most recent drivers from gigabyte's website?

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Migration From Raid0 To Normal Drive

Dec 16, 2012

I'm showing an error in my Raid0 configuration, although windows is working properly, and from what i see, i can access all my data. But I think its time to move the install to a normal drive, and i used a ghosting tool to clone the 2 partitions to a new drive. All went fine.

I rebooted, and had to run windows repair from the original DVD, to fix the bootmgr.exe missing file. Again all went well and got all working on the new disk.

However now the clone requires 'activation' within 3 days, and when i try, it tells me i can't, because its and 'upgrade' (which it is), and that i need a new key (which i don't, at hefty price tag!!). Is there a way to fix this, without buying a new 'stand alone version' of windows 7.? (i have the original disk including the key, and its windows 7 ultimate upgrade 64bit).

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How To Recover Data From Corrupted Raid0

Aug 18, 2012

i have taken off the two HHD from my 6 Tera External ( WD ),put them to my computer but they didn't work, then immediately i returned them back to the external unit, but the RAID0 was corrupted & it's didn't work, i don't care about it but the DATA inside it.I used Data Recovery program it recovered the data tree, but when i recovered the data mostly videos with their right size, but one i opened more than 10 files none of them worked.

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Installing Windows 7 On New Partition With Raid0?

Mar 4, 2012

So i wanted to do a fresh W7 install on a new partition today. My setup uses two 500gb drives in raid0 with Windows 7 64bit installed. Using the windows 7 disk management tool i resized the main partition to give space to the new partition. I didn't reformat thinking i could do it before installation.So I used the microsoft tool to create a bootable usb drive. restarted, went into boot menu and set it to boot from usb first and booted into windows 7 installation from the usb drive.The computer was set up in raid0 when i got it and i did a fresh install of W7 and that time i remember it picked up the raid drivers and used those. this time however it didn't pickup any drives. I went to install and did custom install but there was no drives to choose from and after a scan it didn't find any either. i went back and booted into my main OS and used the disk management tool to format the unallocated partition. formatted as NTFS and set it to drive D. booted up from the USB drive again and there was still no drives in the list that i could install too.

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Windows 7 Ultra64 + 4TB RAID0 = Failed Installation

Sep 14, 2010

The BIOS is currently set mostly for defaults/auto except for where I needed to specify RAID for the respective SATA ports connected to the two drives I want to stripe and to boot from CD for Windows 7 installation so I adjusted these settings accordingly.The motherboard has an onboard AMD 890FX based RAID controller. I have two 2TB SATA3 drives configured for RAID0 using the onboard RAID controller software. The RAID controller software reports slightly over 4TB as logical drive #1. Everything seems fine at this point.Next step: Boot from the DVD to install Windows 7 Ultra 64. This attempt is a clean install, full (non-upgrade) version, to be installed onto a 4TB RAID0 array using two brand new HDDs.During the installation I supply the device drivers as specified by the mobo's owner's manual. Windows7 installation accepts them no problem. Suddenly, there is a problem... Instead of showing the available drivespace as just under 4TB, after the RAID hardware driver is supplied the list will then show two partitions, one barely over 3TB and another one roughly 1 TB. It does not show one 4TB drive after the driver has been provided from the mobo's driver CD.If I continue to install on the 3+TB drive anyway, the installation routine seems to go through the usual motions... But then comes up with an error... Something about not being able to prepare the drive for booting and to try to re-run the installation program again. It always ends at the same point with the same errror. I will post the exact error message after I give it another try. I should've written it down already, but it's no problem for me to re-create it.So... If someone posts that Windows 7 cannot be installed on a 4TB partition for whatever reason, like it cannot address over 3+TB of drivespace or other reason, then I can just forget about using the two drives in a RAID0 array and use them as 2 single drives.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 & Vista On SSD And 2x HDD's In RAID0

Dec 30, 2010

I have been running Windows Vista 64 for about 3 years off of 2 HDD's in RAID0 and I just got a 60GB SSD which I wanted to install Windows 7 on it and still be able to dual boot my Vista 64 from my RAIDED drives. And then shrink the partition on my RAIDED drives to roughly 50% and create a new partition on them for my Windows 7 install to also be able to use to install programs and files. Which I was told elsewhere is totally possible. Windows 7 Install

When installing Windows 7 on my SSD I couldn't get it to install with the SATA MODE in the BIOS set to RAID, it would say "cannot install to this disc, check if its enabled in BIOS". So I had to set it to AHCI MODE, which worked, so I unplugged every drive in my system and installed Windows 7 on the SSD like this.

So the problem is when I plug my RAIDED drives back in they will only boot when the MODE in the BIOS is set to RAID but then the Windows 7 on the SSD doesn't boot as that only boots when the MODE is set to AHCI. In my BIOS the SSD is only visible in AHCI MODE, my RAID drives are visible in both MODES but as Intel_Array in RAID MODE and as 2 seperate drives in AHCI mode.

So I am in a bit of a pickle and not sure what to do... I don't mind have to change the SATA MODE settings in the BIOS to dual boot back and forth, but will I be able to shrink and re-partition the RAID drive so Windows 7 can use them? With the MODE set to AHCI I can boot to Windows 7 from the SSD, and after installing the Intel Rapid Maxtrix Storage Controller I can access most files on the RAID array so it does detect the RAID array even when its set to AHCI but will not boot the RAID array in this MODE.

I fear the problem may be with my BIOS, Motherboard or the Storage Drivers as the RAID mode should be able to support a RAID array aswell as a stand alone drives using AHCI. But for me it seems when I enable RAID MODE, AHCI fails to work on the SSD. This could be because I installed it on the AHCI MODE but thats all I could do.

My system:

Abit IP-35 motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E2160
2x 250GB Western Digital in RAID0 booting with VISTA 64 (for about 3 years).
1x 60GB NEW Corsair SSD with Windows 7 (64) on it.
1x 640GB Western Digital Storage drive (currently unplugged).

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WMP Not Acting Right?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm having a problem with windows media player (version 12), when I try to open up a file all I see is the "visualization" and no controls at the top (i.e. minimize, restore down, and close) also WMP seems to be gone from my start menu, I would reinstall it but windows thinks I should have it (because it came with win 7) and there is no place to download it.

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Did Raid0 Array OK Installed Windows 7 Ultimate On Ssd 120GB Drive

Jun 19, 2012

Built a "super computer" with all the bells and whistles, did raid0 array OK installed Windows 7 ultimate on ssd 120GB drive.went to drive management found raid array, partitionnedit as 1 18TB drive without problem BUT when i tried to format it (quick since i suspect it may take days) and iwin sais failled to format drive.i will try to make a Loooong format and see what happens.

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My Laptop Acting Very Slow

Dec 6, 2012

My laptop acting very slow, and streaming not smooth

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Windows 7 Started Acting Up?

Jun 8, 2011

I have been using 7 for several months now but it suddenly developed several faults. wmp locks up wont play at hard drive light stays on after boot up

dvd drawer wont open after boot up

cant run ms updates just locks up

wont log off need to use power switch

this is what I noticed so far and this all happened all at the same time.I run system shield for protection. Not sure what to do

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Some Programs Are Acting Weird

May 31, 2012

Accidentally deleted mine, and some of my programs are acting weird. If someone could copy and paste the information in both.

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Installing Windows 7 On Raid0 Array, Boot Manager Status 0cx0000225?

Mar 15, 2012

I've got 2 2TB hdd running in a raid0 volume setup with Intel RST. I made a flash disk for the raid drivers. Then I go ahead and start the install of Windows 7, load the raid drivers, create a 1TB partition to install Windows 7 on and have a 3TB partition for storage and such. Installs windows no problem. When i restart the system windows boot manager appears with "0xc0000225 - The boot selection failed because the device is inaccessible"If i then restart the computer, i get windows error recovery screen, if i choose Start windows normally, it boots fine. If i choose repair, it just goes back to the 0xc0000225 screen. This happens every time i restart the computer.I've tried everything i can think of, such as changing the boot order in the bios and such.

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Windows 7 64bit Acting Like 32bit?

Dec 25, 2012

i have the 64 bit win 7 installed in an alienware m17x r2 laptop. i have 4 gb mem installed. for some reason, windows is only registering 2.9gb installed. i have ran my mem diagnostics from the bios screen and both mem sticks come up as good. is there a reason i dont have access to my total ram?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 2932 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4870, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 223434 MB, Free - 67556 MB;
Motherboard: Alienware,
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011, Updated and Enabled

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Burner Acting Like A Storage Device?

Mar 22, 2011

My uncles laptop burner is acting like storage device. The icon on computer is a storage device icon. Every time he inserts a DVD movie it doesn't auto play, in windows media player you would usually see the DVD on the side but you see it as storage device icon which you can't play it. The only way to play it is by playing the .vob file on the DVD. I checked device manager and i found the burner is in the disk drive section which is really strange. Any ideas on how solving this?Details: Toshiba Satellite Pro L500

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Windows 7 Is Acting Like HAL, Can't Change Permissions

Oct 8, 2010

Trying to change the permissions for:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionControl Paneldon�t load It denies me,I'm logged in under Administrator.

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MSI P55-cd53, Onboard Lan Acting Weird?

Apr 13, 2012

I just formated my comp, nothing new added except two older hdds from another comp, removed them so thats no worry atm, but the onboard lan just stopped getting detected for some reason?, i cant understand it, its been working perfectly, and it does work if i use the "MSI WINKY" browser and the onboard lan with cable connects to the internet without a problem, but as soon as i enter windows, its gone, nowhere to be found in device manager, when i flashed my bios to the latest version the onboard lan got detected for a few minutes but was gone after reboot, so.. im kinda good with computer and it feels like ive tried everything but now im lost.

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System Acting Strange Behavior?

Jan 15, 2013

basicy my system seems to just freez up when i do things..example i will be installing a program and it will hang. my harddrive led will constanly blink and my system wil become unresponsive and then suddenly it wil finish what it is doing.kind of like a delay but a very big one at that. this dose not seem to have any effect when i run a program like a game . I recently looked in event viewer and under in summery of ministrator events for 7 days it reports 363 errors,112 warnings,3,277 information and 702 audit success i dont no what all this meens and would like it if somone could hlep me ideintifi what is causing this problem.

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Windows 7 Acting Like XP In Screen Resolution

Dec 28, 2011

My windows 7 screen is really big and when I go to the screen resolution I find that there is only to resolutions high (1024x768) and low (800x600).

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Windows 7 Acting Weird Shortly After Start-up?

Jan 9, 2012

I start up my PC and minutes after loading the desktop it pretty much freezes. Before it freezes I can just open things like My Documents and stuff and seems to work perfectly fine. After it freezes, clicking anywhere on the taskbar results into some message pop-up that asks if I want to close Explorer (Ok / Cancel).Clicking anywhere else doesn't do anything. Anything with the keyboard stops working.I'm currently in safe-mode which works just fine. Tried the F8 thing to load Windows in previous working state twice, but has no effect.

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Mouse Driver Acting Funny (intellimouse)

Oct 7, 2009

For some reason my mouse acceleration keeps dying. When win 7 starts up the acceleration is there but then it dies shortly after the system is fully up. If I unplug the mouse and plug it back in the acceleration is there for about 5 seconds and then it dies again. I am using the latest Intellipoint 7 driver.

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Laptop USB Ports Acting Strangely, Can't Figure Out?

Oct 3, 2011

I was just browsing the net with the usual plugged into my laptop (external in the lefthand port, keyboard and mouse in the righthand ports) when suddenly my keyboard and mouse just stopped working. The external on the left is fine and is still functioning as I type this.The mouse didn't show any signs of life when plugged into other ports but the keyboard had all three of the lock lights glowing. I tried restarting my laptop, uninstalling the USB hubs in Device Manager, making sure power management doesn't turn them off and still they wouldn't work.

After one restart my keyboard would work if the mouse wasn't plugged in, as soon as you did that the keyboard would either show all three lock lights or no lights at all. At one point they both worked together but after about five second of moving the mouse both stopped responding again.It got to the point where if I moved my mouse a lot the lights on the keyboard and mouse would flash for a second. After doing this a few times in frustration I got a message about USB Hub power surges and to click here to deal with the problem. I was too slow with the trackpad so I missed clicking. I can only find XP related information on these and haven't got another so I'm kinda stuck.

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Keyboard And Mouse Both Start Acting Strangely After A Few Hours

Oct 17, 2012

I've been getting this problem lately where both my mouse and my keyboard start acting up after a few hours of the computer being turned on. What happens is that the keyboard stops using it's normal functions (ie. pressing m to type m) and starts doing a number of different things instead, ranging from not work at all to opening programs and closing them down by pressing F keys and pressing unique characters such as umlauted letters. The mouse also acts up, trying to run programs in administrator when they are pressed on the windows bar at the bottom.The computer is pretty brand new (a month old) and I've been using a new mouse and keyboard since buying it also. I've tried unplugging and resetting the keyboard when this happens but the only thing that seems to reset the issue is restarting my computer which fixes the problem.

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