SFC.exe Results In Many Un-repairable Files?

Sep 28, 2012

Brand new computer, upon installing Windows 7 could not boot into windows due to missing file errors. The HDD I am trying to install onto is a SSD, I will provide system specs at the end of the post. Anyway I unplugged my secondary SATA hard drive and then I was able to install Windows 7 and boot into windows.Now after all my drivers have been installed I am recieving error messages when logging into Windows. I ran SFC.exe and the log output gave me hundreds of lines saying Cannot repair member file. Here is an example:

2012-09-27 20:28:38, Info CSI 00000116 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"fpcmbase.sys" of avmx64c.inf, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch


I have tried re-formatting again only to have the same issue. Maybe it has something to do with me trying to install onto the SSD drive? I have not yet tried installing windows onto just the SATA HDD I have and disconnecting my SSD.

System Specs:
Intel Core i7 3930k Processor
32GB [4GB x8] DDR3-1600 G.Skill Ripjaws X
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 - 2GB - EVGA Superclocked - Core: 1046MHz
240 GB Corsair Force Series GT SSD
2TB Hard Drive 7200rpm

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Deleting Files From Advanced 'Search Results'?

Mar 31, 2011

I don't know why Microsoft made this so difficult in Windows 7 / Server 2008..I use the Windows Advanced search to find files containing a certain word, it pulls up a list of results... I can "select all" and I can do things like copy them to another location, but I CAN'T find a way to delete these files!!If I click the DELETE key while they are all selected, nothing happens. It's not allowing me to drag the files into the Recycle Bin.Am I missing something here? It seems that all options that are normally available when right-clicking on file(s) are present in the right-click menu (open with, send to, create shortcut, etc) EXCEPT for cut or delete.

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Narrowing Search Results Without Deleting The Files?

Jul 9, 2012

there is a file on my computer that i have to find unfortunately, it's a .jpg file if i run a search on my computer for *.jpg i'm obviously going to get a ton of files i'm trying to figure out a better way to do this if i sort the search results by folder, i can get some separation, but if i delete those folders out of my search results window, won't it delete the actual files as well?

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Write Results From 2 Separate Files To One Log File Via .bat?

May 31, 2012

I am in need of assistance. I have a batch file that runs nightly to restart machines in a specified list (restartmelist.txt) which works flawlessly. What I am looking to do, is have another file (restartmenames.txt) with a list of usernames, so when I look at the results file, I can not only see the results from each machine, but also whose machine it is. The names correlate in order with the machines. So restartmelist.txt looks like this:


And restartmenames.txt looks like this:

Bob Lastname
Bill Lastname
Jason Lastname

Right now, my log-file writes like this:


What I would like to see, is this:

.Machine1 (Bob Lastname)
.Machine2 (Bill Lastname)
.Machine3 (Jason Lastname)

What I don't know how to do, is call that 2nd file to write the log entries, or if it's even possible. Here is what my code currently looks like:

Code :@ECHO OFFFOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('TIME/T') DO SET Now=%%A>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo Restarting of machines STARTED on %date% @ %now%>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.set _=c:scripts
estartmelist.txtfor /f %%i in (%_%) do (>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 SHUTDOWN /r /m \%%i /t %1 /c "This machine is forcibly restarting in %1 seconds!" /f>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo . %%i)FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B IN ('TIME/T') DO SET NowDone=%%B>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo Restarting of machines COMPLETED on %date% @ %nowdone%>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.Copy c:scriptsRestartme.log \seaappsappslogfiles /y

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Windows 7 Search Programs And Files Displays No Results

Oct 22, 2012

In my case the search does not work for any user profile! From the search programs and files when I type in a command or program name here's what I get blank icons "programs, control panel, documents, Microsoft Outlook, Files" If I press on one of them I recieve a pop up saying "These files can't be opened. Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened". If I press on the "search more results" then the search I'm looking for is found, which in my opinion search and indexing is working from within explorer but not from within the "search programs and files" from the start Menu. Fromm within Outlook 2010 I'm also able to locate any email easily.

Here are the list of things I tried so far.
- Don't have or can't find so I couldn't delete the following key "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFolderTypes{EF87B4CB-F2CE-4785-8658-4CA6C63E38C6}TopViews{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
- Deleted indexing and created it again.
- I cannot restore PC to a previous state as I do not have any restore points
- Search does not work in safe mode either
- search is enabled under Windows Features
- Search service is running
- Installed these 2 hotfixes KB2268596-x64 and Windows6.1-KB977380-x64

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Un-repairable STOP: 7B Error Following Using A Faulty USB Drive?

Jun 3, 2012

I recently plugged in a Corsair Voyager USB stick which turned out to be faulty. As part of confirming this (after not being able to access it in Windows) I checked if it was visible in the BIOS which it was but seems to be dead. I removed the Voyager drive but upon the restart Windows failed to load, it gets to the load screen and just as the animation starts it BSODs for 0.5 of a second and then restarts. It does this without fail in safe mode and does the same with the HDD plugged into another PC.Nothing in the Recovery Console fixes the problem, CHKDSK says there are no issues, for some reason Sys Restore isn't functioning in the RC etc etc. I managed to get the stop code:stop: 0x0000007B (0xFFFFF880009A98E8,0xFFFFFFFFC0000034, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)This suggests to me that there is probably an issue with the SATA / chipset drivers and I can only assume that they have somehow been corrupted when Windows was trying to detect the faulty USB stick. I know that SATA drivers can be installed separately on a Win install but surely you can also re-load them or load default drivers in the Recovery Console from either the Windows 7 disk or chipset drivers from another location

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Tried To Run Batch File And Get No Results?

Oct 29, 2010

I tried to run this simple copy batch file and get no results. copy "c:aquariumaqrabases*.*" "N:"

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Memtest86 Gives Anomalous Results?

Nov 24, 2011

i have a homebuilt computer, ASUS P6T6 mobo with 6x2 GB of RAM, Intel Core i7 CPU. i ran memtest86+ 4.20 and observed the following: although all 6 2 GB memory sticks are seen and listed on the memtest screen, it says i only have 8 GB of total memory. yet, when the tests were run, instead of going up to 12 GB, or stopping at 8 GB, it tests up to 9216 MB and then goes on to the next test, in every case. also, given that no errors were reported up to 8 (actually 9) GB, can i assume that the problem is in sticks 4 or 5 (or the corresponding slots on the motherboard)?

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Burning Avi Results In DVD With No Sound

Jan 8, 2013

I build my own PC's, desktops anyway. This isnt my first try at burning DVD's.This started about 10 or so days ago. I drag and drop the avi to Win DVD Maker . I can watch "Preview" and get sound everytime. Hit "Burn" and when everything is finished , I play the DVD to test it and NO SOUND ! Almost all the video files I burn to DVD are avi. I have done this hundreds of times. This is a new and recent event. I tried to google this and I see a bunch of the same trouble back in 2009 but nothing recent. Im running Windows 7 Pro 64bit. Im tempted to run system restore. Before I do this I wanted to see if anyone has any answers. Please dont suggest imgburn or Nero or any other software. I want to know what happened to my system as it sits. [code]

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Checks For Updates With No Results?

Oct 20, 2011

i have windows 7 64 bit sp1, and when i check for updates it checks for updates with no results. I have let it run overnight and still nothing. It says checking for updates with the green line going back and forth, but never gets any results.

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How To Sort Results From Windows 7 Search

Sep 15, 2011

Can't see how to sort the results of a "Windows Search" - the search you launch from the Start button, not the search you do in Windows Explorer. I've tried menus, and right clicking everywhere.

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Search Results Only In Date Modified?

Dec 14, 2012

When searching in windows 7 libraries (in pictures, music etc) the results shown are only arranged in date modified clicking on drop down menu show all other choices (top results etc) greyed out Im using windows 7 build 7601 acer aspire 5332 4gb ram

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Results Do Not Display File Locations?

Sep 29, 2011

I went thru this with Vista, don't remember what the solution was..when search for a file by typing file name (or partial file-name (or extension)) in search field in folder window.. the results don't tell you where the files arewhat is the purpose of a search functionality if results don't display file-locations???I think in Vista I was able to tell it what cols to display in results (and I think there was one that displayed locations.. why it doesn't default to this I cannot fathom, but well...;-) but don't see how to do this in Win7

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Webpages Are Either Not Loading, Or Going To Search Results?

Sep 30, 2012

I've been having this issue for 2 days now, and it is happening on IE9, FF, and Chrome. It does not happen with every webpage I navigate to, but it sure is a lot of them. (freelancer.com and techguy.com are prime examples). Sometimes they will load. Sometimes it will show up "Web Page Not Found". Other times it'll pull up the Yahoo! Search page as if I were searching for it (which i clearly typed in Freelancer.com - Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online). Things I've tried so far: Resetting my router. Resetting my modem. clearing all cache and cookies on all 3 browsers. Clearing any registry errors. Running CCleaner. Flushing my DNS settings again. Nothing seems to be working. I have my internet (cable modem, running 18-20mbps) direct connected to my Playstation 3, and I have 2 desktops connected, issue does not seem to be happening with the PS3, but both desktops are experiencing the issue. Both running Windows 7 Ult 32bit OS.

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Search Box Doesnot Show Results?

Aug 13, 2010

When I go to start. and type something in the search box nothing comes up. If i click on see more results i get this message " Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropiate permissions to access the item." When im the administrator. It was working fine just a few days ago. Just happened.

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Multiple Networks Results In Loss Of WAN

Aug 14, 2012

Lost my WAN. I am troublshooting router/ modem issues so I am direct connected to my modem bypassing my router. but to maintain my LAN for sharing I am using a wireless dongle as I only have one ethernet port. as soon as my wireless is connected Windows 7 drops internet from the ethernet. even if I have net then merge the connections. I just had a fresh install a few weeks ago, nothings been tweaked cuz for the most part it works.

Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.20)
Asus USB-N53(drivers installed only, no utilities)
Asus RT-N56U Router(not the one with issues but a temp LAN router for future replacement)
s/w: Win7x64

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CPU Very Slow Suddenly - CPUZ Results

Jan 22, 2013

I've been having issues with the speed of my computer, it isn't a virus, I know this. So I've been looking into it and on CPU-z my ram is at 665 MHz and my cpu is at 3392 MHz My ram should be at 1600 MHz and CPU should be at 3200 MHz?

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When Turn On Laptop Search Results Come Up

Jan 18, 2012

When I switch my laptop on lots of Window Search Boxes appear, which say 'Search Results', 'To begin, type in the search box'. It doesn't happen every time I switch the laptop on just sometimes. I've had a look at the keyboard and no keys seem sticky. I've done various virus scans etc. I've also done a system restore to a few months back and still nothing.

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When Turn On Laptop Search Results Come Up

Jan 19, 2012

When I switch my laptop on lots of Window Search Boxes appear, which say 'Search Results', 'To begin, type in the search box'. Any idea why this is coming up? It doesn't happen every time I switch the laptop on just sometimes. I've had a look at the keyboard and no keys seem sticky. I've done various virus scans etc. I've also done a system restore to a few months back and still nothing.

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Alt Tab In Games Results In Black Screen

Jun 29, 2009

I'm not sure if it's a W7 issue or not but I never had this problem with XP.

Alt tabbing to desktop from a running game is causing the black screen problems since my install. I am unable to get back to desktop or to the game after doing this. It happens in these games:


Farcry 2

CountersStrike Source

Team Fortress 2

Anyone got a solution for this problem?

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Incomplete Search Results In Start Menu?

Sep 12, 2011

A few days ago the search function in the Start Menu stopped working. Following instructions on a post on this site, I changed the value of an HKEY (can't recall which one any more) and it started working again. However, the results are now always incomplete. For example, I might type "ABC .xls" in the Start Menu bar to search for an Excel file called ABC. The immediate search results would be empty. However, if I click "See More Results", a window opens in Explorer and the search returns a hit.Because the search function in Explorer works fine, I think the indexing function is working properly. However, I rebuilt it anyway and the results are the same. why the search in the Start Menu produces incomplete results

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Unexpected BSOD Results In Crush Dump?

Nov 4, 2011

I am experiencing some problems with my WINDOWS 7 64bit system, it begun last night by FREEZING at random (e.g. surfing web, watching videos or playing games) fallowed by the all mighty windows BLUE SCREEN. I tired to view the minidump files using Win-Dbg but there is some problem with the SYMBOLS reading.......I can roll back my OS with SYSTEM RESTORE but......

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Unexpected BSOD Results In Crash Dump?

Nov 5, 2012

i have recently had a crash dump file appear in c:windowsminidump.i am uploading it here, for those who my wish to review it.however, i cannot specify what the cause of thes problem my have been.

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New Unexpected BSOD Results In Crash Dump

Dec 10, 2011

I just started having BSOD's very common once a day. I haven't changes any hardware, so I believe it is software related.


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How To Copy Paths To Clipboard From Search Results

May 8, 2012

Under Windows XP I used a program called Piky Basket which had a right-click feature that allowed me to copy the full paths of selected files to the clipboard. This feature worked on multiple files, even in search results from e.g. Windows' own search utility and e.g. Voidtools' Everything. I want to be able to do the same in Windows 7.Sadly, Piky Basket does not work on my system (Windows 7, 64), and the version of Piky Basket that does work on my system doesn't have this feature anymore.The built-in "Copy as path" in Windows does work on multiple files, but only if those files are all in the same folder (which is not the case in search results). The same applies to SendTo Toys -- can only copy multiple paths if they're all in the same folder.

Dengdun's OpenXX works fine on search results, but copies a maximum of 15 paths (why???). Jarle Aase's CopyPath copies only one path at a time... and this applies to many of the nameless similar utilities floating about the web.Ninotech Path Copy insists on installing the 32 bit version of it (even if I remove the previous version), and does not add anything to the context menu that I can see.

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Search And Get Results Based On File Name Only In Windows 7?

May 29, 2012

I have followed the instructions to search for files in Windows 7 but have found the process very slow and the results bring up lots of irrelevant files. Find a file or folder. By comparison the search companion on XP was much faster and got more relevant results based on file name. If that didn't work there was the option of searching for text within the file. For example I know inside a folder there is a sub folder with the file I am looking for and I know part of the name. Is there a way to make Win 7 search for results based only on the file name? In most cases that would be a lot simpler. Otherwise win 7 will look in the contents of the file which is a time waster.

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System Undergoing Startup Repair Without Any Results?

Jun 29, 2012

My system undergoes startup repair everytime i start my computer and after a long process of searching for problems it restarts and the same startup repair problem arises. It also displays the message "This may be caused due to a recent change in any hardware or software of the system". I hv infact installed windows 2-3 times since this prblm started bt still this problem arises.

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How To Search In Windows 7 And Return Only File Name Results

Jul 28, 2012

I want to know how to search for? and have the results returned be those of only file names.

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Windows 7 Search Button Not Returning Results?

Oct 10, 2011

I can create documents, or really any file, and when I try and search for it in the Windows button search (Windows 7) It will say 'No Results Found' Even when I know they are there. I can find some files, but all the ones I created return no results.I tried running the MicrosoftFixit.search.Run.exe off their site, It didn't work.

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Unexpected BSOK Results In Crash Dump Frequently?

Sep 8, 2012

I get the blue screen of death...about 5 times a day on my computer. I work all day so im on the computer for 8-10 hours daily.

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