Random System Freezing?

Nov 14, 2010

so this weekend ive been getting random system freezings like i will be on chrome or firefox and about to change th url to Internet or something and then the browser stops working, go to desktop manager, stops working too, eventually nothing responds and i cant click on anything.this happened this morning as well, im worried because i dont know what is causing it.ive virus checked like 5 times, done a mem scan, hard drive scan, cpu seems to be working fine.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Windows 7 Random Freezing?

Jun 18, 2010

Five days ago I clean installed 64-bit Win7 Home Premium on a new HD when the previous HD crashed & burned on my Dell i7-920 (12GB RAM) that was running Vista Home. Although Win7 is fast, it's also freezing A LOT, seemingly at random times.Sometimes early after bootup, sometimes hours in; there's no consistency other than to say that the system is untrustworthy (and that I must save OFTEN). What I've found on the web seems to point to driver issues (so what else is new?), but even that isn't definitive. Some have posted that they've gone through and reinstalled all of their known drivers, and their machines STILL freeze.

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Random Freezing Computer?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a computer running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1. It has run well for about a year, but recently has been freezing up randomly. Intel Core i7 2.67 GHz, 8 Gig of RAM. 1 TB disk with 807 GB free. I have made sure that all drivers are up to date.I have removed all external equipment except for mouse, keyboard and Network cable and still get random freezes. Sometimes every two or three days, sometimes multiple times a day. I've run AVG anti-virus, Malwarebytes,

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New Computer Random Freezing?

Dec 25, 2011

at random times my computer freezes and most of the times at when i play games and start the computer up

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Windows 7 SP1 Random Freezing

Jul 12, 2011

I have a custom build computer Intel i7. It keeps on freezing up at random, most of the time i have seen that happen is when its idle for a while and when i RDP into the computer.It freezes when I am watching a movie or something, but noting else is running in the background.I can not pin point the hardware or the software that is causing this issue. Its not a blue death screen freeze but more like a screen freezes and I have to physically reset the computer. So for I have changed the graphic card and my hard drives. But still running into the same random freeze. [code]

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Windows 7 Random Freezing After Startup?

Jul 18, 2012

Having a bit of a nightmare troubleshooting a problem with my Acer Aspire Desktop.Sometimes it freezes after start up. maybe about 2 mins after logging in. Yesterday it freezed at the bios screen where I can choose safe mode, safe mode with networking etc.Sometimes the monitor has a 'no signal' message on it and I have to reboot to get it back working.I am running out of ideas of how to fix the problem, as sometimes it does not crash at all and I have absolutely no problems I have run windows ram diagnostic I have downloaded and run a cpu test with a diagnostic from Intel's website.I have done a hard drive test, I did a scannow for to check if there were any problems with system files I ran Ccleaner,I did a full scan with kaspersky and malwarebytes. Malwarebytes did show up 3 malware I downloaded combofix and turned off everything and did a scan with that. I ran Microsoft fix it - and that said my recycle bin was corrupt so it fixed it. I made sure all my drivers were up to date and I ran a windows update. I have a lot of errors with event viewer but have absolutely no idea to do use it. Sometimes the computer works no problem. Had no problems Monday. But yesterday it froze straight away after turning it on, and again at the safe mode, safe mode networking and last known good configuration screen. I started it is safe mode Then I started it normally and it worked fine again.

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Random Freezing During Installation Of Windows 7

Aug 21, 2010

what ram I use, Windows 7 will freeze during install at random points (Mostly during expanding windows files, however, also occurred before even selecting a partition to install on). When I say freeze, i mean the mouse is not able to be moved, and waiting 15+min does nothing.There is NO trouble installing windows XP, but it runs a little "off" (refusing to install chrome, refusing to keep certain programs up, etc).What have I attempted to fix this?

-Swap ram (three times between pny/ocz/g skill, all memtest'd fine).
-Remove all non-required hardware.
-Installing from 2 different CD's, one manuf, one burnt, and from a USB. (not including the 2 64 bit CD's im no longer bothering with).
-Swapping settings in bios on the ram (More volt, more leeway time, etc).
-Setting IDE to RAID and the other setting.
-Swapping video cards.
-Updating the MB bios to most recent
-Threating newegg employees.

[code] Now I really do like the motherboard, but that is the only thing I have yet to swap out, and I need this fixed ASAP. There are other posts about this, but none of those resolutions helped me. Does anyone have any idea what can be done to resolve this? Ive been hacking away at it non stop for 4 days now (going on 5).

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Random BSOD/Crashes/Freezing?

Feb 1, 2011

My computer constantly crashes or freezes, espeically during movies. I suspect its my video card but i'm not sure. Is there any way of verifying? I have also attached the mini dump file.

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Random Freezing When Playing PC Games?

Jan 13, 2013

Now the unusual part is the manner in which it freezes, any audio sounds in the game will simply not load over, nor will any graphics that havent already been loaded up prior to where the freezing is about to occur, then about 10 or 15 seconds later it will just hard freeze, causing me to reboot. Another interesting thing i should add is i was still able to talk to a friend over Skype for a bit after it froze. My GFX Card is not over heating as i keep track of it regularly with CPUID Hardware Monitor. There is nothing in my event viewer to pinpoint if its a software related issue or not.

I should mention that my PC is a Dell. I have had a problem like this about 3 months ago and they sent me a new motherboard, which seems to have solved the problem for awhile, however the issue started to reoccur again. My theory is that this motherboard is starting to fail as well, or i need to replace the Graphics Card. Is there any other way that the cause could be pinpointed for sure?

My video card is a Radeon HD 5870 and my motherboard is a Dell Inc. 0X501H
attached is a W7F.zip of my system incase it is needed (It was asked of me last time)

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Random Freezing Started A Few Weeks Ago

Sep 5, 2012

I have gone through all of the suggested bsod fixes and still getting random freezing. I ran SF Diag. tool it pop'd up and error but still ran. I have attached .zip - not sure what else to do?

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Random Freezing During Browsing Or Work?

Jun 14, 2012

In short the notebook freezes randomly, while I am working with After effects, browsing the net with chrome, using excel. Just average desktop work. Sometimes the freezing happens a lot and sometimes it just doesnt happen at all. It doesn't happen when I am watching a movie or playing a game. The freeze is weird. The computer looks like it is frozen, but the mouse cursor still works and everything still works. because when it unfreezes after a minute or so, I am on the window where I have clicked on the task bar, or alt-tabbed to. I can stop the music, whatever, everything still works. A while back, I was working in After effects and I had Mocha open at the same time, the notebook was freezing like mad, I was getting mad and taking out my frustration out by clicking like mad all over the screen, then i discovered if i clicked on the mocha icon in the task bar, hey pesto, screen unfreezes. This doesn't work with any other app open.

What the hell is going on, it's driving me nuts, I don't want to have mocha open all the time, just so i can unfreeze the screen. I have already tried so much to troubleshoot this, I have run out of ideas. reinstalled, tested ram with mem test, tested gfx card, latest drivers, scoured event viewer for errors, swapped hard drives. checked latency, all ok. Dodgy rouge software maybe I don't know.

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Random Freezing With Buzzing Sound From Speakers?

Jun 22, 2011

Mostly when I play games, or use my webcam or in screensaver mode my computer freezes and there's a strange buzzing static noise coming from my speakers and all that I can do is shut my computer down with hitting the back on/off button and reseting the whole comp. Sometimes, I can play games all day and nothing happens.[CODE]

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Error 0x00000119 And Random Freezing And Shutdowns

Mar 18, 2012

The BSOD errors started two weeks ago when I woke my computer from sleep mode. It BSOD before it got to the login screen. Unfortunately, I didn't catch what it said. Since then, it hasn't crashed on startup again and instead I get a video scheduler BSOD whenever I play a game or video. I've tried everything from updating,uninstalling, reinstalling drivers to running tests on RAM and harddrives. Nothing has worked and the tests have come back with no errors.

So, in a last effort to solve the problem, last night I restored my system to factory settings. Now it BSOD, freezes up and shuts down randomly while running programs that where once unaffected (internet explorer for example).

I'm really hoping it's a software problem and not hardware. The system is a notebook, so the only hardware I have easy access to is the hard drive, memory, and wireless card. Everything else is buried in the casing and would require ripping the system apart to access. I would like to avoid that at all costs.

The system has Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM and the system is not even a year old. I've included the minidump and perfmon file.

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Random Freezing With Buzzing Sound From Speakers

May 26, 2012

I'm having this problem for 2 years now, and I still haven't found the solution, so I would like you to please please help me, because it's driving me nuts.

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Random Freezing When Playing Video Games?

May 21, 2012

I recently got a 32" tv which I am using as a monitor, hooked up using hdmi. During gameplay my computer freezes for a second or less and then everything is fine. This only happens when I play games. I was wondering if its because of the tv my gpu has to push out more power b/c of the hdmi setup?My previous monitor was an hyundai 17" crt using a vga cable.I don't think it has anything to do with any particular game b/c they all ran fine before at 1280 x 960, and I now run games at either 1280 x 720 or 1360 x 768.Do I need a more powerful PSU, the one I have is a Xtech 500W with a over a years use. (I am in the process of getting a Thermaltake TR2 600W)My specs are:Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1AMD Phenom II X4 965Kingston 8GB DDR 32 hard drives at 7200 rpmnvidia gtx 550 Ti

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Computer Keep Freezing Up At Random Spot, Most Of The Time At The Startup?

Oct 4, 2011

u have a problem with my built computer. My computer keep freezing up at random spot, most of the time at the startup. I can boot into safe mode and the recovery CD sometime if it doesn't freezes up half way. Sometime the computer would work fine for a day and next day it just go berserk.


Windows 7 64-BIT
AMD Phenom II X2 560 [Had Phenom II 555 but I accidentally dropped it and broke it, but the 555 also had the same problem]
G.Skills Sniper (2)4GB DDR3
GigaByte NVIDIA 9500GT
Asus M4A785TD-M EVO


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Random Freezing (Even Task Manager Not Working) Then Shutting Down

Jan 1, 2012

A little bit ago I complete reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate and ever since my computer has been freezing randomly to the point where not even task manager works. Soon after the freeze my computer will turn off. I have updates all of my drivers, did a memory test and many virus scans and they all turned out alright. It stopped for about a whole week then started up again.

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Acer Laptop Cursor Freezing At Random For A Few Seconds?

Oct 25, 2011

The cursor freezes at random for a few secs when using the mouse and/or touchpad in Win 7.

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Windows 7 Computer - Random Freezing And Buzzing Noises

May 30, 2012

I recently came home to my computer after a 7 month break. I had to update a lot of things like drivers, programs, etc which went very well and I believe that all of my drivers are up to date. The problem that is occurring is that occasionally my computer will freeze for about a second and then a robotic buzzing noise will play through my headphones. I am not really sure what to think of this and I've looked for quite awhile on Google. The main answer that keeps appearing is that I should clean my computer out because it may be dusty. The problem with this is that I have no idea how I would safely clean the inside of my computer.

Here are the specs (I think):
Operating System
MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i5 760 @ 2.80GHz53°C
Lynnfield 45nm Technology
6.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
Alienware 0RV30W (CPU 1)62°C
ASUS VE276 (1920x1080@60Hz)
ASUS VE276 (1920x1080@60Hz)
ATI Radeon HD 5670 (Dell)56°C
ATI Radeon HD 5670 (Dell)
CrossFire Disabled
Hard Drives
977GB Seagate ST31000528AS (RAID)34°C
Optical Drives
Realtek High Definition Audio

I should also mention that my computer has Blue Screened once since I turned it back on a few days ago.

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BSOD Memory Management, Bad Pool Header. Then Random Freezing Up?

Apr 16, 2012

Acer Aspire 4740G. 2 years old. Last 1-2 weeks constant BSOD as per title, and random freezing up, forcing restart. On restart, random issues pop-up e.g. "Windows explorer is not working", "Login services not working (causes me to be logged into a new profile, all settings, icons, wallpaper gone)". The system has run the Memory Diagnostics test. Extracting from the Event Viewer, the results are as follows:

Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-MemoryDiagnostics-Results
Date: 16/04/2012 09:09:37
Event ID: 1102
Task Category: None


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Random Restarts / Freezing On Computer - BSOD With Error Messages

Aug 5, 2012

I've been having a strange issue with my computer for a while now. A strange combination of random restarts, freezing but most commonly BSOD all with different error messages. I've tried a lot even removing some RAM and changing my keyboard. I've also had it checked 4 times with still no results.

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Random Freezing For Notebook ASUS F6VE Windows 7 Professional 32bit?

Oct 16, 2011

Here's my computer Specs

Model: Asus F6VE
Processor : P8800 @2.66GHz
Installed Ram: 4 GB (3GB Usable)
Graphics: ATI HD4570
System Type: Windows 7 Professional 32bit

The Random Freezing occurs since July/August 2011, it occurs when I used Skype/Gaming/Browing videos streaming, since thats the major things I do.I had formatted my laptop and installed a new copy but Doesnt help. The probelm had already occurred 2 months.So I bought down to ASUS since it was under warranty.

Ram: Tested ok
HDD : Tested ok

Firstly, the system was running fine, so they did a format but when I bought it home, the freeze occured, Then they changed the hard disk even though it was tested ok, but the freeze occurred.Followed by the whole motherboard was changed, and yet the freeze occur So I was told not to install and drivers, using the generic drivers that were already installed in my system + the latest ATI driver, it was working fine, for 2 days, However I noticed after the windows update where SP1 was installed, my system starts to freeze again.

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System And Peripheral Freezing

Apr 4, 2012

When i start my pc up and connect my external to it to transfer data between my hard drives. My pc freezes and my keyboard and mouse go dead, that leads me to restart it via the reset but. i dont get any error messages.

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System Has Been Freezing Occasionally

Sep 11, 2012

I'm running Win7 on my Dell XPS M1530 laptop.Recently the system has been freezing occasionally. But the interesting thing is that it still responds a few minutes after the freeze.For example, the display dims itself after a few inactive minutes according to the power plan, and clicking a button restores the brightness.After a few minutes it's totally unresponsive. The fan keeps spinning all the time. It seems that the freeze happens when there is some excessive load on the system, but nothing that it hasn't endured before.I checked the temperatures with CPUID Monitor. Nothing irregular happens at the moment of freeze.

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System Freezing Randomly When Playing COD MW3

Feb 6, 2012

I've been getting random system freezes when playing COD MW3 and after I restart my PC I get a report for BSOD 124. What I've checked until now:

1.Non of my components is overheating or actually heating at all, since I have excellent custom cooling.
2. Checked my memory with a 10 hours memtest for windows 4 instances, each 1500MB.
3. Checked my PSU with a multimeter for 1 hour during load/idle. It's within specs.
4. Not overclocking.

My specs are.
Intel C2Q Q9550
2x4GB Kingston HyperX BLU DDR3 1600MHz CL9 @ 1333 MHz
Sapphire 4890 1gb
WD Caviar Black 1TB
CM Silent Pro 850W

I think these random freezes/lockups are related to some software conflict. I had a similar problem with some games running PB, and it appeared that PB has conflict with MSI Afterburner, so after I uninstalled afterburner I stopped getting it. The problem is that now my system freezes when I play Single PLayer/Spec Ops on MW3, which has nothing to do with PB.

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System Freezing / Instability / New Build Windows 7 X64

Aug 27, 2011

I built a new computer setup and have been having frequent crashing, hanging and freezing problems. At one point I had the odd BSOD but as of late no BSOD's just freezing up. I have attempted full reinstall of the OS, checked all updates, drivers, firmwares, bios setttings etc and still am plagued by this very frequent problem. Have also tried installing and uninstalling SP1 and the recently released MS hotfix for freezing issues with no improvement. [code]

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System Crashing & Freezing Randomly For Several Months

Jul 10, 2012

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz


Wireless Microsoft keyboard & mouse

This computer is 4-5 years old. Originally had Vista installed. Did a fresh install of Win 7 Pro x64when I bought the SSD drive.

In the last several months I have been upgrading it:

Installed 8 GB of 800MHz RAM - 4 months ago Installed a Crucial M4 SSD drive - 2 months ago Throughly cleaned all fans and the computer - 1 month ago Replaced Power supply that had failed - 2 weeks ago

This has been driving me crazy for quite a while. Before I replace the motherboard and cpu I wanted to see if someone could decipher the log files for me.

I have played with the BIOS settigs quite a bit. It may be time for me to return to default values..

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Could A Faulty Optical Drive Cause System Freezing

Aug 24, 2012

I am stuck trying to figure out whether or not an optical drive messing up could have some serious performance repercussions. This is because my computer is freezing pedantically and I took Windows' advice and assumed it was my HDD which was corrupt.i bought a new one, installed it and everything seems all right at the moment, the only problem is is that I am on a fresh install of windows and my optical drive is being temperamental - sometimes working, other times not even realising it has a disc in it. When it does realise it has a disc in it, the applications (such as driver installers) crash mid-way through their process - my computer locks up and begins to freeze again, but this time, I can just eject the disk and everything sorts itself out almost straight away.

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Windows 7 Freezing After Login - System Exposed To Risk

Jul 25, 2011

I am on a windows 7 32-bit. Today I start up my PC, it freezes after login, and I get a error accompanied by a red alert as shown in the system tray (notification area) icon which saying that the system exposed to risk, and anti-virus protection and/or anti-spyware protection is not running properly. I can hardly do anything, start button wont work, ctrl-alt-del wont work, etc. (cant open anything from the desktop)
I tried using SAFE MODE, but same problem. I also used system restore via the Windows 7 disk, but no changes. Its to do with the Anti-virus I think.

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Minecraft Freezing Entire Windows 7 System Even Task Manager

Feb 5, 2012

After loading minecraft and playing for a few minuets trying to close it minecraft freezes up the entire computer even task manager and then we must shut the computer off by the main power and after a few minuets of freezing it comes back to normal what is the problem?

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