Security Processor Loader Driver?

Jun 14, 2010

But after like 30 seconds after logon, it completely freezes.I've already tried setting power mode to "high performance"I think its a broken driver called "Security Processor loader driver" , cause in device manager it shows the yellow thingy next to it. But the problem is you cant update it by right clicking.

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Have More Than One Processor Driver?

Feb 21, 2012

I was going through my Device Manager and I click on Processors. It shows that I have four of the same driver, Intel Core i3 CPU M370 @ 2.40GHz. All of these are also listed as being in the same location. Is this normal? Could this may be what's been causing my recent freezing problems?

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Vga Driver For Amd Processor?

Oct 16, 2012

i am using an hp machine with AMD E-300 APU with Random(tm) HD Graphics 1.30hz.i just installed Youcam on the machine but anytime i run it,an error message saying VGA hardware or driver not found.

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AMD Dual Core Processor Driver

Mar 3, 2009

I just bought a: AMD Athlon X2 2.2 GHz 4200+ Socket 939 89W Dual-Core Processor

and I have spent many hours trying to get 7 to detect that there is two cores in this thing and that it needs to utilize them both. But I'm not really sure if there is a driver out there that I can use... The setup I found would say its not compatible with this OS when I ran it.

Is anyone else having issues with 7 detecting their AMD dual core processors correctly? Are there some compatible drivers that I've missed?

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Amd Sempron Processor 2600 Display Driver?

Mar 22, 2012

Amd sempron processor 2600 display driver?

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Sony Vaio Driver Download For Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit I3 Processor?

May 28, 2012

i want sony vaio windows7 home basic 64 bit i3 processor drivers.where i download it

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What Is A Boot Loader

Oct 9, 2010

what is a boot loader?

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O Loader Never ComesUp

Mar 4, 2012

I am trying to dual boot windows XP & win. 7 on one hard drive after 7 is already installed... I created a separate partition on my c: drive and then put in the XP setup disk & restarted. Install went fine, I formatted the new partition to ntfs, but now my PC will only boot up XP. The OS loader never comes up & when I pull up my system properties in XP control panel, it doesn't show any other OS in the dual boot dropdown box.

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Replacing Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id - Message

Apr 17, 2012

I am sure this has been answered in the past butI cannot find any links when I search!

I left my pc to boot up and it started into a check disc mode and all I get is the above message. I cannot reboot in safemode to restore, what can I do?

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Microsoft Security Essentials And Other Internet Security Softwares

Oct 28, 2012

I recently purchased a lenovo laptop for home purpose around 1.5 months back. The laptop was having already microsoft security essentials (MSE) and mcafee antivirus plus software. Unfortunately, yesterday i was facing blue screen on death type of error (BSOD) error. On one forum, I found that it may be due to the mcafee antivirus software. So, I uninstalled the software as per suggestion.Why MSE was not able to detect this bsod error? Moreover, why mcafee, which itself is a anti-virus software, was causing this issue?

Morever, I want to install good free antivirus software. I am totally confused whether should I install the antivirus software or, the internet security software. Please throw more light on good free internet security software from longer perspective. (I just found that almost all free trials are only for 1 month only)? Moreover, why built-in windows firewall and microsoft security essentials (MSE) are not enough for detecting malacious software. Why extra internet security software or antivirus software is required ?

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Boot Loader Is Missing

May 1, 2011

I have two harddrives in my computer, one is 750GB and just has a bunch of different files from my older computer (documents, movies, etc, but no traces operating system). My other harddrive is 1TB and has Windows 7 on it (which I'm typing from now). For some reason (I think after I installed a Windows Update), when I restart the computer it says, "Bootmgr is missing. Press CTR+ALT+DEL to restart". Before, this had never happened, so I figured out that I had to manually go into my HP boot menu (by pressing ESC when I first start the computer) and then choose my 1TB harddrive to boot into Windows 7. This is kind of a pain.

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Choose Where The Boot Loader Goes?

Jan 31, 2011

is there a way to have windows put the boot loader on a drive of your choosing? I have 2 HDDs in my computer and from what I can tell windows put its boot loader on my other drive. is there a way (other then disconnecting the other one) to get windows to put the boot loader on the other drive like change priority in the BIOs?

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Windows 7 Resume Loader?

Apr 10, 2012

My key board is locked. I cant use my usb mouse. All I get on start up is the last attemp to resume the system frome its previous location failed. Attempt to resume again? continue with system resume or delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu on a black screen.

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Boot Loader Not Accessible?

Sep 8, 2011

I recently installed Windows 7 on two different hard drives in the same computer.When installing one I disconnected the other drive, and when the first one was installed, I disconnected the first drive and installed it on the other drive.

Now only the second Windows is loaded each time I turn on the computer and boot loader screen where you can choose the OS does not show up.What went wrong and is there any possibility to restore it?

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Lost Boot Loader / Bcd Entirely?

Jul 6, 2010

I've routinely dual booted Linux and Windows over the years, but yesterday I hit a bit of a snag. I had Windows 7 and Vista both installed on a single hard disk. Since it had been awhile since I had booted Vista I decided to delete the partition and install Linux there. What I did not realize is that when I installed 7 it left the BCD on the Vista partition. So, when I installed Linux I effectively blew away my Windows boot loader.I've tried a hundred things at this point without much luck, including the "nuclear holocaust" / manual rebuild of BCD from:Recovering the Vista Bootloader from the DVD - NeoSmart Technologies WikiA few questions / thoughts from my google searches:* Is there anything needed in /boot other than the BCD?

* I am wondering if the "active" / "boot" partition flag is causing me trouble. hen I was trying to rebuild the BCD manually using bcdedit i was getting errors that the partition was not flagged active. I tried to use diskpart to flag it active but it said that the partition type was not valid for the active flag? I was able to set it active using the Linux gparted partition manager, but I can't understand why diskpart would not flag it.* Is it possible to have your oot on a different partition then Windows? The recovery console is mapping C: to my "applications" drive and D: to my "system" drive which contains Windows. I was wondering if I need to put oot on C: instead of D:

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OS Loader Not Found After Installing OS?

Dec 25, 2011

I had 2 windows 7 operating systems installed on my PC.One of them was getting slow so I decided install a new one over it.I installed the new OS over the old one's partition.Everything was completed perfectly.After some time, I decided to switch back to my other(old)OS.But instead of loading windows,it straightaway went to startup repair!One of my other partitions is protected with bitlocker.The startup repair asked for that long recovery key!I entered it and it continued to repair the OS.I checked the log file and it describes the problem as "Bootmanager failed to find OS loader" and the follwing repair was done: "Boot configuration data repair".I clicked th finish button and the rebooted the OS.But the same process occurs again and again.

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Pc Restarting Again When Run Windows 7 Loader

Nov 2, 2012

i have installing the win7 home premium, after installing when i run system loader for win 7 my system is restarting again and again.. without running loader i have not that problem..

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[SECURITY] Recommend A Wireless NIC For Security Testing?

Aug 25, 2011

I recently bought a notebook PC, and was quite annoyed to find that Intel has magically removed the ability to change the Centrino N 130 wireless adapter's MAC address.Before the nutters get in here with accusations of "illegal" activity, I feel obligated to point out that there is nothing "illegal" about changing the MAC address on my own property. Briefly, I want to pose my notebook as a hypothetical attacker, trying to bump one of my other wireless devices off the router by assuming its MAC address. I don't really know what would happen if I did this, because, like I said, Intel artificially crippled the Centrino N 130 through its Windows 7 drivers. Rather paternalistic of them.Another benefit of the proposed experiment: showing the futility of MAC filtering in keeping out the "bad guys." I have been convinced of this for some time, but been simultaneously unable to demonstrate it to my own satisfaction. There is no substitute for actually trying something, rather than just reading about it.

I am also a little annoyed at the Centrino N's (lack of) performance. I have yet to have it connect at greater than 72 Mbit/s, even while sitting less than 10 feet from the router with a clear line of sight.FWIW, my router is a NetGear WNR3500v2. N wireless is enabled. As far as I know, this router is capable of supporting a full 300 Mbit or so 802.11n wireless connection, as long as the wireless NIC on the other end is doing its part (which mine doesn't).With all that in mind, can someone suggest an N-capable wireless NIC that is not purposely crippled by its manufacturer? I would prefer an internal mini-PCIe card, but Intel seem to be the only ones making those. Even a G-capable or USB device would probably serve the purpose, if that's all that's available.

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Frozen Windows Resume Loader

Feb 9, 2013

I have done some looking around and have found lots of mentions of the same issue but people tend to skip through some of the in between key steps as they are working on their own computers and not trying to do this blind.

I had no idea at first what she'd done but apparently this is a common problem. Basically, if a netbook's battery goes dead while it is hibernating then it creates a problem when the user reboots. The machine gets to the windows resume loader page and then freezes there. It offers you a choice but the keyboard is unresponsive. I got her to force quit and restart but same thing.

I found that many were able to use a PS2 keyboard to work around this but my mom does not have one. She doesn't have a start up disc or anything like that.

I found this solution elsewhere but as you see, the guy skips the key steps: Hopefully your computer gives you the opportunity to visit you bios settings/ peripherals. You can usually access this at the very beginning of startup by following the prompts such as "F1, F9, DEL, TAB, "....etc. I am pretty sure that each Motherboard has a different setup. Once I found My way to the peripherals I was able to scroll down to "USB keyboard" and saw that it was disabled. I enabled it, saved those settings and continued on to the "RESUME LOADER" page that had not been responsive before and Ta-Da!!!! it worked.

So, I need the easiest, most explainable steps to follow so I can walk my mom through them. It is the f8 key you press upon startup to get to get to safemode? Or does this guy mean to actually press F1 then F9 and so on?

manually enable the keyboard on her netbook and get past this.

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Reinstall Windows 7 Boot Loader?

Jan 24, 2011

I have an HP pavilion dv4-1555dx laptop that I was trying to install Linux mint 10 gnome on a PNY 8GB flash drive, I forgot to have Linux install grub to the flash drive, so it ended up installing grub to the HDD, now I need to reinstall the windows 7 boot loader but HP didn't send a windows 7 boot disk with the system (OEM windows 7) so I can't jut boot the cd and use the recovery counsel unless there is somewhere online that I can get an iso from, or is there another way?

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Wipe XP Partition That Has Windows 7 Loader

May 5, 2011

Can I do this? Isn't the W7 loader on the XP partition?,XP is on partition 1, and W7 is on partition 2.

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Windows 7 Won't Show On Boot Loader ?

May 31, 2009

Windows 7 won't show on boot loader ? How do I make it show on my Boot loader menu at start up?

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Boot Loader Error After Partitioning

Apr 21, 2011

This is quite a long story, So let me get straight to the point.On my Dell Optiplex 360 Computer (Windows 7-Ultimate) I partitioned the hard drive to make space for another windows installation. I then installed Windows Vista Ultimate on it.All of that went successfully but after a while it became useless for me and my computer.

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Install Via Mounting But Don't Want Boot Loader

Jul 25, 2009

Is it possible to install Windows 7 (to a different hard drive/partition) by mounting the iso, but then not have it install a boot loader? Obviously you'd have to be using a pre-existing OS to be mounting the iso file, but I can't seem to think of a way for it to not install a boot loader.

I know it's possible to install and then afterwards remove all the boot loader stuff, but it's just a hassle to boot into the DVDs and do all the rebuildbcd or fixmbr stuff.

Also I am aware I could just burn the iso to DVD and install it from that in order to not get a bootloader, but I'd like to know if it's at all possible via mounting the iso.

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Windows 7 Boot Loader Recovery

Nov 1, 2012

I have a laptop which until yesterday was dual boot (Windows 7 and SLES11). However I decided I would rather just use Windows with VMWare for any Linux needs. To do this I deleted the Linux partitions (OS, workspace, swap) from within Windows and used this extra space to add to my workspace partition on Windows and create a new partition for my VM's to sit.I got all this working very nicely and was happy with it until I rebooted to machine to see GRUB was still set to be the boot loader which is unable to do anything with no Linux partitions.What I do have is the Windows 7 Reinstallation DVD that came with the laptop however the DVD drive of my laptop is broken. I am currently writing this with a MacBook Pro (Mountain Lion) and so the only solution I can think of is using media oN DVD, and burning this to a bootable USB using the Mac and then setting up BIOS on the 'broken' laptop to boot from DVD. However I am not sure how to create a 'bootable' USB.

1) Can I use my Windows 7 reinstallation disc to recover Windows boot manager
2) If so can I do this via USB?
3) How could I make my USB 'bootable' using my Macbook Pro
4) What are the steps for recovering boot manager from the installation media
5) What is the more elegant way to 'delete' Linux partitions and ensure Windows Boot Manager works (I may also run into this problem with a workstation I set up in same way yesterday but have yet to reboot0

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Windows 7 Resume Loader Frozen?

Oct 24, 2009

Everytime my PC loads it gets stuck on the Windows Resume Loader page. It's gives me two options to select, "continue with system resume" or "delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu". Problem is there is no keyboard response so I can't select either option. The keyboard is working fine as I can acess the boot menu and other options.

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Linux Grub Loader Problem

Jan 5, 2010

i just got windows 7 so i wanted to get rid of linux ubuntu. after alot of trying i only got to this point. i installed windows 7 over linux to delete linux and the reformated my other hard drive so that nothing was left. but the linux grub loader is still there, windows 7 should have over written it but it didn't.

now when i start i get this message.

GRUB loading.

error: no such disk

grub rescue>

but if i leave my Windows 7 install disk in i can boot my Windows 7, but thats the only way.

does anyone know how i can get rid of that stupid grub loader and replace it with the windows 7 loader?

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HP Stuck On Windows 7 Resume Loader?

Jun 11, 2012

HP stuck on Windows resume loader. Tried 'restart' many time with same results.

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How To Bypass Windows Resume Loader At Startup

Jun 1, 2011

My battery died and my computer always freezes at the "Windows Resume Loader" I have no way to bypass this god da** screen. If I can't get past this, how the hell will I retrieve my files? I don't want to lose everything.

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Hard Time Finding Boot-loader?

Aug 29, 2010

My laptop apparently is having a hard time booting. I start it up, it will display the blinking cursor and stay like that forever, i hard shut it down and the BIOS will search for new hardware (as its suppose to) and then the blinking cursor will appear for around a minute before booting up! this is really annoying and ive already Reset the BIOS to default and Reinstalled windows (deleted all Partitions and made one)

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Keyboard No Power During Windows Resume Loader?

Aug 10, 2012

Desktop was sleeping. Woke up this morning to windows resume loader. No time out on this menu for some extremely idiotic reason. USB keyboard has no power. Tried with a USB to PS/2 adapter and still no power. Tried another keyboard, didn't work neither. There's power on my USB rails for sure as I have tried plugging in headphones and they work. Can't even get into BIOS because keyboard just doesn't work. Currently resetting my BIOS.

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